-Caveat Lector-

Something  picked up from the net a couple of years ago. Y'all might find this
Subject: JFK Hit Part of 50-yr Covert War
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 1995 19:49:16 UTC

OF NAMES IDENTIFIED [Continued from Part III]

        Typically my source has identified less than 5% of
the names sent to him on any particular blind list.  Question
marks to the left indicate confusion of my source as to
whether the person was on the list for some other reason
than true membership.  Where the last name is
CAPITALIZED, he has identified only the last name. I have
placed some of his last-name identifications on this summary
because he has informed me that part of his training under
hypnosis was to RECOGNIZE many of the names IN FULL,
but to IDENTIFY only the last names.  In a number of cases I
have tested these last-name identifications by sending him
lists with the same last names, but paired with false first
names.  He has not identified the last names when paired
with false first names or when other individuals with the same
last names appear on other lists. Where I have found some
form of reinforcement from these sorts of tests or from other
patterns of identifications or from the person's role in world
affairs [e.g., Saddam HUSSEIN, identified by him in summer,
1986], I have included the last-name identifications.
Finally, readers should be aware that many of the names
identified are very common and could refer to someone other
than the specific person with the specific title I have indicated

IDENTIFICATIONS: My source and I both caution the
readers against placing too much reliance on the names
identified by him.  It is intended mostly as a general caution
to those named to examine their associations with people who
espouse the ideologies described in Parts I-III.  JUST BECAUSE
My source was ordered to memorize the names.  He believes
the names represent people the GROUP considers "usable" as
agents.  It is inconceivable that many of the people listed would
be knowingly involved.  In fact, they may think specific actions
they are asked to take are legitimate requests serving no
improper purpose.  On the other hand, some of them,
particularly in the highest categories of military, bankers, and
people in foreign affairs, may be "players" in the organization.
The vast majority are ignorant of the GROUP'S true objectives
and "black" operations.  The politicians identified generally
are involved as a means of obtaining power and not through
venal hearts.  Many participants over the years have been
forced into knowing cooperation by blackmail or by other means.
Some names may be on the list merely by virtue of their close
association with and manipulation by others who are actively
involved.  The important thing is that, based on my source's
story, the people could be used as pawns to manipulate world
events without even realizing their true function.  That is what
the world of spooks is all about.

STATISTICAL RESULTS:  The highest ratios of identifications
were the military, Department of State, Federal Reserve
System, Drug Enforcement and the Council on Foreign

SENATORS & CONGRESSMEN - 1986, 1991, & 1994 Lists

Bob Packwood, Sen. [R], OR              =

Howard M. Metzenbaum, Sen. [D], OH
James A. McClure, Sen, ID               =

Alan J. Dixon, Sen. [D], IL
John Heinz, Sen. [R], PA                =

Wyche Fowler, Sen. [D], GA
Dan Quale, Sen. [R], IN                 =

Arlen Spector, Sen [R]. PA
William V. Roth Jr., Sen. [R], DE       =

John Tower, Sen. [R], TX
Jesse Helms, Sen. [R], NC               =

Daniel P. Moynihan [D], NY
Claiborne Pell, Sen. [D], RI            =

John McCain, Sen. [R], AZ
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Sen. [D], DE      =

Richard G. Lugar, Sen. [R], IN
Tom Harkin, Sen. [D], IA                =

Wendell H. Ford, Sen. [D], KY
John B. Breaux, Sen. [D], LA            =

George J. Mitchell, Sen. [D], ME
J. James Exon, Sen. [D], NE             =

Larry Pressler, Sen. [R], SD
Robert Krueger, Sen., TX                =

Orrin G. Hatch, Sen. [R], UT
John W. Warner, Sen. [R], VA            =

John D. Rockefeller IV, Sen. [D], WVA

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES [Lists before 1993 indicated]
Don Fuqua - FL [86]     Jim Ross Lightfoot - IA [86]
Steve Bartlett - TX [86]        William H. Boner - TN [86]
Hank Brown - CO [86]    John D. Dingell - MI [86]
Steven L. Neal -NC [86] John J. Rhodes III - AZ[91]
Ron Packard - CA [91]   Gus Savage - IL [91]
Herbert H. Bateman -VA  James M. Jeffords
Clyde C. Holloway - LA [91]
Thomas S. Foley, WA     Ray Thornton, ARK
Richard W. Pombo, CA    Howard P. McKeon, CA
Christopher Cox, CA     Christopher Shays, CT
Sam Gibbons, FL         Peter Deutsch, FL
Neil Abercrombie, HI    Dan Rostenkowski, IL
Harris W. Fawell, IL    ?Pat Roberts, KS
Richard H. Baker, LA    Martin T. Meehan, MA
Fred Upton, MI          Richard A. Gephardt, MO
Jim Saxton, NJ          Hamilton Fish Jr., NY
James T. Walsh, NY      Bill Paxon, NJ
Amo Houghton, NY        Paul E. Gillmor, OH =

Lucien E. Blackwell, PA George W. Gekas, PA
Thomas J. Bliley Jr., VA

William O'Neill - Gov., CT [86] =

John A. Volpe - former Gov., MA [86]
John H. Sununu - Gov., NH [91]
Charles E. Roemer III - Gov., LA [91]
Kay Orr - Gov., NE [91]
Robert Orr - Gov., IN [91]
Tucker, Jim Guy, Gv, Ark
Bryant, Winston, AG, Ark
??Wilson, Pete, Gv, CA[common]
Oberly, Charles M. III, AG, DE
Gorman, Chris, AG, KY
Schaefer, William Donald, Gv, MD
Weld, William F., Gv, MA =

Harshbarger, Scott, AG, MA
Mazurek, Joseph P., AG, MT
Florio, James J., Gv, NJ
Del Tufo, Robert J., AG, NJ
Hunt, James B. Jr., Gv, NC
?Voinovich, George V., Gv, Oh
?Morales, Dan, AG, TX [common]
Dean, Howard, Gv, VT
Caperton, Gaston, Gv, WV

[May, 1989 list except as indicated.]

Pierre Elliott Trudeau - Canada, former P. M. [2/91]
Robert de Cotret, Canada, Secy of State [9/92]
Miguel de la MADRID - Mexico, President  [86]
Hector Hernandez - Mexico, Commerce Sec'y. [86]
Ad. Miguel G=F3mez Ortega - Mexico, Sec'y. of the Navy
Jesus Silva Herzog - Mexico, Sec'y. of Finance
Sergio Garcia Ramirez - Mexico, Attorney General
Miguel Montes Garcia, Mexico, Atty Gen [9/92]
Jorge Inarritu y Ramirez de Aguilar - Mexico,   Ch.Justice
H=E9ctor Hern=E1ndez Cervantes - Mexico, Sec. Commerce
Luis Alberto Monge Alvarez - Costa Rica, President =

Armando Arauz Aguilar - Costa Rica, Vice President
Hugo Alfonso Mufioz Quesada - Costa R, Min. Justice
Jose Napoleon Duarte - El Salvador, President
Carlos Eugenio Vides Casanova - El Salvador, Min Def
Roger Perodin, Haiti, Gov. Central Bank [9/92]
Thomas Borge - Nicagagua, Interior Min. [2/91]
William Ramirez - ? Nicaragua, Min. of Transport
Manuel Espinosa - Nicaragua, Min. of Informatn.
Roderick L. Esquivel - Panama, First V.P.
Manuel Antonio Noriega - Panama, President
Raul Alfonsin Foulkes - Argentina, President
Victor Martinez - Argentina, Vice President
Dante Caputo - Argentina, Min., Foreign Affairs
Jo=E3o Baptista de Oliveira Figueiredo - Brazil, Pres
C=E9sar Mendoza Dur=E1n - Chile, Junta, Head of Police
Rafeal Retamal Lopez - Chile, Pr. Sup. Court  [86]
Carlos Andres Perez - Venezuela, former President
Jose Manzo Gonzalez - Venezuela, Minister, Justice

John Major - United Kingdom, Prime Min [3/92]
Archibald Hamilton - U. K., Def. Min., Armed Forces [9/93]
Malcolm Rifkind - U.K., Defence Min. [9/93]
Pierre B=E9r=E9govoy - U.K., Def. Min., Procuremt [9/93]
Jean-Luc Dehaene - Belgium, Prime Minister [9/93]
Thorvald Stoltenberg - Norway, Foreign Min [3/92]
Hans H=E6kkerup - Denmark, Defense Minister [9/93]
Curt Bostrdm - Sweden, Min. of Transp./Commun
Leif Hallberg - Sweden - Chief of commission to investigate     =

        assassination of Prime Min.Olof Palme
Richard von Weizs=E4cker - West Germany, Pres. [86]
Wolfgang Sch=E4uble - West Ger., Head, Chancellery
Friedrich Zimmerman - West Ger., Min., Interior
Heinz Riesenhuber - West Ger., Min., Research/Tech.
J=FCrgen Warnke - West Ger., Min., Econ. Coop
Hans-Dietrich Genscher - Germany, Foreign Min [3/92]
G=FCnter Rexrodt - Germany, Economics Minister [9/93]
Norbert Bl=FCm - Germany, Labor Minister [9/93]
Volker R=FChe - Germany, Defense Minister [9/93]
Andreas Papandreou - Greece, Prime Min. [2/91]
Giannis Papadonikolakis - Greece, Min. of Communicatn
Constantine Stefanopoulos - Greece, pre-1981 Min of Pres
Dimitrios Papageorgiou - Greece, pre-1981 Air Marshall
Giuliano Amato, Italy, Prime Minister [9/93]
Giovanni Spandolini - Italy, Defense minister
Robert Goebbels - Luxembourg, For. Affairs Secy.
Miguel Boyer Salvador Spain, Min. of Econ., Tax
Felipe Gonzalez M=E1rquez - Spain, Prime Min [3/92]
Jozeef Antall, Hungary, Prime Min [9/92]
?Bronius Kusmickas, Lithuania Dep. Chr [9/92]

Vladimir Sidorov - Adm., Commander, Pacific Fleet
Nikolay Yaakov - V. Adm., 1st Dep. Comm'r, Pac Fleet
Vladimir Pirozhkov - Dep. Chrmn., KGB
Ernst H=F6fner - E. Ger., Presidium, Finance Min.
Gorbachev & Yeltsin, see below
Boris Dmitriyevich Pankin, Minister of For Affairs [9/92]
Viktor Pavlovich Barannikov, Interior Min [9/92]
Vadim Viktorovich Bakatin, Chief, Internal Security [9/92]
Alexander Rutskoi - Boris Yeltsin opponent[94]
Vladimir Zhirinovsky - Ultra- right-wing pol [94]
? CIS [Russia] - Viktor Chernomyrdin - Yeltsin Prime Minister

Saddam HUSSEIN - Iraq [86]
Abdul Jabbar Abdul Rahim al-Asadi - Iraq, Min., Transp. &       =

Hasan Ali - Iraq, Min., Trade
Rafaat al-Assad - Syria, V.P. [Military/Nat'l Security)
Abdel Halim Khaddam - Syria, Vice President
Yitzhak Zamir - Israel, Prime Minister [This name was later     =

        re-checked under two alternative spellings and under    =

        Tsamir's original Polish name before he fled Germany.   =

        The witness identified every one of them.]
Ariel Sharon - Israel, Trade Minister [86]
Hosni Mubarak - Egypt, President [2/91]
Esmat Abdel-Meguid - Egypt, Foreign Min. [86]
Saud al-Faisal - Saudi Arabia, Min., Foreign Affrs
Muhammad Ali Abdul-Khail - Saudi Arabia, Min., Finance

Luis Maria Manuel dos Santos - Angola, Min., Ports, Railway
Youssouf Ahmed - Ethiopia, Min. of Transport &
Pieter W. BOTHA - So. Africa, President [86]
Roelof BOTHA - So. Afiica, Min. of For. Aff.  [86]
Dawid J. de Villiers - So. Africa, Min., Trade & Industry

Rahlmauddin Khan - Pakistan, Lt. Gen., former Gov. of
Pol Pot - Cambodia, Army Commander-in-
        Chief, Democratic Kampuchea
Pham Van Dong - Vietnam, Prime Minister
Van Tien Dung - Vietnam, Defense Council Member
Vu Quang - Vietnam, Council of State
Y Ngong Nick Dam - Vietnam, Council of State
Tran Van Quang - Vietnam, Defense Council Member
Tran Phuong - Vietnam, V. Chairman, Council
        of State
Yang Shanten - China, President [3/92]
?Wang Zhen - China, V. P. [11/93 list]
Song Ping - China, Min., State Planning
Wang Hai - China, Commander, Air Force
Roh Tae Woo - So. Korea, President [2/91]
Ron Yong Gap - So. Korea, Min. Gov't. Adm [2/91]
? Lee Won-Kyung - So. Korea, Min., Foreign Affairs
Choi Dong-Kyu - So. Korea, Min., Justice
Lee Min Woo - So. Korea, Head New Kor. Demo.Party
Paul Keating - Australia, Treasurer
William Hayden - Australia, Min. of Foreign Affairs
Corazon C. Aquino - Philippines, Pres. [86]

Margrethe, of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glucksburg -        =

        Queen Margrethe II of Denmark [5/89 LIST]
Juliana Louise Emma Marie Wilhelmina - Princess Juliana of      =

        Netherlands, mother of Queen [5/89 LIST]
Juan Carlos - King of Spain [5/89 LIST]
Carl Gustaf - King of Sweden [10/90]
Carl Phillip Edmund Bertil - Son of Carl Gustaf [10/90]
Victoria Ingrid Alice Desir=E9e - Princess Desir=E9e, sister of
        King of Sweden [5/89 LIST]
Albert Charles Leopold Axel Marie Gustave - King of Belgium
Mahmood Iskandar ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ismail - King of
        Malaysia [10/90]


Kurt Waldheim - Pres., Austria
Francois Mitterand - France
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor - Queen Elizabeth II
King George of England, during WWII
Mikhail Gorbachev
Boris N. Yeltsin


WORLD [Identifications from 1987 lists except as indicated]

Argentina - Juan Jose Alfredo Conception: Pr., Nat'l Bk of      =

Brazil - Gastdo Vidigal BAPTISTA PEREIRA: Banco Mercantil       =

        de Sao  Paulo
Chile - VLADIMIR Radic PIRAINO: Banco O'Higgins
Venezuala - J. VAN DER VEEN: Netherlands Bank
Bolivia - Pigoberto Perez: Banco Minero de Bolivia
Paraguay - Dr. Cesar Romeo ACOSTA - Central Bank

United Kingdom - Frank Dolling: Barklay's Bank International
U. K. - Nathaniel Mayer Victor Rothschild - Ch., St. James      =

        Place Capital, owns all Rothschild stock & allegedly a  =

        major block of Fed Reserve stock [2/94]
U. K. - James Hugh Cecil [Lord Rockley] Ch., Kleinwort,                 =

        Benson Group [2/94]
U. K. - W.F.W. Bischoff - Ch., J. Henry Schr=F6der Wagg &       =

        Co. [2/94]
?U. K. - Herman Constantyn van der Wyck - Ch., S. G.            =

        Warburg & Co. [2/94]
U. K. - Stuart Albert Samuel Montagu [Lord Swaythling] - Ch.,   =

        Samuel Montagu & Co. [2/94]
Scotland - J. H. Forbes MacPherson - Chr., TSB Bank  [2/94]
Scotland - John Charles Montagu-Douglas-Scott [Duke of Bucc-    =

        leuch & Queensbury] Ch., Royal Bank of Scotland [2/94]
Switzerland - Jakob J=E4ggli-P=FCnter - V.Ch., Union de Banques
Switzerland - Henry Oswald - V.Ch, B. Commerciale de Bale
Switzerland - E. Sarasin Vonder M=FCehl - 2dV.Ch., same
Switzerland - Charles Schnyder de Wartensee - V.Pr., Nat'l. Bk  =

        of Sw.
Austria - Walter Fl=F6ttl - Ch., Bank f=FCr Arbeit & Wirtschaft [2/94]
Austria - Herbert Schoeller - Ch., Schoeller & Co. [2/94]
Germany - Walter Siepp - Ch, Commerzbank AG [2/94]
Germany - F. Wilhelm Christians - Ch, Deutsche Bank [2/94]
Germany  - Wolfgang R=F6ller - Ch, Dresdner Bank [2/94]
Germany - L. Graf von Zech - Mg Ptr, Berliner Handels und       =

        Frankfurter Bank, Frankfurt [2/94]
Belgium - Phillips DUBOIS: State bank supervisor
Denmark - Knud Sorensen: Danske Bank manager
Spain - Rafael Martinez Cortina: Banco Exterior de Espana

Lebanon - Franco Moretti: Banco di Roma
Syria - Rifaat Akkad: Central Bank
Egypt - Mahmoud Adbellah: Central Bank
Egypt - Farid SAAD: Central Bank
Saudi Arabia - Saleh ABDULLAH: Centel Bank
Saudi Arabia - Farouk Abdel Majeed: Cental Bank

Pakistan - Tajammal Hussain: United Bank Limited
Taiwan - Kyozo YUMOTO: Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank
Indonesia - Omar Abdalla: State Bank
Indonesia - Dr. Klaus Zeidler: Indonesia-European Asia Bank
Japan - Toshio NAKAMURA: Mitsubishi Bank
Japan - Kaneo NAKAMURA: Industrial Bank of Japan
Japan - Katsuhiko YAMAMOTO: First National Bank of Japan
Japan - T.G. Lightfoot: Standard Chartered Bank

[continued in Part V]

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All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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