-Caveat Lector-

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What are these signs we should be looking for with the coming Shift? The
ancients thought this coming time important enough to refer to it as the
"Shift Of The Ages" and the Bible as the "Rapture". These are pretty heavy
words and from this we should take the ancients meant the signs would be
powerful and undeniable clear. And these signs around us now, what a growing
number of people are realizing as these prophecies being fulfilled, are the
indication to the 'beginning of the end'. And with this is the focus of my
article, where the word for end is Omega, the last letter in the Greek
alphabet. So therefore, the title of my article " Awakening To The Omega
Point". But this point in space-time is also the beginning point to a new
circle of a new reality; an unending and ongoing process. Seeing this as the
finale to an old way of perceiving reality, leading to an awareness of a new
and higher purpose in the evolution of 'consciousness'.

In his book "Awakening To Zero Point: The Collective Initiation" by Gregg
Braden, Gregg speaks of the Shift and the events now occurring in our solar
system, our planet and even within each cell of our bodies. That all these
events are interrelated and leading to a completion of a cycle that began
nearly 200,000 years ago. He states that the last time this planet went
through a total 180 degree magnetic reversal was from 11,000 to 13,000 years
ago. If this information is correct, it falls within the range of the 13,000
year cycle the government agent spoke of. This being the time frame of global
warming and massive flooding as mentioned earlier. It appears more than
coincidental of all these independent verifications homing in on this same
time frame of a 13,000 year cycle. Even on the outside chance this agent was
giving false information, taking into account these others sources, it still
does not answer for these signs before us. It is these signs of our impending
shift, the warning signal to the amazing times ahead, that truly give
validity to his statements. Though Gregg, in my opinion, was pretty much on
the mark and his book is well worth reading, I feel his conclusion on the
Shift is still an effect and not the cause. I thought him somewhat vague on
what he truly believed the cause of the Shift was, but it is understandable
considering the circumstances . It is far from apparent that the cause of
this phenomenon is a 'naked singularity'. And most of us, myself included,
could not be aware of this without inside information and influence from
'those in the know'. Even though I had a vague feeling of Earth coming into a
kind of merging of dimensions, it was not till I received independent
verification of a supposed authority figure that I truly took it seriously.
It has taken me nearly five years to check this information out, go over the
data and make connections to see if it made any kind of sense. Though I have
been unable to find anyone in authority up to this present time to confirm
what this agent confessed to, I believe from the data I have been able to
collect so far, gives strong support to his admission. Please read on and
judge for yourselves.

In 1961 an astronomer by the name of Robert Stanley began to detect an
increase in photons bombarding our planet, where these photons have been
steadily increasing ever since. Researchers are now aware we are going
through a region of space containing what is referred to as the Photon Belt
around every 25,000 years. Gregg states from his book he believes this is
what the ancients refer to as 'The Shift of the Ages". He contends this is a
natural and positive occurrence. I concur this might be a natural cycle but
disagree that it is the cause of the Shift based on several reasons. To begin
with the Photon Belt would be an electro-magnetic field that could cause a
disruption in the Earth's magnetic field, but it would not be the cause of
Earth slowly losing this field or the fact our planet is spinning down on
it's axis. Case in point, scientists are aware that the faster the Earth
rotates the greater the magnetic field and the slower it rotates the weaker
the field becomes. The planet is presently in a cycle of slowing down the
spin of it's axis where magnetic lines are behaving much as a spinning
'child's top'. You may be aware that after a initial force is applied to a
child's top, causing it to spin and generate this field, the opposite field
of gravity is equally being applied to the top, where friction is the effect
of gravity, thus causing the top to lose it's spin. As the top begins to slow
down, it increasingly makes wild dips from the center of it's axis due to the
unevenness of the fields involved. And this is exactly what we are seeing
happening now on our planet. Earth is experiencing large magnetic fluxes from
the center of it's axis outward towards the magnetic north and south poles.
As in the example of the top, only a gravitational field could cause such an
effect. It is a known fact that navigational equipment has to be regularly
readjusted due to these increasing frequency changes of the overall
electro-magnetic field and the fact that our planet's spin on it's axis is
decreasing. All clocks in the coming years ahead will need to account for
this or all the 'time zones' will eventually be out of sink. The National
Bureau of Standards in Bolder, Colo. has to adjust their atomic clock every
year because of this; even though it is small; it adds up over time.

Earth's magnetic field is about 50% less than it was as of 1,500 years ago
and it was believed until recently to be losing between 5-8% every 100 years.
But in the last decade or two it seems to be happening faster, the more we
lose, the quicker the loss becomes. I suspect this is what would happen as we
approached a 'naked singularity'. It would take time for us to get close
enough to it to have a major impact. It would be a gradual loss due to
distance, but after crossing a certain threshold it would be significant and
powerful due to such an immense gravitational force. Gregg claims that one of
his sources; the Geo-Monitor Organization; stated that when the magnetic
field on the planet drops to as low as it is now, traditionally as shown in
past recorders, this is a precursor to an 180 degree polar reversal. And as
you probably figured, the historians who keep track of such matters trace the
last polar reversal between 11,000 and 13,000 B.P. The information so far
indicates a 13,000 year cycle of this phenomenon and not a 25,000 year cycle
as Mr. Braden contends with the Photon Belt. But he could well be correct in
his understanding of the completion of a cycle that began nearly 200,000
years in the past. There is nothing in my collected data ,so far, that
disputes this and Gregg is showing strong support for it's validity.

Now if Earth is losing it's magnetic field due to this naked singularity,
should it also be showing signs on other planets in our solar system as well?
If you reply with the answer 'yes', you have answered the $50,000 question
correctly. At the top of the page you most likely noticed an article out of
the St. Louis Post Dispatch of a wired news report from 1997 stating that the
planet Mars has a very erratic magnetic field. This is what one would expect
to occur if such a plantary body was approaching a strong gravitational
field. Considering that all the planets in our solar system are of different
masses and densities, it should not be surprising to notice that their
magnetic fields will behave accordingly. Though every planet's field is
behaving uniquely, the basic fact is that all the planets in this solar
system are losing their magnetic fields. This should be an indication to the
readers that this is not merely a global problem. The information given
through the mass media of the problems to our world weather patterns are
strictly due to cyclic geological adjustments and pollution are false
statments and misleading. And also, it appears the scientists that update us
on this public concern do not truly comprehend the overall picture here or if
they do, they are keeping the public from realizing what this may well
indicate. Please understand, we do have a global pollution problem that needs
attention and is important to the creatures of this planet as well as Mother
Earth, but that is not my present focus. It will be brought up at a later
date. I do believe this an critical issue that needs serious consideration
for the betterment of all.

To further prove my point that this is more than a global problem, let us
turn our attention to the most massive planet in our solar system, Jupiter.
In 1986-87 during a dramatic increase in solar flare activity on our Sun
something highly unusual occurred on Jupiter. The recognizable famous 'Red
Spot' which for at least the last 3,000 years; as seen by ancient Chinese
astronomers; has rotated in the same direction, but all of a sudden, for no
apparent reason, changed it's direction. A puzzlement for many looking into
this. A possible and I believe likely cause of this phenomenon may be the
result of Jupiter losing it's magnetic field. Though as stated every planet
in the solar system, including the Sun, is losing it's magnetic field, each
will behave differently and show various signs. Since electro-magnetic fields
play a major role in a planet's weather patterns, it stands to reason that
relevant magnetic disruptions would in all likelyhood effect this Red Spot.
After all, what is the Red Spot but one gigantic storm that has continuously
been going on for millenniums. A storm the size of several earths changing
directions like this, due to dramatic fluxes of Jupiter's magnetic field, is
what one might expect approaching a strong gravitational field. And the
bombardment of Jupiter by twenty-one separate objects a couple of years ago
or so not only effected Jupiter's magnetic field but other planet's magnetic
fields as well; including Earth. Now lets turn our attention to the Sun as
another prime example of another sign to these coming times.

In 1994 the Ulysses space probe went to the Sun and discovered it was losing
it's magnetic properties in a 'steady state' mode. What scientists learned
was that the Sun had lost much of it's polarity and as such was losing it's
magnetic field on an ongoing and steady basis. What the Ulysses probe
detected was small differences in the polarity of the south pole from either
the north pole or equator, which means for all practical purposes that the
Sun has no real polarity. This had gone against previous understanding about
the polarity of the Sun from astronomers. In addition to this finding, it has
been discovered that the Sun is cooling down while the other planets in our
solar system are heating up, especially the outer planets. Could this be
another sign of our solar system coming into this naked singularity?

In 1991, the scientific community became aware of a new frequency, a
different wavelength of light, coming from the center of our Milky Way
galaxy. It has since been discovered that the source of this new frequency of
light is a huge center sun that was previously hidden to us. Though most were
unaware, it was foretold by a group of star beings known as the Pleiadians
that such a sun existed in the center of our galaxy. Such information was
passed on through books, 'The Pleiadian Mission' by Randolph Winters being
one example. The name given to this newly discovered sun is the 'Pistol
Star', 10,000,000 times brighter than the average star. It takes approx. 200
million years for our solar system to make one complete orbit around this
star, remembering we are on an outer edge of one of the arms of the Milky
Way. This is important to take note, for I believe this Pistol Star may be a
key element, along with the Photon Belt, in regards to making the Shift. It
has something to do with three points of reference known as a 'triad' of
polarity. This is the vehicle inwhich earth and the rest of the solar system,
in my opinion, shall make it through hyperspace to the new density/dimension.
I will discus this at length when summing up this article. But for now, lets
go back to more signs of this coming phenomenon. There must be other
indications of this future event besides just changes in the magnetic fields,
right? Anything that is as big as this would have other warning signals too,
correct? To answer these questions, the answer is,Yes. There are other signs
and we can find them at a different part of the 'spectrum', that being in the
range of visible light.

Page 7

Takes around 200 million years for Earth to make one complete orbit around
central sun or approx. 300,000 light/year journey

What can we detect in the visual range of the spectrum which could indicate
to us of a approaching naked singularity? There are two signs as of this
time, which I am aware of, that are convincing enough to warrant further
evaluation. From the Discovery Channel's website, in the Science section, an
article dated Oct. 19, 1998 was posted, it's title "Something's turning the
Northern Lights off". There were things mentioned I believe are important and
interesting to the point I wanted to bring them to the reader's attention.
The article addresses to the fact that NASA scientists are puzzled by strange
new developments in the Northern Lights. They are very concerned about a
mysterious gap discovered in some pictures to the aurora of the Northern
Lights. These pictures were from the result of new NASA technology. The
images in question showed a break in the auroral oval over the tip of
Greenland and Damien Chua, a then graduate student at the University of
Washington, researched this information and discovered 22 gaps were found in
the auroral ovals between December 1966 and February 1997. Some gaps were
complete breaks while others appeared as small nicks in the auroral arc, as
if whatever cause this was not strong enough to make a full break. "...You
have this gap where things should be happening" says Dr. James Spann of
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, who had worked on a paper dealing with
this phenomenon with Chua. Dr. Spann goes on to say, "Something special may
be happening back in the magnetosphere. The truth is, we don't know." Then
Chua comments, "Changes in the IMF [interplanetary magnetic field]
orientation may be giving rise to perturbations in the currents aligned with
the earth's magnetic field that are directly tied to auroral activity." Dr.
Spann thinks the answer could lie merely 500 km above the earth where
particles get their most powerful speeds towards the planet. Dr. Spann
states, "Perhaps that acceleration region is perturbed in some
fashion..."Perhaps it's depleted in particles or energy." Now if this is
getting you thinking this may be yet another sign of what is to come, then
maybe the next bit of information will convince you even more so.

In May of 1997 while doing research on this phenomenon, I came across a very
knowledgeable gentleman by the name of Val Valerian. You may have heard of
him. Val is considered as a top notch researcher and operates the 'Leading
Edge Research' organization. I was looking for someone who may have knowledge
about a possible connection of rainbows to this phenomenon. My line of
thinking was, if we were coming into a powerful gravitational field then
something visual might be noticeably different in such things as, say for
instance, rainbows. Thinking Val Valerian as a likely candidate for possible
information about this, an e-mail was sent to him on May 15, 1997. I wrote: "
Val : Thank's on your feedback concerning my request for info on unusual
natural phenomenon. I would like some further clarification on your e-mail
message. Could you or any of your fellow researchers voice an opinion on an
aspect of a theory I am proposing. In regards to recent visual deviations in
rainbow colorations you stated that a purported increase in the observance of
aquamarine and other colors has been said to herald movement in this
direction; meaning a movement towards a strong gravitational field? Do you
and your fellow researchers think it possible that what may be causing this
phenomenon could be the visual ramifications of a "red shift" effect as we
move ever so closer to a sector of space containing a "black hole" or other
strong gravitational field? If so, please give more feedback and any other
info on occurences that may be related. Will keep you updated on my findings,
if you are interested. Thanks, Bob Buck." On May 16, 1997, Val e-mailed me
with the following reply: " The color shifting is allegedly relating to a
change in general dimensional frequency of this resonant section of
spacetime, upward." What Val is implying, if proven correct, is some pretty
heavy duty stuff. To put this in easier to understand terms, Val is stating
that there appears to be a shift in the visual spectrum of light. And if his
information is correct about the observance of increases in the range of
colors such as aquamarine, this is an indication of coloration in rainbows
shifting to the 'blue' end of the spectrum. But what does this all mean? Does
it really matter whether rainbows are shifting towards the red end or to the
blue end? In this case, yes it does, because if the coloration of rainbows
were shifting towards the red end of the spectrum than it would go against my
theory and the data would lend itself to something other than a strong
gravitational field. Let me explain.

To make what I am about to say clearer, I need to define a couple of terms
here. A 'rainbow' is a natural spectrum brought about by a meteorological
event with the similar effect of passing sunlight through a glass prism. The
rainbow series of colors in their order are violet, blue, green, yellow,
orange and red. As you can see the aquamarine colors which are composed of
mixtures of blue and green would be towards the blue end of the visual
spectrum. In the primary or brightest rainbow the inner color is blue and the
outer color is red. All visual light is broken down to the three primary
colors of blue, yellow and red. This means that all other colors in the
visual light spectrum are some combination or mixture of these three basic
colors. The other recognizable colors of the rainbow such as violet, green
and orange are not of primary interest in what I am about to say. The focus he
re is the blue and red ends of the spectrum. And this brings me to the next
definition which will help clarify what appears to be happenning to our
planet, that of the 'red shift' effect. The 'Red Shift' is a shift towards
longer wavelengths in the lines of spectra of celestial objects. This shift
is the result of the "Doppler effect" where instead of being detected in the
audio range, it is in the visual range where the speed of recessing galaxies
are being observed. Galaxies in recession from our own Milky Way are detected
as going to the red end of the spectrum and galaxies heading towards our
Milky Way galaxy are seen as going to the blue end of the spectrum. This is
important to keep in mind. What I presented to you as signs of disturbances
in the electro-magnetic field of this planet is being visually chacterized in
this manner. In explaining further, different colors of light are similar in
consisting of electromagnetic radiations that travel at about 186,000
per/second. The various colors are defined by their respective frequencies
and wavelengths. The frequency being equal to the speed of light divided by
wavelength. Therefore, two rays of light having the same wavelength also has
the same frequency and the same color. Colors near the blue end of the
spectrum will be of shorter wavelengths than those near the red end of the
spectrum. To put this into perspective I will give an example on what I
believe is happening. The frequency of the various colors are changing by
shifting magnitude of the various wavelengths. The magnitude deals with the
brightness or intensity of a wavelength. The magnitude can be looked at in
this case as adding one paint color to another. Now as we know the colors
that can be visually seen in a primary rainbow are from the inner part out in
order violet, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. From this the three
primary colors are blue, yellow and red, where blue mixed with yellow will
give you green, yellow mixed with red will give the color orange and red
mixed with blue will give you violet. It is interesting to note the
connection to the blending of colors in the rainbow make sense till you look
at how colors at the opposite sides of the visual spectrum, that of blue and
red come together to produce violet. In the two cases of blue-yellow and
yellow-red, the combinations produce intermediate size wavelengths from the
respective colors of green and orange. But in adding red to blue you wind up
getting a shorter wavelength than either of the original colors, being the
farthest and shortest wavelength on the blue end of the spectrum.

Now with the analogy of the mixing of the three paints, lets see how they
apply to my theory with regards to rainbows. Okay, we know that blue-yellow
makes green, so how does it tie in with the observance of aquamarine colors
being seen as moving in the general dimensional frequency of this resonant
section of space-time, upward? What does Val mean by this? To explain this we
can compare the adding of measured drops of blue paint to say a one gallon can
 of yellow paint. And from this the frequency or magnitude of brightness can
be seen as the varying shades of green one might observe if one could detect
the subtle differences. In this case brightness of the greens are differing
frequencies of wavelengths which are in actuality the various colorations of
green when applying increments of blue to a given volume of yellow. You can
view each drop of blue in a given volume of yellow as yet a different
frequency or wavelength. Aquamarine colors are greens of shorter wavelengths
that lend themselves more towards the blue part of the spectrum than the
yellow section. As a result of shorter wavelengths, the aquamarine colors
will vibrate at higher frequencies than those wavelengths that are longer and
nearer to the red end of the spectrum. Due to the shifting towards the blue
end of the spectrum as we approach this naked singularity I see one of two
possible changes in rainbows. Either the green section of the rainbows will
appear noticeably brighter over time or aquamarine colors will be visually
recognizable in the arc of rainbows as we get closer to this gravitational
field. I lean more towards the possibility that the green area will increase
in brightness because I do not believe our eyes sensitive enough to recognize
this as increases in aquamarine coloration.

Before moving on I want to clarify one more phenomenon I believe will occur
to rainbows as we approach this naked singularity. There is a second
mechanism for the red shift that is of great importance in helping support my
theory. It is known as the 'gravitational red shift' or the Einstein shift.
Predicted by Albert Einstein's general relativity theory, it states that
periodic processes are slowed down in a gravitational field. This phenomenon
is detected in the spectra of compact massive stars. It makes sense from the
fact that our planet is slowing down and we are losing our magnetic field,
but to understand how this applies to the visual range, I have to go deeper
into how a black hole or other strong gravitational field operates. In a
black hole or other type of singularity, such as a naked singularity, there
is a point of entry to the singularity where nothing can escape it's strong
field. [This is not entirely correct for recently Stephen Hawkings has
theorized certain elementary particles; say like taxions; which are believed
to travel faster than the speed of light, could escape a black hole] This
point of 'no return' is referred to as the "event horizon". The event horizon
is the outer boundary of a singularity where space-time is distorted to such
an extent that time as we know it ceases to exist. Is this what the Mayan
prophecy was referring to when it spoke of an future event in world history
known as "No Time" ? A time in our history of merging dimensions and of
mankind's journey to a higher and better future world? We know that the Earth
is slowly down and clocks will need adjustment over time. Will we come to a
point where our clocks stop and time becomes frozen in place? Not exactly,
but in my opinion a fairly close analogy. I will go more into this when I sum
up this article but for now let's get back to effects of the gravitational
red shift on rainbows.

At first glance, there may seem to be a contradiction in my statements when I
say that we appear to be moving towards the blue end of the visual spectrum
through our continuous movement to this naked singularity, yet the
gravitational red shift implies we should be shifting towards the red end.
How can this be, is this some kind of paradox? In a way yes, but not exactly.
What I think we are seeing here are the dynamics of two forces coming into
play. A strong gravitational field; that being the singularity; interacting
with a powerful and changing electromagnetic field, which I suspect is some
sort of combination between the Photon Belt and the Pistol Star. At this
particular time in our approach, it appears that shorter and higher frequency
wavelengths such as the aquamarines have the upper hand over the longer and
lower frequency reds. I propose that it is due to this new frequency coming
from the central sun which I surmise is a shorter and higher wavelength than
our planet has previously been exposed to in the past, at least as written
history is concerned. With the addition of Earth being in the region of the
Photon Belt, this combination of electromagnetic radiation is behaving as a
shield, stabilizer and preparation of consciousness for the coming "Shift".
But when the Earth reaches a certain critical point in it's approach to the
event horizon, I suspect that the gravitational field will be so powerful as
to off-set the strong electromagnetic field around our planet and the solar
system as well. I believe at such a point their will be an shift to the red
end of the spectrum because such a field causes both matter and light to
stretch beyond comprehension. This will cause longer and lower wavelengths
sending us towards the red end of the spectrum. I predict at this point we
will see brighter oranges and at some point during this time the violet end
of the spectrum will become brighter as well. At such a time as the violet
coloration becomes more brilliant, an equalization shall occur between the
negative gravitational field and the positive electromagnetic field. A
balancing, if you will, of these fields causing the Earth and by all
indications the rest of the solar system to reach Zero Point. It is my belief
this mechanism of neutralization will be the vehicle that brings us to the
Shift and our journey to the new density/higher dimension. There is reason to
believe this might encompass the whole galaxy, as well as the entire
universe, as a sort of chain reaction which will be discussed in the 3rd
article of this series of three. I have presented what I see as the physical
proof to the coming of this monumental event, so now I will turn my attention
to the prophecies of the various ancient cultures as further proof of this
coming shift.
Page 8

Robert Morning Sky, a Native American(Hopi/Apache) reseacher, author and
lecturer came to Collinsville, IL. to dance on Monk's Mound at the Cahokia
Mounds State Historic Site. Robert took this dance as the fulfillment of an
ancient prophecy that would usher in the return of extraterrestrials referred
to in Native American tradition as the 'Star People' or Star Beings. He did
this dance August 11, 1999 during the time of a total solar eclipse, that
could be witnessed in the British Isles, a date connected to the star Sirius.
Interesting, a picture taken at the time of Robert dancing on Monk's Mound,
showed a UFO shaped like a corn-dog with sticks on either end. Was this a
sign? The video clip you are about to view is from the lecture later that
evening at the Comfort Inn Conference Center, Collinsville, IL. He is
speaking in regards to an Hopi prophecy of the signs to be looking for which
will precede the return of these Star Beings who supposedly created the Human

In the last part of this article before summing things up, I would like to
discuss various ancient prophecies and predictions of some famous psychics
which I believe helps support the prediction of Earth coming into a naked

In the video clip that you have just viewed, Robert Morning Sky spoke of an
unfulfilled Hopi prophecy of the End Times where three comets will be the
signs of the coming event. I would like to comment briefly on how this may
connect to our coming to this singularity. On the outshirts of our solar
system, some billions of miles beyond Pluto lies an area known as the Oort
Cloud. An astronomer by the name of Jan Hendrik Oort first proposed in 1950
that a large cloud of cometary material surrounds the solar system at an
enormous distance, now a generally accepted fact. It appears over the last
decade or two the amount of recognizable comets are on the rise and it is my
take that an instability of the Oort Cloud due to coming closer to this
gravitational field is to blame. It makes sense that the outer reaches of our
solar system would be the first to show dramatic changes if we were in the
process of merging with a singularity. Other smaller bodies such as
asteroids, I believe, will show signs of increasing instabilities in their
orbits as we get ever so closer to this field. The probability of a major
impact by a metor as a effect of this force has greatly increased the chances
of Earth being hit in the foreseeable future. Please keep in mind that this
does not necessary mean this will happen or the Earth and all life on it will
be destroyed. Things are not set in stone and I truly believe that though we
are in for some real hard times, most of us will come through this
spirituality enriched and prepared for the Shift.

Other Hopi prophets, such as Thomas Banyacya, have been speaking out on their
ancient wisdom for close to 50 years, trying to prepare us for these trialing
times ahead. In 1948 a group of Hopi elders took on the task of warning the
world of upcoming events foretold in the Hopi prophecies. Part of the
prophecies were instructions to approach the world assembly, the UN. And in
1992, some 44 years later, they finally were allowed to address the General
Assembly. This lead to another gathering at the UN in 1993 known as the "Cry
of the Earth Conference" where leaders from seven nations released their
prophecies. One Hopi prophecy speaks of the return of 'Bahana', their True
White Brother, who left them in ancient times, promising to return. In his
book "The Return of the Bahana" the author, Robert Boissiere, speaks of the
widely held belief of various native peoples to the certain return of a
savior figure which in every respect parallels the Christian belief of the
second coming. In the histories of many tribes, the story goes a teacher much
like Jesus taught the native people spiritual mysteries and a ethical way to
live. When he left, it is said, he promised to return at a time when the
Earth was in great turmoil to guide humanity into the future. He is also
known by his other names of Quetzalcoatl and Kukulcan. I would also like to
add one additional name that I believe applies which was found in the book,
"The Only Planet of Choice". A channelled work by transceiver Phyllis V.
Schlemmer, she speaks of a highly evolved spiritual being which had come to
Earth in times of crisis to aid humanity and in some cases extraterrestrials
who happen to be living on the Earth at the time. This being, known as The
Hawk, was a teacher and guide to help intelligent life forms overcome
spiritual and intellectual difficulties. He has been known by many names and
numerous human forms, having visited this planet for at least the past 30,000
years are so.

Other native american tribes have had their share of prophecies as well.
Black Elk and Crazy Horse, who were leaders of the Lakota Sioux in the late
1800's, both had visions of the future. Black Elk saw a future time when his
own nation would unite with all the nations of the earth and heard a voice
that said "It shall be a relative to them, and who shall see it shall see
much more, for from there comes Wisdom; and those who do not see it shall be
dark." Black Elk believed this meant a great prophet from the east would
bring a message to his people. Crazy Horse vision was of a dark period for
his people and the coming of the modern era with automobiles, airplanes and
the tragic world wars. He envisioned his people gradually awakening after the
last war and to dance again under the Sacred Tree. Then he saw
representatives of all the nations of our planet dancing with his people as
brothers, made whole again and working together. Among the Lakota, Crow,
Chippewa and other Native American tribes a important prophecy appears to
have been fulfilled, that of the return of the White Buffalo, one of their
most sacred symbols. In 1994 a white buffalo calf was born in Wisconsin and
in 1996 another was born in South Dakota. For native americans this was the
signal to 'mend the hoop' of the nations by establishing brotherhood within
the family of man and return to a spiritual way of life. This makes sense for
if we are to achieve the necessary vibrational frequency to make the shift
into a higher dimension, we will need the empowerment of a spiritual
awakening. We need to see the negative polarities of our differences as a
'illusion' for learning that we all come from the Source. Negative energy is
a tool for the understanding of a greater reality, to turn it in a positive
direction for growth towards the pathway to the 'Light'. We must understand
what we are coming into, this naked singularity, is an illusion of a higher
reality. A test from our higher selves to see if we are ready for a greater
spiritual awareness that we are truly highly evolved spiritual beings, having
lost our way in these material dimensions of the 3rd Density. We must
remember who we are if we are to make the shift!

In 1975, Australian aboriginal elders met in Canberra with over 350
Aboriginal people. The elders warned of cataclysms to come and told the
people to go out and teach their knowledge to the world and to prepare it for
a future time when we would go back to our beginnings, when all cultures will
exist as one. In 1990, the elders of the Waitaha nation from New Zealand saw
in the heavens a configuration that was a sign for them to release their
sacred knowledge. A book, "The Song of Waitaha" by Barry Brailsford, tells of
these teachings. In their language wai means water and taha means gourd,
which indicates the idea of a water carrier, the sign of Aquarius. In our
cycle through the galaxy, we are now approaching, if we have not already
entered, this House of the Zodiac, refer to popularly as 'The Age of
Aquarius'. Willaru Huarta, a native Quechua Incan, who grew up in the jungles
of Peru studing under the shamans, has spoken up on some Incan prophecies.
The prophecies predicted the white man's coming would bring 500 years of
materialism and imbalance, but now they say the era is coming to an end and
the Age of Aquarius will "signal the return of Light to the planet and the
dawn of a golden era". Could this light prophesied be the same light coming
from the central sun, the Pistol Star? With the combination of us being in
the region of the Photon Belt, this positive electromagnetic field of energy
may well be what these ancient predictions foretold of the dawn to a new age.
The ending of over a 200,000 year cycle which shall bring us to the Omega
Point and the beginning of a new age of understanding.

Mayan prophecies are what many people are most aware of due in part to the
wave of UFO activity in Mexico, in particular Mexico City. I spoke earlier in
this article of a possible connection to St. Louis and the coming times
ahead. We know that the climatic end of the Mayan calendar is in the year
2012 and what many believe will be the time of the Shift. I for one believe
it will be somewhat sooner but not before the year 2003 to 2004. The reason
being that information gotten from the book "The Montauk Project-Expertiments
In Time" by Preston B. Nichols and Peter Moon, among other things, leads me
to the conclusion that our overall space-time line has been altered, a change
if you will in the Earth's space-time cone. Though there are other reasons
why I believe this to be so, the jest of the argument goes that an unbroken
link or bridge was established between the Philadelphia Experiment in 1943
and the Montauk Project stationed on Long Island, New York up to it's
abandonment in the later part of 1983. A stationary time loop was supposedly
established between these two time periods, causing our primary space-time
line to realign itself. Some believe, including myself, that the 'greys'
played a part in this. But for whatever reason it has been said that
prophecies from the year 1972 on, have for the most part failed to come to
pass or have not occured when stated. Taken from the 4th printing of this
book in April of 1995, Mr. Nichols states on p.108 and I quote: "At this
writing, we are currently in a time loop. This loop extends from where the
Montauk researchers penetrated into the past up to where they penetrated into
the future. It's fixed and would appear unalterable. However, this does not
mean that we are all relegated to being hopeless slaves of time manipulators.
The subconscious has its automatic or hypnotic levels, but it also contains
the seeds of freedom: dreams. If one can dream something, it can be brought
into being."

Another individual by the name of Hunbatz Men speaks of a ancient
confederation of Native American elders coming from representation of
Nicaragua all the way to the Arctic Circle. Meeting for supposedly thousands
of years to this day, these elders have been hiding the Mayan teachings from
public view, only entrusting certain families with their care. Hunbatz Men is
an inheritor of that lineage and in his book, "Secrets of Mayan
Science/Religion, he tells of teachings that parallel the Hindu and Buddhist
ones on astrology, meditation and the septenary roots of creation. In
"Ancient Prophesies" by Bette Stockbauer where I got much of the research
material presented here, she states and I quote: "What is enlightening in all
of these statements is their consistent tone of reconciliation. The native
groups are opening their doors to people of every color, speaking of
themselves as Rainbow Warriors. Their elders have reminded them to "remember
the original instructions" when each tribe was given by the creator a mandate
to follow. That mandate has told them that now is the time to heal the past,
despite the centuries of pain and persecution. Now is the time to join
together and work in harmony to rehabilitate the planet and establish an era
of alignment and peace."

In Elizabeth Clare Prophet's new book, "Saint Germain's Prophecy For The New
Millennium", she speaks of predictions made by some of the most famous seers
of our times. I will go over the material from those seers and psychics that
I feel add support to my argument of us approaching a naked singularity. One
of the most famous of modern day prophets, Edgar Cayce, gives support of a
powerful gravitational field disrupting the electromagnetic field of the
planet Earth with his following predictions. He foresaw a future date when
the earth's poles would shift and the earth changes that followed could
literally reshape our world. In another of Cayce's readings, he says that
Japan will disappear into the sea and the upper part of Europe will be
changed " in the twinkling of an eye." [Note: An interesting point to bring
up about Cayce's prediction on Japan is what I touched on about this in
several of my previous articles, in particular my article on the chupacabra.
I stated that there is at least six major electromagnetic fault areas similar
to the Bermuda Triangle spread across the planet, one being located off the
coast of Japan. This area as well as other major ones around the globe are
prime for instabilites as we enter this gravitational field. These volatile
areas will be the first to show notice of a destructive nature, when we reach
a certain point in our journey towards the naked singularity. I recall one
woman we interviewed on our ' 96 expedition to Puerto Rico, an contactee,
stated that a particular alien group she was having ongoing contact with
warned of an impending disaster off, I believe, the western coast of Japan. I
think it was the Pleiadians that relayed the information that a huge tidal
wave would sweep across the western coast of Japan in the not so distant
future taking many lives. Though not set in stone, as stated earlier, could
this be a prelude to Japan's demise? A possibility where if A occurs then B,
followed by C and D, then E {that being the tidal wave} will happened. Please
keep in mind that these are tests of our higher selves to help prepare us for
spiritual awakening and to bring us to greater frequencies of love and
understanding; that you will survive and become a enlighten spiritual being.
Keep the faith and be strong knowing that a positive flow of knowledge and
wisdom will get you passed the turmoil.

Cayce goes on to state that upheavels in the Antarctic and Arctic will cause
volcanoes. "The earth will be broken up in many places", and South America
will be "shaken from the uppermost portion to the end." The shifting poles
will cause cold and semi-tropical areas to become more tropical. In other
readings, he predicts that the east and west coasts, as well as central parts
of the United States, "will be disturbed". There would be changes all over
the country but the greatest would be along the North Atlantic seaboard, in
particular, New York and Connecticut. The main portion of New York City, he
claims, will disappear. In addition Los Angeles and San Francisco will be
effected where the southern coast of California and sections between Salt
Lake and southern Nevada could be rock by earthquakes. But he adds he
believes there will be more quakes in the Southern Hemisphere. To bring more
attention to all these earthquakes that will play havoc on the plates of the
Earth's crust as we reach this strong field in space, I want to inform you of
what Marc Davenport told me about this very subject. Marc stated to me this
very same government agent that told him about us coming into a naked
singularity gave Marc some very unsettling news towards the end of their
talk. The agent remarked to Marc "that the earth beneath us would literally
disappear before our very eyes when we finally reach the singularity!" Though
this is a very upsetting statement, I believe there is more to this then just
that comment and should not be look at as something to be feared. I believe
this is just a part of the transition from our dimension in 3rd Density
concluding in a higher dimension of 4th Density. I feel those able to make
the shift will have a protective field of positive energy and make it across
hyperspace unscathed. We need to raise the consciousness of our species
through positive thoughts and deeds with love and understanding for all life
as well as for Mother Earth, herself. This is critical and I will go more
into this in my closing statements. But before this I wish to bring to your
attention a couple more seers of the coming times ahead.

In her new book Elizabeth Clare Prophet, who is a seer that uses astrology as
a tool, also has views of future events that applies, in my opinion, to us
passing into this singularity. As I mentioned at the top of this page on
August 11, 1999, Robert Morning Sky danced on top of Monk's Mound at Cahokia
Mounds State Historic Site, IL. This was a fulfillment of a prophecy to the
return of the Star People. Ms. Prophet states that on August 11, 1999 there
would be an eclipse of the Sun at 18 degrees Leo that would form a grand
square involving the Sun and Moon at 18 degrees Leo, Mars at 16 degrees
Scorpio, Saturn at 16 degrees Taurus and Uranus at 14 degrees Aquarius. A
grand square configuration where the planets literally make a square in the
heavens. She claims this as one of the most powerful configurations of the
twentieth century which could cause major earth changes and abrupt changes in
relations and relationships. This eclipse could trigger a painful breakdown
of relations and shake things up, but on the flip side the realignment could
be a breakthrough towards an order that adjusts to facilitates social,
technological and political progress. In addition, the eclipse of the Sun in
Leo also signifies the passing away of bad leadership and the establishing of
a martix of a new and kinder Aquarian form of leadership. My take on this
with the added information presented by Morning Sky is that we shall make
contact with two different groups of Star Beings from the star system of
Sirius sometime before the Shift. From other information I have been able to
obtain and from my own added sense of the situation, I have concluded it will
come in two waves of contact. The first being major contact with negative
aliens from the Sirius system, which shall appear human but in reality be
reptilian in form. Being in legion with the World Order, their claim of
coming in peace and to help us with our world in turmoil, will only be a
disguise for a sinister plan of control. Their true purpose will be an
attempt to keep us from obtaining higher spiritual awareness and preventing
us from remembering who we truly are. If these negative aliens can prevent
the majority of the world population from reaching the necessary higher
frequency required to make the shift, then this will be of major assistance
in the Lucifer Rebellion. But like most cases of negative energy trying to
take hold, a balance of positive energy is in the background attempting to
counteract it's affects. In this situation a positive group of
extraterrestrials, basically human in form; also coming from the star system
Sirius; will intervenue on our behalf, but only after our intent for their
aid manifest itself in the 'general consciousness' of this planet. As part of
a galactic federation of positive beings, others groups of aliens will join
in as the conflict escalates, from camps of both negative and positive
forces. A continuation of the Orion Conflict, many eons old, the battle will
eventually emcompass beings that are intergalactic and interdimensional as
well. A war of space and time who's fierce arms will extend to beings from
innumerable dimensions, a war that had it's beginning at the 'Dawn of Time'
with The Battle of the Angels and the purge resulting in the Lucifer
Rebellion. Much more will be said on this in our next addition to this three
article series, called "Battlefield Earth-The Orion Conflict/Lucifer

Earlier I had predicted that the violet section of the rainbow will most
likely show a extraordinary brilliance right at the shift, a balancing of the
positive electromagnetic field of light from the Pistol Star and Photon Belt
with that of the negative gravitational field of the naked singularity. St.
Germain, Edgar Cayce and Elizabeth Clare Prophet all had comments about what
Ms. Prophet refers to as the 'violet flame', is there a connection? Ms.
Prophet states that "Just as a ray of sunlight passing through a prism is
refracted into the seven colors of the rainbow, so spiritual light manifests
as seven rays, or flames...The violet flame is the color and frequency of
spiritual light that stimulates mercy, justice, freedom and transmutation."
She goes on to state "Why is the violet flame so powerful? In our physical
world, violet light has the shortest wavelength, and therefore the highest
frequency, in the visible spectrum. Since frequency is directly proportional
to energy, the violet light also has the most energy. This means that it also
has the greatest ability to change matter at the atomic level." End of quote.
This makes alot of sense when you consider what the Shift is all about.
Please consider that the naked singularity we will be going through; among
the others positioned in space; were artificially produced and strategically
placed by the Founders with the guidance and support of the Supreme Being.
This being put in place for the spiritual evolvement of sentient creatures of
all kinds. This I believe is the order of things and this singularity is not
like a typical black hole, it was meant to be crossed! In the novel "Contact"
by the late Carl Sagan and later a movie by the same name with Jodie Foster,
there was a mention of 'wormholes' that were put in place by a very ancient
race of extraterrestrials to help other alien races transend large spans of
space. Could this have been a unconscious memory brought to paper by Carl
Sagan of passed times when we went through these naked singularities as the
government agent stated, every 13,000 years or so?

Ms. Prophet goes on to state that Edgar Cayce was aware of the healing power
of the violet ray through his readings and he recommended an electrical
device, a "violet ray" machine that emits a violet-colored electrical charge
to treat certain ailments. She goes on to explain that Saint Germain thought
the violet flame has the power to change physical conditions because of all
the flames, the violet is closest in vibratory action to the components of
matter. St. Germain states: "The violet flame can combine with any molecule
or molecular structure, any particle of matter known or unknown, and any wave
of light, electron or electricity." Ms. Prophet also speaks of her friend Dann
ion Brinkley, the author of "Saved by the Light". She states that at a
spiritual conference held in July of 1997, she spoke to Dannion on the violet
flame. Mr. Brinkley told her that during a near-death experience, he saw and
felt the violet flame. "I have seen the violet flame and felt the violet
flame," he said. "When you pass from this world to the next, you
automatically become the flame. You connect to it. I have done it. When you
pass through the violet flame, you are connected to a new dimension." This is
interesting what Dannion said about when you pass through the violet flame in
a near-death experience, you become connected to a new dimension. Going
through this naked singularity will have many components to a near-death
situation, the violet flame and the violet light section of the rainbow both
are indicators of a dimensional shift. Something to think about.

Nostradamus made few predictions with specific dates, but of one that he did,
could have meaning to what I have been presenting to you. The famous quatrain
X.72 reads: The year 1999, seven month, From the sky will come a great King
of Terror: To bring back to life the great King of Angolmois, Before and
after Mars to reign by good luck.[end of quatrain] Ms. Prophet believes that
the exact date of the 'seventh month' is controversial; meaning July; and
what Nostradamus actually wrote was 'sept mois' which in French can mean
"seven month" or "seven months", that could put it at the end of July or
beginning of August. She says that Nostradamus may have been using the Julian
calendar which is thirteen days earlier than the Gregorian calendar in use
today. In such a case, it could mean anywhere from July 14 through August 13,
which would fit into the August 11, 1999 scenario. Also, as stated earlier,
it may be a delay caused when our space-time line was altered from the
Montauk Project, who can be sure. If it was August 11, 1999 he was talking
of, then it is profound and needs clarification. This "King of Terror" coming
"from the sky" could have many interpretations, but two ways of viewing this
comes to mind. Both interpretations are part of what I spoke of as preludes
to the Shift, the first is that these could be comets or asteroids falling to
Earth from their destabilization by the naked singularity. Or what I see as a
more plausible scenario, the return of the negative alien race from the
Sirius star system. From what the quatrain states, it must apply to these
negative extraterrestrials and not the positive Star people from the same
system. My thought of the words "To bring back to life the great King of
Angolmois" could mean a cycle of events to control the human population by
the predicted return of this warlike race of reptilians, part of the
Draconian Empire. The Anunnaki from Sitchin book, "The 12th Planet" are also
believed to be apart of this Draconian Federation of Reptoids. Though it is
early for the 3,600 year cycle of the Anunnaki, it may truly be their return;
regardless; due to the change of the planet's space-time line. I guess it will
 be a game of wait and see.

The last prophet I wish to talk about appearing to be consistent with my
train of thought is not really a seer in the strict sense at all. She is
Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and in this century alone, has supposedly made
over two hundred appearances worldwide. Probably the most well known
visitation of Mother Mary was as 'Our Lady Of Fatima', when she appeared to
three peasant children in 1917. The Lady passed on several messages to the
children so that the world might be saved through the grace of God. One of
the children, Lucia, was given a message known as 'The 3rd Letter Of Our Lady
Of Fatima', which up till now has never been revealed. Supposedly, all of the
Lady's predictions up to this point have come to pass. On the Internet, there
was, if I am not mistaken, a research organization that was able to somehow
obtain this well kept secret. The report states that the Church has given
permission to reveal to the faithful another part of the virgin of Fatima's
message. Whether this information is correct or not is up for my readers to
decided for I have as yet been unable to verify it's accuracy. I thought it
important enough to include here because, if the letter is true, what I have
to say regarding this should be of real interest. This is on the assumption
that my claims concerning the Shift are correct as well. The letter was given
to Pope Pious XII by Lucia, now a nun also called Sis. The pope upon reading
it became fearful and hid it from public view. Pope John XXIII upon reading
the letter did the same, fearing the revelation would cause chaos and
desperation. From this report on the Internet it is stated: 'Now this part of
the message is revealed, since the faithful should know these things in order
to be prepared.' The virgin said to Lucia: "Go my child, tell the world what
will happen between the years 1950-2000. Man isn't putting into practice the
Commandments our Lord gave us. The devil is guiding the world, laying the
seeds of hate and corruption everywhere...God will permit all manner of
natural pheomena like cold, smoke, hail, water, fire, floods, bad weather,
earthquakes. Terrible disasters and coldest winters will little by little
destroy the earth..." [end of quote] In the section of the report entitled
"What Awaits Us?" it states: 'Although peace and tranquility are spoken much
in the world, the punishment will come. A man of great importance will be
assassinated and this will provoke a cold war. A powerful army will sweep
across Europe and atomic war will begin. This war will destroy all. Darkness
will fall over Earth for 72 hrs. (3 days) and 1/3 of humanity which survives
this 72 hrs. of darkness will begin to live in a new era. This will be the
good souls of humanity. On a very cold night, 10 minutes before midnight, a
terrible earthquake will strike and shake the world for 8 hrs. This will be
the third sign That God governs all that happens on the earth. The good of
humanity and those who have propagated the message of the Virgin of Fatima
shouldn't fear or doubt.' In the next section of the report called "What To
Do" it goes on to say: 'Kneel and beg for God's forgiveness. Don't go outside
and let no stranger into your home. Only the good will escape the power of
evil and survive the catastrophe. So that you may prepare and stay alive, as
the beautiful children of mine you are, I'll give you these signs to look out
for: the night will be very cold and the strong winds will blow, there will
be a great trepidation and in a short time the earthquakes will begin and the
whole world will tremble. You must close all doors and windows in your home
and speak to no one not in your home. Avert your eyes from the outside, be
not curious, for this is the ire of Our Father. Light your Holy candles, for
no other source of light will brighten for 3 days. The movement will be so
violent as to transform the earth moving it 23 degrees and returning it to
its original state. All manner of unholy spirits will be loosed upon the
world, tearing at the souls of those who didn't choose to hear this message
and to those who wouldn't repent...All will be dark, except for a Great
Mystical Cross which will appear in the sky to remind all of the price Our
Lord paid for our salvation...' [end] On the next and final page of this
article, I will give my thoughts concerning these passages and some closing
thoughts concerning the Shift.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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