....is is vital you send this far and wide!

We the People CANNOT allow the exclusion of viable third party candidates from the 

If the Forces of Darkness are successful in denying us the opportunity to listen to 
the views of those opposed to The Establishment Party,
we have, in effect, accepted the denial of our Freedom of Speech under the First 

This issue fills my Soul with so much fear and consternation I find it almost 
impossible to suppress the negative emotions it manifests.

Brothers and Sisters, don't let this happen!

The rejection of Freedom for Elian by the oligarchy's lying, draft-dodging immoral 
rapist and his whore, the butcher of WACO, should be
sufficient evidence of our lost of Freedom for which so many have given their last 
ounce of devotion.

I beg of you:  Don't let the charade of the debates become a fait-accompli;  we must 
do 'whatever is necessary' to protect our 1st
Amendment, as well as protecting all of the other original Ten Amendments to our 
Constitution.  The survival of our Judeo-Christian ethic is
at stake; don't let mammon be victorious.

The time for action has arrived!

We cannot be denied a free and open debate.

We will NOT continue to be Slaves of the Oligarchy.  I'm so upset that the possibility 
the Forces of Light will be denied to us;  I find it
difficult to organize my thoughts to effectively present to you what our options are 
in this matter, together with its consequences.

All other major issues of the day take a back-seat to this one.

Any inaction on your part in defending our Freedom, is, in my view, giving aid to the 
Your first action in defense of Freedom is to distribute this Post to all contacts in 
your Address Book.

I'm so upset!


The Demos/Repubs are two wings of the same bird of prey.


Dear Brigade,

"Thus, who gets to debate is decided by a small number of people in the pay
of the very corporations whose interests are threatened by a Pat Buchanan
or a Ralph Nader. Such people have every incentive to make sure that
discordant voices are kept out..."

GO PAT GO!!!!!!!


From: Mike Van Houten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 11:19 PM
Subject: Closed to Debate


Closed to Debate  by George Szamuely
New York Press - 4/11/00

Our brain-dead political establishment is about to put up the fight of its life to
make sure that October’s presidential debates will be as boring and as
uninformative as possible. No one but the mediocre nominees of the two
major parties will be allowed to take part. The last thing our rulers want is to
give voters a chance to choose among the available alternatives.

In January the grandly named Commission on Presidential Debates
announced that no candidate will take part in the debates unless he has,
first, a mathematical chance of securing an electoral college majority, and
second, that he can demonstrate at least 15 percent support in five national
polls one week before the debates. The polls would be conducted by five
selected organizations: ABC/Washington Post; CBS/New York Times;
NBC/Wall Street Journal; CNN/USA Today/Gallup; and Fox News/Opinion

Despite its blue-ribbon-sounding name, the CPD–invariably preceded by the
ingratiating adjective "bipartisan"–has no official standing whatsoever. The
CPD chairs are Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., former chairman of the Republican
Party and prominent gambling industry lobbyist, and Paul G. Kirk Jr., a
former chairman of the Democratic Party and also a prominent lobbyist. The
commission is divided equally between Republicans and Democrats. No
independents have ever been invited to join, even though the Reform Party
won 19 percent of the vote in 1992 and receives federal funds.

If you want to stage a debate you have to cough up $550,000. This money
goes directly to the CPD. Debates all have corporate sponsors. Soft money
contributions to political parties have to be reported to the FEC; debate
donations do not. Debates provide corporate CEOs with an excellent
opportunity to rub shoulders with presidential candidates and media
bigshots. Sponsors of the 1996 debates included Ford Motor Co., J.P.
Morgan & Co., Atlantic Richfield, AT&T, the Sara Lee Corp., Philip Morris
and Sprint. This year the CPD asked Anheuser-Busch to sponsor all four
debates. One, held at Washington University in St. Louis on Oct. 17, will be
sponsored entirely by Anheuser-Busch. Another one, at Winston-Salem, will
be sponsored by Philip Morris.

Support for the commission comes not just from corporations. There are also
the rich foundations. One of the commission’s funders is the Century
Foundation, formerly known as the Twentieth Century Fund. It was a
foundation report, written by Clifford M. Sloan, Newton N. Minow and Carlos
T. Angulo–Opening Salvos: Who Should Participate in Presidential
Debates?–that formed the basis of the commission’s debate

It is understandable that the political parties want to stifle competition. They
have been doing this for years–with tricks like the absurdly high number of
signatures needed to get on a state ballot. As Ralph Nader has said, "In the
business world" what the two parties do "would subject them to antitrust
prosecution." But why do the tv networks go along with this censorship? The
same networks, incidentally, who will carry out the polling to determine who
is debate-eligible?

Thus, who gets to debate is decided by a small number of people in the pay
of the very corporations whose interests are threatened by a Pat Buchanan
or a Ralph Nader. Such people have every incentive to make sure that
discordant voices are kept out. In 1996 the CPD ruled that Ross Perot could
not take part in the debates. Why? Because the "experts" it consulted said
that he had no realistic chance of winning the presidency. "Participation is
not extended to candidates because they might prove interesting or
entertaining," Paul Kirk explained patronizingly.

Perot’s exclusion was amazing. Here was a man who had won almost a fifth
of the popular vote in 1992, had launched a new political party and had taken
a prominent part in national debates like the one over NAFTA. Perot sued the
commission and lost. In his suit, he argued that the CPD, the Democrats,
the Republicans and their financial backers were rigging the system against

It is outrageous that we take the commission’s self-serving
recommendations seriously. The 15-percent hurdle is preposterous. Using
such criteria, George Wallace in 1968 would not have been able to take part
in the presidential debates, had there been any that year. He only got 13
percent of the vote. Yet he carried five states and went on to dominate
political life for the next 25 years.

It would have been hard also in 1984 to justify Walter Mondale debating
Ronald Reagan, for he did not have the remotest possibility of winning.
Moreover, why shouldn’t the commission’s standards not also hold for the
primaries? How dare all those Republican hopefuls presume to share a
platform with George W. Bush when he led them by almost 50 points! In
many countries, political parties secure important cabinet positions on the
basis of as little as 5 percent of the vote. Were they operating in the United
States, Germany’s Free Democrats or Greens would long ago have been
written off as the loony fringe.

The debates are for the American people–not for the corporations or the
monopolistic political parties. Buchanan and Nader should be there. As
should the Libertarians. We might then get a debate that will consist of
something more than well-rehearsed one-liners, stump speech excerpts and
corny homilies.

--------------  end  -----------------

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