-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www-douzzer.ai.mit.edu:8080/conspiracy/conspiracy.html">The
World Government Conspiracy
Many embeds, links and more at site.

The Conspiracy Revisited

Obviously, I do not propose that a monolithic, unerring conspiracy is at
work, nor do I propose that all of the events which favor the
conspirators were instigated by the conspirators. Instead, what this
document reveals is a network of affiliations and alliances, some strong
and some weak, some advertised and some secret, that is working toward a
common goal of world rule by oligarchy, with varying degrees of
coordination, coherency, and internal contention. It is a conspiracy,
but one of humans, hence neither monolithic nor unerring. Moreover, the
core of the conspirators has nothing approaching absolute authority.
Even the most powerful among them - the first-tier international bankers
and the intelligence apparatus they control - must often ``sugar-coat''
their directives, and must always choose them carefully.

The myriad interlocking subconspiracies one encounters while exploring
this compilation are arranged in interlocking hierarchies. There is no
clean command hierarchy in general; in fact there is a degree of
incoherency and fluctuation in the command topology. Subconspiracies are
linked by conspirators who are members of multiple subconspiracies, and
these crucial links between pairs of subconspiracies have explicit
knowledge of the existence and role of each of those subconspiracies.
Though it is obviously not monolithic, omnipotent, omniscient, or
unerring, it is nonetheless obligatory to consider the collection of
subconspiracies as one single, huge conspiracy, protected from itself by
compartmentation. It is a huge, global network of secretive
manipulation, and it lurks behind most decisions of political, social,
or economic consequence. At the top of the most important of these
constituent hierarchies is the House of Rothschild and their instruments
of control, preeminent among which is Bilderberg. Why do people listen
to the Rothschilds? Because they are very, very rich. The Rothschilds
have turned much of the world into a game of scuffling - and sometimes
stampeding - around them frantically. The Rothschild apparatus is also
very effective in co-opting key personnel and placing manipulable
individuals in key positions, and has a vast repertoire of highly
refined blackmail and bribery techniques.

Among the conspirators - and indeed, among the population at large -
only a tiny handful of brilliant intellectuals are able to divorce
themselves, with anything approaching thoroughness, from the shackles of
contemporary culture. The rest are not substantially more capable of
objective thought than are those they rule, or those who rule them. In
short, the bulk of the elite - including most of those typically viewed
as the most powerful - live and think within the bounds of the culture
that came to be by the accumulation of accidents, the machinations of
earlier generations of power brokers, and most importantly, by the
contributions of great innovators.

J. Orlin Grabbe's chaos essay cautions us not to reflexively conclude
that ``what appears as chaos is a hidden agenda of historical or
prophetic forces that lie behind the apparent disorder.'' By the same
token, sometimes what appears as chaos is a manifestation of a hidden
agenda. Moreover, Grabbe's caveat does not detract one iota from the
logical inevitability of the conclusion that ``a series of oppressions,
begun at a distinguished period and pursued unalterably through every
change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate, systematical plan
of reducing us to slavery'' (quoting Thomas Jefferson). This series of
oppressions is not chaos at all, but intrinsically quite orderly.

A common thread of state socialism runs through every grand conspirator
plan in recent memory. This is easily explained. State socialism is a
system in which a large population becomes dependent on the state for
its biological survival. The conspirators expect that such a population
will eagerly perpetuate the existing power structure (euphemistically
known as the status quo). State socialism also sees to it that those who
are indigent and unable to earn a wage - by reason of physical or mental
infirmity, personality, or subjection to discrimination - are
nonetheless fed, clothed, housed, and to a degree, entertained. Thus, pe
ople who would otherwise be expected to threaten community order, or
even launch revolutionary movements, are tethered to the state and

The state and the elite thus have a vested interest in perpetuating a
sizeable population of effective invalids, a goal which they achieve
through social engineering targeting selected populations (e.g. black
inner city residents), through manufacturing of illnesses (e.g. Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome), and through strategically contoured liberalization of
benefit eligeability requirements (e.g. rewards for giving birth to
children). A collateral effect of some of the social engineering is to
create menacing populations, whose existence promotes conservativism and
an expectation of increased state involvement in policing activities.

Socialism appeals to lazy people, because it is a system in which the
lazy suck the blood of the industrious, allowing the lazy to avoid
exertion. Thus, in addition to instilling the entitlement mentality
proper, the elites work to instill indolence among the public, so that
in the ballot box, the indolent majority chooses institutionalized

Selective state confiscation of money from productive members of society
is also wielded as a weapon with a utility to the elite completely
separate from that of enabling socialism. This confiscation is effected
either explicitly by income taxation and other mechanisms, or implicitly
through the inflationary effects of printing fiat currency and
distributing it to welfare recipients. In summary, elite support of
socialism has nothing to do with compassion. No one of genuine,
thoughtful compassion could support a system of institutionalized
World Government

People differ constitutionally in their moral sensibilities. World
government, including the goal of a single world constitution, is
irreconcileably incompatible with that reality. Even in the best case,
world government installs a system wherein those who disagree
substantively with the moral sensibilities of the ostensible world
majority as delineated in a world constitution and statutory framework
have nowhere to go. The entire world becomes hostile to him. In
practice, almost everybody subject to a world government finds the world
hostile to him, since the world's people are not morally split in two,
but are in fact morally split into dozens of major moral alignments. One
corollary of this is that a world constitution and statutory framework
are incapable of reflecting the moral sensibilities of the governed.
Hence, world government is unavoidably tyranny.

The reader should not construe the above to preclude national membership
and participation in international bodies of debate, especially
regarding such common-interest areas as laws of the air and seas and
laws restricting release of environmental toxins. It is key that no
soldier of any nation be given over to the command of any body of
international government, for any reason. It is completely acceptable,
even encouraged, for nations to enter mutual arrangements of cooperation
(principally regarding trade, travel, and immigration), and for soldiers
to act in fulfillment of goals delineated by an international body of
debate and agreed to by their nation. However, placing soldiers under
the compulsory command of such a body of debate is a completely
different matter, and fraught with danger. Similarly, subordinating the
constitution and laws of a nation to those of an international body is

Though proponents of world government target all the nation-states of
the world, the United States is a distinguished target. Its
individualist Constitution (specifically, the Bill of Rights) combined
with its unique military and economic power, make it particularly
bothersome for world government proponents. Thus, efforts to erode US
society, culture, and military strength, are at a higher pitch than
those in nation-states that do not so directily impede the world
government agenda. The legal foundation of the United States grants to
its citizens exactly those rights the conspirators want to take away -
those rights which are prerequisite to individual innovation. Finally,
that unique military and economic power is something the world
government proponents would like to wield as their own - and of course,
they already frequently do.

One thing to consider, in discovering the debacle the United States and
to a lesser degree the rest of the world have become (by deliberate
intent or otherwise), is the sunspot cycle phenomenon. At the very start
of a sunspot cycle, the sun's magnetic field lines are roughly like
lines of longitude. As the cycle progresses, they are twisted around and
around like barber pole stripes. At a certain point, the contortions are
too much to support, the cycle ends in a discontinuity, and the simple
longitudinal field lines reappear. (For the technically curious, the
reason the contortions form is that the rotational rate of the sun
differs by latitude.) Similarly, as modern society and culture winds
around and around, becoming more and more contorted with intricately and
inconsistently interrelated memes, it eventually reaches the point of
insupportability, and a discontinuity - a social and psychological
revolution - returns society to a state of minimal contortion. Perhaps
it was this phenomenon that ended the Mayan empire.

Today, the average American cares more about his lawn than about the
national debt. What a fantastic contortion! Downloaded at Wednesday,
23-Jun-1999 00:16:47 GMT from
Background Reading

If you are an utter neophyte in the areas of ethics, sociology,
economics, politics, and applied psychology, it behooves you to read The
Fountainhead (1943), a novel by Ayn Rand. The views Rand expresses in
this novel differ from my own only in occasional details, and much of
the difference is a consequence of my more extensive and modern
understanding of neuroscience and complex system dynamics, or (ir
onically, considering her reputation) my higher benchmark of rational
rigor. With Atlas Shrugged (1957), Rand went horribly wrong. Her
description of the problem, and her description of a virtuous moral
ethos, are almost without flaw. However, her proposed solution
(abandonment, i.e. ``shrugging'') is definitively wrong. In writing and
publishing this novel, Rand committed an egregious error. She entered a
long period of profound clinical depression after completing it, and she
never truly recovered.

In 1993, J. Orlin Grabbe presented an essay on chaos to the Eris Society
. In this short (under 4000 words) essay Orlin gives us a mental
vocabulary with which we can contemplate and discuss the stances of and
relationships between the players in the cataclysmic tale that is the
subject of my compilation. More than that, he gives us an overhead view
of where the lines are drawn, and what broad, fundamental moral and
sociodynamic forces shape history and culture.

Memes, Minds and Selves by Susan Blackmore describes one state of the
art in psychology and sociology. Viruses of the Mind by Richard Dawkins
is a 1991 treatment of memes, and directly addresses many of the memes
discussed in this compilation.

The Origin and Evolution of Culture and Creativity by Liane Gabora
presents a model for how an individual becomes a meme-evolving agent via
the emergence of an autocatalytic network of sparse, distributed
memories. Autocatalytic Closure in a Cognitive System: A Tentative
Scenario for the Origin of Culture by Liane Gabora presents a
speculative model of the cognitive mechanisms underlying the transition
from episodic to mimetic (or memetic) culture with the arrival of Homo

The Symphonic Architecture of Mind: Consciousness as Circulating
Wavetrain by Daniel Pouzzner (the editor of this compilation) explains
mammalian consciousness, in the process explaining much of mind, memory,
and emotions. These papers are all technical to a certain degree, with
much of the architecture paper being exceedingly technical and
practically accessible only to those trained in brain science or

Innovism: A Primer summarizes the foundation of Daniel Pouzzner's

A Brief Chronology of Collectivism by Eric Samuelson traces the
intellectual pedigree of the collectivism that lies at the root of the
conspirator ideology. This is a work of over 28,000 words by an
attorney, and is very dense reading.

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars outlines the evolutionary descendent of
the combat service support operations research effort mentioned above
(the ``Harvard model''). It sets forth a macroeconomic vocabulary,
scaffolding, and methodology, with a large psychological warfare
component. It is presented as somehow official, though it is almost
surely a hoax crafted by opponents of the Quiet War. Since the document
is explanatory and academic, simply presenting foundational concepts and
analysis, its source is immaterial in terms of the utility of the
document, though it would be a separate and surprising revelation if it
were proven to originate with the Bilderbergers. The document claims to
mark the twenty fifth anniversary of ``the Third World War,'' and its
1979-May claimed date of publication is twenty five years, to the month,
after the first Bilderberger conference in Oosterbeek. Thus this
document is clearly intended to be understood as a Bilderberg manifesto,
either in reality or, more likely, as a hoax not far off the mark.

The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution, a 1928 book by
Fabian socialist H.G.Wells, details the premise of the conspirators'
strategy: ``The political world of the Open Conspiracy must weaken,
efface, incorporate and supersede existing governments. The Open
Conspiracy is the natural inheritor of socialist and communist
enthusiasms; it may be in control of Moscow before it is in control of
New York. The character of the Open Conspiracy will now be plainly
displayed. It will be a world religion.'' Wells lays bare the idea that
a conspiracy can be something that is largely conducted in the open, but
protected from recognition by cultural camouflage.

The Prince, by Nicolo Machiavelli (1469-1527), is a five century old
handbook for the waging of psychological warfare on the masses by
government elites. Many parallels can be drawn between Machiavelli and

Sun Tzu's Art of War is an even older handbook for warfare in general,
and the psychology of war in particular. This classic, written around
500BC, treats the methodology of deception extensively.

David King has written a Guide to Objectivism which, though I have yet
to read it in its entirety, looks very promising.
Further Introductory Reading

Here, from the London School of Economics and Political Science,
Department of International Relations, International Business in the
International System, is the course guide for Political Environment for
Global Business.

Also part of the class materials, here is The Global Shakeout by Michael
Hodges and Louis Turner, a book that chronicles the economic and
political consequences of the global marketplace.

The Roundtable Pages explore the secret societies that crop up
repeatedly in the compilation, emphasizing the psychological warfare
aspect. I have not had a chance to read through all this but it looks
promising and provocative.

Ivan Stang's conspiracy manifesto makes for ridiculous, rabid,
disturbing, and illuminating reading. Ivan Stang is a very visible
personality in the ``Church of the Subgenius'' movement-of-sorts, and
has a weekly radio show.

Operation Vampire Killer 2000 is a compilation by and for domestic US
police against the New World Order. It expresses and supports the
conclusion that elite conspirators are working to orchestrate the
ascension of an omnipotent world government in the year 2000.

Kirk Brothers has a set of "Libertarian Writings." His essays expose and
detail many of the affronts enumerated in the above catalog of
conspirator tactics. The essays are "Social Security--Official Extortion
," "Abuse of Discretion--Invisible Treason," "The Time Bomb in Our
Constitution," "Why and How America Must Collapse," "America's Healing
Crisis--Kill or Cure?," "Why the Haves Are Rich and the Have Nots Are
Poor," "Our Lunatic War on Drugs," "Covert Censorship in America and
Censorship on Internet," "The Two Faces of Libertarianism and The Legal
Insanity of Legal Insanity," "The Political Corruption of American
Education," "Anarchy, Society, Government and Tyranny," and
"Propositions for a Libertarian Constitution" Part A and Part B. Also, I
have written a critical analysis of Kirk Brothers' proposed constitution

The above appearance of the term ``Libertarian'' prompts a warning.
Capital-L Libertarians - those who align themselves with the platform of
the Libertarian Party, and capital-O Objectivists - those who align
themselves with the doctrine of the Ayn Rand Institute (as distinct from
the ideal expressed by Rand's two great novels, which do not suffer from
the corruption of the ARI) - are neither good nor reasonable people.
They have in common the absurd doctrine that laissez faire economic
practices produce a free market. Underscoring this insanity, they are
ardent defenders of Bill Gates of Microsoft, whose marketplace tactics
have made a free market in computer software impossible. The orthodox
Libertarian/Objectivist doctrine, when implemented, results in a
cosmology of massive transnational corporations, the annihilation of
smaller competitors even when the competitors' products are superior,
the effective annihilation of national sovereignty, the transfer of
control over almost all real property including roads to private
interests, and in summary, the installation of an unaccountable
authoritarian oligarchy of universal corporate control. In other words,
orthodox Libertarians and Objectivists grease the path for the

It is also absolutely vital to recognize that the system of non-employee
stock ownership, particularly in its logical extreme in which most of
the public owns shares in mutual funds which consist of large shares in
most stocks, in fact constitutes the core of communism: it is ownership
of the means of production by the people, and control of the means of
production by a politburo of those who vote the shares of which the
mutual funds consist.

That said, bear in mind that I myself am a small-l libertarian and a
small-o objectivist, and agree with the LP and ARI on the majority of
platform points - just not the portions thereof which constitute points
of religious faith (first and foremost, the inane idea that unadorned
laissez faire economics is compatible with the maintenance of a free
market and individual self-determination). The precise codification of
my value system is Innovism.
--[more at site]--
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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