-Caveat Lector-

 January 27, 2001

 An Anarchist View of the Presidency of Bush, Jr.

 By Brian Oliver Sheppard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 Anarchists have a saying: "No matter who you vote for, the
 government will get in." For the 2000 Presidential Election
 this adage needs a little revision: "No matter who you voted
 for, Bush got in."

 It is true that anarchists have proclaimed, for centuries
 now, the folly of humans entrusting themselves into the
 guidance of nation-states. It is true that we see nation-
 states as no longer benefiting humanity in any meaningful
 way; we feel they serve, rather, to impede the free
 development of humanity's powers, corralling people into
 regimented lives of misspent energy in the service of more
 powerful humans. Nation-states are mazes of man-made laws
 that ensure some powerful people will be able to rule over
 others, and that an economic system that safely perpetuates
 this sort of hierarchy will function indefinitely, all at
 public expense.

 So it is that when George W. Bush assumed the mantle
 of President of the USA, to many anarchists it was the
 coronation of just another figurehead, replacing all the
 other figureheads of the past, who, like so many inter-
 changeable parts, simply ensure that the nation-state
 will lurch forward as a legitimate social phenomenon.

 What's so remarkable about George W. Bush, then, if he is
 merely the inheritor of an office that anarchists see as
 illegitimate no matter how it is won?

 What's remarkable is that, even by the standards of those
 who do accept states, and who think rulers are tolerable
 inasmuch as they are popularly chosen - even by these
 minimal standards, George W. Bush falls short of the
 mark of acceptability.

 With a disarmingly dopey, and even playful, demeanor, the
 unelected Bush waltzed into the highest political office
 in the land, serenaded by the vapidity of Ricky Martin, Lee
 Greenwood, and other symbols of cultural mediocrity, in a
 showbiz extravaganza inauguration. And while his outward
 appearances so far have been marked by speeches consisting
 largely of vague platitudes and vacuous, nice-sounding
 political buzz phrases, he has been hard at work behind
 closed doors, signing a flurry of executive orders and
 appointing reactionary cabinet members. These actions
 betray his true intentions more than any lip service
 he has paid to being a "uniter" and a "compassionate


 Even by the logic that allows American power to credibly
 refer to the country as a representative democracy - a
 republic - the Bush presidency represents a step backward.
 It represents a step backward to a time when coteries of
 aristocrats installed leaders into power openly, and the
 public accepted it because such was their lot in life.

 As people in history became more unmanageable, more "curious
 and arrogant" about the machinations of the State (to para-
 phrase a statement often quoted by Noam Chomsky), elites
 felt compelled to ensure that their representatives were
 chosen through more indirect, less noticeable means.
 Campaign finance, saturation of political ads across
 all kinds of media, control over the Federal Election
 Commission, the Electoral College - these are some of the
 indirect ways that elites ultimately retain their power over
 the country today. The placing of Bush and his big business
 administration into power shows that the business community
 feels confident enough to step out of the shadows and openly
 place into office one of their representatives, even without
 the public ratification that used to be, at least
 superficially, necessary.

 What are some of the reasons that the Bush presidency fails
 to carry any legitimacy, even given the criteria for assuming
 power that is inherent to a republic?

 * Shortly after the election in November, 2000, it was
 estimated by most that Al Gore, Bush's main opponent, had
 won the national popular vote by about 300,000 votes. In
 December the New York Times, Associated Press, and others
 came out with figures that revealed this to be short of the
 mark: Gore had actually won the national popular vote by at
 least 500,000, they reported, after all state returns had
 been certified.

 * Bush had the largest war chest of any presidential
 candidate in history. Wall Street and other sectors of the
 moneyed elite backed him overwhelmingly. His loss of the
 Presidency would have amounted to a failed investment for
 them. As the most well-connected of candidates, and with
 so much of an investment riding on his success, he had the
 benefit of society's most powerful as allies, able to pull
 strings to help him come through when things looked grim.

 To wit: Business Week's December 11 issue stated that "Bush
 has hooks everywhere. He has Florida Secretary of State
 Katherine Harris, who certified his election two weeks ago
 and who just happened to be his state campaign co-chairman.
 He has his brother, the governor of Florida, to certify a
 slate of Bush electors.... He has both houses of the Florida
 legislature and the US House of Representatives.... And, it
 seems, he has five justices of the US Supreme Court, all of
 whom were either appointed by his daddy or by Ronald Reagan,
 his daddy's old boss."

 * Recounts that probably would have overturned his victory
 were halted by the intervention of a Supreme Court stacked
 with appointees from Bush family administrations. These
 "justices" said the recount was stopped because allowing
 it to go forward would cause "irreparable harm" to
 Bush's chances of winning. Indeed, it would have.

 * As the newspaper Haiti Progres noted shortly after the
 election in November: "Fraud, corruption, voter intimidation,
 confusing ballots, racial profiling, lost ballot boxes,
 destroyed ballots, incompetent and abusive polling site
 supervisors, polling sites closing early, and many other
 irregularities" all played a part in the election. The
 butterfly ballot alone caused many elderly Jews to
 vote for anti-Semite Pat Buchanan.

 * In many states in the US, a criminal conviction means that
 the State strips you of your "right" to vote for the rest of
 your life. Florida is such a state. This sort of voter dis-
 enfranchisement (which acts upon the assumption that the
 legal process under which one is branded a criminal is fair
 and just) has resulted in one out of every three African-
 American men in Florida being unable to vote. Republicans
 hired Database Technologies Inc., a subsidiary of ChoicePoint,
 to determine which ex-convicts should not be allowed to vote.
 A "scrub list" of 173,000 persons was generated. Katherine
 Harris distributed this to county election officials. It
 was presumably felt that ex-cons, which tend to be ethnic
 minorities and poorer white people, would probably not
 vote for Bush.

 There are some other failsafe devices built into the
 process: the fact that a state legislature can override
 voting outcomes and choose a state's electors itself,
 electors who will be present in that undemocratic
 institution, the Electoral College, which really
 chooses the President.

 Also of interest is that Bush, who has played up the
 traditional Republican motif of "giving powers back to
 states" and away from the federal government, decided not to
 respect the decision of the Florida State Supreme Court, but
 went over its head to the federal Supreme Court. He also came
 out against hand recounts despite his having signed legislation
 approving hand recounts while governor of Texas. Ironically
 these moves, which run counter to his professed ideals but
 which were the only options left if he wanted to be
 President, ultimately saved him.

 This simply shows that those who make their careers by
 ruling others have very flexible, supple ideologies that
 tend to accommodate, above all else, their desire for power.
 This isn't particular to Bush or to Republicans in the least.
 It is the nature of all rulers, no matter their affiliation.


 Truth be told, Gore would not be much better than Bush. They
 are both men dedicated to preserving the basic framework of
 our system, which is a system that depends upon class division,
 exploitation, and varying degrees of racism and sexism, simply
 to exist. With Gore we would have gotten this same old program,
 albeit swathed in political correctness and an occasional bone
 tossed to the poor. With Bush we will have the same program of
 state-subsidized capitalism without any of the sugar coating.

 Gore did contest the election up to a certain point. But he
 held back from taking the fight in a direction that would
 "irreparably damage" the country, he and his officials
 told us. And this says it all - because what constitutes
 "irreparable damage" to elites and their institutions is
 what is actually in the public's best interest.

 The irreparable damage would have been the tarnishing of
 the sanctity of some of America's most entrenched political
 institutions. The nearly mystical aura that surrounds such
 processes as the electing of "the leader of the free world"
 would have been dragged through the mud; perhaps these
 institutions would never have been able to recover their
 credibility in the eyes of the American people. However,
 it is precisely such a thorough examination that needs
 to happen if we are to take notions like "freedom" and
 "democracy" seriously.

 Politicians like Gore would rather make sacrifices in their
 own careers than shine too bright a light on some of the
 ways in which our system is inherently corrupt. Taking a
 fight for the White House too far would damage the eventual
 winner's ability to govern effectively - and this ability
 to govern, above all else, must be preserved. Because it
 ultimately matters not so much who governs, as that someone
 is allowed to govern, and is able to do so in a manner that
 is meaningful to the wealthy. A "crisis in governance," in
 which elites cannot command the obedience necessary to push
 forward their agendas, would be destructive from their point
 of view. From the point of view of the governed, however,
 averting a "crisis in governance" merely guarantees that the
 old order continues - an old order that means there is still
 ruler and ruled, employer and employed, rich and poor, and
 all the other changeable, man-made disparities in society
 that people have let themselves become too apathetic to

 There are many people that know Bush lost the national
 popular vote; they know that his victory in Florida was
 questionable - but they simply don't care. For some, he was
 their man, and so if he won, no matter how, democratically
 or not, it is welcomed. His victory, for them, is more
 important than the integrity of any process used to boost
 him into power. And, from their standpoint, if you have a
 problem with Bush being an unelected President you are
 simply a "whiner" or a "sore loser" or any other thing that
 implies that a political victory, no matter how unjustly
 attained, is something you should just shut up and accept.

 For others, for perhaps the vast majority of the American
 public that didn't even vote, a Bush win or loss is not
 worth any fuss because it doesn't matter. They know, perhaps
 only on an intuitive and inarticulate level, that no matter
 who assumes the office of the President of the United States,
 the President will act as he has to act in such a role, and
 that nothing substantial, nothing fundamental, will ever
 really change. They will still wake up in the morning and
 have to go to work, they will still have bills, and they
 will still have the same day to day worries and concerns
 they have always had.

 Anarchists are often told that eliminating positions of
 authority, while a "nice idea," is dangerous because people
 are too dumb to manage things for themselves. Bush is an
 excellent response to this objection. With Bush we see that,
 as an alternative to dumb people running their own lives, we
 can have an exceedingly dumb person as our leader, vested in
 all the raiments of statehood that will enable him to magnify
 and extend the power of his stupidity the world over.

 Copyright (c) 2001 Brian O. Sheppard. All Rights Reserved.

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