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Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.skolnicksreport.com/greenspan7.html">Sherman
Skolnick's Report</A>
New pix and gif at site.

by Sherman H. Skolnick

There was a conference in Chicago supposedly on the topic of what to do about
the dope scourge. The former chief federal prosecutor in Chicago was there,
Anton R. Valukas. I was sitting right in front. So it should have been easy
for me, as a free lance journalist, to ask the alleged crime-buster a

"Some contend the CIA is flooding the U.S. with dope by way of Chicago. What
did YOU do about this problem, as the U.S. Attorney here, Mr. Valukas?" I
asked in my usual point-blank manner. He refused to answer and instead,
pointed to some other reporter who had a question just short of asking this
panel member about the weather.

Also sitting on the panel as one of the speakers was Richard J. Dennis. He
was over-stuffed. Looked to me like 350 pounds of laundry. On second thought,
he seemed to be a pompous British viceroy, at some Caribbean colony, like in
some movie about pirates. Dennis was glassy-eyed and seemed to me to be
half-giggling. On a panel about dope, did they put up a speaker who was
stoned?   Dennis has been dubbed the soybean king. He also is reportedly in
favor of legalization of narcotics. My interview policy, however, is to never
question, if I can help it, someone who is drunk or stoned. So, I didn't ask
Dennis anything.

Dennis made his mark in the period of 1989. At the time, the Vatican-owned
agro-chemical firm, Ferruzzi Finanziaria S.p.a., was determined to get a
foothold in the U.S. soybean market, in competition with the highly secretive
Cargill and the reportedly highly corrupt Archer-Daniels-Midland, A.D.M.
Ferruzzi, fair and square, abiding by the rules, had cornered the market on
soybeans. Cargill and ADM had bet big the wrong way. By the way commodity
contracts are written, Ferruzzi had the right to seize THEIR assets if they
defaulted. And they could not comply with the contracts, which would have
damaged them worldwide. Some say billions of dollars were involved.

The bosses at the Chicago Board of Trade, in the middle of the game, changed
the rules to protect Cargill and ADM as long-time speculators on the
exchange. Ferruzzi went to federal district court. One of then President
George Herbert Walker Bush's cronies, Chicago Federal District Judge James B.
Zagel [(312) 435-5714] said he has no intention of helping Ferruzzi by
defaulting the two grain speculators.

In a related case, also naming the Chicago Board of Trade, as defendant,
another Federal Judge, George M. Marovich [(312) 435-5590] kept the matter
hanging near forever. On the one side of that case were some bankers and such
from Arkansas tied to Hillary Rodham Clinton and her law partner, Vincent W.
Foster, Jr. On the plaintiff's side of that case in 1991, Hillary
Clinton/Foster's representatives met me in Chicago. As a known judge-buster,
I was asked if I could come up with some dirt on Judge Marovich. That was
easy. Among other things, he was an owner of a small, closely held suburban
bank, South Holland Trust & Savings Bank that reportedly dealt in the soybean
markets through their then correspondent, Continental Bank of Chicago. Also,
Judge Marovich owned a west suburban shopping mall, Cermak Plaza, which
reportedly had enterprises laundering illicit funds in corrupt combination
with top brass of the Internal Revenue Service, Chicago Region Office, and
the Director of the Illinois Department of Revenue. That is, the mob and the
state and federal tax collectors in a corrupt arrangement.     The clue to it
all could not be disputed: ownership was shown on Judge George M. Marovich's
mandatory financial annual disclosure form. That was the starting point.

 I asked if they wanted to be on my public access Cable TV Program to discuss
their misgivings about Judge Marovich having their case. They declined.
Evidently they simply wanted leverage for reported blackmail, the usual
practice of some lawyers.

Funny thing happened. In 1993, some of the top officials of the Chicago Board
of Trade asked to discuss with me and my associates a problem. It was not
directly related to the soybean mess. I suddenly changed the subject. In the
presence of witnesses, I asked whether Judge Marovich was crooked in the
soybean case against the Chicago Board of Trade [No. 89 C 8467, U.S. District
Court, Chicago.] They blurted out that a total of FIVE JUDGES, INCLUDING
JUDGE MAROVICH HAD TO BE "PAID". They were sore at having to reportedly "buy"
Judge George M. Marovich, Judge James B. Zagel, and three judges in Chicago's
Federal Appeals Court, Judge Jesse E. Eschbach [(312) 435-5824], Judge Joel
M. Flaum [(312) 435-5626], formerly a crooked Illinois Tollway Official, and
Judge Kenneth F. Ripple [(312) 435-5510]. All told the Board of Trade
officials confirmed the "fix" cost them 62 million dollars. I recognized that
as the biggest judicial bribery in my many years as court reformer. One of
the Board of Trade officials turned to the other and said "You shouldn't be
telling him (pointing to Skolnick)." Whereupon the Board of Trade Director
answered: "I am telling him (meaning Skolnick) because he probably already
knows and it is bound to come out and we're all going to get blackened. You
(referring to the principal of the trading firm member) know we had to do

The above is from the undisputed court record in 96 C 4373.

Thereafter, later in 1993, Foster, as the new deputy counsel in the Clinton
White House was found dead. Visit our website, for details on the role of
Greenspan/Bush in the murder of Foster: http://www.skolnicksreport.com Part
Four of this series. About the same time as the death of Foster, the head of
Ferruzzi, in Milan, Italy, was murdered, Raul Gardini. His family are
reportedly angry that the American authorities were covering up the corrupt
mess of the Chicago Board of Trade and corrupt federal judges in Chicago.

Knowing about all this got me, and my Cable TV associate, Joseph
Andreuccetti, on Hillary Clinton's "enemies list", to be falsely hounded and
pursued by the Federal Gestapo. [They used to follow me in my wheelchair into
the washroom in the Federal Courthouse. I always offered to detail how much
government toilet paper and paper towels I used there.]

So me and Andreuccetti sued Hillary Clinton, two IRS officials, and a top
Clinton Justice Department official. The suit was in Chicago's Federal
District Court. Guess who got our case? You guessed it! Judge George M.
Marovich. Case No. 96 C 4373. A lot of the above details about him and the
other judges were in our 65 pages of highly specific dates, names, and
details. Despite the fact that our suit detailed him and his reputed
mafia/IRS shopping center, Judge Marovich DID NOT DISQUALIFY HIMSELF. In an
unprecedented ruling, he dismissed our case, claiming we had TOO MANY FACTS,
DATES, and DETAILS for him to consider.

The attorneys for Hillary Clinton and the other defendants NEVER DISPUTED or
challenged our facts in the Court record.

Later, as a punishment for fingering them on bribery, the Judges of the U.S.
Court of Appeals in Chicago, issued an order barring me and Andreuccetti from
ALL THE COURTS in their 7th Circuit, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana. [Don't
bother to tell me about my First Amendment rights. At the hands of corrupt
judges, our rights have been cancelled. And the next higher court, the U.S.
Supreme Court, refuses to do anything about it.]

Somewhere in the middle of all this was soybean hotshot Richard J. Dennis. He
reportedly does corrupt business deals with former movie star U.S. Senator
Fred Thompson (R., Tenn.). Thompson, in turn, is the reported link between
Dennis and the laundering of gangster movie funds disguised as soybean deals.
Dennis' clients for this reportedly are Hollywood bigshots, reportedly
interested in massive tax evasion. Remember, we have already pointed out, the
elder Bush and his crony Bill Clinton, and Ollie North, were jointly
instrumentally implicated in the CIA-dope trafficking through the southern
states. The money came up to Chicago reportedly via a bank in Chicago,
Garfield Ridge Trust & Savings Bank. And who was a stockholder of that
closely held bank? Why, the head of the tax-writing committee of Congress,
Congressman Dan Rostenkowski, crony of crooked Democrats as well as
Republicans interested in massive tax evasion. Defrocked, Rosty, as he is
called, was sent to prison for defrauding the private bank of the House of
Representatives. BUT, Rosty was given a pass on the numerous apparent bribes
he got from the Chicago Board of Trade, labeled "honorariums", lecture fees.

Rosty's bank was the transit point to funnel the illicit funds to the Chicago
Board of Trade where it was disguised reportedly by Dennis and others as
"soybean" trades. Federal Reserve dictator Greenspan reportedly approved of
these dirty money deals done jointly with George Herbert Walker Bush and Bill
Clinton and Senator Fred Thompson.

These reputed dope "soybean" transactions for Dennis/Bush/Fred Thompson and
some in the movie and sports industry, reportedly went through the elder
Bush's secret account at Metropolitan Federal of Tennessee, in Nashville,
Tennesseee. See attached document of Alan Greenspan coded approved secret
wire transfer to the Tennessee bank, TEN BILLION DOLLARS to Bush's secret
account.   One of Richard J. Dennis' reported clients has been sports
celebrity Michael Jordan. People forget that Jordan and/or his father
reportedly got involved in sports gambling apparently with Chicago mobsters
and reportedly refused to make good betting losses to the Chicago criminals.
Some claim that this reneging on sports bets resulted in Jordan's father
getting murdered. To teach Michael a lesson you don't screw the mob. Two
nobodies were blamed for murdering the elder Jordan. Someone else apparently
had killed the elder Jordan and dumped his body in a swamp. In the beginning,
because it was a black man, the local authorities reportedly did an
inadequate job of examining the body. The two nobodies found the abandoned
car but were later caught with it. Since they had the car, they were blamed
for the murder.

In this regard, you have to consider the 1988-89 case in the federal court in
Chicago, the Norby Walters case involving sports agents most often being
linked with mobsters. The reality is, that if you want to be a sports
celebrity, you most likely have to have a sports agent IN with the gangsters.
Remember our earlier story about Bush and the Jacobs family and their food
and beverage concessions at stadiums all over the U.S. Jacobs' firms were
reportedly mafia-linked. Also, the monopoly press, linked financially with
sports events, like the Chicago Tribune and the TV Networks, are
instrumentally interwoven with criminals.

Richard J. Dennis reportedly bankrolls publications that seek to glamorize
dope or puss to legalize it. He reportedly is the money bags, in part, behind
"Z Magazine". When Oliver Stone's movie about the murder of President
Kennedy, "JFK", was making a big splash, Z Magazine ran a story condemning it
as if it were a fairy tale. There is a lot the way Z Magazine and an
organization linked to it, operate, that seems to be a CIA proprietary
operation, functioning reportedly with CIA Foundation money. Is there an
overlap between Dennis, the soybean-dope business, and the American CIA? The
answer is most likely Yes.

The soybean-dope mess has been interwoven with massive operations in the
Chicago markets by the Red Chinese who have an armlock on the Chicago Board
of Trade, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and the Chicago Board Options
Exchange. Part of that is through the elder Bush's brother, Prescott S. Bush,
Jr. who is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the United States of
America-China Chamber of Commerce. Visit their website: http://www.usccc.org
Some contend Prescott is implicated in illicit transactions by the Red
Chinese through the Chicago markets. Remember: there have been published
accounts that Prescott Bush, Jr. has worked corrupt deals with the Japanese
mafia, the Yakuza, that is big with the dope trade through Chicago. The
Yakuza owns about 50 per cent of all the high-rise Chicago downtown buildings
built in the 1980s. More currently, the age-old foes, Red China and Japan are
together when its come to money laundering of criminal loot. George Herbert
Walker Bush was part of the U.S. liason to China.

Much of this is well-known to professional traders on the Chicago markets.
Little, if any, of this ever gets into the monopoly press.

Some of the Bush/Dennis/Fred Thompson reputed illicit transactions also
reportedly went through the Mexican bank with operations in the U.S., Grupo
Financiero Bancomer. In 1998, the bank pleaded guilty to U.S. criminal
charges that the bank was a dope money laundry. The bank has a white-wash
explanation on their website: http://www.bancomer.com That bank is interwoven
with reputed criminal money laundry, run by the Bronfman's, Bank of Montreal
and their Chicago unit, Harris Bank. A major owner along with the
whiskey-soaked Bronfmans [who own Seagrams booze, reputed gangster movie
chain, Cineplex Odeon, and various entertainment entities in California and
elsewhere] has been U.S. Senator Peter Fitzgerald (R., Ill.). See our story
about this: "The Reputed Cocaine Bank Money Laundry Wizard".

As we have shown in this series, the Bush family has 25 or more secret
accounts, transacting billions of dollars under the direct coded supervision
of Federal Reserve dictator Alan Greenspan. And the bank in Tennessee is one
of those, doing illicit transactions reportedly jointly with Richard J.
Dennis and U.S. Senator Fred Thompson. You can understand now why Senator
Thompson dragged his feet in supposedly investigating campaign fund misdeeds.
He was digging in an area where he would have had to finger some banks,
ending up holding up a mirror to himself and his own criminality.

Note: we have shown that the Elder Bush has a joint account with the Queen of
England in the British-monarchy-owned Coutts Bank, London. And the royals are
notoriously in the dope traffic since the Opium Wars 150 years ago. One book
points out how close Bush is to Queen Elizabeth II:

 "When George Bush was elected Vice President in 1980, Texas mystery man
William ("Will") Stamps Farish III took over the management of all of George
Bush's personal wealth in a 'blind trust'. Known as one of the richest men in
Texas, Will Farish keeps his business affairs under the most intense secrecy.
Only the source of his wealth is known,not its employment. Will Farish has
long been Bush's closest friend and confidante. He is also the unique private
host to Britain's Queen Elizabeth II. Farish owns and boards the studs which
mate with the Queen's mares. That is her rationale when she comes to America
and stays in Farish's house. It is a vital link in the mind of our Anglophile
President." "George Bush, the Unauthorized Biography", by Webster Griffin
Tarpley and Anton Chaikin, 1992, paperback edition, page 46. More is coming
to this series.

Stay tuned.

Click on the documents, to view items related to this story:

#1 Picture of Richard J. Dennis

#2 another Federal Reserve secret wire transfer to Bush's account in


Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963,
founder/chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing
certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders. Since
1991 a regular panelist, and since 1995, moderator/producer, of
one-hour,weekly public access Cable TV Show, "Broadsides", Cablecast on
Channel 21, 9 p.m. each Monday in Chicago. For a heavy packet of printed
stories, send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and a stamped, self-addressed business sized
envelope [4-1/4 x 9-1/2 #10 size] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen's
Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 South
Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office, 7 days, 8 a.m. to midnight,
(773) 375-5741 [PLEASE, no "just routine calls]. Before sending FAX, call.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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