-Caveat Lector-

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As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:482328">REPORT - HOW THE INTERNET IS


The PCCIP Report contains a number of proposals that could, if
implemented, adversely affect the freedom of American citizens.
Many of the proposals affecting the ability of Americans to engage
in scientific and other research, as well as political and social
discourse, without being subjected to government security controls,
are a direct outgrowth of similar proposals advanced by President
Reagan's NSDD-145.


The PCCIP Report complains that because private sector employers do
not have access to criminal history, financial, and employment
information and also may incur tort liability for releasing adverse
employment information to other employers, the private sector
should be granted limited exemptions from these restrictions. The
Report recommends that federal and state laws be amended to
"balance employers' needs against individual interests in privacy."
Such a recommendation is frightening in light of reports that
companies are increasingly monitoring the communications of their
employees. The degree to which companies may be required or
encouraged to hand over the contents of such communications to the
FBI's National Infrastructure Threat Center also poses significant
civil liberties concerns. Many companies currently possess and use
monitoring capabilities. A MacWorld survey revealed that 22 per
cent of large companies "engaged in searches of employee computer
files, voice mail, electronic mail, or other networking
communications." Only one-third of these companies informed
employees that such surveillance was taking place. A 1997 survey by
the American Management Association showed that more than 35 per
cent of employers use surveillance tactics such as reviewing e-
mail, inspecting computer files, or eavesdropping on phone

The Report also recommends that state legislators amend their
privacy laws to require mere implied "consent" as authority for
employers to request sensitive background information on employees
or prospective employees. In addition, there is a recommendation
that Congress amend the Employee Polygraph Protection Act to
include information security personnel in the category of
professions which can be required to be subjected to polygraph

Freedom of Information, Open Government, and Censorship

The PCCIP Report recommends that the Critical Infrastructure
Assurance Office (CIAO) established by PDD-63 require appropriate
protection for specified private sector information. It, therefore,
proposes to require that the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
exemptions of paragraph b (3) be broadened to include "sensitive
information" from the private sector.

At a partially-open meeting of the Advisory Committee to PCCIP held
on December 3, 1997, Steve Mitchell from the Justice Department
called for a "cultural change" to take place over the next 15 to 20
years in order to deal with the information warfare threat. He
called for FOIA exemptions under both Federal and state law for
companies passing on proprietary information to government
agencies. He also said state FOIAs, in particular, should be
amended because they are often more liberal than the Federal law on
opening up government documents and files to the public. Mitchell
also called for some form of Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)
relief for joint government-private sector boards and committees.
He said this would permit sensitive but unclassified meetings to be
closed to the public.

Another aspect of information warfare involves censorship and
disinformation. According to a report written for the Pentagon by
SAIC, "widespread dissemination by the U.S. media and its
independence vastly complicate military operations. Any information
warfare strategy must taken into account the press or at least
address its potential impact."

Former NSA director and CIA deputy director Studeman stated that
there should be a "rapid media reaction force" charged with
disseminating propaganda to various media channels and outlets for
"positive purposes". Studeman is currently the Vice President and
Deputy General Manager of TRW's Systems and Information Technology
Group, another contractor with a vested interest in critical
infrastructure protection. Studeman also serves on the Board of
Directors of Thiokol Corporation, formerly headed by PCCIP
Commission Chairman Marsh.

Congress should ensure that the FOIA and FACA are not amended in
any way that would inhibit the public's right to access
unclassified information held by the government, regardless of the
information's origin.

New Security Classification Category

The PCCIP Report recommends that the CIAO classify new categories
of information such as "aggregated" unclassified information. It
also recommends that the President use his Executive Order fiat
authority to require federal agencies to identify purposes for
publishing certain information and "ensure the information is
published in a format that minimizes the likelihood it will be used
in ways that are incompatible with infrastructure assurance."
Creating new classification categories and restricting the
dissemination of certain unclassified information to the public was
a cornerstone of NSDD-145 and was rejected by the Congress.

In March 1997, the Commission on Protection and Reduction of
Government Secrecy, headed by Senator Patrick Moynihan, concluded
that there is too much classified information held by the federal
government. Instead of calling for an expansion in the ability of
federal agencies to classify information, as called for by the
Marsh Commission, the Moynihan Commission recommended legislation
to establish principles on what information can be classified,
determine what information should not be classified, specify how
long information should remain classified, and create a national
declassification center to provide annual reports on the progress
in declassifying government records. In April 1997, after the
issuance of the Moynihan Commission report, President Clinton
stated, "I think there is too much secrecy in the government and I
think too many people have too much unfettered discretion just to
declare documents secret."

The actions taken by President Clinton and the PCCIP to facilitate
the establishment of new categories of "unclassified sensitive" and
"aggregated sensitive" information are clearly at variance with the
President's own public comments on limiting government secrecy. The
administration should institute policies that are designed to limit
the ability of agencies to classify documents, not extend such
authority as called for in the PCCIP Report.

Internet Monitoring and Surveillance

In its Information Warfare (Defense) Report to the Undersecretary
of Defense, the Defense Science Board (DSB) calls current
technology to monitor the National Information Infrastructure (NII)
inadequate. The report recommends that an "investment" be made in
developing a distributed monitoring and surveillance strategy for
large scale networks. Large scale intelligence agency and law
enforcement monitoring of the Internet is also suggested in the DSB
report. Specifically, the report states "The Internet provides
potential for access to rich repositories of open source
information." It further states that there are constitutional
impediments to using the Internet for espionage: "IC (Intelligence
Community) access to the Internet raises difficult questions and
serious concerns about conflicts between law enforcement,
intelligence activities, and constitutional guarantees." In the
debate over the mandatory use of escrowed encryption, the balance
between government access to decrypted data and privacy rights -
something the Clinton administration calls "equities" - always
appeared to favor access over privacy rights. The DSB report seems
to suggest that a similar "equity" situation exists with regard to
espionage on the Internet. If past administration balances are
considered, it would appear that intelligence and law enforcement
espionage on the Internet outweighs the requirement to maintain
constitutional guarantees. The Electronic Communications Privacy
Act of 1986 should be strengthened to restrict massive government-
led or government-inspired Internet surveillance in the name of
"infrastructure assurance."


The mandatory use of escrowed encryption/key recovery technology is
an inherent part of the current critical infrastructure protection
proposals. The PCCIP Report states that "establishment of
trustworthy key management infrastructures (KMIs) is the only way
to enable encryption on a large scale." Arguing for government
access to encryption keys, the Report states, "key recovery is
needed to provide business access to data when encryption keys are
lost or maliciously misplaced, and court-authorized law enforcement
access to the plain text of criminal-related communications and
data lawfully seized."

The Report also calls on the federal government to encourage
efforts by commercial vendors to develop key recovery concepts and
techniques. In a speech before several Fortune 500 company
officials in late July 1998, Deputy Secretary of Defense John
Hamre, a former member of the staff of Sam Nunn's Armed Services
Committee, said, "I'd also ask American business not to make a
campaign out of just trying to bust through export controls as
though somehow there was a God-given, inherent right to send the
strongest encryption to anybody in the world, no matter who they
are . . . I don't agree with that. I will never agree with that."
Linton Wells, Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Support,
quoted Hamre as saying he would "use [the Pentagon's] purchasing
power to leverage the use of key recovery cryptography" in the
civil agency and private sectors. Wells reaffirmed this when he
said that DOD was "putting its money where its mouth is by
requiring private vendors to turn over to DOD the encryption key to
software programs enabling access to companies' encryption codes in
the event of an emergency." By using the DOD officials as the chief
proponents for key recovery schemes, the administration seeks to
bring the debate under such rubrics as "critical infrastructure
protection" and "homeland defense."

One sector of the infrastructure that the PCCIP spent time looking
into is the emergency services sector (police, fire, emergency
medical services). However, according to a U.S. Department of
Commerce memorandum from William A. Reinsch, the Undersecretary of
Commerce for Export Administration, because key escrow products
have a significant performance flaw, police forces in the United
States and abroad are reluctant to use such products. The Reinsch
memo points out that "police forces are reluctant to use Îescrowed'
encryption products (such as radios in patrol cars). They are more
costly and less efficient than non-escrowed products. There can be
long gaps in reception due to the escrow features - sometimes as
long as a ten-second pause. Our own police do not use recoverable
encryption products; they buy the same non-escrowable products used
by their counterparts in Europe and Japan. Other government
agencies may also reject key recovery -- for example, some U.S.
exports were to support Allied government agencies with signals
intelligence missions similar to NSA's." Consequently, according to
Reinsch, the performance flaws caused by key escrow would place
such technology in the category of a threat to the emergency
services and intelligence warning sectors of the critical
infrastructure and not as a safeguard. Therefore, the
administration should reconsider the use of key escrow/recovery
technology as a component of critical infrastructure protection.

The Posse Comitatus Act

Congress passed the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 (20 Stat. 152 [18
USC 1385]) in order to curb the military's role in law enforcement
in the South. The act, as amended, states: Whosoever, except in
cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the
Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the
Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute
the laws shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not
more than two years, or both.

The DSB Report suggests that the Defense Department defend non-
military computer systems. Such a suggestion runs afoul of both the
Posse Comitatus Act and the Computer Security Act. The Report

The SECDEF/DEPSECDEF should also task the General Counsel to
propose legislation, regulation, or executive orders as may be
needed to make clear the DOD role in defending non-DOD systems.
This should specifically address the need for changes to the
Computer Security Act, the capture of information on unidentified
intruders (issue of intelligence collection on U.S. persons), the
authority to conduct "hot pursuit" of intruders, and the ability to
obtain reports from the operators of critical elements of the civil

Congress should revisit the provisions of the Posse Comitatus Act
and ensure that the U.S. military is not permitted to engage in
unwarranted intrusions into the privacy of U.S. citizens, as it did
during the 1970s in monitoring the lawful activities of anti-
Vietnam War protesters. Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa, the
chairman of Judiciary Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight and
the Courts, should be supported in his efforts to enforce the
provisions of Posse Comitatus. In early 1997, when Senator Grassley
discovered U.S. Army Colonel John Ellis was serving as deputy chief
of the FBI's Domestic Terrorism Planning Section, he said, "to the
extent we allow a Colonel Ellis incident to succeed, it confirms
the militarization of law enforcement." Grassley added, "there
should be a clear line of demarcation between the military and law
enforcement. And I'm incensed because the people at the FBI and
Justice are too stupid to see that."

Expanded Role for the FBI

The FBI played a large role in critical infrastructure protection
even before President Clinton signed PDD 62 and 63. It hosted two
groups involved in infrastructure protection: the former CIITAC
(Computer Investigation and Infrastructure Threat Assessment
Center), and the interim Infrastructure Protection Task Force. Both
were located at FBI headquarters.

Of particular concern is the role the FBI has played in lobbying
the legislative and judicial branches on its surveillance agenda.
Such lobbying is reminiscent of that done by the NSA when it was
trying to advance the agendas contained in NSDD-145 and stall the
passage of the Computer Security Act. This resulted in a sharp
rebuke from Representative Brooks who drew attention to the
criminal provisions of Title 18, U.S.C. 1913.

FBI Director Freeh's congressional lobbying efforts have been
directed towards certain key members of the Senate, including
Senators Phil Gramm, Orrin Hatch, Joseph Biden, Arlen Specter, and
Patrick Leahy. During 1981, Freeh, while serving as an FBI special
agent, helped Senator Sam Nunn's Permanent Subcommittee on
Investigations. Not coincidentally, Nunn, both during his time as
senator and as co-chair of the PCCIP Advisory Committee, became a
strong proponent of the administration's critical infrastructure
proposals. It is also reported that the FBI's Office of Public and
Congressional Affairs has grown to 85 full-time positions, becoming
"one of the most effective lobbying operations in Washington,
public or private."

Also troubling has been the FBI's lobbying directed at members of
the federal judiciary. On July 15, 1998, Judge Royce Lamberth of
the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia and the chief
judge of the secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
(FISC) -- the court empowered to grant the NSA and FBI authority to
conduct domestic wiretaps in cases involving national security --
revealed that Freeh had been lobbying the judicial branch of the
government for an international mandatory key recovery scheme.
Freeh's lobbying efforts were conducted through the auspices of the
Judicial Conference, the policy-making body for the Administrative
Office of the US Courts. In one case, Freeh gave Lamberth and the
six other members of the FISC a demonstration of what occurs when
the FBI intercepts encrypted communications. Lamberth said he was
also convinced of the government's claims that it "takes trillions
of years [for the government] to break encryption." According to
Lamberth, Freeh was accompanied in his judicial lobbying visit by
General John Gordon, representing CIA director George Tenet, and
NSA director Lt. Gen. Kenneth Minihan.

The blueprint for the FBI's expanding powers can be found in Vice
President Gore's National Performance Review, issued on September
7, 1993. In it, Gore proposed:... to integrate drug enforcement
efforts of the DEA [Drug Enforcement Administration] and FBI. This
will create savings in administrative and support functions such as
laboratories, legal services, training facilities, and
administration. Most important, the federal government will get a
much more powerful weapon in its fight against crime.

When this has been successfully accomplished, we will move toward
combining the enforcement functions of the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) into the FBI . . ..

In granting the FBI widened powers to protect the critical
infrastructure, particularly computers and networks, it is
important to reflect on a comment by Representative Robert Barr of
Georgia, himself a former U.S. attorney. He stated, "Federal law
enforcement power far outweighs accountability."

In 1997, the FBI was armed with new guidelines to investigate U.S.
citizens suspected of supporting foreign groups deemed by the
Secretary of State to be involved in terrorism. One result of this
was the FBI's proposed "Bay Area Counterterrorism Task Force,"
which would combine the resources of the FBI, the Immigration and
Naturalization Service, and the San Francisco Police Department to
investigate Bay Area organizations, even if there were no grounds
to suspect criminal activity. The FBI's political surveillance
efforts also conflict with San Francisco Police Department policy,
which requires a special review before it can investigate crimes
linked to political activity. According to a San Francisco Police
Department memo, similar FBI programs exist in Chicago, Los
Angeles, Boston, and Washington, D.C.

The anxieties expressed by Senator Grassley and Representative
Barr, as well as other legislators, should be transformed into
legislation restricting the FBI, other law enforcement agencies,
and intelligence agencies from engaging in domestic fishing
expeditions aimed against U.S. citizens exercising their First
Amendment rights.


The PCCIP Report recommends that the Department of Justice provide
antitrust relief to certain private companies to enable them to
jointly share information with the government. On July 15, 1998, an
official of the NSA told Commerce Undersecretary Reinsch that NSA
was trying to engage Microsoft and Intel in its critical
infrastructure "solution" but did not want to run afoul of anti-
trust laws. Promoting anti-trust relief in the name of protecting
against nebulous futuristic information warfare threats appears to
be a case of overreaction. Additionally, such anti-trust relief in
an era of several mega-mergers between telecommunications giants
calls into question the propriety of extending anti-trust
exemptions to such a select group of corporations.

Congress should ensure that anti-trust legislation is not weakened
to facilitate infrastructure protection or information warfare


The PCCIP Report recommends that the government examine liability
relief for private corporations that share sensitive information
with the federal government. This could include giving corporations
immunity from law suits arising from invasions of employee and
customer privacy, workplace-related injuries and sickness,
environmental pollution, and internal fraud.

Congress should enact legislation prohibiting the federal
government from granting liability relief to companies that share
sensitive information, where that sharing results in adverse
employment actions being taken against individuals engaged in legal

National Security and Foreign Corporations

The PCCIP Report recommends that the NSC establish standards for
sharing critical infrastructure information with foreign
corporations and the U.S. subsidiaries of foreign corporations.
This places American-owned companies in a strategically better
position to compete in the international marketplace and may be in
violation of international free trade treaties to which the United
States is a party.
State Government Liability and Disclosure

The PCCIP Report bemoans the fact that the number of diverse state
laws complicates the maximization of information sharing with the
federal government. It recommends that a study group be formed to
re-draft state legislation to permit such information sharing.
Chief targets of the federal government are the state privacy and
freedom of information laws as well as numerous sectoral laws
dealing with particular disclosures of confidential information,
such as criminal justice records; bank records; credit information;
employment records; library records; medical records; privileged
communications with psychologists, clergymen, speech pathologists
and audiologists, attorneys, accountants, and pharmacists; school
records; and tax records.

Federal attempts to curtail state privacy laws should be resisted
by federal legislation prohibiting the federal government from pre-
empting state privacy laws. In addition, some state laws permit
access to documents held by organizations not covered by the
Federal FOIA. Federal attempts to limit disclosures at the state
level will further erode a citizen's right to access public
information. This should also be addressed in new federal

Government Certification and Deputizing of Information Security

The PCCIP report recommends that the federal government - namely
NSA, NIST, and the Department of Education - work with private
industry to develop a training program for information assurance
specialists. The DOD's Linton Wells spoke of a Pentagon plan to
create a GI-Bill type program to train computer security
professionals. The DSB Report suggests loaning DOD personnel to the
civil government and private sector to improve infrastructure
protections. The DSB also recommends that a "closed community" of
experts of information warfare experts be established, and that a
warning center be set up that would have the authority to mandate
the reporting of all suspected intrusions and computer incidents
affecting "DOD systems and networks" (now defined as any which
could have an impact on the critical infrastructure).

The PCCIP Report suggests providing monetary reward and payment-
for-information programs to encourage on-line users to provide
information on suspected computer crimes.

Considering the fact that there already exists a number of
professional certification programs in the private sector
encompassing such disciplines as information systems security,
internal auditing, data processing, computer programming, and
network and system administration, proposals to create a virtual
"cyber Stasi" of informants and federal deputies is offensive and
should be deleted from all federal budget line items. .


Association for Computing Machinery, Codes, Keys and Conflicts:
Issues in U.S. Crypto Policy (New York: ACM, 1994).

James Bamford, The Puzzle Palace: A Report on NSA, America's Most
Secret Agency (New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1982).

George Brownell, The Origin and Development of the National
Security Agency (Laguna Hills, CA: Aegean Park Press, 1981).

David Burnham, The Rise of the Computer State (New York: Random
Rouse, 1980).

Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States, Report to
the President (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,
June 1975).

James Kirkatrick Davis, Spying on America: The FBI's Domestic
Counter-Intelligence Program (New York: Praeger, 1992).

Whitfield Diffie and Susan Landau, Privacy on the Line: The
Politics of Wiretapping and Encryption, (Cambridge, Mass: MIT
Press, 1998).

Steve Dycus et al., National Security Law (New York: Little Brown
and Company, 1990).

EPIC, Open Government Archive [http://www.epic.org/open_gov/]

EPIC, The 1994 Cryptography and Privacy Sourcebook (Washington, DC:
EPIC 1994)

EPIC, The 1995 Cryptography and Privacy Sourcebook (Washington, DC:
EPIC 1995)

EPIC, The 1996 Cryptography and Privacy Sourcebook (Washington, DC:
EPIC 1996)

EPIC, The 1997 Cryptography and Privacy Sourcebook (Washington, DC:
EPIC 1997)

EPIC, The 1998 Cryptography and Privacy Sourcebook (Washington, DC:
EPIC 1998)

Mike Frost and Michael Gratton, Spyworld: Inside the Canadian and
American Intelligence Establishments (Toronto: Doubleday Canada,

Lance J. Hoffman, ed., Security and Privacy in Computer Systems
(Los Angeles: Melville Publishing, 1973).

George F. Jelen, Information Security: An Elusive Goal (Cambridge,
Mass: Harvard University Center for Information Policy Research,

David Kahn, The Code-Breakers (New York, McMillan, 1967).

Wayne Madsen, Handbook of Personal Data Protection (New York:
MacMillan Publishers, 1992).

National Research Council, Cryptography's Role in Securing the
Information Society (Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press,

National Research Council, Computers at Risk: Safe Computing in the
Information Age (Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1991).

John M. Oseth, Regulating U.S. Intelligence Operations: A Study in
Defining the National Interest (University of Kentucky Press,

Harold Relyea, Evolution and Organization of Intelligence
Activities in the United States (Laguna Hills, CA: Aegean Park

Jeffrey T. Richelson, The U.S. Intelligence Community, Cambridge,
Mass: Ballinger, 1985).

Marc Rotenberg, "Testimony on the Computer Security Act of 1987 and
the Memorandum of Understanding Between the National Institute of
Standards (NIST) and the National Security Agency ," Military and
Civilian Control of Computer Security Issues (Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office, 1989)

Marc Rotenberg, "The Only Locksmith in Town: The NSA's Efforts to
Control the Dissemination of Cryptography," Index on Censorship
(January 1990)

Bruce Schneier and David Banisar, The Electronic Privacy Papers
(New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1997).

Stansfield Turner, Secrecy and Democracy: The CIA in Transition
(New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1985).

Select Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to
Intelligence Activities, U.S. Senate. Final Reports and Hearings
(Washington, D.C.:U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976). (Church

Committee on Goverment Operations, U.S. House of Representatives,
The Government's Classification of Private Ideas (Washington, D.C.:
U.S. Goverment Printing Office, 1981).

Committee on Goverment Operations, U.S. House of Representatives,
Computer Security Act of 1987 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Goverment
Printing Office, 1987).

Office of Technology Assessment, U.S. Cong., Defending Secrets,
Sharing Data: New Locks and Keys for Electronic Information
(Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1987).

Office of Technology Assessment, U.S. Cong., Information Privacy
and Security in Network Environments (Washington, D.C.: U.S.
Government Printing Office, 1994).

Appendix A: White Paper on PDD-63


The Clinton Administration's Policy on Critical Infrastructure
Protection: Presidential Decision Directive 63

May 22, 1998

This White Paper explains key elements of the Clinton
Administration's policy on critical infrastructure protection. It
is intended for dissemination to all interested parties in both the
private and public sectors. It will also be used in U.S. Government
professional education institutions, such as the National Defense
University and the National Foreign Affairs Training Center, for
coursework and exercises on interagency practices and procedures.
Wide dissemination of this unclassified White Paper is encouraged
by all agencies of the U.S. Government.

I. A Growing Potential Vulnerability

The United States possesses both the world's strongest military and
its largest national economy. Those two aspects of our power are
mutually reinforcing and dependent. They are also increasingly
reliant upon certain critical infrastructures and upon cyber-based
information systems.

Critical infrastructures are those physical and cyber-based systems
essential to the minimum operations of the economy and government.
They include, but are not limited to, telecommunications, energy,
banking and finance, transportation, water systems and emergency
services, both governmental and private. Many of the nation's
critical infrastructures have historically been physically and
logically separate systems that had little interdependence. As a
result of advances in information technology and the necessity of
improved efficiency, however, these infrastructures have become
increasingly automated and interlinked. These same advances have
created new vulnerabilities to equipment failures, human error,
weather and other natural causes, and physical and cyber attacks.
Addressing these vulnerabilities will necessarily require flexible,
evolutionary approaches that span both the public and private
sectors, and protect both domestic and international security.

Because of our military strength, future enemies, whether nations,
groups or individuals, may seek to harm us in non-traditional ways
including attacks within the United States. Our economy is
increasingly reliant upon interdependent and cyber-supported
infrastructures and non-traditional attacks on our infrastructure
and information systems may be capable of significantly harming
both our military power and our economy.

II. President's Intent

It has long been the policy of the United States to assure the
continuity and viability of critical infrastructures. President
Clinton intends that the United States will take all necessary
measures to swiftly eliminate any significant vulnerability to both
physical and cyber attacks on our critical infrastructures,
including especially our cyber systems.

III. A National Goal

No later than the year 2000, the United States shall have achieved
an initial operating capability and no later than five years from
the day the President signed Presidential Decision Directive 63 the
United States shall have achieved and shall maintain the ability to
protect our nation's critical infrastructures from intentional acts
that would significantly diminish the abilities of: o the Federal
Government to perform essential national security missions and to
ensure the general public health and safety;

o state and local governments to maintain order and to deliver
minimum essential public services;

o the private sector to ensure the orderly functioning of the
economy and the delivery of essential telecommunications, energy,
financial and transportation services.

Any interruptions or manipulations of these critical functions must
be brief, infrequent, manageable, geographically isolated and
minimally detrimental to the welfare of the United States.

IV. A Public-Private Partnership to Reduce Vulnerability

Since the targets of attacks on our critical infrastructure would
likely include both facilities in the economy and those in the
government, the elimination of our potential vulnerability requires
a closely coordinated effort of both the public and the private
sector. To succeed, this partnership must be genuine, mutual and
cooperative. In seeking to meet our national goal to eliminate the
vulnerabilities of our critical infrastructure, therefore, the U.S.
government should, to the extent feasible, seek to avoid outcomes
that increase government regulation or expand unfunded government
mandates to the private sector.

For each of the major sectors of our economy that are vulnerable to
infrastructure attack, the Federal Government will appoint from a
designated Lead Agency a senior officer of that agency as the
Sector Liaison Official to work with the private sector. Sector
Liaison Officials, after discussions and coordination with private
sector entities of their infrastructure sector, will identify a
private sector counterpart (Sector Coordinator) to represent their

Together these two individuals and the departments and corporations
they represent shall contribute to a sectoral National
Infrastructure Assurance Plan by: o assessing the vulnerabilities
of the sector to cyber or physical attacks;

o recommending a plan to eliminate significant vulnerabilities;

o proposing a system for identifying and preventing attempted major

o developing a plan for alerting, containing and rebuffing an
attack in progress and then, in coordination with FEMA as
appropriate, rapidly reconstituting minimum essential capabilities
in the aftermath of an attack.

During the preparation of the sectoral plans, the National
Coordinator (see section VI), in conjunction with the Lead Agency
Sector Liaison Officials and a representative from the National
Economic Council, shall ensure their overall coordination and the
integration of the various sectoral plans, with a particular focus
on interdependencies.

V. Guidelines

In addressing this potential vulnerability and the means of
eliminating it, President Clinton wants those involved to be
mindful of the following general principles and concerns. o We
shall consult with, and seek input from, the Congress on approaches
and programs to meet the objectives set forth in this directive.

o The protection of our critical infrastructures is necessarily a
shared responsibility and partnership between owners, operators and
the government. Furthermore, the Federal Government shall encourage
international cooperation to help manage this increasingly global

o Frequent assessments shall be made of our critical
infrastructures' existing reliability, vulnerability and threat
environment because, as technology and the nature of the threats to
our critical infrastructures will continue to change rapidly, so
must our protective measures and responses be robustly adaptive.

o The incentives that the market provides are the first choice for
addressing the problem of critical infrastructure protection;
regulation will be used only in the face of a material failure of
the market to protect the health, safety or well-being of the
American people. In such cases, agencies shall identify and assess
available alternatives to direct regulation, including providing
economic incentives to encourage the desired behavior, or providing
information upon which choices can be made by the private sector.
These incentives, along with other actions, shall be designed to
help harness the latest technologies, bring about global solutions
to international problems, and enable private sector owners and
operators to achieve and maintain the maximum feasible security.

o The full authorities, capabilities and resources of the
government, including law enforcement, regulation, foreign
intelligence and defense preparedness shall be available, as
appropriate, to ensure that critical infrastructure protection is
achieved and maintained.

o Care must be taken to respect privacy rights. Consumers and
operators must have confidence that information will be handled
accurately, confidentially and reliably.

o The Federal Government shall, through its research, development
and procurement, encourage the introduction of increasingly capable
methods of infrastructure protection.

o The Federal Government shall serve as a model to the private
sector on how infrastructure assurance is best achieved and shall,
to the extent feasible, distribute the results of its endeavors.

o We must focus on preventative measures as well as threat and
crisis management. To that end, private sector owners and operators
should be encouraged to provide maximum feasible security for the
infrastructures they control and to provide the government
necessary information to assist them in that task. In order to
engage the private sector fully, it is preferred that participation
by owners and operators in a national infrastructure protection
system be voluntary.

o Close cooperation and coordination with state and local
governments and first responders is essential for a robust and
flexible infrastructure protection program. All critical
infrastructure protection plans and actions shall take into
consideration the needs, activities and responsibilities of state
and local governments and first responders.

VI. Structure and Organization

The Federal Government will be organized for the purposes of this
endeavor around four components (elaborated in Annex A).

1. Lead Agencies for Sector Liaison: For each infrastructure sector
that could be a target for significant cyber or physical attacks,
there will be a single U.S. Government department which will serve
as the lead agency for liaison. Each Lead Agency will designate one
individual of Assistant Secretary rank or higher to be the Sector
Liaison Official for that area and to cooperate with the private
sector representatives (Sector Coordinators) in addressing problems
related to critical infrastructure protection and, in particular,
in recommending components of the National Infrastructure Assurance
Plan. Together, the Lead Agency and the private sector counterparts
will develop and implement a Vulnerability Awareness and Education
Program for their sector.

2. Lead Agencies for Special Functions: There are, in addition,
certain functions related to critical infrastructure protection
that must be chiefly performed by the Federal Government (national
defense, foreign affairs, intelligence, law enforcement). For each
of those special functions, there shall be a Lead Agency which will
be responsible for coordinating all of the activities of the United
States Government in that area. Each lead agency will appoint a
senior officer of Assistant Secretary rank or higher to serve as
the Functional Coordinator for that function for the Federal

3. Interagency Coordination: The Sector Liaison Officials and
Functional Coordinators of the Lead Agencies, as well as
representatives from other relevant departments and agencies,
including the National Economic Council, will meet to coordinate
the implementation of this directive under the auspices of a
Critical Infrastructure Coordination Group (CICG), chaired by the
National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection and
Counter-Terrorism. The National Coordinator will be appointed by
and report to the President through the Assistant to the President
for National Security Affairs, who shall assure appropriate
coordination with the Assistant to the President for Economic
Affairs. Agency representatives to the CICG should be at a senior
policy level (Assistant Secretary or higher). Where appropriate,
the CICG will be assisted by extant policy structures, such as the
Security Policy Board, Security Policy Forum and the National
Security and Telecommunications and Information System Security

4. National Infrastructure Assurance Council: On the recommendation
of the Lead Agencies, the National Economic Council and the
National Coordinator, the President will appoint a panel of major
infrastructure providers and state and local government officials
to serve as the National Infrastructure Assurance Council. The
President will appoint the Chairman. The National Coordinator will
serve as the Council's Executive Director. The National
Infrastructure Assurance Council will meet periodically to enhance
the partnership of the public and private sectors in protecting our
critical infrastructures and will provide reports to the President
as appropriate. Senior Federal Government officials will
participate in the meetings of the National Infrastructure
Assurance Council as appropriate.

VII. Protecting Federal Government Critical Infrastructures

Every department and agency of the Federal Government shall be
responsible for protecting its own critical infrastructure,
especially its cyber-based systems. Every department and agency
Chief Information Officer (CIO) shall be responsible for
information assurance. Every department and agency shall appoint a
Chief Infrastructure Assurance Officer (CIAO) who shall be
responsible for the protection of all of the other aspects of that
department's critical infrastructure. The CIO may be double-hatted
as the CIAO at the discretion of the individual department. These
officials shall establish procedures for obtaining expedient and
valid authorizations to allow vulnerability assessments to be
performed on government computer and physical systems. The
Department of Justice shall establish legal guidelines for
providing for such authorizations.

No later than 180 days from issuance of this directive, every
department and agency shall develop a plan for protecting its own
critical infrastructure, including but not limited to its cyber-
based systems. The National Coordinator shall be responsible for
coordinating analyses required by the departments and agencies of
inter-governmental dependencies and the mitigation of those
dependencies. The Critical Infrastructure Coordination Group (CICG)
shall sponsor an expert review process for those plans. No later
than two years from today, those plans shall have been implemented
and shall be updated every two years. In meeting this schedule, the
Federal Government shall present a model to the private sector on
how best to protect critical infrastructure.

VIII. Tasks

Within 180 days, the Principals Committee should submit to the
President a schedule for completion of a National Infrastructure
Assurance Plan with milestones for accomplishing the following
subordinate and related tasks.

1. Vulnerability Analyses: For each sector of the economy and each
sector of the government that might be a target of infrastructure
attack intended to significantly damage the United States, there
shall be an initial vulnerability assessment, followed by periodic
updates. As appropriate, these assessments shall also include the
determination of the minimum essential infrastructure in each
2. Remedial Plan: Based upon the vulnerability assessment, there
shall be a recommended remedial plan. The plan shall identify
timelines for implementation, responsibilities and funding.

3. Warning: A national center to warn of significant infrastructure
attacks will be established immediately (see Annex A). As soon
thereafter as possible, we will put in place an enhanced system for
detecting and analyzing such attacks, with maximum possible
participation of the private sector.

4. Response: A system for responding to a significant
infrastructure attack while it is underway, with the goal of
isolating and minimizing damage.

5. Reconstitution: For varying levels of successful infrastructure
attacks, we shall have a system to reconstitute minimum required
capabilities rapidly.

6. Education and Awareness: There shall be Vulnerability Awareness
and Education Programs within both the government and the private
sector to sensitize people regarding the importance of security and
to train them in security standards, particularly regarding cyber

7. Research and Development: Federally-sponsored research and
development in support of infrastructure protection shall be
coordinated, be subject to multi-year planning, take into account
private sector research, and be adequately funded to minimize our
vulnerabilities on a rapid but achievable timetable.

8. Intelligence: The Intelligence Community shall develop and
implement a plan for enhancing collection and analysis of the
foreign threat to our national infrastructure, to include but not
be limited to the foreign cyber/information warfare threat.

9. International Cooperation: There shall be a plan to expand
cooperation on critical infrastructure protection with like-minded
and friendly nations, international organizations and multinational

10. Legislative and Budgetary Requirements: There shall be an
evaluation of the executive branch's legislative authorities and
budgetary priorities regarding critical infrastructure, and
ameliorative recommendations shall be made to the President as
necessary. The evaluations and recommendations, if any, shall be
coordinated with the Director of OMB. The CICG shall also review
and schedule the taskings listed in Annex B.

IX. Implementation

In addition to the 180-day report, the National Coordinator,
working with the National Economic Council, shall provide an annual
report on the implementation of this directive to the President and
the heads of departments and agencies, through the Assistant to the
President for National Security Affairs. The report should include
an updated threat assessment, a status report on achieving the
milestones identified for the National Plan and additional policy,
legislative and budgetary recommendations. The evaluations and
recommendations, if any, shall be coordinated with the Director of
OMB. In addition, following the establishment of an initial
operating capability in the year 2000, the National Coordinator
shall conduct a zero-based review.

Annex A: Structure and Organization

Lead Agencies: Clear accountability within the U.S. Government must
be designated for specific sectors and functions. The following
assignments of responsibility will apply.

Lead Agencies for Sector Liaison: Commerce -- Information and

Treasury -- Banking and finance

EPA -- Water supply

Transportation -- Aviation, Highways (including trucking and
intelligent transportation systems), Mass transit, Pipelines, Rail,
Waterborne commerce

Justice/FBI -- Emergency law enforcement services

FEMA -- Emergency fire service Continuity of government services

HHS -- Public health services, including prevention, surveillance,
laboratory services and personal health services

Energy -- Electric power, Oil and gas production and storage

Lead Agencies for Special Functions:

Justice/FBI -- Law enforcement and internal security

CIA -- Foreign intelligence

State -- Foreign affairs

Defense -- National defense

In addition, OSTP shall be responsible for coordinating research
and development agendas and programs for the government through the
National Science and Technology Council. Furthermore, while
Commerce is the lead agency for information and communication, the
Department of Defense will retain its Executive Agent
responsibilities for the National Communications System and support
of the President's National Security Telecommunications Advisory

National Coordinator: The National Coordinator for Security,
Infrastructure Protection and Counter-Terrorism shall be
responsible for coordinating the implementation of this directive.
The National Coordinator will report to the President through the
Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. The
National Coordinator will also participate as a full member of
Deputies or Principals Committee meetings when they meet to
consider infrastructure issues. Although the National Coordinator
will not direct Departments and Agencies, he or she will ensure
interagency coordination for policy development and implementation,
and will review crisis activities concerning infrastructure events
with significant foreign involvement. The National Coordinator will
provide advice, in the context of the established annual budget
process, regarding agency budgets for critical infrastructure
protection. The National Coordinator will chair the Critical
Infrastructure Coordination Group (CICG), reporting to the Deputies
Committee (or, at the call of its chair, the Principals Committee).
The Sector Liaison Officials and Special Function Coordinators
shall attend the CICG's meetings. Departments and agencies shall
each appoint to the CICG a senior official (Assistant Secretary
level or higher) who will regularly attend its meetings. The
National Security Advisor shall appoint a Senior Director for
Infrastructure Protection on the NSC staff.

A National Plan Coordination (NPC) staff will be contributed on a
non-reimbursable basis by the departments and agencies, consistent
with law. The NPC staff will integrate the various sector plans
into a National Infrastructure Assurance Plan and coordinate
analyses of the U.S. Government's own dependencies on critical
infrastructures. The NPC staff will also help coordinate a national
education and awareness program, and legislative and public

The Defense Department shall continue to serve as Executive Agent
for the Commission Transition Office, which will form the basis of
the NPC, during the remainder of FY98. Beginning in FY99, the NPC
shall be an office of the Commerce Department. The Office of
Personnel Management shall provide the necessary assistance in
facilitating the NPC's operations. The NPC will terminate at the
end of FY01, unless extended by Presidential directive.

Warning and Information Centers

As part of a national warning and information sharing system, the
President immediately authorizes the FBI to expand its current
organization to a full scale National Infrastructure Protection
Center (NIPC). This organization shall serve as a national critical
infrastructure threat assessment, warning, vulnerability, and law
enforcement investigation and response entity. During the initial
period of six to twelve months, the President also directs the
National Coordinator and the Sector Liaison Officials, working
together with the Sector Coordinators, the Special Function
Coordinators and representatives from the National Economic
Council, as appropriate, to consult with owners and operators of
the critical infrastructures to encourage the creation of a private
sector sharing and analysis center, as described below.

National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC): The NIPC will
include FBI, USSS, and other investigators experienced in computer
crimes and infrastructure protection, as well as representatives
detailed from the Department of Defense, the Intelligence Community
and Lead Agencies. It will be linked electronically to the rest of
the Federal Government, including other warning and operations
centers, as well as any private sector sharing and analysis
centers. Its mission will include providing timely warnings of
intentional threats, comprehensive analyses and law enforcement
investigation and response.

All executive departments and agencies shall cooperate with the
NIPC and provide such assistance, information and advice that the
NIPC may request, to the extent permitted by law. All executive
departments shall also share with the NIPC information about
threats and warning of attacks and about actual attacks on critical
government and private sector infrastructures, to the extent
permitted by law. The NIPC will include elements responsible for
warning, analysis, computer investigation, coordinating emergency
response, training, outreach and development and application of
technical tools. In addition, it will establish its own relations
directly with others in the private sector and with any information
sharing and analysis entity that the private sector may create,
such as the Information Sharing and Analysis Center described

The NIPC, in conjunction with the information originating agency,
will sanitize law enforcement and intelligence information for
inclusion into analyses and reports that it will provide, in
appropriate form, to relevant federal, state and local agencies;
the relevant owners and operators of critical infrastructures; and
to any private sector information sharing and analysis entity.
Before disseminating national security or other information that
originated from the intelligence community, the NIPC will
coordinate fully with the intelligence community through existing
procedures. Whether as sanitized or unsanitized reports, the NIPC
will issue attack warnings or alerts to increases in threat
condition to any private sector information sharing and analysis
entity and to the owners and operators. These warnings may also
include guidance regarding additional protection measures to be
taken by owners and operators. Except in extreme emergencies, the
NIPC shall coordinate with the National Coordinator before issuing
public warnings of imminent attacks by international terrorists,
foreign states or other malevolent foreign powers.

The NIPC will provide a national focal point for gathering
information on threats to the infrastructures. Additionally, the
NIPC will provide the principal means of facilitating and
coordinating the Federal Government's response to an incident,
mitigating attacks, investigating threats and monitoring
reconstitution efforts. Depending on the nature and level of a
foreign threat/attack, protocols established between special
function agencies (DOJ/DOD/CIA), and the ultimate decision of the
President, the NIPC may be placed in a direct support role to
either DOD or the Intelligence Community.

Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC): The National
Coordinator, working with Sector Coordinators, Sector Liaison
Officials and the National Economic Council, shall consult with
owners and operators of the critical infrastructures to strongly
encourage the creation of a private sector information sharing and
analysis center. The actual design and functions of the center and
its relation to the NIPC will be determined by the private sector,
in consultation with and with assistance from the Federal
Government. Within 180 days of this directive, the National
Coordinator, with the assistance of the CICG including the National
Economic Council, shall identify possible methods of providing
federal assistance to facilitate the startup of an ISAC.

Such a center could serve as the mechanism for gathering,
analyzing, appropriately sanitizing and disseminating private
sector information to both industry and the NIPC. The center could
also gather, analyze and disseminate information from the NIPC for
further distribution to the private sector. While crucial to a
successful government-industry partnership, this mechanism for
sharing important information about vulnerabilities, threats,
intrusions and anomalies is not to interfere with direct
information exchanges between companies and the government.

As ultimately designed by private sector representatives, the ISAC
may emulate particular aspects of such institutions as the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention that have proved highly
effective, particularly its extensive interchanges with the private
and non-federal sectors. Under such a model, the ISAC would possess
a large degree of technical focus and expertise and non-regulatory
and non-law enforcement missions. It would establish baseline
statistics and patterns on the various infrastructures, become a
clearinghouse for information within and among the various sectors,
and provide a library for historical data to be used by the private
sector and, as deemed appropriate by the ISAC, by the government.
Critical to the success of such an institution would be its
timeliness, accessibility, coordination, flexibility, utility and

Annex B: Additional Taskings


The National Coordinator shall commission studies on the following

o Liability issues arising from participation by private sector
companies in the information sharing process.

 o  Existing legal impediments to information sharing, with an eye
to proposals to remove these impediments, including through the
drafting of model codes in cooperation with the American Legal

 o  The necessity of document and information classification and
the impact of such classification on useful dissemination, as well
as the methods and information systems by which threat and
vulnerability information can be shared securely while avoiding
disclosure or unacceptable risk of disclosure to those who will
misuse it.

 o  The improved protection, including secure dissemination and
information handling systems, of industry trade secrets and other
confidential business data, law enforcement information and
evidentiary material, classified national security information,
unclassified material disclosing vulnerabilities of privately owned
infrastructures and apparently innocuous information that, in the
aggregate, it is unwise to disclose.

 o  The implications of sharing information with foreign entities
where such sharing is deemed necessary to the security of United
States infrastructures.

 o  The potential benefit to security standards of mandating,
subsidizing, or otherwise assisting in the provision of insurance
for selected critical infrastructure providers and requiring
insurance tie-ins for foreign critical infrastructure providers
hoping to do business with the United States.

Public Outreach

In order to foster a climate of enhanced public sensitivity to the
problem of infrastructure protection, the following actions shall
be taken:

 o  The White House, under the oversight of the National
Coordinator, together with the relevant Cabinet agencies shall
consider a series of conferences: (1) that will bring together
national leaders in the public and private sectors to propose
programs to increase the commitment to information security; (2)
that convoke academic leaders from engineering, computer science,
business and law schools to review the status of education in
information security and will identify changes in the curricula and
resources necessary to meet the national demand for professionals
in this field; (3) on the issues around computer ethics as these
relate to the K through 12 and general university populations.

 o  The National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of
Engineering shall consider a round table bringing together federal,
state and local officials with industry and academic leaders to
develop national strategies for enhancing infrastructure security.

 o  The intelligence community and law enforcement shall expand
existing programs for briefing infrastructure owners and operators
and senior government officials.

 o  The National Coordinator shall (1) establish a program for
infrastructure assurance simulations involving senior public and
private officials, the reports of which might be distributed as
part of an awareness campaign; and (2) in coordination with the
private sector, launch a continuing national awareness campaign,
emphasizing improving infrastructure security.

Internal Federal Government Actions

In order for the Federal Government to improve its infrastructure
security, these immediate steps shall be taken:

 o  The Department of Commerce, the General Services
Administration, and the Department of Defense shall assist federal
agencies in the implementation of best practices for information
assurance within their individual agencies.

 o  The National Coordinator shall coordinate a review of existing federal,
state and local bodies charged with information assurance tasks, and provide
recommendations on how these institutions can cooperate most effectively.

 o  All federal agencies shall make clear designations regarding
who may authorize access to their computer systems.

 o  The Intelligence Community shall elevate and formalize the
priority for enhanced collection and analysis of information on the
foreign cyber/information warfare threat to our critical

 o  The Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Secret Service and
other appropriate agencies shall: (1) vigorously recruit
undergraduate and graduate students with the relevant computer-
related technical skills for full-time employment as well as for
part-time work with regional computer crime squads; and

(2) facilitate the hiring and retention of qualified personnel for
technical analysis and investigation involving cyber attacks.

 o  The Department of Transportation, in consultation with the
Department of Defense, shall undertake a thorough evaluation of the
vulnerability of the national transportation infrastructure that
relies on the Global Positioning System. This evaluation shall
include sponsoring an independent, integrated assessment of risks
to civilian users of GPS-based systems, with a view to basing
decisions on the ultimate architecture of the modernized NAS on
these evaluations.

 o  The Federal Aviation Administration shall develop and implement
a comprehensive National Airspace System Security Program to
protect the modernized NAS from information-based and other
disruptions and attacks.

 o  GSA shall identify large procurements (such as the new Federal
Telecommunications System, FTS 2000) related to infrastructure
assurance, study whether the procurement process reflects the
importance of infrastructure protection and propose, if necessary,
revisions to the overall procurement process to do so.

 o  OMB shall direct federal agencies to include assigned
infrastructure assurance functions within their Government
Performance and Results Act strategic planning and performance
measurement framework.

 o  The NSA, in accordance with its National Manager
responsibilities in NSD-42, shall provide assessments encompassing
examinations of U.S. Government systems to interception and
exploitation; disseminate threat and vulnerability information;
establish standards; conduct research and development; and conduct
issue security product evaluations.

Assisting the Private Sector

 In order to assist the private sector in achieving and maintaining
infrastructure security:

 o  The National Coordinator and the National Infrastructure
Assurance Council shall propose and develop ways to encourage
private industry to perform periodic risk assessments of critical
processes, including information and telecommunications systems.

 o  The Department of Commerce and the Department of Defense shall
work together, in coordination with the private sector, to offer
their expertise to private owners and operators of critical
infrastructure to develop security-related best practice standards.

 o  The Department of Justice and Department of the Treasury shall
sponsor a comprehensive study compiling demographics of computer
crime, comparing state approaches to computer crime and developing
ways of deterring and responding to computer crime by juveniles.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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