But, Dear Girl,
    But, Hell!! This is exactly why I have no use for CHRISTIANS. Scott tells the absolute truth and will Jackie do what she says she now believes? Give that which is CAESAR'S unto Caesar and that which is God's unto God!! So they give earthly control to Caesar and spiritual control to God.
    And then there is the belief about Jews being the Chosen Ones. And the fact is, they are. If one believes the Old Testament. And Like Jews destroyed Babylon to destroy the Hammarubi Code, Jews created the New Testament where a benevolent Savoir was born so Gentiles would believe in a hereafter and put all their faith in spiritual life and forget about what Jews were doing to them here. Where, except in Witchcraft and Christianity is there any mention of spirits or an after life? Judaism is not necessarily a religion, it is a way of life no religion can compare with. It is absolute control of people by a Priesthood that has absolute power to do what it will with those that oppose it.
    Kings and Queens rule in the name of DEVINE RIGHT based on Royal Blood and being the descendants of David and they have really fucked the commoner for the benefit of the Royalty. The ordinary man or woman is nothing to Royalty, the same as Gentiles are but animals to Jews.
    Christians talk about the Babylonian Talmud and blame Babylon for being responsible for it or the people or leaders of Babylon but the fact remains, the Talmud was not put to paper until Jews, no matter what name they went by then, conquered Babylon and destroyed the Hammarubi Code so they could steal and cheat and kill whomever they desired. And that is what destroyed has destroyed every civilization that has ever existed that there is any record of.
    Jews may lie and cheat and steal and kill each other, but when the chips are down and their power is questioned they stick together like ticks on a dog's back and do all within their ability to prevent damage to their family unit, their way of life, their people.
    I could continue for many pages, but there is no point. If the White Race is to survive, Christianity has to be put on the trash pile where it rightly belongs. Whites are in a war to the death here on earth. Whether there is an after life, I don't care one way or another. If there is, fine but we will earn it by what we do here and if we do not prevent the destruction of our race, what God in his right mind would ever want a bunch of do-nothings in His Kingdom? And if there is no after life, what we do here and now will determine what happens to our future and the future of our children.
    Don't think about that, though, because it will keep you awake at night and disturb your whole being when you are up and about.
    Feel free to send this to anyone you desire or to no one at all.
John Lee
----- Original Message -----
From: vikki
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 10:25 PM
Subject: Fw: [FP] Christian Liars

----- Original Message -----
From: W.G.E.N.
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 10:16 PM
Subject: NID: [FP] Christian Liars

Amen and Amen!!  What Scott has said below is absolutely correct.  I didn't
learn what I know soon enough but now I know and now I am responsible for
what I do.  You cannot *compromise* with the Word of God.  His Word is true
and it is up to each of us to search it out for ourselves.  No one will be
able to say, "I didn't know (when you have been told over and over again) -
I depended on the preacher to teach me."   You may escape judgement here on
this earth by laying the blame on someone else but it won't cut it on THE
Judgement Day. ( Whether you believe or not won't matter.)
Thank you, Scott, for saying it like it is.
Jackie Juntti

Subject: [FP] Christian Liars
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 22:44:38 -0500
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I battle the Beast because of my beliefs. This is precisely why it irks me
so to see the lying "Christians" who say, "When the time comes, we too will
oppose the Beast and his Mark."

The truth is: If you are not NOW being persecuted because of your stand
against the Beast, you simply have not taken one. You are simply going right
along with ALL the Beast requires.

When I first began to battle the SSN/MOB almost twenty years ago, others
(claiming to adhere to the same set of beliefs as myself) tried to assure me
that, "We'll all KNOW it is THE 'Mark of the Beast' when it comes, and we'll
all KNOW that we are to refuse it." Some others suffered under another
strong delusion, that they will be "Raptured" and never have to concern
themselves with the Mark.

Both, false teachings.

All the while, these very same "Christians" marched right down and
"numbered" their very own children for a bag of cheapened, silver[-clad,
base-metal] coins, (i.e., a tax rebate from Uncle Sam). Others marched down
and sold their own children out simply because some licensing official told
them, "It's the law, you have to get your kids an SSN before we can give
them a license" (though none could ever CITE any such 'law' if and when
challenged). Still others sold out their own life's blood because some
enrollment clerk at the local grammar school said, "All children must have
an SSN in order to enroll" (still more lies straight from the father of all

Here, in my own home town of Huntsville, Alabama, the chief (sinner) and Tax
Collector -- one Emmett Sanders -- who also happens to be [or was] a
well-known Deacon in his own church (which I believe to be the "Church of
Christ") filled his enforcement work-force with like-minded, follow (and
sister) "Christians" to carry out his bidding (which they all do so
dutifully). All those under his control (those who must venture there to
register their vehicle or get a hunting, boating, fishing, and driving
licenses), who should dare express any silly "sincerely-held" religious
objection to being numbered, are treated with mockery, disdain, and scorn by
this particular band of Christians tyrants. Just get in line, provide the
information as requested, make checks payable to "Emmett Sanders", and "make
your way out through the very same set of security guards and metal
detectors you so haplessly passeth through on your way in -- you lowly

But wait! There's debate in Congress...

Debate in Congress? DEBATE IN CONGRESS!! Oh, they are holding hearings and
debates on the disadvantages (v. advantages) of using SSNs as universal
identifiers. It's all a show -- smoke and mirrors -- designed to distract
and to occupy.

Don't hold your breath. Not, that is, unless these same Congressmen who gave
us the numbering requirements in the first place (that is with the sole
exception being Ron Paul), and who are now "debating" whether to "modify" or
amend their requirements, also act to repeal the International agreements
they adopted which mandate that ALL citizens must be numbered, monitored,
and their finances tracked, i.e. NAFTA/GATT.

I bet most of those parents (of whatever religion) who numbered their
children did so without understanding (or caring) that they were complying
with International Law. They really should spend less time at the soccer
field and more time researching the Congressional Record like those who care

Of course, we never make assertions we can't substantiate:


The worst part is that, once again, it is the "religious crowd" who are
yelling (by their actions), "Throw them to the lions -- those who won't
'render unto You, the Beast." These are those who render to their god, the

Each time a claimant "Christian" takes a number, or numbers their children,
or provides their number as requested -- each time they go along just to get
along -- their actions discredit and diminish the (all) arguments against
numbering. Every occasion in which someone, (claiming to be Christian), uses
their (or their children's') SSN, the act itself mocks those of us who stand
on our convictions and adhere to our beliefs.

These, I call liars.

If you have not yet felt the wrath of the Beast, try once resisting.

Not until you've been on the receiving end of endless phone calls and
countless email messages from numerous others asking: "What can we do?" --
and not until you have had to answer time-after-time, "There is no effective
course of action to stop the progression" -- will you likely understand that
those who claim to be on our side and yet work against us by their actions,
(or lack thereof, i.e. peaceful resistance and civil disobedience), are our
worst enemies.


Social security is the bane of individual liberty. - SAM
Don't believe anything you read on the Net unless:
1) you can confirm it with another source, and/or
2) it is consistent with what you already know to be true.
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