-Caveat Lector-

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [prj] Crown, Grand Orient, etc.
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 12:56:58 -0800

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Those who posit a "Crown" vs. Grand Orient Masonry scenerio for a battle
for control of globalist insitutions present an interesting case.  I
traditionally believed this scenerio, just as I believe that within the
"Old Order" may be a battle between its Vatican and Rockefeller power
centers.  Obviously, there are banker-alligned globalists and "human
rights" globalists such as Chomsky, though there is also over-lap here.
        But, we must admit that the "human rights" argument has often
been applied selectively, and sometimes as a tool of mega-political
factions who have pulled the strings on movements without even the
leadership really understanding what was occuring.  Within America,
ostensibly pro-"human rights" movements (tied in a sense to Grand Orient
Masonry, at least philosophically), such as prison reform movements, gun
owners movements, and civil liberties movements, work against the state
for specific ends.  However, the geo-political agendas of their
leadership are often in line with the Empire of the City, even as they
are in themselves laudible.
        There is a battle within the globalist movement, perhaps a
four-way one between Rockefeller, Vatican, as well as Crown and Grand
Orient factions.  This I have covered ad nauseum in months and years
past.  Within the four-way split can be another level of contention; two
general trends within the globalist movement, which are both arrayed
against national autarchy.  One is the banker-controlled New World Order
forces, centered primarily on London and New York financial centers.
here we can certainly see Crown-Rockefeller cooperation.  But we also
have the gadflies; Vatican and Grand Orient globalists who are
religiously motivated and often quite hostile to financial controllers.
        The Vatican is considered "conservative", but has been kept so by
Emperors of times past and by modern right-wing orders, including the
American CIA.  In its essense, Vatican power is often revolutionary, and
maintained a strongly centralist role under medieval feudalism.  Church
power is ideally supposed to supercede State power, and the loss of
negative liberties more akin to the loss of certain freedoms under
revolutionary regimes than under conservative monarchies or oligarchies.
 Thus there is a commonality between traditional Catholicism and radical
Grand Orient philosophies on some level, even as they are radically
opposed on others. Opposition to banker control of the New World Order
may be one commonality.
        Thus, we can see forces cooperating across appearant ideological
lines, as the conservative London bankers and the radicals of Europe did
in the nineteenth century, or the Czar of Russia and the Italian
revolutionaries.  Right now, factions are being superceded by
institutionalized control, something I have overlooked in times past.
Thus we really can see a coalition around financial oligarchicalism on
the one hand, and "human rights" ideological globalism on the other, now
that certain resiting forces (the Iron Curtain, powerful Arab
and the Empires of Old) have been removed, or appearantly removed.  As
have observed with Chinese bellicose nationalism, which the financialist
believe they can footsie with, sometimes there are little "surprises"
which are not so little.
        Right and Left globalists both agree that organizations such as
the UN and "World Law" courts are necessary.  There is further
convergence even there.  They have both failed to consider that perhaps
these institutions can obtain a life of their own, and turn against
their creators.  Thus we may see a kind of convergence which is more
institutional than covert, a kind of structural change in which all
out, and bureaucracy itself wins.  Not only a triumph for conspiracy,
a very boring one.
        For now, nations are intact.  The globalization is more economic,
to the chagrin of the more ideological Federalists within Left-wing as
well as Vatican circles.  The Dalai Lama gets the media attention, but
China gets the trade deals.  However, a tide might be shifting.  With a
call for democratization within central banking in Foreign Affairs (!),
blatantly globalistic issue for that matter, might mean that the nature
of globalism is changing.  Old familiar alliances (Crown versus
Rockefeller, Vatican vs. Grand Orient, militia vs. government, etc.) may
be shifting as convergence seems imminent.
        Convergence?  Well, it has appeared to be imminent before.  But
how 'bout that China?!  They really are something.  They seem to be
controlling a once Anglo-phile Clinton.  Do they have something on him?
We can say that convergence and New World Order implementation may still
have some surpirse hurtles.
        MHO.  But I don't know no'tin...
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