-Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
BETRAYAL - Our Occupation of Germany
Arthur D. Rahn
Former Chief Editor of Intelligence
Office of the Director of Information Control
Office of Military Government, Germany
Book & Knowledge
Warsaw, Poland
pps. 237  (no date) out-of-print
---" NOT until I sat down to write this book and reflected on my experience
and organized my notes did I realize that what had seemed to me and my
friends in Germany to be a chaos of corruption and incompetence had actually
been a planned development following a very definite pattern. In fact, it has
become increasingly clear that the pattern of events in Germany from 1944 to
mid-1947 mirrored in sharp perspective what was happening at home in America.
Developments in Germany, too, have paralleled our actions in the United
Nations and our relations with the Soviet Union, Greece, Spain, China,
Britain, Israel — with the entire world."---


We Cried Peace

"The wedge that the Germans attempted to drive in western Europe (the
Rundstedt offensive of December, 1944) was less dangerous in actual terms of
winning the war than the wedges which they are continually trying to drive
between ourselves and our allies.
"We must resist this divisive propaganda " we mustdestroy it with the same
strength and the same determination that our fighting men are displaying as
they resist and destroy the Panzer divisions."
--From State' of the Union message, January 6, 1945.

"IT is not clear when the war will end" said Ernst Seifert smiling. A former
director of the University of Wuerzburg and the medical officer of the
Wehrmacht 13th Army Corps (a colonel), Seifert was sitting in the Wuerzburg
prison, where he was being held as a high officer in the Storm Troopers, an
automatic arrest.

I did not comment on his surprising answer—it was April 24th, 1945, about two
weeks before the German capitulation and it was clear even to the most
fanatical Nazis that the war could not last another month. He continued: "The
Russians are advancing very deep into Germany. The danger of bolshevism is
great for America."

"But you are not answering my question," I interposed impa-tiently."

"It's hard to say just when the open conflict will begin."

"You know very well," I declared, "that Hitler is our enemy and the Russians
are our allies. I'm asking you when you think the war against Hitler will be

"That is not clear. When I heard the Fuehrer's speech on March 1st, I said
that he had always been right and I believe he will be right again about

>From his remarks, it was clear that this slovenly, stubborn and amazingly
limited (for a surgeon, a university official and a colonel) Storm Trooper
was not counting on any secret weapons. He was expecting the Americans and
the Russians to begin to fight each other as soon as their armies met.

Of course, not all Germans had succumbed so completely to Goebbels' final
propaganda line that war between the Allies was inevitable shortly after a
defeat of the Reich. But Goebbels' indoctrination did not disappear upon the
entrance of the American troops.

The first months after VE day we used to think that the hysterical
rumormongering among the Germans was humorous. Whenever an American division
was moved, it was being sent to the front, according to the Germans. There
were tales of Russian gun emplacements and tank concentrations. The Russians
and the British were supposed to have skirmished. The Russians were
bombarding Rostock.

 The Germans were terrified of the Russians. One of the final terror slogans
of the Nazis with the German troops was Sieg oder Sibirien! (Victory or
Siberia!), victory or captivity "worse than death." Because of the many years
of constant anti-Soviet horror propaganda, we in Psychological Warfare found
this slogan a difficult one to combat. The Russians were held in fear because
of the vicious, intense war that had been fought on the Eastern Front, the
vast scale of the battles and the tremendous casualties. During the last
weeks, the Germans had fought for every village fanatically against the
Russians, but on our front they had surrendered all but key strategic points
to us as we rolled through the country. Because so many Germans had friends
and relatives in America, they trusted us more. Mindful of the destruction
and murder they had committed in the Soviet Union, they feared just
retribution. The Russians might force the Germans to rebuild the devastated
areas in the Soviet Union. They certainly would demand enormous reparations.
They were already responsible for the decision to, transfer territory to
Poland. They might even bring "bolshevism to Germany."

Out of their fear and hate, the Germans concocted and disseminated all
varieties of atrocity tales about the Red Army troops, the clergy bearing
much of the responsibility for this rumormongering.

The Catholic Caritas and the Evangelical Inner Mission immediately began to
collect alms for the "suffering Germans" in the east, using lurid tales to
increase the size of their collections. In one instance, the Inner Mission
circulated a report by a Protestant Minister written in the same Nazi jargon
that had been used to describe the supposed Czech atrocities against the
Sudeten Germans in 1938 and the supposed Polish atrocities against the
Silesian Germans in 1939 — and equally as. false. The author of the pamphlet,
it was discovered, was a former Nazi.

In October, 1945, in an attempt to study the origin of the atrocity stories,
we in the Information Control Intelligence Section interrogated a large
number of German refugees arriving from the Russian Zone. Careful questioning
revealed a tendency to color and exaggerate charges against the Russians.
Much of what they reported was mere hearsay. Frequently, general hardships
arising from the war were considered "atrocities." On the other hand, about
one-third of those interrogated stated that they intended to return to visit
in the Russian Zone. One man who related a particularly characteristic
exaggerated horror tale was discovered to be a former SS man. He admitted
having invented his story after a local German official had advised him "to
make conditions in the Russian Zone sound as bad as possible."

>From dissemination of horror tales to demands for revenge is not a big step.
Here again the Church provided leadership, calling for a holy crusade against
the Soviet Union when the great war was hardly over. As early as August,
1945, at the national conclave of the Evangelical Bishops at Treysa, a
Professor Ivant of Koenigsberg thundered:

"We must not let the borders of the Evangelical faith be pushed back... We
must not shun any means, of fight for our Church... We must not let them take
our territories which are purely German and are the homeland of our
Evangelical religion."

In 1946 after the elections, "conservative" politicians like Maria Sevenich
took up the call for the crusade against the eastern heathens. The
disillusioned youth looking for an outlet for its repressed energies and
disillusionment listened eagerly. At the March 1946 political meeting at
which I had heard Maria Sevenich speak, a former Nazi jumped up when a
Communist attempted to protest something Maria had said and shouted: "What is
happening in the Russian Zone is worse a thousand times than anything we
Germans ever did in Russia or in the concentration camps." His comrades
yelled raucous agreement.

And in September, 1946, at a great youth meeting sponsored by the Christian
Democrats in Hesse, a former officer delivered an impassioned speech in which
he deplored the way the revolutionaries of 1919 had ripped off the epaulets
of their officers and warned that such a disgrace could not be tolerated
again. The last two wars, he exclaimed, were political and economic wars, the
next one would be religious, a crusade against the heathens of the East.

Naturally, the clergy and the -nationalists recognize that without assistance
there can be no possibility of their conducting their "christian" crusade and
they have looked for allies among the Americans. By constant pressure and
subtle hints and suggestions, they quickly developed a sympathy among many
Americans for the "suffering" of their compatriots at the hands of the
Russians. Playing on the loneliness and the fear of communism of many GIs and
officers, the fraeuleins and the German gentlemen achieved considerable and
widespread success in fostering the anti-Soviet alliance. In the spring of
1946, the MG officer in Nuremberg had to issue a sharp warning against the
divisive propaganda being disseminated by the local Germans among the
American troops.

Originally, there was much sympathy for the Russians among most Americans. In
January, 1945, I saw a sign on a mess tent in the First Army sector reading:
"Russians welcome to eat here." This was in recognition of the vast advances
being made at that time on the Eastern front. And on January 30, the Stars
and Stripes announced in its editorial:

"'Uncle Joe's Boys' may inspire alarm in some sections of the armchair
brigade but to the man in the street they are 'ours' and to the fighting
soldiers they are heroes."

There were, however, officers and men among our troops who retained their
anti-Soviet bias even during the days of the heroic Red Army offensives.
During the last months of the war, I remember reading reports of Army
interrogators asking German prisoners whether they would be willing to fight
with us against the Russians. In Supreme Headquarters, many of the brass,
belonged to the "armchair brigade" described by Coe Stars and Stripes. One of
the prime manifestations at the end of the war of the anti-Soviet antipathy
of these high officers and their lack of true cooperation with the Russians
(and of a lukewarm orientation about fascism) was exhibited in the handling
of the Displaced Persons or DPs.

Although at the Yalta Conference we had agreed to return all the Soviet
citizens who had been living in the Soviet Union in 1939, "exceptions" were
permitted by individual American officers of Russians and Ukrainians who
objected to going back home. "We do -Dot force people to go where they don't
want to," they ex[c]laimed "democratically" and self-righteously, happy to
find that these "democratic" elements did not like the Soviet regime.
Actually, under the Nazi oppression hundreds of these people had betrayed
their neighbors and retreated willingly with the Germans. We even delayed
many months before sending the criminal and traitorous Vlassov Russian SS
troops back to a deserved punishment.

We seemed to have a particular affinity to all the rabid anti-Soviet elements
among the DPs. Baltic Germans who had come to Germany in 1940 were singled
out for displaced persons' treatment although they had elected to come to
Germany as Germans. Many of them had sons and husbands in Nazi SS units.

With the Poles, the London government representatives conducted an intense
terror propaganda campaign. Once the Lublin government was established, the
London Poles had no excuse for continuing to exist except to administer the
Poles in the DP camps and in the Anders armies. As a result, the British-paid
Polish officers representing the London government did their best to convince
their countrymen not to return home. Many of these Polish DPs, however, were
not just simple confused people but psychopathic anti-Russians " a menace to
peace. In a conversation I had with a group of Polish WACs " liberated
prisoners of war, DPs " one, an officer, remarked that when we Americans
would go east to fight the Japanese, she and her fellow WACs would also go
east " to fight the Russians. The others nodded enthusiastic agreement. A
Polish colonel, a liaison officer in charge of DPs and a London government
man, assured me that war between Poland and Russia was inevitable. "But
little Poland can't fight Russia alone," I commented naively. "Oh no," he
replied with a broad smile, "you and the British will help us." This was in
July, 1945, a month before the Potsdam agreement.

The Yugoslav Chetniks, monarchists and often traitors have been less subtle
in their activities. In the early months of 1946 investigations disclosed
that a regular army organisation was being formed among the thousands in
American DP camps. The total of these Yugoslav troops was put at 40,000.

One characteristic of all these DPs is their burning hatred of the Russians
and their eagerness to participate in a crusade against the Soviet Union. The
American interrogators who asked German prisoners of war whether they would
fight with us against the Soviet Union back in 1945 are, no doubt, counting
on these dubious elements for the same eventuality.

After the was was over, in most MG officers there was a feeling of rivalry
with the Russians but no general antipathy. When we withdrew from Leipzig,
which was to become part of the Russian Zone, we removed as much machinery,
printing equipment, railroad stock, etc., as we could.

Along with the pessimism and cynicism about our occupation and lack of policy
at the end of 1945, there developed a general suspicion of and antagonism
toward the Russians. Actually, although most of us did not then realize it
the bases for the growing antagonism between us and the Russians were to be
sought in the high policy squabbles on reparations, denazification,
demilitarization and the rehabilitation of German industry, consequent to the
new policy that was being substituted by the big businessmen in MG for the
Potsdam policy of Big Power cooperation.

By the beginning of 1946, in pursuit of their new tactics, our statesmen were
assuring the world that we were being forced into a bizonal union with the
British because the Russians and the French opposed German unity. Inasmuch as
the establishment of German unity was an essential provision of the Potsdam
Agreement, these policymakers insisted that the Russians were the ones who
rejected the Big Power declaration. This was mere self-righteous talk,
however. Whenever the Russians and the French posed the question of Four
Power supervision of the rich Ruhr arsenal, both we and the British refused
even to dispute the suggestion. Our officials wanted that area for our own
businessmen. In addition, we had stymied all strivings toward national unity,
preventing the trade unions,* the women's groups and the youth groups from
establishing nation-wide organization.**
[* In January, 1947, for example, Leon Werths of the Labor Division If
Military Government declared that he was opposed to a unified German trade
union movement because it favored the Soviet Union. He failed to add that
such a unified trade union movement was also a guarantee against a resurgence
of reaction.]
[** The Swabian People's Youth, perhaps the best youth organization in our
Zone, was dissolved because its leaders had dared to attempt to establish
contact with the Free German Youth, the youth organization of the Soviet

Both the German "conservative" and the American businessmen-officials in
charge of MG who are rabid anti-Soviet warmongers today are the very people
who have always opposed the Potsdam Agreement and our own original war aims,
their pious declarations and humanitarism professions not withstanding. Now
they talk of a "holy" crusade against the Eastern "heathen" and a
"democratic" war against communism, but the are really concerned with far
more mundane "practical" issues. Like the Hitler oratory on the "bolshevik
menace", their demogogic slogans cover more cynical motives. The German
industrialists who have lost their factories in the East and their American
and British mentors, many of whom have been deprived of their interests in
the Soviet Zone and the Polish regained territory (like the Harrimans, who
have lost large mining interests in Silesia) are concerned with profits and
not with ideals or ideologies. They are not interested in such questions as
the Party membership of the industrialists or the contribution of business
and industrial enterprises to Hitler's war. Defenders of free enterprise "no
matter what and with whom," they are less concerned with raising the level of
German industry in order to benefit the German people (as they insist) than
they are to be able to clip coupons again. They fear the productivity and
economic stability of the Soviet Zone and the success of the trade
union-administered factories and are worried at the increasing demands for
nationalization of industries and for participation of the trade unions in
the management of plants and businesses in the West. They are concerned at
any possible loss of profit and at any blow to free enterprise "no matter
what and with whom."

The Junkers seeking refuge and obtaining new lands in the British Zone (like
Schlange-Schoeningen, the head of the bizonal Food Administration) and
retaining their holdings in Bavaria either hope to regain their confiscated
estates in the East or to prevent any land reform that will deprive them of
their estates in the West. They are ready to take their colonel's uniforms
out of the mothballs and to resume their ancient military profession to
"crusade against Eastern heathenism" or to "fight the spread of communism."
They are watching some of our military diehards, men entrusted with the
execution of the new rehabilitate-German-industry policy whom they believe
are also ready to put their military training to use against "the spread of
communism." (In these conditions, "communism" of course, may include a
thorough and revolutionary denazification, democratic land reform, the
nationalization of industries belonging to war profiteers, Party members or
collaborators and the true demilitarization of the country, as prescribed by

They are ready. The industrialists are ready to resume war production in the
Ruhr under British-American supervision and with our economic assistance. The
Church is ready to provide the ideological direction in the "holy war." The
Junkers and the militarists, the amnestied and exonerated SS men and Nazi
leaders are ready to command the Army and the people in the struggle. And
many of the young men trained only in war and despairing of the future,
chafing at the shame of the defeat and inflamed by the passionate demogoguery
of the "conservatives" are ready, and the rabid anti-Russian DPs are ready,
potential cannon fodder for the decisive holy war of "democracy" against

Germany is still a menace to world peace. German militarism is not dead.
Worse, the nationalists have found allies among some of our own political
leaders. This has been the result of the development in our occupation policy.

pps. 204-212
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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