-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.ra-info.com/bookstore/history.html">Ritual Abuse
Bookstore - History, Theory, and A
Ritual Abuse Bookstore

History, Theory, and Analysis

The New Satanists
Author: Linda Osborne Blood

This book gives information about the history of Satanism and current
Satanic groups and organizations and their links to the criminal world.
Also documents the arrest and investigation of Lt. Col. Michael Aquino
for his alleged rape and occult ritual abuse of children at the Army
day-care center in Presidio, CA..


Satanic Ritual Abuse:
A Therapist's Handbook
Author: Dee Brown

A warm, encouraging introduction to the treatment of adult survivors
written for therapists beginning work in this area. .


The Serpent and the Rainbow
Author: Wade Davis

An anthropologist explores Haitian voudoun and secret societies, and
searches for a drug that could create zombies. There is a great deal of
information about Haiti's complex society. (Contains references to Ewen
Cameron, who was funded by the CIA.) .


The Franklin Cover-Up:
Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska
Author: John W. de Camp

Documents evidence of relationships between banking, covert military
operations, drug smuggling, child prostitution, child pornography and
allegations of ritual child abuse. .


In the Shadow of Satan:
The Ritual Abuse of Children
(Journal of Child and Youth Care: Special Issue, 1990)
Editor: Gerry Fewster

Contains "A case of multiple life-threatening illnesses related to early
ritual abuse" by Bennet Wong and Jock McKeen; "Ritual child abuse: A
survey of symptoms and allegations" by Pamela Hudson; Satanic ritual
abuse: A cause of MPD" by George Frazer; "Differentiating between ritual
assault and sexual abuse" by Louise Edwards; and "The choice" by Gerry


Combatting Cult Mind Control
Author: Steve Hassan

The author is a counselor and former member of the Unification Church.
He explains induction techniques, 'love-bombing', brainwashing, and exit
counseling techniques.


Secret Agenda:
The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip,
1945 to 1990
Author: Linda Hunt

After World War II, the US Government illegally brought many Nazi
scientists, including psychologists and psychiatrists, into America.
Many were occultists, and many had done medical and psychological
experiments in the death camps..


Cults that Kill:
Probing the World of Occult Crime
Author: L. Kahner

Sorry, no summary available right now


Hell Ranch:
Nightmare of Voodoo, Drugs, and Death in Matamoros
Author: Clifford L. Linedecker

The story of the ritual murder of Mark Kilroy in Matamoros, Mexico by a
cult practicing Bruheria (black.magic) which combined elements of
Santeria & Palo Mayome. The sacrifice was to bring protection to drug
runners: bodies were found and cults members were apprehended,


Other Altars:
Roots and Realities of Cultic and Satanic Ritual Abuse and Multiple
Personality Disorder
Author: Craig Lockwood

Lockwood traces the 'culture of cruelty' through the centuries and shows
how ritual abuse in a direct continuation of past practcies. Really
helpful to an understanding of the history of ritual abuse. Well
documented and very complete: a truly excellent book.


Ritual Abuse:
Canada's Most Infamous Trial on Child Abuse
Author: Kevin Marron

Analysis of a case in Hamilton, Ontario, where two children accused
their parents of ritual abuse; the parents were tried and convicted.


Raising Hell:
An Encyclopedia of Devil Worship and Satanic Crime
Author: Michael Newton

Short, accurate entries on a variety of subjects and individuals: a good
reference work. There is an extensive bibliography, but unfortunately
entries are not referenced.


Cult and Ritual Abuse:
Its History, Anthropology, and Recent Discovery in Contemporary America
Authors: J R Noblitt and Pamela Perskins

Like Lockwood's "Other Altars," "Cult and Ritual Abuse" documents the
evolution of ritual abuse. There is extensive material on the False
Memory Syndrome Foundation, the media, social services, and the justice
system. Examples of intervention are given. Extremely well researched
and documented.


Painted Black:
>From Drug Killings to Heavy Metal:
The Alarming True Story of How Satanism is Terrorizing Our Communities
Author: Carl A. Rasche

Rasche believes Satanism's goal is the establishment of a permanent
terrorist sybculture in America. Among the topics covered are the Church
of Satan and the Temple of Set, ritual abuse in day care, and Satanism
in movies and music.


Blood in the Face:
The Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Nations, Nazi Skinheads, and the Rise of a New
White Culture
Author: J Ridgeway

The history of White Supremacism in America is told not only in words,
but in cartoons, posters, fliers. There's an excellent chart showing the
relationships between various groups, and new material on the Oklahoma
City bombing.


Blood in the Face: J Ridgeway

Also available in video.


Cover-Up of the Century:
Satanic Ritual Crime and Conspiracy
Author: Daniel Ryder

On satanic ritual abuse, cult networking, exposes on a worldwide satanic
cult, and clandestine government mind control experimentation. Cites
cases where satanic ritual abuse victims' bodies have been found, ritual
abuse convictions have been successful, and exposes official cover-ups.


Out of Darkness:
Exploring Satanism and Ritual Abuse
Authors: David K. Sakheim and Susan E. Devine

Eleven chapters by various experts, including Walter Young, George
Greaves, Catherine Gould, and Kenneth Lanning. Topics range from history
of Satanism, to diagnosis and treatment of survivors, to psychological
testing of survivors. Some sceptical material.


Treating Survivors of Satanic Abuse
Author: Valerie Sinason

Thirty four chapters by different authors covering a wide variety of
subjects, including ritual abuse of the developmentally disabled.
Consistently respectful and humane: excellent bibliographies.


Gods and Beasts:
The Nazis and the Occult
Author: Dusty Sklar

Anaylyzes the many occult groups that were active in German before the
third Reich, including the Thule Society, and traces the involvement of
Hitler and his top aides with these anti-Semitic and Aryan groups.


The Ultimate Evil:
An Investigation into a Dangerous Satanic Cult
Author: Maury Terry

An extensive investigation of the Son of Sam murders, linking them to a
national network of cults ranging from New York City to Hollywood..
Investigative journalism at its best --- this book is thorugh, well
written, and frightening in its implications.


Traumatic Stress:
The Effects of Overwhelming Experience on Mind, Body, and Society
Editors: Bessel A. Van Der Kolk, Alexander C. McFarlane and Lars

Twenty-five chapters by a wide variety of authors on memory, traumatic
stress, and treatment. The emphasis is on theory, research, and history,
and represents the cutting edge in this field.
<A HREF="http://www.ra-info.com/bookstore/bio.html">Ritual Abuse Bookstore -
Ritual Abuse Bookstore



Where the Rivers Join
A Personal Account of Healing from Ritual Abuse
Author: Beckylane

Contains excerpts from a survivor's journal, quotes from therapists and
researchers, and even from fortune cookies. It is beautifully written,
not very graphic, and evokes the aching loneliness of healing, the
difficulty of re-living episodes of abuse while trying to function in
the outside world.


Satan's Child: A Survivor Tells her Story to Help Others Heal
Author: Laura Buchanan

Sorry, no summary available right now.


Not My Child
A Mother Confronts Her Child's Sexual Abuse
Author: Patricia Crowley

A mother's account of discovering her daughter's ritual abuse in the Wee
Care Day Nursery and the struggle to prosecute. She writes openly of how
it affected her family, the other children who were abused, and the
group of mothers, who were friends.


Lessons in Evil, Lessons from the Light
A True Story of Satanic Abuse and Spiritual Healing
Author: Gail Carr Feldman

A therapist's account, with many quotations from the survivor, of
healing by an Afro-American survivor of Satanic abuse.


Ghost Girl:
The True Story of a Child in Peril and the Teacher Who Saved Her
Author: Torey L. Hayden

A special education teacher recognizes ritual abuse in an eight year old
girl who had not spoken for three years. The child opens up to her, then
tells the police and Social Services. Although there was not enough
evidence to prosecute the parents, the girl and her two sisters were
placed in foster homes and blossomed.TD


A Rock and a Hard Place:
One Boy's Triumphant Story
Author: Anthony Godby Johnson

Autobiography written by an HIV+ fourteen year old ritual abuse
survivor.(Ritual abuse is only mentioned in passing.)


Breaking Ritual Silence
An Anthology of Ritual Abuse Survivors1 Stories
Editors: Jeanne Marie Lorena and Paula Levy

Over fifty male and female survivors from all over the world share their
experiences of abuse and healing.


Evil Web:
A True Story of Cult Abuse and Courage
Authors: Mary Rich and Carol Jose

The story of Mary Rich's involvement, along with her husband and
children, with an abusive Christian-based cult, her escape, her fight to
find and reclaim her children, and the successful criminal prosecution
of the cult leader.


Double Vision:
A Travelogue of Recovery from Ritual Abuse
Author: Anna Richardson

Eleven chapters by various experts, including Walter Young, G A
first-person account of remembering and healing from severe trauma in a
cult setting. Beautifully written, by an exceptionally wise and loving
person, with information about healing that many survivors can benefit


Michelle Remembers
Authors: Michelle Smith and Larry Pazder

Published in 1980, this is the book that the FMSF credits with starting
the 'SRA craze.' It is written from a Catholic viewpoint, and many
details of the abuse are idiosyncratic.TD


Suffer the Child
Author: Judith Spencer

The story of Jenny, who was brought into a Satanic cult when she was two
and used in child prostitution. Working on this book, along with
extensive therapy, was a part of her healing and partial integration.


Satan's High Priest
Author: Judith Spencer

Biography of a small-town high priest in an inter-generational Satanic
cult, his family, and his loss of power. Detailed descriptions of
rituals, explanations of dissociation, and accounts of power dynamics
between cult members.


Stripped Naked:
Gifts for Recovery
Author: Lauren Stratford

Lauren Stratford thought she was healed in 1988, after she had written
Satan's Underground. This book chronicles her subsequent discovery of
multiplicity and the next stage of her recovery from ritual abuse.

<A HREF="http://www.ra-info.com/bookstore/mind.html">Ritual Abuse Bookstore -
Mind Control

Ritual Abuse Bookstore

Mind Control


Operation Mind Control:
Our Secret Government's War against Its Own People
Author: Walter H. Bowart

This book is hard to find and expensive, but worthwhile. Walter Bowart
has devoted his life to documenting abuses of power by our government.


Psychochemical Weaponry and Government Mind Control Experiments
Author: Frank Camper

Sorry, no summary available right now orld.


Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A.
Author: Alex Constantine

A readable book, frightening in its implications, on government mind
control, the CIA's domestic program, Satanism, how the government fakes
alien abductions, and more.


Virtual Government:
CIA Mind Control Operations and the Swastika
Author: Alex Constantine

On the secret CIA programs, the funding trail, and government
dissemination of misinformation about the CIA's activities.


Secret Agenda:
The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip,
1945 to 1990
Author: Linda Hunt

A CNN reporter describes how the US illegally recruited Nazi scientists
and successfully prevented their prosecution for war crimes. Some
participated in CIA-funded mind control experiments on US citizens.


The Search for the Manchurian Candidate:
The CIA and Mind Control
Author: John Marks

The classic 1979 work on projects ARTICHOKE, BLUEBIRD, CASTIGATE,
CHATTER, AND MK-ULTRA. Marks concludes that these expeiments failed, and
that it was all a waste of tiume and money. Other have built on Marks'
research, but have come to the opposite conclusion.


The Mind Manipulators:
A Non-Fiction Account
Authors: Alan W. Scheflin and Edward M. Opton

Well documented and well written. Every aspect is covered in a thorough
manner, from covert mind control, to subtle overt society changes, to
chemical and biological warfare.


Angels Don't Play This HAARP:
Advances in Tesla Technology
Authors: Nick Begich and Jeanne Manning

Begich and Manning thoroughly explain electromagnetic waves and their
military uses.Questions are raised about the impact of microwaves, not
only on the environment, but also on the inhabitants. Well documented,
with patent numbers and references.


Journey into Madness:
The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse
Author: B Gordon Thomas

Sorry, no review aavailble right now.


Psychiatry and the CIA:
Victims of Mind Control
Author: Harvey Weinstein

Dr. Weinstein's account of his father's abuse at the hands of Dr. Ewen
Cameron, (who directed mind-control experiments funded by the CIA and
the Canadian government) and the successful fight to win judgments
against the Canadian government.

<A HREF="http://www.ra-info.com/bookstore/stuff.html">Ritual Abuse Bookstore
- Other Stuff
Ritual Abuse Bookstore

Other Stuff


Breaking Ritual Silence: An Anthology of Ritual Abuse Survivor's Stories
Information: background of why the book was written, excepts, ordering.
(Also available through Amazon) http://www.ra-info.com

Available from Survivorship, too.
A review of Angels Don't Play This HAARP, by Nick Begich and Jeane
Manning, with an explanation of electromagnetic waves and their military
uses in layman terms. http://www.gms.lu/luxus/haarp.html

Information on the book Diary of a Survivor in Art and Poetry by deJoly
LaBrier. http://members.aol.com/dejoly/index.html

Information about Walter Bowart's "Operation Mind Control II," a
hard-copy share-ware book. http://hoohana.aloha.net/~mindc
Complete text of The Search for the Manchurian Candidate by John Marks.
Information on Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steve Hassan.

Not really books, but --

CKLN-FM Canada Mind Control Series: transcripts of interviews with Colin
Ross, Ronald Howard Cohen, Alan Scheflin, Walter Bowart, Randy Noblitt,
John Rappoport, Valerie Wolf, Claudia Mullen, Chris deNicola Ebner, and
others. http://www.mk.net/~mcf/ckln-hm.htm


Complete text of the 1989 Report of the Ritual Abuse Task Force - Los
Angeles County Commission for Women. http://www.mk.net/~mcf/slvn-rab.htm


Bookstores and distributors

Amazon has a UK and Germany branch now. http://www.amazon.com
A1Books: a discount bookstore, sometimes has used copies of books listed
on this site. There are no descriptions, though, so you must know
exactly what you want.

Bibliofind is a consortium of used and rare book dealers. You may find
links to two or three places that carry the book you are looking for.
Prices vary. http://www.bibliofind.com/.
Bookstore.co.uk offers books from England and Europe.
Powell Bookstore has minimal descriptions of books, but a pretty good
selection of RA books.
The Sidran Foundation: Books on multiplicity, dissociation, and healing.
Survivorship: Books, pamphlets, posters, and even T-shirts.

revised 11/98
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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