-Caveat Lector-


An interesting Federal Court proceedings.


Q. You and other young people got to know each other somewhat during this
period of time you went to these parties?

A. Yes.

Q. How many of you were there involved in this?

A. it's kind of hard to say. Because I was in it probably longer than most of
the young people that were involved. A lot of the young people were involved
for a couple of years. Whereas I was involved from the early, either the late
70s, very early 80s up until even 86, 87. Even though I wasn't doing anything
at that time and stuff, I was still around them enough to, you know, for
photo ops or whatever Larry King wanted, enough to try to keep myself alive.

THE COURT: But for how long, from?

A. From, like I said, about the early 80s till 87, 88. And there were perhaps
over that time period and stuff, I'm not just talking about kids from Omaha,
and from Boys Town, cause there were several kids from Boys Town brought by
bus, you know, brought in on vans and stuff. But also from the other areas
where we went to and stuff on scavenger hunts for Larry, it was for Larry
King. There's probably a couple of hundred kids. And as, from probably
anywhere from 16 down to about 8, maybe some younger.

Q. (By Mr. DeCamp) You filed this lawsuit eight or nine years ago, is that

A. Yes.

Q. Alan Baer originally was one of the defendants, is that correct?

A. Yes.

Q. Did Alan Baer ever have any contact with you after the lawsuit was filed?

A. He did in several different ways. Even after I got out of prison he's
contacted me one time.

Q. What was the contact?

A. Well, in prison and stuff there was a guy in there named Bently Buckner
who when I first got there he told me that he had been in contact with Alan.
And said that he, Alan had told him to make sure I was okay and take care of
me while I was there. Make sure nothing happened to me. And that had a lot to
do with the fact there was a lot of pressure from some sources and stuff at
that time that anything happened to me it would look pretty bad for him, too
many people had already been ending up dead or something and I was just one
that I, he wanted to make sure that I was taken care of

Q. Now, you were in prison for what?

A. I was in prison for three counts of sexual assault on a child. And what
that extended to is that I got arrested for, the charge I got arrested on was
for allegedly touching a 13 year old boy on the outside of his pants while I
was supposed to be asleep.

Q. And your sentence for that was what?

A. I got a zero to five sentence, actually five years. I did all of the time
that I was supposed to do.

Q. You were originally granted parole, weren't you, and then --
A. Yeah.

Q. -- an editorial came out in the World-Herald revoke, or telling them to
revoke it and they did?

A. October 21st, 19911 went before the parole board, they voted unanimously
at that time five to 0 to give me parole. And according, you know, we had a
parole plan where I would be set up, I would be living with a minister in
Lincoln and working for Ed Weaver, was what was set up for me at that time.
And 10 days later before I ever got out of the prison the pastor I was
supposed to be staying with was going to be out of a town for about a week or
so so they couldn't let me go that day. But before I ever got out the
World-Herald ran some pretty mean editorials and stuff saying that if I got
out I'd be in touch with this LaRouche group which I won't have anything to
do with because my brother ran away with one of them -- not my brother, my
sister-in-law ran away with one of them. And so I had nothing to do with them
really at that time. And it was after that Halloween, of all times, and
stuff, of 91, October 31st, they revoked the parole and never gave a reason
why. And that was pretty hard thing for me at that time.

Q. Who was the first person you called after you were arrested?

A. First person I called after I was arrested was Alan Baer.

Q. Why did you call him?

A. Well, because in the past whenever I had been arrested 1, 1 mean, I had
been picked up by the police, never actually put into jail. He told me if I
ever got in trouble with the law to call him. That he would arrange it so I
could get out. And so I did. And I never really got ahold of him very well.
But another inmate that knew Alan Baer also kept calling him for me.
Basically I was wanting to tell him at the time and stuff what I had said a
couple of days before about, you know, cause -- the Wednesday before I got
arrested he asked me, actually another personality, he didn't know it was,
really I think he knew it was me, but he was one of the, going with a guy,
supposedly one of my personalities, supposedly my brother, of all things,
that he was going to have me get other young kids for his parties. And that
we had, I told him, pardon my language, to go F himself and that I'd rather
die before I'd do that again. And two days later I end up in jail.

Q. Were there any other personalities, not personalities like in yourself but
other prominent people at these parties that you particularly remember? You
had mentioned one, Alisha mentioned one, a name of Carlson.

A. Theodore Carlson, he was a judge in Omaha.

Q. He was at these parties?

A. He was at a couple of the parties. I think, I believe most of the time I
saw him wasn't at parties at the Twin Towers, it was mostly like at I want to
say The French Cafe. And, I mean, that's where I'm getting a picture in my
head of seeing him at. And down in, I think there's a basement or something,
but also up in like a loft or apartment upstairs. But at a lot of the parties
I heard enough from other kids about him. And he preferred young girls.

Q. Alisha said that and she went to prison for it. Are you telling the truth?

A. Yes.

Q. The final question Id like to ask you, how does this whole scene, mix
you've been involved in for so many years impacted or affected your life or
changed your life?

A. Totally screwed up my life.

Q. Who am I talking to now?

A. Paul.

Q. Okay. Go ahead.

A. For one thing I would have never been arrested for something that,
something that I totally find disgusting. I would have never been at NPI,
which actually caused me to have to give up my military career. Because
i[sic] had planned all my life to join the Army and just spend my whole life
in the military. I had spent four years in ROTC in high school and stuff just
dreaming of getting in the military and rising up through the ranks and one
day being somebody. And then having all that dashed because I was in a
psychiatric hospital for something that wasn't even true. And the threats
that he's made on my life and stuff is like to this day I'm scared for my
family. Not a day goes by that I haven't prayed, asked God to protect my
family. Because I know that this man has caused people to be killed. Friend
of mine to be killed. He's caused a lot of, I can't even hardly sleep at
night, which my wife can tell you that I hardly sleep at night any more. I
never have. I mean, I have bad dreams and stuff which I don't even tell her
about because it's like I don't want to put her through the same hell I've
gone through all my life. It's hard for me to, it was hard for me to have
relationships for a long time. I mean, I was afraid that, you know, I'd find
somebody I really cared about and loved and stuff, somebody would come along
and take them away. It's been hard for me to try and keep a job because of
the MPD.

Q. MPD meaning?

A. Multiple personality disorders. Cause I get work, just like I don't know
what happens. I love, I mean, I, I'm a hard worker, I love work and everybody
that I work for and stuff just, you know, always has nothing but good to say
about me. It's just that I have, I, Ijust quit. I don't know why. And, I
mean, it's not a good thing to always have to be looking over your shoulder
and stuff to see if somebody's back there and stuff following you. Sometimes
I've done that a lot. When I got out of prison I was, I was terrified that
they were going to bump me off. I mean, the first night I was out of prison
for about a week I was so jumpy, I heard the ceiling creaking on the house
and stuff on the trailer I thought there was a sniper up on the roof going to
shoot me through the bedroom window. And even for years after that stuff,
like every time I went to my car try to turn it on and stuff I always have to
look everywhere, look under the seat, look under the car and stuff, make sure
there's no bombs under my car. I always have to watch who I was around and
stuff because it's like I was always afraid somebody would recognize me. And
go into the store and stuff and people recognize you is, and then associate
you as being a supposed pedophile or something like that when you know for a
fact that you're not. You don't have any attraction for that at all and
stuff. And the fact that I've never had any, I mean, I've never done this
for, I never put any lawsuits on these people. I never expect to get, I never
expected at all to get a penny. I was, it's always like I had planned
anything that was ever settlement and stuff even for my portion was going to
help kids who were used.

Q. In fact, that's part of the agreement, wasn't it, that I agreed to
represent you, that you would donate anything you won or most of what you won
to a fund to help kids in your situation?

A. Yes.

Q. Or abused kids?

A. Yes.

Q. You understand you signed that, didn't you?

A. Yes, I did. Because that's, I never, it was never about money for me, it
was about the fact that I wanted to get the truth out. I knew the only way I
ever get the truth out is try to get into court. And even when my perjury
case came up and they dismissed it, everybody else seemed to be happy for me.
But I was, that messed me up because I never got my day in court. I never got
a chance to prove that I was telling the truth. And they finally, if I would
have gotten that chance and stuff, they knew they had no, the prosecution
knew they had no case. They could not get one person to come to court and say
the terrible things they got people to say about Alisha. She had too many
people that knew her that didn't like her. But me 1, 1 made friends
everywhere I went. And the fact that I brought the case, brought this stuff
up three years before I ever got arrested.

Q. Let me hit on that. One moment. You put into writing your whole story on
this, as I recall, before you ever saw a psychiatrist, is that correct?

A. Yes, I did.

Q. You gave it without ever being under hypnosis?

A. Yes.

Q. You were hypnotized by the police or the court's psychiatrist after you
had told this story, is that correct?

A. Yes. It was the police who had Dr. Mead hypnotize me, took me to St.
Joe's, the police are the ones that took me to St. Joe's, they're the ones
that had the hypnosis planned. It wasn't my choice. I mean, I agreed to it
only because I felt that it would probably help me to straighten out some
things and stuff. And that hypnosis, to state for the record, only dealt with
one person. And one person alone. It had nothing to do with anybody but Peter
Citron. He was the only one brought up during this hypnosis at all. It had
nothing to do with Larry King, Alan Baer, the police, any priest or anything,
had nothing to do with anybody but Peter Citron.

Q. And the things in the petition, that we alleged and that you've read
repeatedly and you wrote and told us in effect about Peter Citron, they're
all true?

A. Yes, they are.

Q. Peter Citron went to prison, you know, of course, for molesting youth?

A. Went to prison after Id already been talking about him doing that stuff to
me. And I never had, of all the people who abused me he's the only person I
really never, never ended up getting any anger or animosity toward. Because
he was, I guess if you could talk about abuse, he was one of the nicest. Of
all the people who abused me. He didn't use threats of killing me and wiping
me out or everything, continually having me end up like I did a suicide by
overdose or pushed out a window or shot to the head.

Q. So he was a good abuser?

A. He, cant say good abuser, but he didn't, he didn't result, he didn't lower
himself to threatening my life like mainly everybody else. Especially Larry
King. Who I knew had the money to do it.

Q. And Peter Citron and his activities with you were done for his own
pleasure rather than ordering you like Larry King did to do this for others,
is that correct?

A. Yes.

Q. Paul, my final question, have I in any way told you what to say here today?

A. No.

Q. Have I in any way pressured you, coerced you, begged you, told you,
suggested anything?

A. No.

Q. And is everything you're telling us today the truth?

A. Absolutely, yes.

Q. You realize that people, Alisha Owen for example, went to prison for
saying essentially the same things you've said here today?

A. Yes, I do.

Q. You're still claiming that these are true?

A. Yes, I do.

Q. Is there anything you want to correct at all that you've said?

A. Nothing I want to correct. But there's some other stuff about, like even
my relation with my wife and stuff is affected by this because I'm afraid to
open up to her. And the fact that I feel like I'm not even a human being any
more because, because going to prison and stuff, all my rights been stripped
to me just about. And it's, and knowing that none of this, the fact that I
would have never gone to prison, I mean, everything my name and my family run
through the mud, it would have never happened if it wasn't for the likes of
Larry King and the rest of them. Who kept their thumb on me and every time I
tried to break free from them they just threatened to kill me or kill my
family. It got to the point where it didn't matter about me any more, it's
like I've always been more concerned about my family. You know, it's like I
know if I die I'm going to heaven so, you know, it don't matter to me. But
it's like my family means more to me than anything.

Q. You're working now?

A. I'm working now. I'm working part-time right now but I will be working
full time this summer. Finally got a job that's going to be worth something.

Q. And you're married now?

A. Yes.

Q. How long have you been married?

A. About two and a half years.

Q. You asked me not to ask you any other family questions?

A. Yes.

Q. Why?

A. Safety of my family.

MR. DECAMP: I have no further questions, Your Honor.

THE COURT: Mr. Bonacci, I have a question or two I'd like to ask you. Did Mr.
King, Lawrence E. King, ever sexually abuse you?

THE WITNESS: Yes, he did on numerous occasions.

THE COURT: How many times would you estimate?

THE WITNESS: Probably a couple of hundred. Within all of the different

THE COURT: How old were you at that time?

THE WITNESS: Beginning at the time I was approximately 12 or 13 years old. Up
until I was about 17 or 18.

THE COURT: As I understand it the three doctors who examined you concluded
that your multiple personality disorder was a result of sexual abuses
entirely or with other things, what was your understanding?

THE WITNESS: According to the psychiatrist, the stuff, it was almost
exclusively due to the sexual abuse and also the extreme physical abuse that
most of these people, most of the guys had abused me with. They, like putting
guns up to my head. Had guns put in my mouth. I had, on several occasions
Larry King sent out boys to, or not boys, men, to jump me.

THE COURT: You mean by that that he, Mr. King, would

THE WITNESS: He would order them.

THE COURT: -- direct the other men to do that or the other persons to do that?

THE WITNESS: Yes, he would direct them to do that. Sometimes, couple of times
I was taken to where he was at and he had them pretty well beat the tar out
of me from about the waist down so nobody would, my family or nothing would
see any marks on my face or anything. He had, there was like two or three
guys that he had kick and beating me pretty good. And one time I had my
fingers broken by a kid that, a guy they called Larry The Kid. And my family
knows about that. But they thought I had a bike accident. But the doctors
kept trying to push on it because, push me about it because of the way they
were broken. They said there's no way I could have broken it by flipping over
the handle bars of my bike, it looked like somebody had grabbed the knuckles
and busted them and twisted them. And that was done by, right in front of him.

THE COURT: Okay. What other physical injuries can you remember having?

THE WITNESS: Excuse me?

THE COURT: How many, what other physical injuries can you remember receiving?

THE WITNESS: I can remember them burning me with hot instruments. Placing
stuff inside of me.

THE COURT: Doing what?

THE WITNESS: Placing objects inside of me.

THE COURT: Objects inside you?

THE WITNESS: Such as like a, it was a, I don't know exactly what it was,
almost like what I call a cattle prod or something. But it would be put
inside then they'd shock me inside of my --


THE WITNESS: Yes. And they would

THE COURT: You mean electrically heated?

THE WITNESS: It was like they put it in then they would have a button he
would push and it would shock me. I hadn't told anybody about that because
I've been working through a lot of this getting everything from all the
personalities put together, which has taken years. Trying to make it, make
any sense.

THE COURT: And were those things, the burning and the putting of these hot
irons in you, done by Larry King or at his direction?

THE WITNESS: At his direction.

THE COURT: Did you hear him give the directions?


THE COURT: How many times did that kind of thing happen?

THE WITNESS: That happened about three or four times. One time I had
threatened to, we were in a different -- we weren't in Omaha, we were in, I
believe it was California, I threatened to go to the police there.

THE COURT: You threatened to what?

THE WITNESS: I threatened to go to police in California, thought maybe they
would listen whereas in Omaha they were under in his pocket book or
something. And I couldn't get out of the car. One other thing he had ordered
was we were on an airplane and he had me, or he had me hung out of the
airplane with a rope by my ankles.

THE COURT: At his direction?

THE WITNESS: Yes. That was on the same trip that I threatened to go to the
police. He was doing everything he could to make sure that I was quiet about
the activities that had taken place.

THE COURT: What was your primary duty, according to directions you received
from Mr. King?

THE WITNESS: It depended on what he needed. A lot, most of the time it was to
compromise politicians so he could get whatever he wanted from them. Or
whatever somebody, he wanted or that somebody he knew wanted to get. If they
wanted to get something passed through the legislature or whatever, he would
put some people that were against it in a compromising position. By using us
boys and girls.

THE COURT: Was this by your being the sexual partner of that person?


THE COURT: Okay. And or getting some other young person to be a sexual


THE COURT: Do you have any estimates of how often you participated as the
sexual partner of one of these persons that he wanted to get some kind of
control over?

THE WITNESS: Kind of hard to say. Because there were times when there would
be four or five in a night. And I hardly knew, I didn't know most of them.
But on probably a couple of thousand times. Sometimes --

THE COURT: Couple thousand times altogether?

THE WITNESS: Yeah. Sometimes dozens of times with the same person.

THE COURT: How did you finally get out of that practice?

THE WITNESS: In 86 when I went to the police I kind of broke away most of it
there. By the fact that they, I, by the fact that they knew that I was
talking about it. Also I kind of grew out of it because I was getting older.
I mean, up until I was probably 17 or 18 years old I, I guess I was a late
bloomer, I didn't go through puberty till I was about 18 or 19 years old. I
looked like I was probably 13 or 14. And even in my yearbook pictures from as
a junior in high school it looks like I'm probably about 13 years old. That's
why they were able to use me for so long.

THE COURT: How does the fact of your remaining multiple personality disorder
affect you now?

THE WITNESS: It affects me a lot. Especially like in work. It's sometimes
hard for me to keep a job now. It's affecting my relationship with my wife
big time. Because there are times when I know she's talked to other different
personalities and stuff because, you know, it's affected me, I can go off the
handle a little bit easy. I mean, I'm not really too physically violent but
I'm more verbally violent. I don I know why I do things I do. I find that
some of the things that used to be very easy for me do and stuff are
difficult. And then the worst part is probably the flashbacks. Because
there's still times and stuff where there's stuff I don't even know happened
that will flood my mind and I can't get it off my mind for sometimes weeks at
a time. III just kind of go into a moping period where it's like I'm trying
to, I'm just working through it trying to see if I can even believe it
myself. Because some of the things seem so outrageous. But I've come, I've
come to figure out how to tell what's real, you know, the real memories from
things that were placed in there on purpose to try and discredit me.

THE COURT: During your waking hours, when you're not asleep, do you find
yourself sometimes moving into different personalities whether you're at work
or otherwise?


THE COURT: Are those any of the personalities, I think I heard you say a
while ago that now you think you don't experience personalities that are
destructive to you, is that a fair statement?

THE WITNESS: No, I don't. The only person that I know that I have left is
Wesley. He's not destructive at all. He's more of a making sure that nothing
ever goes wrong.

THE COURT: Okay. He's protective of you?

THE WITNESS: Very protective.

THE COURT: Okay. Is he the only one?

THE WITNESS: The only one that I'm aware of.


THE WITNESS: III leave it at that, because I never want to transcend --
THE COURT: Mike, which is no longer.

THE WITNESS: As far as I know I believe he's gone but -- it would be hard to

THE COURT: I understand. Are you under any treatment now?


THE COURT: How long have you been without treatment?

THE WITNESS: When I first got out of prison I was living with Reverend Morrow
in Lincoln we worked out most of the stuff down there and stuff going through
memories. And all of that stuff. And actually for treatment and stuff, I've
contacted several psychiatrists they said unless you're really, unless you
really suffer from like where you're losing time, maybe doing things that are
wrong and stuff, you know, the best thing to do is just try and work through
them yourself. And that's probably the best way. It's like, cause I go
through years of treatment and stuff and I don't believe that that would do
anything good and stuff. Main thing that's helped me the most is probably my
faith. And getting involved in not just being a religious person, I'm not
religious at all. Simply a Christian who's trying to do what's right and live
my life respect, respectfully and stuff. And look out for other people and
protect them.

THE COURT: All right. I don't have any further questions. Anything else, Mr.

MR. DECAMP: No further questions, Your Honor.

THE COURT: You may stand down, sir.

MR. DECAMP: Denise.

THE CLERK: Maam, would you state your full name and spell your last name,

THE WITNESS: Denise Ann Bonacci, B-o-n-a-c-c-i.

THE CLERK: Denise Ann Bonacci, B-o-n-a-c-c-i.


CalIed as a witness, being duly sworn, testified as follows:

THE COURT: Sorry, didn't understand your first name.


THE COURT: D-e-n-i-s-e?



Q. Denise, do you know Paul Bonacci?

A. Very well.

Q. How long have you known him?

A. Since July 1st, 1995.

Q. So you've known him about three and a half years?

A. Yeah.

Q. Not very good at math. Anyway. How did you get to know Paul Bonacci?

A. We have a mutual friend, Wes Offenbaugh, and Wes was trying to help me out
counseling wise. And he didn't know what to do with me. So he said that Paul
and I shared a lot of our same backgrounds, not with the Franklin case or
nothing, but I mean I was abused as a kid too. He thought maybe Paul would be
able to help me out, you know, somebody that would be able to understand what
I was going through. And anyway, he sent him in to my work place. And the way
he was, Wes described this he would be like in 40s and old and ugly. He comes
in, he was 27 and gorgeous. So --so we hit it off immediately. And the next
time I saw him was August 19th, we started dating two weeks later.

Q. You ended up getting married?

A. Yeah.

Q. How has, how has this whole Franklin thing impacted you or your family?

A. It has quite a bit. Growing up, you know, I was really shy and everything.
And, but I had a lot of friends. And, you know, I wasn't ever scared, you
know, for my safety or anything. And then after meeting Paul, I thought that
Wes was joking on a lot of the stuff, then Paul gave me a copy of The
Franklin Cover-Up book and then the one by the grand jury, A Carefully
Crafted Hoax, and I went through those. And anyways, I read them. I was
asking Paul a bunch of questions, then he took me down to go see Reverend
Morrow and talk to him for a while. And Reverend Morrow explained a lot of
this stuff that Paul did talk to me about. But it's, Paul's abuse has really
caused a lot of -- cause I had boyfriends before. You know, but nothing like
Paul before. Because I didn't know MPD even existed, I never heard of it

Q. Join the club.

A. Yeah. But, you know, we've spent a lot of time together. And first time I
noticed that something was different with Paul I didn't even know that he had
MPD. Because nobody had mentioned it to me. And we were at Hy-Vee at the deli
and we were waiting in line to pay for it. And it just, I was talking to Paul
and everything that I was saying -- well, I thought it was Paul, and he just,
he looked different. And we had been dating for, I mean, we were dating for a
couple of months. You know. And it was, he looked totally different.
Everything I talked to him about, you know, he acted like he had no idea what
I was talking about. And he gave me gifts that later on, you know, I thought
they were really odd gifts, you know. And later on I, you know, I asked him,
you know, where in the world he got it. Because, you know, like jewelry box,
things like that, you know. And he had no idea where he got them from. And
I'm like, you know, he's like, you know -- sometimes he'd be over at my house
and we were engaged and, you know, he'd be talking with my family and stuff,
you know. And he'd look at stuff, says where did you get that? I says, well,
you gave it to me. No, I didn't. He was serious, he didn't know that he gave
me these gifts. But anyway, we talked about it and I found out about the MPD.
But he was always telling me that he was totally integrated and I thought he
was. And the 20-20 interview last spring or last summer, whenever it was. And
anyways, I thought he was totally healed. And they started doing the
interview, Karen Bums and then her assistant Hillary, I don't remember her
last name. But Paul had just switched over to Wesley. And that was my first --

Q. Then it shocked you?

A. Yeah. Quite a bit. I told the 20 --
Q. Was it clear it was a totally different person?

A. Yeah. They had me on the other side of the room. I told them I wanted to
be sitting next to him. They lied about the whole thing.

Q. They know how to do certain triggers?

A. Yeah, they knew.

Q. Bring it on certain personalities, didn't they?

A. Yeah. They knew all about his MPD. I didn't know anything about it, you
know, except to what they told me. They said he was totally integrated. And --

Q. He told you he was totally integrated?

A. He told me he was because he thought he was at the time. And 20-20 knew
and -- cause Paul and I for our, for our honeymoon we went to St. Louis. And
I had just been asking Paul, you know, has he ever been to St. Louis before
and he said no. Well, during the 20-20 interview that he was talking about
drug stops in St. Louis. I'm like, he's lying, that's what I was, that's what
I told Hillary. Cause Hillary was sitting next to me. I had been on the other
side of the room. And anyways Hillary says, no, that's one of his
personalities. And I'm like, what? You know, cause I didn't know what it was.
And I told them to stop filming and they wouldn't stop-filming. They kept on
saying, you know, well, let's have him talk about it. And everything that
they said that they weren't going to talk about they did. So -- cause they
said they were only going to ask like two or three in connection with the
Johnny Gosch case. As soon as he's found it was, it was different
personality, that's all they talked about. But that caused a lot of stress
right there. Then also Paul doesn't like to talk about his past that much at
all. But last January, I think it was, Paul's mom and his brother Tim, not
Tim, BJ and Debbie and Paul and I were all out to Village Inn and Paul's mom
was showing us this pin that she got representing all of her grandkids. And
Debbie had said that there was one missing that was for one of Paul's other
kid. And we're like, I didn't know anything about it. So there was a lot of
different stresses from his past. You know. Stories that keep on coming up
from his past the other personalities have done that's come up. Also we have
a lot of fights because different personalities will come up and they'll tell
me stuff and III ask him about it later and hell totally deny ever saying it.
Also since I've known him, which is almost four years now, the longest he's
ever held a job is like four months. And it's just very frustrating, you
know. That he doesn't give two weeks notice or anything, he just walks out
and never comes back. You know. He's always afraid that he's going to lose
me, like I'm going to leave him or something. He's even told me that he's
afraid to get close to me or anybody because he's afraid that, you know,
we're going to leave him. Also my sister, I've got two sisters, and we like
to go to movies, you know. And he doesn't like to go to see any horror movies
at all because he doesn't like the sight of blood. And that, he has said, is
directly related to the, to the Larry King and all the other stuff. Like
we're going to go see the movie Scream Two when that was out and he said no
because a lot of the stuff that he seen on the previews and stuff reminded
him of different stuff Larry King and people's done. Also like two weeks ago
we were watching the movie Dead Poets Society at our house. He had never seen
it before. And one of the main character's kid's shoots himself. Towards the
end. And Paul saw what was going on, he said there's no way he could sit
there and watch that because he had seen some of his friends were shot. And,
you know, it's just stuff like that. Also in our relations he's, I don't want
to embarrass him. But

Q. Go ahead.

A. He, he just, he acts sometimes like he's disgusted by the whole thing
throughout. He's very secretive about a bunch of stuff. He, you know, he's
got a bunch of paperwork on the, on the Franklin case and he's got a filing
cabinet at home. And he doesn't want anybody to look at it because he's
afraid that, he's always told me that he doesn't want to tell me too much
information because he's afraid for my protection. Because he says if you
know too much something could happen to you. So

Q. Do you have any additional information or whatever you want to provide the

A. Yeah. It's just, I can see that he's very scared to be close to anybody.
Just, you know, he doesn't do a lot of the normal stuff that most people his
age does. Such as going to movies. Or seeing movies. Some people just doesn't
like that type of, that type of movie. But he says that the main reason is
because it brings back too much memories for him. He has a lot of nightmares.
And I know that because we have a waterbed, he like flops over all the time,
you know. Also he's just, whenever he sees anybody's name in the paper that,
you know, had abused him or anything he gets really mad and hell be moody for
a couple of days. And it's really affected him quite a bit. Caused a lot of
stress in our marriage.

MR. DECAMP: I have no further questions.

THE COURT: You may stand down.

MR. DECAMP: Your Honor, I have no additional witnesses.


MR. DECAMP: Brief closing. I would just request that the Court look at the
entire situation. And I realize it's some fantastic tales, I wish maybe we
could take a week and try to establish every one of them, but I'm sure that's
not the purpose here today. Purpose is --

THE COURT: Quite limited.

MR. DECAMP: I understand. I--

THE COURT: The limited purpose for me is to decide what kind of compensation
Mr. Bonacci should get from Mr. King.

MR. DECAMP: We full well understand, Your Honor, probability of getting even
a single penny is incredibly remote. At the same time maybe as a, maybe as a
signal or lesson or something to some people out there a very substantial
maximum damage award might prove a point or prevent some other child
somewhere some time from being abused.

THE COURT: All right. III do the best I can in assessing the testimony.

MR. DECAMP: Thank you, Your Honor.

THE COURT: And the documents. All right. We're in recess. Thank you.

 (1:49 p.m., recessed.)

I, Gary G. Latimer, Court Reporter, certify that the foregoing is a correct
transcript from the record of proceedings in the above-entitled matter.

February/3, 1999

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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