
I cry for our children that don't have a clue about Freedom and Liberty.

Jim Hardin

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Alabama Committee To Get Us Out of the UN

From: The Republican <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: America's amnesia

[Note:  It is both interesting and revealing that "a third of the people
who were asked the origin of the statement, "From each according to his
ability and to each according to his need," responded by saying it's from
our Bill of Rights."  No wonder we are in the state we are, that is the
Marxist Socialist mantra! - Tony]


"Time is the engine of forgetfulness; mankind's drive for pleasure makes us
now-oriented; the rise of science and technology combines to devalue the
past and undermine the importance of memory; materialism and affluence
produce attitudes whereby what is old -- including the past -- is regarded
as useless and obsolete; and, finally, since our own history is so short,
we're especially susceptible to devaluation of it."

America's amnesia
Walter E. Williams

© 2001 Creators Syndicate, Inc.

Arthur M. Schlesinger wrote in "The Disuniting of America": "History is to
the nation ... as memory is to the individual. An individual deprived of
memory becomes disoriented and lost, not knowing where he has been or where
he is going, so a nation denied a conception of its past will be disabled
in dealing with its present and future."

Professor Stephen Bertman of the University of Windsor analyzed this threat
in his article titled "Can America Remember Its Past?" which was reprinted
in the December 2000 issue of Current magazine.

Ask an American why Veterans Day falls on Nov. 11 (Nov. 11, 1918, was the
day the armistice was signed that ended World War I). Bertman says you'll
be lucky if anyone has a clue.

In a 1990 survey, almost half of college seniors couldn't locate the Civil
War in the right half century. More recently, 60 percent of American adults
couldn't name the president who ordered the dropping of the first atomic
bomb and over 20 percent didn't know where, or even if, the atomic bomb had
ever been used. The same people didn't know who America's enemies were
during World War II (Germany, Japan and Italy).

In a civics survey, more American teen-agers were able to name the Three
Stooges than the three branches of the federal government (executive,
legislative and judicial branches). Many Americans are similarly ignorant
about our Constitution -- so much so that a third of the people who were
asked the origin of the statement, "From each according to his ability and
to each according to his need," responded by saying it's from our Bill of

Bertman says that Americans cannot preserve our free institutions and build
a better society if we've forgotten liberty's value and price. We cannot
recognize that liberty is rare, precious and easily lost if we've forgotten
the words and meaning of the documents upon which the American experiment
was founded. We cannot wisely choose between fighting or not fighting a war
if we've forgotten war's human cost and become oblivious to the historical
necessity of giving one's life in order to preserve a way of life for

If we're ignorant of the historical sacrifices that made our liberties
possible, we will be less likely to make the sacrifices again so that those
liberties are preserved for future generations. And, if we're ignorant, we
won't even know when government infringes on our liberties. Moreover, we'll
happily cast our votes for those who'd destroy our liberties.

Thomas Jefferson summed it up best: "If a nation expects to be ignorant and
free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will

What accounts for American amnesia? Bertman has several explanations that
he says have less to do with our educational system than with the nature of
today's culture and the kind of civilization America has become. Among his
explanations are: Time is the engine of forgetfulness; mankind's drive for
pleasure makes us now-oriented; the rise of science and technology combines
to devalue the past and undermine the importance of memory; materialism and
affluence produce attitudes whereby what is old -- including the past -- is
regarded as useless and obsolete; and, finally, since our own history is so
short, we're especially susceptible to devaluation of it.

I am not sure whether Bertman's explanations accurately diagnose America's
amnesia. One thing for sure is that the disease isn't even recognized, much
less is a remedy being sought. Our historical amnesia doesn't bode well for
our future. As such, it makes a mockery of all the political demagoguery
that we hear to justify one government program or another: We want to do it
for America's children.

WorldNetDaily contributor Walter E. Williams is the John M. Olin
Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University in Fairfax,

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A.K. Pritchard

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