-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.webcom.com/pinknoiz/covert/contracoke.html">Nicaraguan
Contras and Cocaine</A>

In 1984, the Contra forces under Eden Pastora were in an increasingly
hopeless situation. On May 30,1984, Pastora was wounded by a bomb at his
base camp at La Penca, Nicaragua, close to the Costa Rica border. That
same day, according to ARDE officer Karol Prado, aid to ARDE from the
United States was cut off.[69]
Despite continued pressure from the United States, Pastora refused to
place his ARDE forces under a unified command with the largest of the
Contra organizations--the Honduras-based FDN. The CIA considered Pastora
to be "disruptive and unpredictable."[70] By the time the Boland
Amendment cut off legal military aid to the Contras, the CIA had seen to
it that Pastora did not receive any assistance, and his forces were
experiencing "desperate conditions."[71]
Although there are discrepancies among the parties as to when the
initial meeting took place, Pastora's organization was approached by
George Morales, a Colombian drug trafficker living in Miami who had been
indicted on narcotics trafficking charges.
According to the State Department report to the Congress of July 26,
Information developed by the intelligence community indicates that a
senior member of Eden Pastora's Sandino Revolutionary Front (FRS) agreed
in late 1984 with (Morales) that FRS pilots would aid in transporting
narcotics in exchange for financial assistance...the FRS official agreed
to use FRS operational facilities in Costa Rica and Nicaragua to
facilitate transportation of narcotics. (Morales) agreed to provide
financial support to the FRS, in addition to aircraft and training for
FRS pilots. After undergoing flight training, the FRS pilots were to
continue to work for the FRS, but would also fly narcotics shipments
from South America to sites in Costa Rica and Nicaragua for later
transport to the United States. Shortly thereafter (Morales) reportedly
provided the FRS one C-47 aircraft and two crated helicopters. He is
reported to have paid the sum of $100,000 to the FRS, but there was no
information available on who actually received the money.[72]
The State Department said it was aware of only one incident of drug
trafficking resulting from this agreement between the Contras and
Morales and that was the case of Contra pilot Gerardo Duran. Duran was
arrested in January 1986, in Costa Rica for his involvement in
transporting cocaine to the United States.[73] Duranwas an FRS pilot
from 1982 to 1985 and operated an air taxi service in Costa Rica.
According to Marco Aguado and Karol Prado, Duran would fly supplies to
the Contras on the Southern Front and he would charge for each flight.
Robert Owen, courier for Lt. Col. Oliver North, testified to the
Iran/Contra Committees that he told North he thought Karol Prado was
involved in trafficking drugs out of Panama, and that Pastora's pilot,
Marco Aguado, was also involved.[75] The Subcommittee was unable to
validate Owen's claims. Prado vehemently denied these allegations
stating that he believed the drug trafficking allegations against
Pastora were the result of a CIA effort to discredit him.[76]
Morales testified that his involvement with the Contras started in 1984
at the urging of Marta Healey, the widow of one of his drug pilots,
Richard Healey.[77] Marta Healey's first husband was Adolfo "Popo"
Chamorro, the second in command to Eden Pastora in the FRS. She came
from a prominent Nicaraguan family.
At the time of his first contract, Morales was under indictment for
marijuana smuggling. He testified that he thought by assisting the
Contra cause his indictment would be dropped. Marta Healey introduced
Morales to Popo Chamorro, Marco Aguado and Octaviano Cesar at a meeting
in Miami. According to Morales, he wanted to make a deal: He would help
the Contras with their needs, and "they in exchange would help me with
my objective, which was solving my indictment." Morales believed the
Contra leaders would help him solve his legal problems because of their
contacts with the CIA.[78]
On October 31, 1987 in San Jose, Costa Rica, the Subcommittee videotaped
the depositions of three Contra leaders with intimate knowledge of the
Morales relationship with Pastora's organization in video depositions.
The three were Karol Prado, Pastora's head of communications; Marco
Aguado, Pastora's air force chief; and Octaviano Cesar who, along with
his brother Alfredo, were political allies of Pastora's at the time. A
fourth, Adolfo "Popo" Chamorro, who was Pastora's second in command in
ARDE, testified in closed session of the Subcommittee in April 1988.
Chamorro's testimony was taken in closed session by the consent of the
Subcommittee at his request. Dick McCall, of Senator Kerry's personal
staff, in an arrangement worked out with Chamorro and his attorneys,
subsequently interviewed him in Miami.
Each denied knowing that Morales was under indictment for drug
trafficking when they first met him at Marta Healey's house in Miami.
Popo Chamorro said that as far as he knew Morales was just another rich
Miami resident with strong anti-Communist feelings.[79]
In addition, all three denied receiving more than $10,000 in cash from
Morales. The Subcommittee found that $10,000 was given to Popo Chamorro
to cover the cost of transporting a C-47 owned byMorales, which he
donated to ARDE, from Haiti to Ilopango Air Force Base in El Salvador.
While denying receiving funds personally, Prado, Aguado and Cesar each
confirmed elements of Morales' story.
According to Prado, Octaviano Cesar and his brother Adolfo allied
themselves politically with Pastora in the Summer of 1984. A decision
was then made to send Popo Chamorro and Octaviano Cesar to the United
States to look for funds.[81] In September, Popo Chamorro returned to
Costa Rica with photographs of a DC-4 and a Howard plane, and told
Pastora that they would get six more planes, including a Navajo Panther
from George Morales.[82]
Pastora told Chamorro that the C-47 was the most practical plane for the
Contras at the time and Popo returned to Miami to arrange for its
transfer. Chamorro provided the Subcommittee with an aircraft purchase
order, dated October 1, 1984. The notarized purchase order provided that
for the sum of one dollar, a McDonnell-Douglas DC-3, the civilian
designation for a C-47, would be transferred to Marco Aguado. The order
was signed by George Morales, as the seller, and by Marco Aguado, as the
In addition, Chamorro gave the Subcommittee a list of flights made by
that C-47 to ferry arms from Ilopango to Costa Rica and La Penca.
Between October 18, 1984 and February 12, 1986, some 156,000 pounds of
material were moved from Ilopango to air fields in Costa Rica. Of the 24
flights during this period, eleven were to La Penca on the Nicaraguan
side of the Rio San Juan.[83]
The Subcommittee substantiated key elements of the Morales story,
although it did not find evidence that Cesar, Chamorro, or Prado were
personally involved in drug trafficking. First, all witnesses agreed
that Morales gave ARDE a C-47. Evidence of an association between them
is also provided by a Customs document. This document, provided to the
Committee by the U.S. Customs Service, shows that Morales entered the
United States from the Bahamas on October 13, 1984, with Marco Aguado,
Octaviano Cesar and Popo Chamorro. They carried $400,000 in cash and
checks which were declared by Aguado, Chamorro and Cesar. They claimed
that the checks and money were returned to Morales after clearing
Aguado summarized the relationship between the Southern Front Contras
and the drug traffickers in terms of the exploitation of the Contra
movement by individuals involved in narcotics smuggling. According to
Aguado, the trafficking organizations, "took advantage of the
anti-communist sentiment which existed in Central America ... and they
undoubtedly used it for drug trafficking." Referring to the Contra
resupply operations, Aguado said the traffickers used "the same
connections, the same air strips, the same people. And maybe they said
that it was weapons for Eden Pastora, and it was actually drugs that
would later on go to the U.S.... They fooled people ... Unfortunately,
this kind of ac-tivity, which is for the freeing of a people, is quite
similar to the activities of the drug traffickers."[85]
Octaviano Cesar testified that when he dealt with Morales he was:
Thinking in terms of the security of my country. It just didn't enter my
mind that I would become involved in such a mess, because it never
entered into my mind to get in that [drug] business ...
I went a couple of times inside in Nicaragua and I saw people there.
Young kids 15, 16 years old, they were carrying 30, 40 rounds of
ammunition against the Sandinistas ... And that's why I did it. I'm not
proud of it, but I just didn't have any choice. I mean, the U.S.
Congress didn't give us any choice. They got these people into a war.
The people went inside of Nicaragua, 80 miles inside. They had thousands
of supporters, campesinos there helping them ... Now, when those people
retreat, those campesinos were murdered by the Sandinistas. I don't want
that, but that's the reality of life.[86]
In addition, Cesar told the Subcommittee that he told a CIA officer
about Morales and his offer to help the Contras.
Senator KERRY. Did you have occasion to say to someone in the CIA that
you were getting money from him and you were concerned he was a drug
dealer? Did you pass that information on to somebody?
Mr. CESAR. Yes, I passed the information on about the--not the
relations--well, it was the relations and the airplanes; yes. And the
CIA people at the American military attache's office that were [sic]
based at Ilopango also, and any person or any plane landed there, they
had to go----
Senator KERRY. And they basically said to you that it was all right as
long as you don't deal in the powder; is that correct? Is that a fair
Mr. CESAR. Yes.[87]
After the La Penca bombing of May 30, 1984, all assistance was cut off
by the CIA to ARDE, while other Contra groups on both fronts continued
to receive support from the U.S. government through a variety of
channels. The United States stated that the cut-off of ARDE was related
to the involvement of its personnel in drug trafficking. Yet many of the
same drug traffickers who had assisted ARDE were also assisting other
Contra groups that continued to receive funding. Morales, for example,
used Gerardo Duran as one of his drug pilots, and Duran worked for
Alfonso Robello and Fernando "el Negro" Chamorro, who were associated
with other Contra groups, as well as for ARDE.[88]
In a sworn deposition which was taken in San Jose Costa Rica by the
Subcommittee on October 31, 1987, Karol Prado, Pastora's treasurer and
procurement officer, vehemently denied allegationsconcerning the
personal involvement of ARDE leadership in drug trafficking. Prado said
that because of Pastora's problems with the U.S. government, it was his
belief that the CIA was attempting to discredit the former Sandinista
Commandante and his supporters in ARDE with allegations that they were
involved in drug trafficking.[89]
Thomas Castillo, the former CIA station chief in Costa Rica, who was
indicted in connection with the Iran/Contra affair, testified before the
Iran/Contra Committees that when the CIA became aware of narcotics
trafficking by Pastora's supporters and lieutenants, those individuals'
activities were reported to law enforcement officials.[90] However,
Morales continued to work with the Contras until January 1986. He was
indicted for a second time in the Southern District of Florida for a
January 1986 cocaine flight to Bahamas and was arrested on June 12,
Morales testified that he offered to cooperate with the government soon
after he was arrested, and that he was willing to take a lie detector
test. He said his attorneys repeated the offer on his behalf several
times, but on each occasion the U.S. Attorney, Leon Kellner, refused.
Leon Kellner and Richard Gregorie, then the head of the criminal
division of the Miami U.S. Attorney's office, met with the staff of the
Committee in November 1986. They said that Morales' story was not
credible and that Morales was trying to get his sentence reduced by
cooperating with a Senate committee. As Morales had not yet been
sentenced, both Kellner and Gregorie discouraged the staff from meeting
with Morales at that time, and the staff respected their request.
Kellner and Gregorie said that Morales was like the many Miami cocaine
traffickers who use the "I was working for the CIA" defense.[92]
Following his testimony before the Subcommittee, Morales renewed his
offer to work with the government. This time, federal law enforcement
officials decided to accept the offer. Morales provided the government
with leads that were used by law enforcement authorities in connection
with matters remaining under investigation. In November 1988, the DEA
gave Morales a lengthy polygraph examination on his testimony before the
Subcommittee and he was considered truthful.[93]

John Hull was a central figure in Contra operations on the Southern
Front when they were managed by Oliver North, from 1984 through late
1986.[94] Before that, according to former CostaRican CIA station chief
Thomas Castillo's public testimony, Hull had helped the CIA with
military supply and other operations on behalf of the Contras.[95] In
addition, during the same period, Hull received $10,000 a month from
Adolfo Calero of the FDN--at North's direction.[96]
Hull is an Indiana farmer who lives in northern Costa Rica. He came to
Costa Rica in mid-1970's and persuaded a number of North Americans to
invest in ranch land in the northern part of the country.[97] Using
their money and adding some of his own, he purchased thousands of acres
of Costa Rican farm land. Properties under his ownership, management or
control ultimately included at least six airstrips. To the many pilots
and revolutionaries who passed through the region, this collection of
properties and airstrips became known as John Hull's ranch.
On March 23, 1984, seven men aboard a U.S. government owned DC-3 were
killed when the cargo plane crashed near Hull's ranch, revealing
publicly that Hull was allowing his property to be used for airdrops of
supplies to the Contras.[98] But even before this public revelation of
Hull's role in supporting the Contras, officials in a variety of Latin
American countries were aware of Hull's activities as a liaison between
the Contras and the United States government. Jose Blandon testified, f
or example, that former Costa Rican Vice President Daniel Oduber
suggested he (Blandon) meet with Hull in 1983, to discuss the formation
of a unified southern Contra command under Eden Pastora.[99]
Five witnesses testified that Hull was involved in cocaine trafficking:
Floyd Carlton, Werner Lotz, Jose Blandon, George Morales, and Gary
Betzner. Betzner was the only witness who testified that he was actually
present to witness cocaine being loaded onto planes headed for the
United States in Hull's presence.
Lotz said that drugs were flown into Hull's ranch, but that he did not
personally witness the flights. He said he heard about the drug flights
from the Colombian and Panamanian pilots who allegedly flew drugs to
Hull's airstrips. Lotz described the strips as "a stop for refuel
basically. The aircraft would land, there would be fuel waiting for
them, and then would depart. They would come in with weapons and drugs."
Lotz said that Hull was paid for allowing his airstrips to be used as a
refueling stop.[100]
Two witnesses, Blandon and Carlton recounted an incident involving the
disappearance of a shipment of 538 kilos of cocaine owned by the Pereira
or Cali cocaine cartel. Teofilo Watson, a member of Carlton's smuggling
operation, was flying the plane to Costa Rica for the Cartel. The plane
crashed and Watson was killed. The witnesses believed that the crash
occurred at Hull's ranch and that Hull took the shipment and bulldozed
the plane, a Cessna 310, into the river.Carlton testified that the
Colombians were furious when they discovered the cocaine missing. He
said they sent gunmen after Hull and in fact kidnapped a member of
Hull's family to force the return of the cocaine. When that failed they
became convinced that Carlton himself stole the cocaine and they sent
gunmen after him. The gunmen dug up Carlton's property in Panama with a
backhoe looking for the lost cocaine, and Carlton fled for his life to
Gary Betzner started flying for Morales' drug smuggling network in 1981.
Betzner testified that his first delivery of arms to the Contras was in
1983, when he flew a DC-3 carrying grenades and mines to Ilopango Air
Force Base in El Salvador. His co-pilot on the trip was Richard Healey,
who had flown drugs for Morales.[102]
Betzner said the weapons were unloaded at Ilopango by Salvadoran
military personnel and an American whom he assumed worked for the U.S.
Department of Defense. Betzner testified that he and Healey flew the
plane on to Colombia where they picked up a load of marijuana and
returned to their base at Great Harbor Cay in the Bahamas.[103]
According to Betzner, the next Contra weapons and drugs flight took
place in July 1984. Morales asked him to fly a load of weapons to Hull's
ranch and to pick up a load of drugs. Betzner flew a Cessna 402-B to
John Hull's ranch. According to Betzner, he was met at the airstrip by
Hull and they watched the cargo of weapons being unloaded, and cocaine,
packed in 17 duffel bags, and five or six two-foot square boxes being
loaded into the now-empty Cessna. Betzner then flew the plane to a field
at Lakeland, Florida.[104]
Yet another guns for drugs flight was made two weeks later. On this
trip, Betzner said he flew a Panther to an airstrip called "Los Llanos,"
about ten miles from Hull's properties and not far from the Voice of
America transmitter in northern Costa Rica. Betzner testified that Hull
met him again and the two watched while the weapons were unloaded and
approximately 500 kilos of cocaine in 17 duffel bags were loaded for the
return flight to Florida.[105]
Hull became the subject of an investigation by the U.S. Attorney for the
Southern District of Florida in the spring of 1985. In late March 1985,
Assistant U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Feldman and two FBI agents went to Costa
Rica to investigate Neutrality Act violations by participants in the
Contra resupply network that were also under investigation at the time
by Senator Kerry. Both the Feldman and Kerry inquiries had been prompted
in part by statements made to reporters by soldiers of fortune
imprisoned in Costa Rica who alleged John Hull was providing support for
the Contras with the help of the National Security Council.[106]
Feldman and the FBI agents met with U.S. Ambassador to Costa Rica, Lewis
Tambs, and the CIA Chief of Station, Thomas Castillo,who told him John
Hull knew Rob Owen and Oliver North and gave the impression that Hull
had been working for U.S. interests prior to March of 1984. In addition,
one of the embassy security officers, Jim Nagel, told one of the FBI
agents accompanying Feldman, that regarding Feldman's inquiries, "...
these were agencies with other operational requirements and we shouldn't
interfere with the work of these agencies."[107] When Feldman attempted
to interview Hull, Feldman learned that Hull was told by the embassy
staff not to talk to him without an attorney present.[108]
Feldman concluded that U.S. Embassy officials in Costa Rica were taking
active measures to protect Hull. After Feldman interviewed two of the
mercenaries, Peter Glibbery and Steven Carr, regarding their allegations
of Hull's involvement in criminal activity, Feldman learned that Kirk
Kotula, Consul in San Jose, was "trying to get Carr and the rest of
these people to recant their statements regarding Hull's involvement
with the CIA and with any other American agency.[109] Feldman added "...
it was apparent we were stirring up some problem with our inquiries
concerning John Hull."[110] Feldman concluded that because Hull was
receiving protection from some US officials, that it would not be
possible to interview him. Feldman therefore took no further steps to do
In an effort to stop the investigation against him and to cause the
Justice Department to instead investigate those urging an investigation
of Hull, Hull prepared falsified affidavits from jailed mercenaries in
Costa Rica to U.S. Attorney Kellner. In the affidavits the mercenaries
accused Congressional staff of paying witnesses to invent stories about
illegal activities associated with the clandestine Contras supply
network. The Justice Department ultimately concluded that the affidavits
had been forged. Kellner testified that he "had concerns about them and
... didn't believe them.[112]
To this day, the Justice Department has taken no action against John
Hull for obstruction of justice or any related charge in connection with
his filing false affidavits with the U.S. Justice Department regarding
the Congressional investigations.
In the period in which he was providing support to the Contras, Hull
obtained a loan from the Overseas Private Investment Corporation for
$375,000 which ultimately proved to have been obtained with false
In 1983, Hull and two associates, Mr. William Crone and Mr. Alvaro
Arroyo approached OPIC for a loan to finance a joint venture wood
products factory that would make wheelbarrow and ax handles for the U.S.
market. In fact, according to testimony from Crone and OPIC officials,
no contributions from Hull, Arroyo or himself were made to the joint
venture. On the basis of the applica-tion, some supporting documentation
and a site visit, on March 30 1984, OPIC advanced $375,000.[113]
By the end of 1985, after one interest payment, the loan lapsed into
default, and OPIC officials began to recognize that the project was a
fraud, and that Hull had made false representations in making the
application to OPIC.[114] OPIC officials found that the money which was
disbursed by their Agency was deposited in Hull's Indiana bank account
and the funds were withdrawn by Hull in cash. When OPIC inquired in 1986
as where the funds were going, Hull told OPIC officials that he would be
using the cash to buy Costa Rican money on the black market to get a
more favorable exchange rate.[115]
In fact, Costa Rica has a favorable exchange rate for foreign investment
and the excuse Hull offered does not make sense. What appears to have
happened is that Hull simply took the money, inasmuch as no equipment
was purchased for the factory, no products were shipped from it, and
Hull's partner, Crone, testified that he never saw the money. Indeed,
prospective purchasers complained that they paid Hull for products in
advance but never received delivery.[116]
On the basis of the subsequent OPIC investigation of the loan to Hull's
company, in April 1987, the case was referred to the Justice Department
for a criminal fraud investigation.[117] While nothing has yet happened
for almost two years, the Justice Department maintains the investigation
is still ongoing.[118]
OPIC foreclosed on the properties which Hull had put up as collateral
for the loan. Following the foreclosure to recover their monies, OPIC
sold the property at auction. However, in order to prevent a sale far
below the market price, OPIC bid at the auction and wound up purchasing
its own property for $187,500.
OPIC then attempted to sell the property directly. An advertisement was
placed in The Wall Street Journal which attracted a single offer from an
investment banker in Philadelphia. An agreement was negotiated whereby
the company purchasing the property from OPIC was required to make no
down payment, and only to repay OPIC its $187,500 from the future
proceeds of the sale of timber cut on the land. The corporation which
purchased the property has no other assets other than the land. If the
agreement is fulfilled by the purchasers of the land, OPIC will realize
repayment of $187,500, half of the original $375,000 loaned to Hull.
The Subcommittee also heard testimony investors who had allowed Hull to
purchase property for them and then to manage the property, who
testified that he did not deliver on his promises, he failed to purchase
the properties he said he would, and in one case,took farm equipment off
a farm he was paid to manage and converted it for his own use.[120]
In mid-January 1989, Hull was arrested by Costa Rican law enforcement
authorities and charged with drug trafficking and violating Costa Rica's

The San Francisco Frogman case was one of the first cases in which
allegations linking specific Contra organizations to drug smugglers
surfaced. In a July 26, 1986 report to the Congress on Contra-related
narcotics allegations, the State Department described the Frogman case
as follows:
"This case gets it nickname from swimmers who brought cocaine ashore on
the West Coast from a Colombian vessel in 1982-1983. It focused on a
major Colombian cocaine smuggler, Alvaro Carvajal-Minota, who supplied a
number of West Coast smugglers. It was alleged, but never confirmed,
that Nicaraguan citizen Horacio Pereira, an associate of Carvajal, had
helped the Nicaraguan resistance. Pereira was subsequently convicted on
drug charges in Costa Rica and sentenced to twelve years imprisonment.
Two other Nicaraguans, Carlos Cabezas and Julio Zavala, who were among
the jailed West Coast traffickers convicted of receiving drugs from
Carvajal, claimed long after their conviction that they had delivered
large sums of money to resistance groups in Costa Rica and that Pereira,
who was not charged in the case, has said the profits from the drug sale
would finance resistance activities."[121]
The allegations made by Cabezas and Zavala involved two Southern Front
Contra groups--UDN-FARN, a military group associated with Fernando "El
Negro" Chamorro, and PCNE, a Contra political group in the South.
Cabezas claimed that he helped move 25 to 30 kilos of cocaine from Costa
Rica to San Francisco, generating $1.5 million. According to Cabezas,
part of that money was given to Troilo and Fernando Sanchez to help Eden
Pastora's and Fernando "El Negro" Chamorro's operations on the Southern
Front in 1982 and l983.[122]
After the trial, the U.S. government returned $36,020 seized as drug
money to one of the defendants, Zavala, after he submitted letters from
Contra leaders claiming the funds were really their property. The money
that was returned had been seized by the FBI after being found in cash
in a drawer at Zavala's home with drug transaction letters, an M-1
carbine, a grenade, and a quantity of Cocaine.[123]
The Subcommittee found that the Frogman arrest involved cocaine from a
Colombian source, Carvajal-Minota. In addition, Zavala and Cabezas had
as a second source of supply, Nicaraguans living in Costa Rica
associated with the Contras. FBI documents from the Frogman case
identify the Nicaraguans as Horacio Pereira, Troilo Sanchez and Fernando
Sanchez.[124]Pereira was convicted on cocaine charges in Costa Rica in
1985 and sentenced to 12 years in prison.[125] An important member of
the Pereira organization was Sebastian "Huachan" Gonzalez, who also was
associated with ARDE in Southern Front Contra operations. Robert Owen
advised North in February 1985, that Gonzalez was trafficking in
cocaine.[126] Jose Blandon testified that Eden Pastora knew that
Gonzalez was involved in drug trafficking while he was working with
ARDE. Gonzalez later left the Contra movement and fled from Costa Rica
to Panama, where he went to work for General Noriega.[127]
During the Pereira trial, evidence was also presented by the Costa Rica
prosecutor showing that drug traffickers had asked leader Ermundo
Chamorro the brother of UDN-FARN leader Fernando "El Negro" Chamorro,
for assistance with vehicles to transport cocaine and for help with a
Costa Rica police official.[128]
Troilo and Fernando Sanchez were marginal participants in the Contra
movement and relatives of a member of the FDN Directorate.[129]

Several groups of Miami-based Cuba Americans provided direct and
indirect support for the Southern Front during the period that the
Boland Amendment prohibited official U.S. government assistance. Their
help, which included supplies and training, was funded in part with drug
money.[130] The State Department described the allegations in its July
1986 report to Congress as follows:
There have been allegations that Rene Corbo and other Cuban Americans
involved in anti-Sandinista activities in Costa Rica were connected with
Miami-based drug traffickers. Corbo reportedly recruited a group of
Cuban American and Cuban exile combatants and military trainers in the
Miami area who operated inside Nicaragua and in the northern part of
Costa Rica. Two Cuban exiles in this group, Mario Rejas Lavas and Ubaldo
Hernandez Perez, were captured by the Sandinistas in June 1986. They
were reportedly members of the UNO/FARN group headed by Fernando "El
Negro" Chamorro. There is no information to substantiate allegations
that this group from Miami has been a source of drug money for the
UNO/FARN or any other resistance organization.[131]On May 6, 1986,
Committee staff met with representatives of the Justice Department, FBI,
DEA, CIA and State Department, to advise them of allegations of gun
running and drug trafficking in connection with this group.
In August 1986, the Committee requested information from the Justice
Department regarding the allegations concerning Corbo and fellow Cuban
Americans Felipe Vidal, Frank Castro, and Luis Rodriguez and Frank
Chanes (two of the principals in Frigorificos de Puntarenas and Ocean
Hunter), concerning their involvement in narcotics trafficking. The
Justice Department refused to provide any information in response to
this request, on the grounds that the information requested remained
under active investigation, and that the Committee's "rambling through
open investigations gravely risks compromising those efforts."[132]
Less than three months earlier, the Justice Department had advised both
the press and the Committee that the allegations had been thoroughly
investigated and were without foundation. [133]
At no time did the Justice Department disclose to the Committee in
response to its inquiry that extensive information had in fact been
developed by the FBI from 1983 through 1986 suggesting that many of the
allegations the Committee was investigating were true.
At the May 6, 1986 meeting with Committee staff, the CIA categorically
denied that weapons had been shipped to the Contras from the United
States on the flights involving Rene Corbo, noting that the material on
which they were basing these assertions was classified, and suggested
that the allegations that had been made to the contrary were the result
of disinformation.[134]
In fact, as the FBI had previously learned from informants, Cuban
American supporters of the Contras had shipped weapons from south
Florida to Ilopango, and from there to John Hull's airstrips in Costa
Rica.[135] The persons involved admitted to the FBI that they had
participated in such shipments, making general statements about them
beginning in 1985. On June 4, 1986 and June 16, 1986, Rene Corbo, one of
the principals in the shipments, explicitly told the FBI that he had
participated in shipping weapons to the Contras in violation of U.S.
Neutrality laws.[136]
The Cuban-American contingent supporting the Contra effort on the
Southern Front work with Pastora until May 30,1984 bombing at La Penca.
After the assassination attempt on Pastora they shifted their allegiance
to Fernando "El Negro" Chamorro of UDN-FARN. By mid-June 1984, the drug
smuggling through the Southern Front zones controlled by the Contras had
grown sufficientlyobvious that Robert Owen warned Lt. Col. Oliver North
at the NSC that the "Cubans (are) involved in drugs."[137]
Notes taken by Colonel Robert L. Earl during his tenure at the NSC
described how in August 1986, the CIA was worried about
... disreputable characters in the Cuban-American community that are
sympathetic to the Contra cause but causing more problems than help and
that one had to be careful in how one dealt with the Cuban-American
community and its relation to this, that although their motives were in
the right place there was a lot of corruption and greed and drugs and it
was a real mess.[138]
In August 1988, Corbo and Castro were indicted in a Neutrality Act case
involving the Contras brought by the U.S. Attorney for Miami and
prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Feldman. No
narcotics-related allegations were included in the August 1988
One of the three principals in Frigorificos de Puntarenas and Ocean
Hunter, Luis Rodriguez, was indicted on drug charges in April 1988. The
others, Frank Chanes and Moises Nunez, participated in Contra military
assistance operations in 1984 and 1985.[140] Nunez was employed by both
the drug money laundering front, Frigorificos de Puntarenas, and by
Glenn Robinette on behalf of the Second-North Enterprise. Former CIA
Costa Rica Chief of Station Thomas Castillo told the Iran-Contra
committees that Nunez "was involved in a very sensitive operation" for
the Enterprise.[141]

A particularly controversial allegation arose during the course of the
Subcommittee's investigation. This involved Ramon Milian Rodriguez's
offer to assist the Contras, following his arrest for money laundering.
In a June 26, 1987 closed session of the Subcommittee, Milian Rodriguez
testified that in a meeting arranged by Miami private detective Raoul
Diaz with Felix Rodriguez, he (Milian) offered to provide drug money to
the Contras. Milian Rodriguez stated that Felix accepted the offer and
$10 million in such assistance was subsequently provided the Contras
through a system of secret couriers.
Milian Rodriguez testified that he also offered to assist in entrapping
the Sandinistas in a drug sting--all in return for dropping the charges
then pending against him.
Felix Rodriguez strenuously denied Milian Rodriguez's version of the
meeting, stating that he reported Milian's offer to a number of U.S.
government agencies, including the FBI and CIA. No action was taken by
those agencies, and Milian Rodriguez's case went to trial.
Raoul Diaz refused to respond to a Committee subpoena to discuss his
recollection of the meeting. Therefore, because of the diffi-culty the
Subcommittee faced in ascertaining who was telling the truth--Ramon
Milian Rodriguez or Felix Rodriguez--Milian was asked whether he would
be willing to take a polygraph examination. He agreed to submit to an
examination on the question of providing drug money to the Contras
through Felix Rodriguez.
Senator Kerry, the Subcommittee Chairman, arranged for one of the
country's leading polygraph experts, Dr. Donald Raskin of the University
of Utah, to travel to Washington, D.C. to administer the test. Dr.
Raskin administered a partial examination of Milian Rodriguez on June
3-4, 1988. On two critical questions, Ramon Milian Rodriguez's answers
were determined to be deceptive by Dr. Raskin. The questions were as
1. Did Felix Rodriguez ask you to arrange deliveries of money for the
Contras during the meeting at Raoul's office?
Answer, yes.
2. Did you arrange approximately five deliveries of money for the
Contras on the basis of phone calls you personally received from Felix
Answer, yes.
On the third question, Dr. Raskin could not determine whether or not
Ramon Milian Rodriguez was being truthful in his response. The question
was as follows:
3. Did you arrange the deliveries of at least $5 million for the Contras
using the procedures that you and Felix worked out?
Answer, yes.
At that point, Milian Rodriguez stated that he did not want to continue
the examination. Based upon Dr. Raskin's oral evaluation of Ramon Milian
Rodriguez, the Chairman concluded that his version of the meeting with
Felix Rodriguez and his subsequent relationship with Felix in providing
drug money for the Contras was not truthful. The Chairman reached no
conclusion regarding the issue of whether Ramon Milian arranged for the
deliveries of at least $5 million for the Contras.
During Felix Rodriguez' public testimony before the Subcommittee on July
14, 1988, Senator Kerry stated that he did not believe Ramon Milian
Rodriguez' version of the meeting was truthful.
However, Milian Rodriguez' testimony regarding the Cartels, General
Noriega's role in narco-trafficking, and his involvement in setting up
companies which were later used to support the Contras, was corroborated
by a number of witnesses, including Jose Blandon, Floyd Carlton, Gerald
Loeb, and a Miami attorney who had supplied information on the Cartels
in a closed session deposition. In addition, Milian Rodriguez' testimony
on many of these points was corroborated by extensive documentary
evidence and by grand jury statements by his partners in federal
criminal proceedings.


[1 ]Subcommittee deposition of Marcos Aguado, Part 3, p. 285.
[2] "Allegations of Misconduct by the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance,"
State Department document #3079c, April 16, 1986.
[3] State Department document 3079c
[4] Allegations of Drug trafficking and the Nicaraguan Democratic
Resistance, State Department document #5136c, July 26,1986."
[5] Iran-Contra testimony of Central American Task Force Chief, August
5, 1987, 100-11, pp. 182-183.
[6] Iran-Contra deposition of Central American Task Force Chief,
Appendix B, Vol. 3 pp. 1121 - 1230. Also North Diary page Q1704, March
26,1984, "Pastora revealed as drug dealer."
[7] See extensive FBI investigative materials released in discovery in
U.S. v. Corbo and U.S. v. Calero, SD Florida, 1988, documenting
information the FBI had collected regarding these matters from
[8] National Public Radio, All Things Considered, May 5, 1986, Bill
Buzenberg; New York Times, May 6, 1986, p. A-6.
[9] Memcoms of May 6,1986 meeting, Subcommittee files.
[10] Winer MemCom, 5/6/86, Messick MemCom, 5/6/86; Marum Memcom; 5/6/86,
Committee Files; see Iran/Contra Deposition of FBI Agent Kevin Currier,
Appendix B, Vol. 8 pp. 205-206.
[11] Foreign Relations Committee-Justice Department correspondence,
August 10,1985.
[12] Subcommittee testimony of Jeffrey B. Feldman, October 5, 1988, p.
24; Feldman MemCom, November 17, 1987.
[13] Subcommittee testimony of General Paul Gorman, Part 2, February 8,
1988 p. 44.
[14] Subcommittee testimony of David Westrate, Part 4, July 12, 1988, p.
[15] Interviews conducted by Senator John F. Kerry with current and
former Costa Rican law enforcement officials, San Jose, Costa Rica,
October 31,1987.
[16] Subcommittee testimony of Jose Blandon, Part 2, February 9, 1988
pp. 138-139.
[17] Kerry interviews in Costa Rica, op. cit.
[18] Subcommittee closed session with Werner Lotz, Part 4, April 8,
1988, p. 673; Blandon testimony, Part 2, p. 86; see also Carlton, Part
2, p. 196.
[19] Lotz testimony, Part 4, p. 674 and Subcommittee testimony of
Frances J. McNeil, Part 3 April 4, 1988, p. 58.
[20] Blandon testimony, Part 2, p. 86 and McNeil, Part 3, p. 55, and
Subcommittee testimony of Floyd Carlton, Part 2, February 10, p. 196.
[21] Kerry interviews in Costa Rica, ibid.
[22] Lotz testimony, op. cit., p. 690.
[23] Lotz, Part 4, p. 690.
[24] Lotz, Part 4, p. 678.
[25] DEA Testimony before House Subcommittee on Crime, July 28,1988.
[26] Ibid, pp. 683-684.
[27] Ibid, pp. 680, 682.
[28] Kerry interviews in Costa Rica, ibid.
[29] Castillo deposition, ibid., p. 483.
[30] Lotz, Part 4, p. 681- Letter of Eden Pastora to David Sullivan and
Assistant Secretary of State Elliot Abrams, April 10, 1986.
[31] Subcommittee testimony of Gary Betzner, Part 3, April 7, 1988, pp.
[32] Robert W. Owen, Iran-Contra testimony, May 14, 1987, p. 7; see also
memo from Owen to Oliver North, April 1, 1985, pp. 1, 3.
[33] Subcommittee interviews with GAO analysts, September 28,1988.
[34] Subcommittee interviews with GAO analysts, ibid.- interviews with
Ambassador Duemling, April 6, 1988.
[35] Source for Payments to Suppliers: GAO Analysis of NHAO Accounts,
final figures provided by Department of State to the Subcommittee on
Narcotics, Terrorism and International Operations. January 4,1989.
[36] Duemling statement to Senator Kerry, April 6, 1988.
[37] Iran-Contra deposition of Robert Duemling, Appendix B, Volume 9, pp
[38] See Iran-Contra testimony of Adolfo Calero, Appendix B, Volume 3,
p. 176.
[39] U.S. Customs Service investigative report, "Guy Penilton Owen, et
al., N90201," file NOGGBDO30036, New Orleans, May 18, 1983, pp. 6-8.
[40] Subcommittee interview with Sheriff of Port Charlotte County,
Florida, May 1987.
[41] See Commerce Department Shipper's Export Declaration for R/M
Equipment, Inc., file 0003688, Miami, Florida, February 28, 1985, re
shipments for"Armed Forces of Honduras."
[42] Commerce Department's Shipper's Export Declaration for R/M
Equipment, Inc., file # 0003688, Miami, Florida, February 28,1985.
[43] Customs report, NOGGGGGBDO300036, ibid., p. 13
[44] Address book seized by Customs, Port Charlotte, Florida, N2551,
March 16,1987.
[45] Subcommittee staff interview with Sheriffs investigators, Port
Charlotte County, Florida, May, 1987.
[46] Grand jury statements of Carlos Soto on file in U.S. v. Rodriguez,
99-0222, USDC, Northern District of Florida, September 29, 1987, and
Subcommittee testimony of Ramon Milian-Rodriguez, Part 2, February 11,
1988, pp. 260-261; documents seized in U.S. v. Milian Rodriguez, SD
Florida 1983.
[47] Ibid.
[48] U.S. v. Luis Rodriguez, 87-01044, US District Court for the
Northern District of Florida; U.S. v. Luis Rodriguez, 88-0222 CR-King,
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida.
[49] Banking records of Frigorificos de Puntarenas subpoenaed by House
Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, May 1986; GAO
Analysis NHAO Expenditures, May 1986.
[50] Corporate Records, Florida Secretary of State, ocean Hunter, Inc.
[51] Grand jury statements of Soto, ibid., Ramon Milian-Rodriguez, ibid.
[52] Documents on file in U.S. v. Rodriguez, 99-0222, USDC, Northern
District of Florida, 1988, from grand jury statements of Carlos Soto.
[53] Documents on file in U.S. u. Luis Rodriguez, ibid., Northern
District of Florida.
[54] FBI 302, Continental Bank Bombing, FBI Agent George Kiszynski,
MM174A-1298, released in U.S. v. Corbo, Southern District of Florida,
[55] GAO Analysis of NHAO Payments, Western Hemisphere Subcommittee of
House Foreign Affairs Committee, May 1986; banking records subpoenaed by
Western Hemisphere Subcommittee.
[56] U.S. V. Luis Rodriguez, ibid., Northern District of Florida; GAO
analysis of NHAO payments.
[57] Affidavit of Daniel E. Moritz, Special Agent for the DEA January
1985, U.S. v. Carleton et al., SD Florida, 85-70.
[58] Ibid.
[59] Moritz Affidavit, pp. 3-4, ibid.
[60] Ibid.
[61] See Iran-Contra testimony of Adolfo Calero, Appendix B Volume 3, p.
[62] U.S. v. Carlton, et al., U.S. District Court, Southern District of
Florida, January 23, 1986.
[63] GAO Analysis, NHAO Accounts, provided to Subcommittee September,
[64] Motion For Permission to Travel, U.S. v. Caballero, SD Florida,
86-70-CR, July 16, 1986.
[65] Court record, U.S. v. Carlton-Caceres, et al. SD Florida 86-070.
[66] Indictment, U.S. v. Palmer, Detroit U.S. Attorney's Office, 1986;
Subcommittee testimony of Michael B. Palmer, Part 3, April 6,1988, pp.
[67] Palmer, Part 2, p. 205 and Palmer Subcommittee Deposition, April 5,
1988, pp. 75-79, see generally Palmer indictment by Detroit U.S.
Attorney in June 1986, and documents released as discovery in U.S. v.
Vogel et al.
[68] Palmer testimony, House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, September
[69] Subcommittee deposition of Karol Prado, Part 3, p. 278, see also
Iran/Contra Testimony of CIA Central American Task Force Chief, August
5, 1987,100-11, pp. 192-183.
[70] Castillo executive session, Iran/Contra Committees, ibid., pp.
[71] Subcommittee deposition of Octaviano Cesar, San Jose, Costa Rica,
October 31, 1987, Part 3, pp.278-281.
[72] State Department document #5136c, p. 5.
[73] Ibid.
[74] Subcommittee testimony of Marco Aguado and Karol Prado, Part 3, p.
[75] Iran-Contra testimony of Robert Owen, Appendix B, Volume 20, pp.
[76] Deposition of Karol Prado, ibid., p. 285.
[77] Subcommittee testimony of George Morales, Part 3, April 7, 1988, p.
[78] Ibid., p. 300.
[79] Closed session testimony of Adolfo "Popo" Chamorro, April 6, 1988,
p. 13.
[80] Ibid., p. 15.
[81] Testimony of Karol Prado, Part 3, p. 278.
[82] Ibid., pp. 278-279
[83] Chamorro, ibid., pp. 11-12.
[84] Depositions of Aguado, Prado and Cesar, Part 3, pp. 277-286 and
Chamorro, ibid., pp. 16, 20.
[85] Aguado, Part 3, p. 285
[86] Cesar, Part 3, p. 286.
[87] Ibid., p. 282.
[88] See e.g. Letter from Eden Pastora to David Sullivan and Elliott
Abrams, Ibid.
[89] Subcommittee testimony of Karol Prado, Part 3, p. 385. See North
Diary p. Q0450, July 24, 1984. The entry reads: "get Alfredo Cesar on
Drugs," see also Iran-Contra declassified executive session testimony of
Thomas Castillo, May 29, 1987, pp. 83-85 and Iran-Contra deposition of
Thomas Castillo, Appendix B Volume E, pp. 250-252.
[90] Iran-Contra declassified executive session of Thomas Castillo, p.
[91] Subcommittee testimony of George Morales, Part 1, July 16, 1987, p.
[92] David Keany and Andy Semmel of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee staff and Dick McCall of Senator Kerry's staff, attended the
[93] See correspondence from DEA Administrator to John C. Lawn to
Senator John F. Kerry, January 13, 1989.
[94] North notebook pages Q 0344, 0414, 0415, 0426, 0431, 0543, 0550,
0932, 0955, 0977, 1156 1159; Iran-Contra Deposition of Robert W. Owen,
May 4, 1987, pp. 6-15 and October 1, 1987, pp. 3-34; RWO Exhibit 12,
2/27/86; Iran-Contra testimony, May 14,1987, p. 818.
[95] Castillo executive session, ibid., p. 59.
[96] Iran-Contra deposition of Robert W. Owen, Appendix B, Vol. 20, pp.
650, 802
[97] Testimony of Louell Hood and Douglas Siple, Subcommittee on
International Economic Policy, Trade, Oceans and Environment and
Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations,
October 30, 1987, pp. 160-161.
[98] "The CIA Blows an Asset," Newsweek, September 3, 1984, pp. 48-49.
[99] Subcommittee testimony of Jose Blandon, Part 2, p. 129.
[100] Subcommittee deposition of Werner Lotz, Part 4, April 8, 1988, pp.
681-682, 691-696.
[101] Subcommittee testimony of Floyd Carlton, Part 2, pp. 205-507;
Subcommittee testimony of Jose Blandon, Part 2, pp. 115-116.
[102] Betzner, Part 3, pp. 253-254, 256.
[103] Ibid., pp. 257-258
[104] Ibid., pp. 262-267; see also Morales testimony, Part 3, pp.
301-304 and DEA polygraph of Morales.
[105] Ibid., pp. 262-267.
[106] Iran-Contra deposition of Jeffrey Feldman, Appendix B, Volume 10,
April 30, 1987, pp. 77-78; Statements of Steven Carr and Peter Glibbery
to Senate staff, March 8,1986.
[107] Feldman, ibid., pp.
[108] Ibid. p. 86.
[109] Ibid. pp. 86-88.
[110] Ibid., p. 84.
[111] Ibid., pp. 86-88.
[112] Iran-Contra testimony of Leon Kellner, Appendix B, Vol. 10, April
30, 1987, pp. 1094-1095.
[113] Testimony of Eric Garfinkel, Vice President and General Counsel,
Overseas Private Investment Corporation, Subcommittee on International
Economic Policy Trade, Oceans and Environment and Subcommittee on
Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations, Part 1, October 30,
1987 pp. 106-107.
[114] Ibid., p. 107.
[115] Ibid., p. 127.
[116] Subcommittee interviews with prospective purchasers.
[117] OPIC testimony, ibid., p. 107.
[118] Subcommittee interviews with OPIC and Justice staff, January 1989.
[119] OPIC documents provided the Subcommittee.
[120] Subcommittee testimony of Crone, Sipple and Hood, ibid., pp.
[121] State Department Document #5136c, July 26, 1986
[122] San Francisco Examiner, March 16, 1986.
[123] Ibid.
[124] November 8, 1982, FBI teletype from San Francisco to Director,
U.S. v. Zavala, et al.
[125] CBS Evening News, June 2, 1986.
[126] Iran/Contra Testimony of Robert Owen, May 14, 1987, Exhibit RWO 7,
p. 801.
[127] Blandon, Part 2, pp. 132-133.
[128] CBS Evening News, June 12, 1986.
[129] Staff interview with Carlos Cabezas, March, 1988, and with former
Contras in San Francisco and Miami.
[130] FBI 302's of Special Agent George Kiszynski, released in U.S. v.
Calero and U.S. v. Corbo , both Southern District of Florida, including
3/8/85 interview of Frank Castro, 12/17/84 interview of Raphael Torres
Jimenez, 3/1/85 interview of Rene Corbo; 9/6/84 interview of Jose
Coutin; see also grand jury testimony of Carlos Soto in U.S. v. Luis
Rodriquez, Northern District of Florida.
[131] State Department Document #5136c, July 26, 1986.
[132] Letter of John Bolton to Senator Richard G. Lugar and Senator
Claiborne Pell, August 11, 1986.
[133] Statements of DOJ spokesman Pat Korten to National Public Radio,
May 5, 1986; New York Times, May 6, 1986; statements of Korten, Kenneth
Vergquist, and other Justice Department officials to Committee staff
prior to June 26, 1986 Executive Session; see generally Kellner
Deposition to Subcommittee, November 8, 1988, noting his objections to
statements by Justice regarding the case.
[134] Winer Memcom, May 6, 1986 meeting, Subcommittee files.
[135] See generally the investigative files of Special Agent Kisyznski
released in U.S. v. Corbo and U.S. v. Calero; SD Florida 1988;
admissions of Ramon Milian Rodriguez to Customs in May 1983, U.S. v.
Milian Rodriguez, SD Florida, documents released in connection with U.S.
 v. Luis Rodriguez, ibid.
[136] FBI 302's of SA Kisyznski, released in U.S. v. Corbo, SD Florida,
[137] North Notebook Entry Q-0344.
[138] Iran/Contra Deposition of Robert L. Earl. Appendix B, Vol. 9, p.
[139] U.S. v. Calero et al. and U.S. v. Corbo et al., ibid.
[140] U.S. v. Luis Rodriguez, Northern District of Florida; FBI 302's of
SA Kiszynski, ibid.
[141] Iran-Contra Testimony of Owen, Appendix B, Vol. 20, pp. 733-735;
deposition of Thomas Castillo, Appendix B, vol 3, p. 180.
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