This is Good information, expessally if you
are following GM foods.

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.



                  A Y2KNEWSWIRE.COM Feature Article

            Thought Crimes! Senators Move to Criminalize Internet

            The latest attempt to censor free access to information on
            the Internet goes after discussions of "unapproved drugs." If
            these Senators have their way, you may land in jail for merely
            linking to a page that talks about colloidal silver. Join Y2K
            Newswire is taking a stand against this Orweillian endeavor...

            The Internet is bad for Big Government. It allows the free
            communication of ideas that can't be controlled from
            Washington, and it allows the low-cost education of the
            American public on ideas such as banking, economics and
            taxes. China learned this early on and put in place filters
            prevent "unapproved" information from moving through the
            country's computer networks. (All Internet access in China is
            government-monopolized). This information, by the way,
            includes topics as dangerous as, say, meditation or Buddhism
            -- both of which the Communist Chinese government
            considers a threat to "state security." In fact, the Chinese
            government is currently engaged in hacking these meditation
            web sites, destroying their content.

            The United States government, as of late, seems eager to
            borrow as many Commie-style controls from China as it
            can... and this effort isn't limited only to Democrats. The
            latest is a proposed bill, now backed by eleven Senators and
            sponsored by Republican Senator Orrin Hatch (Utah), hopes
            to make it illegal to post or link to a web site that
            discusses the use of unapproved drugs.

            While the text of such a bill is not yet publicly available,
            it's no
            leap in thinking to suppose it might apply to all unapproved
            drugs, not just hard core ones like cocaine. Thus, if passed
            in such a form, the bill would give the FDA total control
            over all drug-related web content.

            Want to talk about colloidal silver on the web? Too bad:
            do jail time if Senators Hatch and Feinstein have their way.
            Want to link to a site that talks about colloidal silver? Say
            hello to Ben Dover in cell number nine. Want to discuss the
            all-natural herb, Stevia? You'll be a felon.

            One step further and the law prevents you from
            bad-mouthing those substances approved as "safe" by the
            FDA. Did your aunt go blind from drinking gallons of
            aspartame-laced diet soda? You might someday go to jail for
            sharing that on the 'net. It's "unapproved."

            Let's face it: If such a bill were to pass, it would crush the
            freedoms inherent in the Internet -- the very same freedoms
            that allow sites like Y2K Newswire to exist. That's how any
            government takes away power from its people, by the way:
            control the flow of information. Ever wonder why nearly
            every mainstream media outlet keeps telling you Y2K has
            been solved even though none of them have verified much
            beyond the so-called "facts" in the press releases? It's
            because they are largely controlled by the same few people.
            That way, all messages can be approved. And the message
            they want to get out right now -- to save the banks, mostly --
            is that Y2K is no big deal.

            Distributed information resources scare the heck out of
            every power-hungry government. Any technology that gives
            individuals the power to cheaply reach millions of other
            people is "dangerous" and must be immediately attacked.
            That's exactly why this attack on "drug content" has begun.
            Once the bill is passed and the public is comfortable with the
            intrusion, Senators will move on to "guns." Should that
            succeed, (making it illegal to discuss guns on a web page)
            the attack can continue into other "unapproved" areas.

            In barely a generation, the Internet is 100%
            government-controlled, and you have -- guess what? --
            China! Courtesy of Republican and Democratic Senators
            alike. The only politicians fighting this will be
            Congressman Ron Paul, namely.

            (This web site, by the way, is banned in China.)

            If you want America to become Communist China, just sit
            back and do nothing. On the other hand...

            It is now time for you to do your part and blast these
            Senators for backing this bill. Hit them with such a massive
            protest that they will never again consider the censorship of
            the Internet.

            Look at the list below, and if you find a Senator from your
            state, call them and register your complaint.

            Here are the resources:

            Click here for the bill summary


            Sponsor: Orrin Hatch (Utah)
            (202) 224-5251
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

            Sen Dianne Feinstein (California)
            Phone: 202/224-3841
            Fax: 202/228-3954
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

            Sen Joseph Biden (Delaware)
            Phone: 202-224-5042
            Fax: 202-224-0139

            Sen Christopher Bond (Missouri)
            Phone: (202) 224-5721
            e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

            Sen Jesse Helms (N. Carolina)
            (202) 224-6342
            (202) 228-1339(FAX)
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

            Sen Richard Bryan
            (202) 224-6244
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

            Sen Michael DeWine
            (202) 224-2315

            Sen Strom Thurmond
            202) 224-5972
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

            Sen Gordon Smith
            202) 224-3753

            Sen Harry Reid
            202) 224-3542
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

            Sen Herb Kohl
            (202) 224-5653
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

            The temptation for any politician to back this bill is
            tremendous. By censoring drug-related content on the
            Internet, they can claim to be "fighting drugs" -- always a
            fruitful campaign slogan. Of course, it's always easy to fight
            crime by taking away freedom. It's called a Police State.
            That's no challenge at all. A true leader will figure out how
            fight crime while conserving freedom.

            SAMPLE LETTER
            If you're wondering what to write to your Senator, here's a
            sample letter, courtesy of Y2K Newswire (but it's always
            better to use your own words -- don't be like the electric
            utilities copying NERC template documents...):

            Dear Senator X,

            I am seriously concerned about the potential impact of the
            proposed Methamphetamine Anti-Proliferation Act which, I
            understand, you are backing. This bill would not only
            criminalize every major search engine company on the
            Internet (such as Yahoo) and literally millions of independent
            web page operators, it would also set a dangerous
            precedent. To begin banning on-line discussions that are not
            "approved" smacks of Communism and clearly infringes on
            the First Amendment. What's next: thought crimes?

            I urge you to withdraw your support for this bill or any bill
            denies the American people their God-given freedom to
            discuss any topic they want.


            - Me

            Y2K Newswire now presents -- to the public domain -- our
            predicted attack plan by the United States government. (All
            copyright restrictions lifted from this list. Freely
            distribute or
            post as desired.) As you will soon see, this is the precise,
            step-by-step plan that will be followed by those attempting to
            criminalize "non-approved" information:

              1.Either publicize or stage a "crime" where use of the
                Internet was involved. (For example: somebody making a
                pipe bomb after reading a web page, then using it to
                blow up an abortion clinic.)

              2.When defenders say, "Information doesn't kill people,
                people kill people," invoke the same argument used in
                gun control: the children! Appeal to emotions, not logic,
                and assign zero blame to the person who actually
                committed the crime.

              3.Introduce a bill with a name that's impossible to
                disagree with -- such as, "The Internet Anti-Crime Bill" --
                but make sure the text of the bill actually accomplishes
                something different (such as total censorship of the

              4.Invent statistics that "prove" how many lives will be
                saved if this Internet Anti-Crime Bill goes into effect,
                repeat these statistics as frequently as possible on CNN
                until the American public accepts them as fact.

              5.During debate, frame the argument in terms of how
                many deaths the Internet causes, and accuse anyone
                who does not agree with your censorship of being a
                "baby killer."

              6.Most importantly, when the bill finally passes, introduce
                second bill that attempts to ban a larger selection of

              7.Repeat as needed until the entire Internet conforms to
                approved government messages.

            One by-product of all this, by the way, would be the
            criminalization of all search engines. Yahoo and AltaVista
            executives alike would be doing hard time behind steel bars.
            Of course, to prevent that, they would simply remove certain
            keywords from their search engines. Words like, "marijuana"
            would be stripped.

            In time, this list would grow. The government would make a
            list of all "unapproved" words it doesn't want the public to
            able to find, fax them over to the search engines, then
            threaten those same engines with criminal indictment if they
            don't comply. Words and phrases likely to appear on this list

                Clinton body count

                Ban Nutrasweet

                homeopathic medicine

                Y2K Newswire






                Drudge Report


                colloidal silver

                natural medicine


            ...and so on. Using this single list, the federal government
            deny access to key concepts deemed dangerous to Big
            Government. He who controls the list controls the minds of all
            Internet surfers. And the industry who will back this plan the
            most, of course, is the medical drug cartel. The AMA will
            strongly support the banning of any information that currently
            threatens the industry's monopoly over dangerous -- but
            expensive -- drugs (that cause over 100,000 deaths each
            year, by the way, yet are considered harmless).

            It's all very easy to accomplish, and step one has already
            begun. It's called the "Methamphetamine Anti-Proliferation
            Act" sponsored by Sen. Hatch. It's easy to accomplish, that
            is, if you do nothing.

            So what are you going to do about it?

            Thanks to WIRED News for the reference story on this topic.

                                   Did you enjoy this feature article?
                           Click here to send the web address of this
                           story to a friend.

                        The above information was brought to you under
                        the Constitutional
                        protection of the 1st Amendment. The 1st Amendment
                        is exclusively
                        guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment. Support your
                        to engage in the
                        free exchange of ideas, information and criticism
                        of government by
                        supporting your individual right to keep and
                        bear arms.

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