-Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Other Altars - Roots and Realities of Cultic and Satanic Ritual Abuse and
Multiple Personality Disorder
Craig Lockwood©1993
CompCare Publishers
3850 Annapolis Lane, Suite 100
Minneapolis, MN 55441
ISBN 0-89638-363-6
255+pps — out-of-print/one edition.
A very interesting and excellent book.

Chapter 10

Written In Blood

"One of the greatest battles fought in the 20th century has been that between
the forces of rationalism and those of unreason.
-James Webb, 1973

Humanity's spiritual history is written in blood. Religious blood sacrifice
has been humankind's constant companion on our murderous march through time.
Humans have been killing other humans, in the name of one god or another,
just as they have for one tribal, ethnic, or political system or another,
since the Ice Age.

Once the premise that humans as a species aren't very humane—spiritually or
otherwise—has been accepted, it's not a big leap to conclude that we never
have been. We are not humane toward ourselves, and certainly not toward
anything else in the world. But this unsettling message often provokes what
passes for postmodern moral outrage—directed at the messenger who brings it.

What we do as a species should be no surprise by now, but postmodern
philosophical and political ideologies treat tens of thousands of years of
normal human behavior as if they were abnormal. At the same time, the
validity of historical accounts and reports verifying disturbing acts are
deconstructed to dismiss their value as historical fact.

While it can be demonstrated that cruelty is the frequent norm—the question
that begs an answer goes unanswered: Why do some people abhor spiritual
practices that kill animals and humans? The follow-up question poses an even
greater puzzle: Why do those who do evil and harm seem to have so much more
impact than those who do good?

Questionable Practices

Questioning the value of some cultures' spiritual practices in today's
politically, ethnically, and religiously polarized multicultural climate is
unpopular. Add to this the issue of ritual abuse and the discussion can
become terminal in certain societies.

Anthropologist Hanny Lightfoot-Klein's Prisoners of Ritual: An Odyssey into
Female Genital Circumcision in Africa details the practice of clitordectomy,
prevalent among many African tribes and nations.

In a puberty ritual, the female child's clitoris is sliced off with a knife.
The vulva's sides are then stitched together leaving only a small opening.
Ritual mutilations such as this are conducted in almost every case without
any anesthetic.

According to a 1990 United Nations survey, this ritual practice was inflicted
on over twenty million African women, who were thereafter deprived of sexual
pleasure for life.

Male circumcision is practiced in many societies and in many religions as a
rite of passage. Still, while somewhat painful, male circumcision has none of
the negative effects of the far more severe clitordectomy.

Male infants in Western societies were, in the past, circumcised for hygienic
purposes. Often this was done shortly after birth and without anesthetic.

During the 1970s, medical critics of male infant circumcision began
suggesting that it was both painful and traumatic for the infant, and that
hygienic effects were negligible. Studies supported their claims.

Since the practice was based on hygiene and not religion, reason eventually
prevailed over medical custom. Hospitals in the United States no longer
automatically circumcise male infants. Health Department statistics suggest
that circumcisions are much less frequent today than twenty years ago.

Violence, Politics, and Spirituality

Religious fundamentalists of almost any persuasion tend to view secular
violence as punishment from whatever supreme being or beings they worship-the
result of nonconformance to sacred religious rules.

Liberals and postmodernists, conversely, see violence as a failure of
capitalistic society-the result of nonconformance with their socially
idealized political theories. Faulty governmental economic and social
policies are to blame for poverty, which in turn breeds crime.

Religion in the postmodern view, especially Judeo-Christian forms, which
stress a codified ethic of behavior, has no place in the educational or
political process. Standards imposed by a middle class, white-male
European-dominated educational and political process are perceived as
oppressive by certain minorities and offensive to those who don't subscribe
to Judeo-Christian values.

Conservatives, meanwhile, envision a complex pattern of moral and ethical
decay, a loss of values caused by liberal and postmodern ideologies that
negate the individuals' social responsibility. Removing the constraints
imposed by Judeo-Christian mores from the educational process amplifies the
process of societal breakdown and the Balkanization of the political process.

Ethicist and commentator Dennis Prager, who classifies himself as an "ethical
monotheist," says that today's social sciences reflect the liberal
postmodernists' obsession with violence and aggression. In his view, they
reverse the importance of contributory causes.

"Crime causes and intensifies poverty," says Prager, who goes on to relate
how experienced grant writers verify that securing funding to research
"causes of violence" is far easier than obtaining funding to study "causes of

Criminal Spirituality and Cultural Denial

Overlooked by postmodern sociologists like Richardson, Best, and Bromley,
authors of The Satanism Scare, who doubt the existence of organized ritual
abuse cults, are two important factors: 1) violent individuals are not
necessarily disinclined to spirituality; and 2) violent individuals are more
likely attracted to violent forms of spirituality and groups in which violent
and sexually aggressive spiritual practices are the dominant form of worship.

Since criminals form nonspiritual crime networks and groups that tend to be
dominated by powerful, charismatic leaders, and since criminals are generally
secretive about their behavior, they could also form spiritual groups.
Examples are the Marielito prison gangs in Cuba, and Umbanda groups in Brazil.

Spiritual Subculture

If survivors' disclosures about violently abusive cults are valid, they
reflect the existence of a quasi-spiritual subculture that has the practical
worship of evil as its religious objective.

Though it isn't clear why, nor do any comprehensive studies document the
phenomenon, most anecdotal survivors' claims concern cults that worship
Satan. How much of this is religiously based spiritual practice, or a mask
for other criminal activities, is unclear.

Although Satan seems to be the most popular deity, he is not the only one
cults use for spiritual focus.

Documentary film-maker Dale McCulley reports speaking with survivors of a
Gnostic/pedophitic entertainment-industry-based cult that had several
celebrities as members, a matrilineal goddess-based cult, and a Jewish cult.

"Many of the practices they were describing," McCulley says, "sounded to me
like SRA (satanic ritual abuse), but they didn't call themselves Satanists or
claim to worship Satan."

Non-satanic cults based on Celtic/Druidic concepts, Nazi volkisch traditions,
Norse occult traditions, and Jewish mystery traditions, pedophilic fantasy
cults, Mediterranean mystery-revival sexual cults, and groups of almost any
and every spiritual proclivity have been reported from Maine to Florida and
throughout the Midwest and in California.

Add to these therapists' reports of southern and Texas-based Christian cults
similar to David Koresh's Branch Davidians, as well as Ku Klux Klan-style and
white-supremacist groups that practice pedophilic abuse but characterize
themselves as Christian.

Mormon Miscreants

Even the Mormons were hearing charges that Satanists were operating covertly
within their church. Supporting this, genealogy researcher Linda Walker has
uncovered and documented consanguineous relationships between incestuous
pioneer Mormon families who practiced polygamy.

While researching the unusually high incidences of genetic diseases in
descendants of early Mormon settlers, Walker stumbled across two startling

Early Mormon patriarchs preached that marriage to their own nieces was
doctrinally acceptable; and marriages and deaths seemed to occur in a higher-
than-random ratio on three suspected occult holidays. October 31, February 2,
and April 13.

"It could be coincidental that deaths fall on these dates," says Walker.
"However, when they occur in a higher-than-random incidence, it seems to
support survivors' statements that their families are practicing some form of
ritual abuse."

Walker thinks that, along with congenital diseases, multiple personality
disorder is also found in greater frequency among polygamous Mormon families.
This may point to either a high incidence of incest, or to ritual abuse, or

Independent of Walker, but validating her assertions, are the opinions of
several Salt Lake City therapists who point to Utah Child Protective Services
reports putting the incidence of incest well above national levels.

Presiding Mormon Bishop Glen L. Pace, alerted to some of these concerns,
began an investigation in 1988. Pace had sent a memo on ritual child abuse to
the church's general authority. It was taken seriously—and leaked.

Jerald and Sandra Tanner, of Lighthouse Ministries in Salt Lake City—two
Christians who research some of Mormonism's more contentious aspects—showed a
copy of the memo purportedly written by Pace to Walker. She was immediately
able to confirm the truth of this startling document.

Walker then worked with the Tanners to break the story in the mainstream
media. Accounts were published in the Salt Lake Tribune on October 25, 1991,
confirming that Pace had indeed sent the memo to the church's general

The story was picked up by the Associated Press and the Chicago Tribune, on
November 3, 1991.

In the memo, Pace stated that he had personally interviewed sixty survivors
in four Western states. The survivors independently described a
well-organized satanic network active in and around Salt Lake City. Meeting
houses, and even Mormon temples, had been used for blood rituals.

In a 1990 interview with Beyond Survival magazine, Walker stated that she
"could document that forms of ritual abuse, mind control, and even the
practice of eugenics (human breeding) had been going on for decades."

An on-site investigation confirmed that Walker had copious documentation with
names, dates, and genealogical relationships. Some of her research has now
been published in Jerald and Sandra Tanner's booklet Satanic Ritual Abuse and

Walker's research appears to bolster the belief that cults, satanic or
otherwise, frequently combine the social/technological mechanisms of mind
control ascribed to political extremists, including the Ku Klux Klan and
offshoot radical elements of the John Birch Society. Cult members seem to be
able to anchor themselves in two wortds—the rational and profane, and the
irrational and religious.

How this is accomplished, and by what means cults learn their techniques of
trauma-programming is a dominating mystery. Nothing in these kinds of
post-spiritual New World orders, it seems, will be left to chance. Violence
will suppress truth, since truth is relative to whoever has the political
power to make it so.

pps. 113-120
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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