-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://members.tripod.com/~viewfromthewall/fwch5.htm">FINAL WARNING:
Chapter Five



The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is a 25,000 word document,
which contains 24 Protocols by a member of a secret group of Jews, known
as the Elders of Zion. It purported to be an outline for the control of
the world by the Jews, with the help of the Masons. The document has
been used to prove that the Illuminati is an exclusively Jewish plan for
world domination, and has put the Jewish race in a bad light. In the
course of my research, I have not found that to be true. I do not
believe that there is a "Jewish" conspiracy. Even though the
Illuminati's founders were Jewish, and many influential Jews were part
of the inner circle, that is no reason to indict the entire Jewish race.
The Bible identifies the Jews as God's chosen people, so it is highly
unlikely that they are behind such a Satanic plot. I have even been
told, that the people in Israel are not true Jews. One only has to look
at the history of Israel, and see how they have been able to
miraculously survive, to see that this is nothing but anti-semetic
rhetoric. It is not race, which is the common denominator here; it is
money and greed. For the most part, the conspiracy has been dominated by
the Europeans, and perpetuated by the English-speaking countries of the

No one is quite sure about this notorious document, and how it fits into
the puzzle of the one-world government conspiracy. We know that its
influence was taken advantage of, by the Illuminati, however, as to the
actual origin and its purpose, we may never know for sure, because
portions of it are highly accurate in its revelations. It is either
true, or a clever forgery. If it is true, how much of it is true? If it
is a forgery, it most certainly was based upon a factual document.
Whatever the case, it is included in this book because it may contain
some clues about the early stages of the Illuminati conspiracy, and the
people behind it.

French Jesuit, the Abbe' Barruel, who in 1797 wrote the five-volume
Memoire pou servir a' l'histoire du Jacobinisme, received a copy of a
letter in 1806, from J. B. Simonini, an army officer in Florence. In it,
was a statement that the Jews "promised themselves that in less than a
century, they would be the masters of the world." This letter had been
widely circulated in France. It was later revealed that the letter had
been fabricated by the French police to motivate Napoleon against the

In 1848, Hermann Goedsche, a German postal official, forged letters
indicating that Benedic Waldeck was conspiring to assassinate Frederick
William IV, the King of Prussia. After it became known that they were
forgeries, he was removed from his job, and he began writing under the
pseudonym, Sir John Retcliffe. One of those novels, Biarritz, written in
1868, contained a chapter titled, "In the Jewish Cemetery in Prague", in
which the heads of the twelve tribes of Israel met with Satan to tell
him of their plans to control the world. However, the covert proceeding
was witnessed by two men, who then dedicated their lives to fighting the
Satanic Jewish plot. In 1872, Russian anti-semites printed the chapter
in a pamphlet, as fiction based on fact. It was reprinted in 1876 and
1880. In July, 1881, the story was published in the French paper Le
Contemporain as fact, and all of the speeches by each tribal head was
consolidated into a single speech, supposedly made by a chief rabbi in a
secret meeting of influential Jews. To substantiate the claim, it was
said to have been taken from a forthcoming book by English diplomat, Sir
John Readclif(a take-off on Goedsche's pen name), called Annals of the
Political and Historic Events of the Last Ten Years.

In 1891, the story appeared in the Russian newspaper Novorossiysky
Telegraf, which established that the speech was made in 1869 by a rabbi
to a secret Sanhedrin (possibly referring to the First Congress of
Reformed Judaism, held in Leipzig). Its authenticity, again, was
supported by the fictional Sir John Readclif. Later, in the October 21,
1920 issue of La Vielle France, the newspaper said there was a striking
analogy between the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the discourse of
Rabbi Reichhorn, pronounced in Prague in 1869, over the tomb of the
Grand Rabbi Simeon-ben-Ihuda.

Early in 1900, this fictional speech was used to instigate pogroms
against the Jews, and became known as "The Rabbi's Speech". An
anti-semite, P. A. Khrushevan, used the speech to provoke a pogrom at
Kishinev, in the Ukraine, in 1903, in which 45 Jews were killed, and 400
injured, in an incident that destroyed 1,300 Jewish homes and shops. The
speech is now used to prove the authenticity of the Protocols.

The document known as the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, seems
to be a conglomeration of many anti-Jewish publications during that
period. In 1869, Gougenot de Mousseaux wrote a book that said that the
world was being taken over by a group of Satan-worshipping Jews, out of
which a man would emerge whom the Jews would worship as their returned
Messiah. In 1881, Abbe' Chabauty wrote a 600-page book that said Satan
was using the Jews to prepare the way for the Antichrist. His second
book, published in 1882, included two letters that were allegedly
written in 1489 by a Jewish leader who spoke of the Jews rising up to
"dominate the world." These letters have come to be known as the Letter
of the Jews of Constantinople. They were actually satirical comments on
the Spanish Jews.

In 1893, Monsignor Meurin, Archbishop of Port Louis, Mauritius, said:
"Freemasonry is fundamentally Jewish, exclusively Jewish, passionately
Jewish, from the beginning to the end," and that "someday history will
tell how all the revolutions of recent centuries originated in the
masonic sect under the supreme command of the Jews." He said that the
masons of the 33rd degree were the leaders of the conspiracy, and indeed
the Protocols are signed: "...by the representatives of Zion, of the
33rd degree." In World Conquest by the Jews, Osman-Bey wrote, that in
1840, a meeting of eminent Jewish leaders was held in Cracow, Poland, to
discuss the expansion of Judaism over the entire world. This book became
the framework for the Protocols.

Victor E. Marsden, the Russian correspondent for The Morning Post of
London, wrote in his 1934 English translation of the Protocols, that in
1884, Joseph Schorst, a Jew who was a member of the Mizraim Lodge, stole
the document and sold it for 2,500 francs to Justine Glinka, the
daughter of a Russian General. She in turn gave the French document, and
a Russian translation to Gen. Orgevskii in St. Petersburg, who gave it
to his superior, Gen. Cherevin, who filed it. Glinka was later arrested,
returned to Russia, and exiled to her estate in Orel; while Schorst was
killed in Egypt. It has also been reported that Glinka had given a copy
to Alexis Sukhotin, a law enforcement official in Orel, who then showed
them to two friends, Stepanov, and Professor Sergei Nilus, a religious
mystic. Nilus showed them to the Czar in 1903, who believed them to be
fraudulent, and ordered that all copies were to be destroyed. After
Nilus was banned from the Court, it is believed that he may have altered
the text to be more intense then they originally were. However, as far
as the mysterious references to the "representatives of Sion, of the
33rd degree", he would not have any idea what this meant, and probably
would not have altered this and any other in-kind references.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion first appeared, in a
shortened form, in an August, 1903 edition of the Kishinev newspaper, in
the Ukraine; then in 1905, in the appendix of the third edition of a
book by Nilus called The Great in the Small, which was about the coming
of the Antichrist. Nilus said that the Protocols were translated from
the French text of a speech made to 300 influential Jews. A prostitute
allegedly stole the document from a leading Jew. A copy was received by
the British Museum in London, in August, 1906, where it was translated
by English journalist Victor Marsden, who published it in 1921. Marsden
said that he couldn't work on the translation for more than an hour at a
time, because of the evil he felt while reading it. In 1917, Nilus
revised and expanded his book, which he called, He is Near, At the Door:
Here Comes the Antichrist and the Reign of the Devil on Earth. Nilus
wrote: "These Protocols are nothing else than a strategic plan for the
conquest of the world...presented to the Council of the Elders
by...Theodor Herzl, at the time of the first Zionist Congress (held by
the World Zionist Organization in 1897, at Basel, Switzerland)."
However, in his 1905 edition, he said that the Protocols had been given
in 1902-03. In fact, with each subsequent edition that appeared in
different countries, the origin of the document was different.

On August 16, 17, and 18, 1921, the New York Times ran editorials by
Phillip Graves, a London Times correspondent, who said that the
Protocols had been copied from a rare 1864 French political satire
called Dialogues in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu (also
referred to as the Dialogues of Geneva by the London Times because
Geneva was identified as a center of revolutionary activities) by lawyer
Maurice Joly(1831-1878). It was a pamphlet containing a conversation
between Montesquieu (presenting a case for liberalism) and Machiavelli
(who represented autocracy) which criticized the government of Napoleon
III (who was deposed in 1871). Being illegal to criticize the Monarchy,
he fictionalized it, making Napoleon the character of Machiavelli, to
explain the Emperor's underlying motives. Joly had it printed in
Belgium, then attempted to have it smuggled over the French border. It
was seized by the police, who confiscated as many copies as they could,
then banned the book. The police traced the book to Joly, who was then
tried on April 25, 1865, and sentenced to fifteen months in prison. At
the Berne trials, a witness for the prosecution tried to prove that Joly
was a Jew, and that his book was a coded version of the Jewish plan for
world domination. Another writer, Victor Hugo(1802-1885), a Grand Master
of the Prieure' de Sion(1844-1885) who in 1849 made a reference to the
"United States of Europe", wrote satirical poetry against Napoleon III.

As it turns out, over 160 passages from the Protocols are similar to
Joly's book, which is about half the text. Some sections are almost word
for word. The only major change, is that it was changed from the past,
to the future.

Some researchers believe that either, Joly was given the minutes to a
Masonic meeting by Adolphe Cremieux(a Mason and Rosicrucian), who urged
Joly to write the book, which he did under the pseudonym of "Mr. X"; or
that the minutes were from a Marxist meeting which took place in a
Masonic lodge in Geneva, and had been stored in the archives of the
Mizraim Masonic Lodge in Paris, where Cremieux, who sat on the Supreme
Council, discovered them.

Who could have forged the Protocols isn't known, if in fact it is a
forgery. Some researchers claim it was done in Russia, in 1904, by
agents of the Czar. However, the general consensus is that it was
probably done by Elie de Cyon(Ilya Tsion), a Russian journalist living
in Paris, who was an opponent of Sergey Witte, the Russian Minister of

When Witte took office in 1892, he began to modernize Russia by doubling
steel, iron, and coal production; and constructing railroads. He was
disliked by those who had their money tied up in agriculture. He caused
inflation by abandoning the gold standard in 1898 because of an economic
slump. The Protocols say that such economic depressions are caused by
the Elders to gain control of the money; and that the gold standard has
ruined every country that has adopted it. Researchers say that the
economic and financial data could have been extracted from Joly's book,
and applied to Witte, in order to present him as a tool of the Elders of

So, Cyon allegedly forged and translated the Protocols, expanding them
as a satire on Witte. His writings resembled the style used in the
Protocols; and he was known to have used another French satire on a dead
statesman, by changing the names. In 1897, Gen. Pyotr Ivanovich
Rachkovsky, head of the Russian Secret Police in Paris, on instructions
from Witte, broke into Cyon's villa at Territet, Switzerland, to look
for additional written attacks on Witte. It is believed that Rachkovsky
discovered the Protocols there, and used it for a dual purpose. He could
use it against the Jews, claiming it was part of a Jewish conspiracy;
and he could reveal that it was written by a Jew, which Cyon was, thus
destroying Cyon. It was kind of ironic, that the Russian translation for
Cyon's name, 'Tsion', means 'Zion'.

In 1921, Count Alexandru du Chayla said that Nilus revealed to him in
1909 that the Protocols were fraudulent, and had been sent to him by
Gen. Rachkovsky.

During the 1934 trial of two Swiss Nazis in Berne, brought by a group of
Jews who accused them of distributing the Protocols, the historian
Vladimir Burtsev and a professor, Sergey Svatikov, testified that
Rachkovsky and other Czarist officials had a hand in the fabrication of
the Protocols. In 1891, Rachkovsky sent a letter to the Police, and
announced his intentions to oppose the Jews. This was followed up by a
book that stated his views about the Jews, and how, as a result of the
French Revolution, they controlled Europe. It is quite possible that he
added to Cyon's manuscript to produce the Protocols, and then gave it to
Sergei Nilus to publish in his book. Czar Nicholas II even identified
the Protocols as being fraudulent. On May 14, 1935, the Court of Berne
ruled that the Protocols were not of Jewish origin.

To complicate matters even more, a book by Jacob Venedey, called
Machiavelli: Montesquieu and Rousseau, which was published in Berlin, in
1850, also contain passages very similar to the Protocols.

Standard Oil allegedly had the Protocols distributed in Russia to create
a tense situation between the Czarist Russian government, and the
Jewish-owned Royal Dutch Co., who had oil distribution rights in Russia.
The document was also used in the late 1800's to instigate pogroms
against the Jews so they would migrate to the United States. Once they
were in America, they were registered to vote Democratic, and greatly
contributed to Wilson's election in 1912. During the Russian Civil War
from 1918-20, Bolsheviks distributed the Protocols, and in the
subsequent pogroms, over 100,000 Jews were killed. During World War II,
the document gave Hitler an excuse to exterminate the Jews, and there is
evidence which indicates that he was financed and controlled by the Illu

Eventually the Protocols were distributed all over the world, and it
gave the anti-semetic people of various countries an excuse to persecute
the Jews. In 1920, U. S. industrialist Henry Ford supported them in a
series of articles in his newspaper The Dearborn Independent and
eventually in his book The International Jew, which he published in
1921. On February 17, 1921, in New York World, Ford said: "The only
statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with
what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the
world situation up to this time. They fit it now." The German
translation was known as The Eternal Jew. Ford supported Hitler, who was
seen as fighting against the international Jewish conspiracy. In 1927,
he renounced his belief in them after his car was sideswiped, forcing it
over a steep embankment. He interpreted this as an attempt on his life
by elitist Jews.

In 1938, Father Charles E. Coughlin printed them in his weekly paper
Social Justice, and various other semi-religious organizations followed

Those researchers who believe in the authenticity of the Protocols,
trace them back to 1785, when the Illuminati courier was struck by
lightning on the way to Paris, and their plans for world control was
discovered. The Illuminati had drafted a master plan that was worded in
such a way, that it diverted attention away from the Illuminati, and
directed it towards the Jewish Revolutionary movement in Russia. Now
their plan would appear to be a Jewish plot to achieve world control
through political Zionism, when in fact, it represented the future plans
of the International Bankers of the Illuminati. The fact that the
document was anti-semetic, would help suppress it.

One inescapable fact, is that the Protocols do reflect some of the views
of Weishaupt, and the writings of various Socialists on Bolshevism; and
because of that, they were not easily dismissed. Even though they were
written so long ago, they have become an accurate barometer of events
during this century, and seem to parallel the goals of the Illuminati,
as you can see in these excerpts from the Victor Marsden translation:

"Out of the temporary evil we are now compelled to commit, will emerge
the good of an unshakable rule, which will restore the regular course of
the machinery of the national life, brought to naught by liberalism. The
result justifies the means. Let us, however, in our plans, direct our
attention not to what is good and moral, as to what is necessary and
useful. Our power in the present tottering condition of all forms of
power will be more invisible than any other, because it will remain
invisible until the moment when it has gained such strength that no
cunning can any longer undermine it. Before us is a plan in which is
laid down strategically the line from which we cannot deviate without
running the risk of seeing the labor of many centuries brought to naugh

"Only force conquers in political affairs, especially if it be concealed
in the talents essential to statesmen...This evil is the one and only
means to attain the end, the good. Therefore we must not stop at
bribery, deceit, and treachery, when they should serve towards the
attainment of our end. In politics one must know how to seize the
property of others without hesitation if by it we secure submission and

"Our international rights will then wipe out national rights, in the
proper sense of right, and will rule the nations precisely as the civil
law of States rules the relations of their subjects among themselves.
The administrators, whom we shall choose from among the public, with
strict regard to their capacities for servile obedience, will not be
persons trained in the art of government, and will therefore easily
become pawns in our game in the hands of men of learning and genius who
will be their advisors, specialists bred and reared from early childhood
to rule the affairs of the whole world."

"Do not suppose for a moment that those statements are empty words:
think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism, Marxism,
Nietzcheism. To us, at any rate, it should be plain to see what a
disintegrating importance these directives have had upon the minds of
the goyim(a slur against those who were not Jewish)."

"Through the Press we have gained the power to influence while remaining
ourselves in the shade; thanks to the Press we have got the gold in our
hands, notwithstanding that we have had to gather it out of the oceans
of blood and tears."

"To this end we have stirred up every form of enterprise, we have armed
all parties, we have set up authority as a target for every
ambition...disorders and bankruptcy will be universal."

"We appear on the scene as alleged saviors of the worker from this
oppression when we propose to him to enter the ranks of our fighting
forces - Socialists, Anarchists, Communists - to whom we will always
give support."

"Our power is in the chronic shortness of food...Hunger creates the
right of capital to rule the worker more surely than it was given to the
aristocracy by the legal authority of kings."

"By want and the envy and hatred which it engenders we shall move the
mobs and with their hands we shall wipe out all those who hinder
us...When the hour strikes for our Sovereign Lord of all the World to be
crowned it is these same hands which will sweep away everything that
might be a hindrance thereto."

"This hatred will be still further magnified by the effects of an
economic crisis, which will stop dealings on the exchanges and bring
industry to a standstill. We shall create by all the secret subterranean
methods open to us and with the aid of gold, which is all in our hands,
a universal economic crisis whereby we shall throw upon the streets
whole mobs of workers simultaneously in all the countries of Europe."

"Remember the French Revolution, to which it was we who gave the name of
'Great': the secrets of its preparations are well known to us, for it
was wholly the work of our hands..."

"We shall create an intensified centralization of government in order to
grip in our hands all the forces of the community. We shall regulate
mechanically all the actions of the political life of our subjects by
new laws...These laws will withdraw one by one all the indulgences and
liberties which have been permitted...to wipe out any unenlightened who
oppose us by deed or word."

"We have set one against another the personal and national reckonings of
the goyim religious and race hatred, which we have fostered into a huge
growth in the course of the past twenty centuries. This is the reason
why there is one State which would anywhere receive support if it were
to raise its arm, for every one of them must bear in mind that any
agreement against us would be unprofitable to itself. We are too strong
- there is no evading our power. The nations cannot come to even an
inconsiderable private agreement without our secretly having a hand in

"Nowadays it is more important to disarm the peoples then to lead them
into war..."

"In order to put public opinion into our hands we must bring it into a
state of bewilderment by giving expression from all sides to so many
contradictory opinions and for such length of time as will suffice to
make the goyim lose their heads in the labyrinth and come to see that
the best thing is to have no opinion of any kind in matters political,
which it is not given to the public to understand, because they are
understood only by him who guides the public. This is the final secret."

"By all these means we shall so wear down the goyim that they will be
compelled to offer us international power of a nature that by its
position will enable us, without any violence, gradually to absorb all
the State forces of the world and to form a Super-Government...Its hands
will reach out in all directions like nippers and its organization will
be of such colossal dimensions that it cannot fail to subdue all the
nations of the world."

"We shall raise the rate of wages, which, however, will not bring any
advantage to the workers, for at the same time, we shall produce a rise
in prices...We shall further undermine artfully and deeply sources of
production, by accustoming the workers to anarchy and to
drunkedness...In order that the true meaning of things may not strike
the unenlightened before the proper time we shall mask it under an
alleged ardent desire to serve the working classes and the great
principles of political economy about which our economic theories are
carrying on an energetic propaganda."

"The intensification of armaments, the increase of police forces - are
all essential for the completion of the aforementioned plans. What we
have to get at is that there should be in all the States of the world,
besides ourselves, only the masses of the proletariat, a few
millionaires devoted to our interests, police and soldiers."

"In a word, to sum up our system of keeping the governments of the goyim
in Europe in check, we shall show our strength to one of them by
terrorist attempts and to all, if we allow the possibility of general
rising against us, we shall respond with the guns of America or China or

"Our directorate must surround itself with all these forces of
civilization among which it will have to work. It will surround itself
with publicists, practical jurists, administrators, diplomats and,
finally, with persons prepared by a special super-educational training
in our special schools."

"We have in our service persons of all opinions, of all doctrines,
restorating monarchists, demagogues, socialists, communists, and utopian
dreamers of every kind. We have harnessed them all to one task: each one
of them on his own account is boring away at the last remnants of
authority, is striving to overthrow all established forms of order."

"We have fooled, bemused and corrupted the youth of the goyim by rearing
them in principles and theories which are known to us to be false
although it is by us that they have been inculcated."

"Above the existing laws without altering them, and by merely twisting
them into contradictions of interpretations, we have erected something
grandiose in the way of results. These results found expression first in
the fact that the interpretations masked the laws: afterwards they
entirely hid them from the eyes of the government owing to the
impossibility of making anything out of the tangled web of legislation."

"The chamber of deputies will provide cover for, will protect, will
elect presidents, but we shall take from it the right to propose new, or
make changes in existing laws, for this right will be given by us to the
responsible president, a puppet in our hands...We shall invest the
president with the right of declaring a state of war..."

"Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control.
Even now this is already attained by us inasmuch as all news items are
received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all
parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours
and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them."

"Our wise men, trained to become leaders of the goyim, will compose
speeches, projects, memoirs, articles, which will be used by us to
influence the minds of the goyim, directing them towards such
understanding and forms of knowledge as have been determined by us."

"Economic crises have been produced by us for the goyim by no other
means than the withdrawal of money from circulation...You are aware that
the gold standard has been the ruin of the States which adopted it, for
it has not been able to satisfy the demands for money, the more so that
we have removed gold from circulation as far as possible."

"Thanks to such methods(paying interest on loans), allowed by the
carelessness of the goy States, their treasuries are empty. The period
of loan supervenes, and that has swallowed up remainders and brought all
the goy states to bankruptcy."

"...any form of taxation per head, the State is baling out the last
coppers of the poor taxpayers in order to settle accounts with wealthy
foreigners, from whom it borrowed money from the pockets of the poor to
those of the rich..."

"We have got our hands into the administration of the law, into the
conduct of elections, into the press, into the liberty of the person,
but principally into education and training as being the corner-stones
of a free existence."

"...it is indispensable for us to undermine all faith, to tear of minds
out of the unenlightened the very principle of Godhead and the spirit,
and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material needs."

"When we come into our kingdom it will be undesirable for us that there
should exist any other religion but ours of the "One God" with whom our
destiny is bound up by our position as the Chosen People and through
whom our same destiny is united with the destinies of the world. We must
therefore sweep away all other forms of belief."

After reading these words, you probably have the same feeling of
uneasiness that I had when I read them for the first time. Seemingly,
the Protocols do elaborate on the Illuminati program for world takeover,
that would not have pertained to the world at the time the Protocols
were alleged to have been written. Because of the depth of information
given on the various aspects of the plan, I believe that they were
written by, or based on the writings of someone who had an intimate
knowledge of the future plans and inner workings of the International
Bankers. From that standpoint, I consider the information to be
authentic. However, because the document identifies the Jews as being
responsible for carrying out this insidious plot, I consider the
Protocols as a whole, to be a fraudulent rendering of an earlier
document, which has since been lost.

In the past few years, another theory has come to light in regard to the
Protocols. If the document was forged with the intent of being an
indictment against all Jews, it would not just pinpoint a small group of
individuals. It speaks of a "King of the blood of Sion" who will preside
over a "Masonic kingdom" and that this king will be of "the dynastic
roots of King David." It claims that the "King of the Jews will be the
real Pope" and "the patriarch of an international church."

Eliphas Levi (Alphonse Louis Constant), who had joined a
Martinist-affiliated Masonic lodge, which later merged with the Memphis
and Mizraim Lodges, had assisted Charles Nodier(Grandmaster of the
Prieure' de Sion 1801-1844) to sift through the Vatican documents taken
by Napoleon. Before he died in 1875, he said that "in 1879 a new
political and religious 'universal Kingdom' would be established, and
that it would be possessed by 'him who would have the keys of the
East.'" This unusual comment has lead researchers to believe that he had
access to the original Protocol document which was kept at the Mizraim

Protocol number 3 states: "When the hour strikes for our Sovereign Lord
of all the World to be crowned it is these hands which will sweep away
everything that might be a hinderance thereto. 'Ours' they will not
touch, because the moment of the attack will be known to us and we shall
take measures to protect our own. Ever since that time we have been
leading the peoples from one disenchantment to another, so that in the
end they should turn also from us in favor of that King- Despot of the
blood of Sion, whom we are preparing for the world."

Protocol number 15 states: "When the King of Israel sets upon his sacred
head the crown offered to him by Europe he will become the patriarch of
the world." Number 17 says: "The King of the Jews will be the real Pope
of the Universe, the patriarch of an international church." And number
24 reads: "I pass now to the method of confirming the dynastic roots of
King David to the last strata of the earth. The prop of humanity in the
person of the supreme lord of all the world of the holy seed of David
must sacrifice to his people all personal inclinations."

It concludes by saying that "certain members of the Seed of David will
prepare the Kings and their heirs...0nly the King and the three who
stood sponsor for him will know what is coming." It is signed "...by the
representatives of Sion, of the 33rd degree." These strange references
have been linked to a little known organization known as the Prieure' de
Sion, which will be discussed later. It is possible that the original
text of the Protocols was based on a document taken from this
organization, which was altered by Sergei Nilus, to make the entire
Jewish race look bad.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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