-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Dear Brigade,

"The true third way is a New Americanism that puts America first, but “goes
not abroad in search of monsters to destroy,” that defends America’s
freedom, frontiers, citizens, security, and vital interests, but harbors no
desire to impose our vision on any other people..." -- PJB

GO PAT GO!!!!!!!!!


A New Americanism - by Patrick J. Buchanan
The Cato Institute - Washington, DC
November 22, 1999

   Last month, the Senate rejected the Comprehensive Test
   Ban Treaty. The U.S. nuclear arsenal that had deterred
   Stalin’s empire, the Senate said, must be regularly tested
   for reliability and to reduce the destructive power of
   these awesome and awful weapons.

   The Senate was right. But to an enraged President, this
   was a vindictive vote to rob him of a legacy. He lashed
   out. The Senate, Mr. Clinton said, has embraced a “new
   isolationism” that seeks to “bury our heads in the sand
   behind a wall.” A 4000-word tirade against the “New
   Isolationism” by Samuel Berger quickly followed.

   As I have been called, among other names, America’s
   leading isolationist, my first thought was that he was
   giving me credit for his defeat. But what we are
   witnessing here is something more sinister, a resort by
   Mr. Clinton to a malicious libel to intimidate and silence
   any who would interfere with his globalist agenda.

   And as one who supported every great foreign policy
   initiative from Kennedy to Reagan, I reject the isolationist
   label, especially when made by those whose spent their
   youthful careers marching against the Cold War policies
   that brought us victory.

   America has never been an isolationist nation. “No
   president or national party in the entire history of the
   United States...ever advocated isolating the United States
   from the rest of the world,” writes historian Wayne Cole.
   Historian Walter McDougall calls the term isolationist
   “but a dirty word that interventionists, especially since
   Pearl Harbor, hurl at anyone who questions their

   Why did Mr. Clinton revert to it? To divert attention from
   his lost opportunity to shape a foreign policy that might
   endure in our post-Cold War world. Where Truman and
   Acheson succeeded, Clinton, like Wilson, has failed.

   His first attempt at interventionism and nation-building
   was the bloody debacle in Somalia. His embargo of Haiti
   and invasion proved ruinous to the people of that
   impoverished island, with no appreciable benefit to our
   Haitian neighbors or their quality of life. To divert
   attention from a personal scandal, the President fired
   missiles at a poison gas factory in Sudan. It now appears
   to have been an innocent pharmaceutical plant. Perhaps
   Mr. Clinton, who was apologizing for yet another of his
   predecessors’ foreign policy sins, might wish to apologize
   for one of his own.

   Consider our relationship with Russia. Ten years ago,
   Ronald Reagan was being toasted in Moscow. Today, the
   prevailing wind is anti-Americanism. Not our fault, the
   Clintonites say. But who broke America’s word to the
   Russians that if they withdrew the Red Army from
   Eastern Europe, we would not move NATO an inch closer
   to their frontiers?

   And what reaction do we expect when we collude with
   two former Soviet republics, Georgia and Azerbaijan, to
   build a pipeline to cut Russia out of the oil of the Caspian
   and ship it to her ancient enemy, Turkey? When enraged
   Russian generals charge us with meddling in the
   Caucasus, do they not have a point?

   That photo of the President in Istanbul, smiling broadly
   as the oil treaty was toasted, while his Energy Secretary
   crowed about our “victory,” was a provocation. Be
   assured: Russian nationalists are surely even now plotting
   to overturn Mr. Clinton’s “victory.” Mr. Clinton’s
   successes have been in Northern Ireland and the Middle
   East, where America assumed the role of peacemaker,
   rather than military interventionist. That is the role the
   greatest nation on earth should play, one ordained in the
   Sermon on the Mount.

   But our Republican elites are even more bellicose. It was
   his own Republicans who berated President Bush for not
   marching on Baghdad and establishing a “MacArthur
   Regency,” Republicans who urged air strikes on the North
   Korean nuclear facilities, thus risking a second Korean
   War. It was Republicans who denounced Clinton for not
   sending 200,000 U.S. troops into Belgrade. And it was a
   Republican Governor of Texas who complained that our
   war on Serbia was not being prosecuted “ferociously”
   enough. And it is Republicans who seem to lust most
   ardently for a new Cold War. In President Bush’s final
   year in office, a startling document surfaced in the
   Pentagon, detailing a plan to send 6 carrier battle groups
   and 24 NATO divisions to rescue Lithuania, should
   Moscow recolonize the republic. This prescription for war
   with Russia was crafted in the shop of one Paul Wolfowitz.
   It is not reassuring to see the selfsame Mr. Wolfowitz, one
   of Governor Bush’s “Vulcans,” emerging as an early
   favorite to be Secretary of State.

   Perhaps the defining foreign policy moment of the Clinton
   presidency was his unconstitutional war on Serbia. The
   cause of that war was Madeline Albright’s rage that
   Serbia would not sign a Rambouillet accord that called for
   the removal of all its troops from Kosovo, and permission
   for NATO troops to tramp through their country. No
   American would have accepted that ultimatum. And when
   war came, it was accompanied by the usual bodyguard of

   We were told we were fighting to prevent the ethnic
   cleansing of Albanians. Before NATO’s air strikes, 90,000
   had fled. But after NATO’s peace, 180,000 Serbs have
   been driven from their homes, as Christian shrines,
   monasteries, and churches have been desecrated. We
   were told we were fighting to prevent another Auschwitz,
   that Milosevic’s mad killers were butchering tens of
   thousands, perhaps a hundred thousand people,
   suggested our Secretary of Defense.

   A few weeks ago, a Spanish doctor in search of mass
   graves had found 187 bodies, and the death toll of
   Albanians was estimated at 2500. Is it possible Milosevic
   gave orders for the mass murder of civilians, but in 80
   days his soldiers were only able to kill this tiny fraction of
   a defenseless population of 1.5 million? Twenty-five
   hundred dead is a terrible tragedy; Auschwitz it is not.

   Having smashed Serbia, it is now U.S. policy to deny fuel
   to the Serb people, so they can suffer in the brutal Balkan
   winter. This immoral policy shames us as a people. What
   are we doing putting old men, women, and children under
   a sentence of death for being unable to what NATO itself
   could not do—overthrow Milosevic?

   Under the Christian conditions for a just war, the
   targeting of innocent civilians is forbidden. But who is
   suffering, who is dying from the sanctions we impose on
   Serbia and Iraq? We read of tens of thousands of deaths
   among Iraqi children. Is it moral to cause their deaths
   because these toddlers refused to rise up and oust
   Saddam, which the mighty Army of Desert Storm was
   itself reluctant to do? America is a good country; she does
   not make war on children.

   We need a new foreign policy rooted neither in the
   Wilsonian Utopianism of the Democrat Party nor the Pax
   Americana of the Republican think tanks and little
   magazines, a policy that reflects the goodness and
   greatness of this Republic, but also an awareness that we
   were not put on this earth to lord it over other nations.

   The true third way is a New Americanism that puts
   America first, but “goes not abroad in search of monsters
   to destroy,” that defends America’s freedom, frontiers,
   citizens, security, and vital interests, but harbors no
   desire to impose our vision on any other people. As the
   great scholar Russell Kirk wrote:

   [T]here exists no single best form of
   government for the happiness of all mankind.
   The most suitable form of government
   necessarily depends upon the historic
   experience, the customs, the beliefs, the state
   of culture, the ancient laws and the material
   circumstances of a people, and all these things
   vary from land to land and age to age.

   The blunders other nations make are not ours to correct.
   And our moralistic policy of imposing sanctions on tiny
   tyrannies like Haiti and Myanamar, while we make no
   demands of the mighty Middle Kingdom, is cowardly and
   contemptible. When the elected mayor of our own capital
   city has to be virtually deposed in the name of good
   government, we should show more patience with foreign
   friends who fall short of the exacting standards of
   Clintonian democracy.

   My friends, a presidential election should offer the nation
   a choice of destinies. But on all the great foreign policy
   issues—from moving NATO onto Russia’s front porch, to
   undeclared wars in the Balkans, to shoveling out billions in
   IMF loans and foreign aid to wastrel regimes—our
   Republican elite offers only a bellicose echo. Bush, Gore,
   Bradley, and McCain, they are all on one side of this great
   debate about America’s destiny; we alone are on the

   What would a foreign policy rooted in our history, the
   wisdom of our Fathers, and the national interest look like?

   Specifically, while America should restate to the world its
   iron resolve that never again will a hostile power be
   allowed to overrun our ancestral home, we will cease to
   smother Europe. It is time we ended our reflexive
   opposition to every new idea advanced by the nations of
   Europe to build their own pillar of Western defense.

   It is time to say “yes” to Europe, time to let go, as doting
   parents whose children have reached maturity, must let
   go. Indeed, let us accelerate the day of Europe’s
   reclaiming its full independence, by setting a date certain
   for the withdrawal of all U.S. troops. In 1961, General
   Eisenhower urged Mr. Kennedy to withdraw them all
   then; forty years later,it is time to follow Ike’s advice.

   As we look eastward, we see a Russia smaller than she
   was under Peter the Great. In an eyelash, she lost a world
   empire, a European empire, an internal empire. Stalin’s
   USSR is now fifteen nations. The collapse of Bolshevism
   was of extraordinary benefit to mankind, and we risk the
   fruits of that victory by treating Russia as a defeated
   nation to be ignored or taken advantage of.

   We should inform Moscow that NATO’s red line will move
   no further east, that we are bringing home all U.S. forces
   from Europe, that while American oil companies may cut
   deals in the Caucasus, the United States has no vital
   interest there, and no intention of creating any new
   anti-Russian alliance in her back yard. Instead of
   expanding military alliances to corral and contain Russia,
   why have we not insisted that our European allies expand
   the European Union to include Russia? Let us bring
   Russia in, rather than drive her out.

   As for Chechnya, it is an ugly brutal war, but the Russians
   are fighting inside their own territory. Americans, whose
   beloved Mr. Lincoln unleashed General Sherman to deal
   with his rebellious provinces, can surely understand the
   horrors of civil wars, even as we rightly deplore them.

   But no matter our differences with Russia, we must repair
   the relationship. None is more crucial. We could make no
   greater blunder than to cast aside the fruits of our Cold
   War victory by driving an embittered Russia into the
   arms of Beijing. But that is exactly what our Beltway
   elites seem to be doing. But just as we respect the
   legitimate aspirations of Europe for an equal place in the
   sun, and Russia’s right not to have NATO squat on its
   doorstep, Europe and Russia must respect our inherent
   right to defend ourselves against the ballistic missiles of
   rogue states.

   As for our policy of “dual containment” of Iran and Iraq, it
   is sterile and unsustainable. Like the British, we are one
   day going home, and we ought not to be devising schemes
   to extend our stay. Unlike Beijing and Hanoi, Baghdad and
   Teheran never killed tens of thousands of American
   soldiers in war. But if we can engage China and North
   Vietnam, and even North Korea, why can we not at least
   talk to Iran and Iraq?

   Have we not suffered enough terrorist atrocities—from
   the massacre of our Marines, to Pan Am 103, to the
   World Trade Center, to the embassy bombings in Nairobi
   and Dar—to awaken our elites to the reality that
   interventionism is the incubator of terrorism? Or will it
   take some cataclysmic act of violence on U.S. soil to finally
   awaken our gamesmen to the costs of global hegemony?

   As for China, the most peaceful and powerful weapon
   America had to effect change in its policies is our control
   of our $8 trillion market. From its sales to us, China earns
   a trade surplus of over a billion dollars every week. But
   by bringing China into the WTO, the President threw
   away our trump card and turned his trade portfolio over
   to global bureaucrats. The next president must get it
   back. The China portfolio belongs in the Oval Office, and
   we need a return to linkage. Specifically, we should tell
   Beijing: If you wish free access to our 270 million
   consumers, you must stop harassing Christians, menacing
   Taiwan, targeting our country, and you must begin giving
   our exports the same tariff treatment we give yours. We
   do not want a hot war or a Cold War with China. Nor do
   we wish to contain China. She is already contained by
   suspicious neighbors, north, south, east and west. But a
   China that threatens America’s friends and tramples on
   American values cannot expect to be treated as any kind
   of partner.

   Friends, America today faces a choice of destinies: Are we
   to be a republic or an empire? Will we be the peacemaker
   of the world, or its policeman, who goes about
   night-sticking the trouble-makers of the world, until we,
   too, find ourselves in a bloody brawl we cannot handle.
   Let us use this transient moment of American
   preeminence to encourage and assist other countries to
   stand on their own feet and begin to provide for their own

   A century ago, a great populist leader begged America not
   to forego her best traditions and annex the Philippines, an
   imperial act that would draw America into three Asian
   wars. We did not heed his advice; let us heed it now: “The
   fruits of imperialism, be they bitter or sweet,” declared
   Bryan, “must be left to the subjects of monarchy. This is
   one tree of which citizens of a republic may not partake. It
   is the voice of the serpent, not the voice of God, which
   bids us eat.”

----------  end  ----------

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