
"Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the
 lowest crime rates in the country."
        -- Washington, D.C. Mayor Marion Barry

We are a Nation of the Rule of Law;
however, I, for one, will not be Ruled by the Lawless.

To All Elected Officials:
  "Stop stealing my earnings
   that you use to give to
   those whom you know will
   vote for you."

There's not a dime bit of difference between a DemoRat and a RepubRat,
they're simply two wings of the same bird of prey which pecks at your
earnings while insidiously devouring your Freedom.


>From Rayelan ---

When I sent out my article on the ALA -- The Aztlan Liberation Army --


I received more nasty letters from enraged readers than I have ever received
on any subject.


I had to send additional emails to prove that the things I had said really
were true.


Last week, Fox News did a piece on the Aztlan movement and their desire to
get rid of all the illegal aliens in the Southwest United States -- the
illegal aliens they want to export are everyone except those who are
descended from Aztecs.

The young Mexicans who belong to these groups don't realize that the Aztecs
never lived in the areas now referred to as AZTLAN ---

Pat Buchanan is the only person, besides Fox News and the Rumor Mill , who
is trying to draw attention to a revolution going on within and on our

"Mass immigration followed by insurrection, independence and annexation --
This is how all of Europe's American empires were eventually
expropriated and lost and is how America grew," Buchanan said. "We may
forget this history; Mexico remembers. And while we shudder at the idea, it
could happen again, Mexican irredentism* is alive and well."

irredenta -- (It.)  unredeemed: said of a region or regions populated
chiefly by the natives of a specified country which formerly held it and
seeks to recover it

* Irredentism --  n. the program or policy of the Irredentists, a political
party of Italy formed in 1878 for the purpose of joining to that country
adjacent regions populated largely by Italians but ruled by other

Irredentist -- 1. any member of the Italian political party advocating
Irredentism.  2. any person who advocates a similar policy with regard to
territory formerly a part of his country.


Buchanan fears Mexico to seize Southwest
Tells San Diego forum that as president he'd halt illegal migration

By John Marelius


April 29, 2000

Pat Buchanan brought his quixotic third-party presidential campaign to
San Diego yesterday, warning darkly that illegal Mexican immigration is
turning the border region into a battle zone and sowing the seeds of
nothing less than a move by Mexico to reclaim the American Southwest.
"Politicians may gush over the warm relations, but there is no peace on
the frontier," Buchanan told the San Diego World Affairs Council.

"Nightly, ranches are turned into bivouac areas for armies of aliens
that cut fences and poison cattle and leave trails of debris behind in their
long march north."

He said he regards the "demographic sea change" in California, where
nearly one-third of the population is Latino, as an alarming trend that
presents a mirror image of the westward expansion of the United States
in the 1800s.

"Mass immigration followed by insurrection, independence and annexation:
This is how all of Europe's American empires were eventually
expropriated and lost and is how America grew," Buchanan said. "We may
forget this history; Mexico remembers. And while we shudder at the idea it
could happen again, Mexican irredentism is alive and well."

After the speech, Rudy Ramirez, owner of San Diego Architectural Metals,
said he does business in Mexico and told Buchanan he was "amazed at your

"Do you really believe this or is this a political tactic of some sort?"
Ramirez asked.

Buchanan repeated his anecdotes about Mexican soccer fans booing the
national anthem in Los Angeles and radical voices advocating creation of
an "Aztlan" nation.

"I didn't draw those out of the air," he maintained.
The firebrand commentator and two-time Republican presidential candidate
quit the GOP last year to run for the nomination of Ross Perot's Reform

It is a party that is foundering and wracked by internal strife, but one
that is entitled to $12.5 million from the federal government for the
general election campaign on the basis of Perot's showing in 1996.
Most of Buchanan's campaigning these days is devoted to qualifying for
the ballot in all 50 states and loudly demanding inclusion in
presidential debates alongside Democrat Al Gore and Republican George W.

He said that about 30 percent of the delegates to the Reform Party's
August convention in Long Beach have been chosen and that he has 75
percent of them.
Some Republicans fear Buchanan could draw the votes of enough social
conservatives from Bush to throw the election to Gore. But Buchanan said
he believes he will also get votes from working-class Democrats who
with his opposition to international trade agreements.
But Buchanan contended it really doesn't make any difference because, as
he sees it, there is no substantial difference between the bland
campaigns being waged by the presumptive Republican and Democratic
Whatever Buchanan's campaign is, bland and centrist it is not. He
the country raising issues seldom addressed by Gore and Bush, such as
illegal immigration, often in incendiary fashion.
"No one is supposed to talk about this," he said. "Republicans head for
the hills and wall themselves off in gated communities, terrified to
their minds lest they be branded xenophobic by the thought police of
political correctness. Democrats see a new base in illegal immigration;
the more poor people, the larger the constituency for social programs."
Buchanan said he would "stop illegal immigration cold" by erecting
security fences at all heavily trafficked crossing points along the
U.S.-Mexico border and reinforcing the Border Patrol with military
if necessary.
He also said he would require English-language immersion instruction for
immigrant schoolchildren and prosecute American businesses that hire
workers who are not in the country legally.

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The government only has as much power as it's citizens give it.

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