Here's a fascinating site that offers an awesomely thorough and cross-charted namebase search in public records from Public Informartion Research:
I put in the names of both Dan Lasater and Gary  Condit and came up with just one page--wait til you see it.
All the books and documents linked to this page are ALSO cross-charted. Keep scrolling down til you get to the individual names. Each book linked below the name is one in which this particular persons shady activities are documented. The person-to-person contacts documented in ALL the books are combined in a visual schematic that  you go to by clicking on the person's name. How could Condit be so close to Janet Reno?  If Condit had lunch with Lasater--the principle "Disappearer" for Arkansas's little Mena profit venture and for Washington's inside Democratic circle--the day before Chandra disappeared and the day after Condit broke it off with her (and probably tried to pay to silence her), then the method by which she was offed and disposed of becomes increasingly clear. Wonder where they dump their bodies?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Little Rock arrests/ Gary Condit lunch partner 30 APRIL

Dan Lasater was a bond broker in Little Rock who got busted for possession of
cocaine, and for giving it to teenage girls at an apartment in Little Rock in
1985. Lasater paid for the apartment, but Bill Clinton's brother, Roger,
actually lived there. Roger was also busted. Lasater did some time in the
federal slammer, while Roger was confined to a half-way house.

While Lasater was in prison, his side-kick, Patsy Thomasson, ran his bond
brokerage. When Clinton was elected, he brought Ms. Thomasson to the White
House in 1993, as "Director of Administration" (i.e., head of security).
Later on, Lasater started "Phoenix Mortgage Company," in Little Rock, which
was a drug-money laundry.

For a short time, after he got out of jail, Lasater lived at a lodge in the
woods in western Arkansas, near Mena. The property was owned by International
Paper Co., one of the Rose Law Firm's biggest clients. Hillary Clinton, Webb
Hubbell, and Vince Foster were partners at the Rose firm at the time. Lasater
ran his money laundering operation from the lodge.

Lasater has been a close friend of Bill Clinton's for years. He was also very
close to the late James McDougal (of Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan fame).
Lasater is described by Chip Tatum (an ex-Army pilot who, unwittingly it
appears, flew numerous drug runs to and from Central America in the '80s for
Lasater and the Dixie Mafia), as being the "Dr. Lasater" to whom certain
cargo was delivered from time to time in Arkansas. That cargo was usually in
the form of large styrofoam coolers marked "Medical Supplies." According to
Tatum, one of the coolers fell onto the tarmac, while it was in the process
of being loaded onto Tatum's helicopter, and burst open. The contents clearly
had "medicinal value," but could hardly have been accurately described as
being "Medical Supplies." The coolers contained tightly wrapped bags of raw

Tatum relates that shortly after that happened, he arrived at an airport near
Little Rock, and was introduced to "Dr. Lasater" (to whom the coolers were
being shipped), Governor Clinton, and a third man who became Clinton's FEMA
Director in 1993. The three were there to meet the helicopter.

Anyone who has more and/or better information should certainly feel free to
redact what I've written.

R. Odom

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