-Caveat Lector-

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 19:26:28 -0700
From: Tim Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Fwd: Fwd: Government Will Control All Land]

> Jack, In 1932 William Z. Foster, then National Chairman of the
> Communist Party, USA, restated point one of the Communist
> Manifesto;  "The abolition of private property".  Then in terms
> specifically applicable to the United States, Foster said, "The
> establishment of an American Soviet government will involve the
> confiscation of large landed estates in town and country, and also,
> the whole body of forests, mineral deposits, lakes, rivers and so
> on." United States of America Communist Party Chief Gus Hall stated,
> "...The battle will be lost, not when freedom of speech is finally
> taken away, but when Americans become so 'adjusted or conditioned'
> to getting along with the 'group' that when they finally see the
> threat, they say, 'I can't afford to be controversial." Many
> Americans probably remember that the inalienable rights asserted in
> the Declaration of Independence are the rights to "life, liberty,
> and the pursuit of happiness."  The inspiration for that phrase,
> however, came from the writings of an English philosopher, John
> Locke, who clearly stated that man's rights were to life, liberty,
> and property.   As conceived by the political philosopher John
> Locke, a natural right is superior to human law (laws made by
> government). Man was born with the inalienable rights of life,
> liberty, and property.  Legal plunder is the primary violator of our
> inalienable rights.  Any act to increase the government's capacity
> to economically exploit the country's citizenry via perverted law,
> subsidies, progressive taxation, etc. is an act against one's
> inalienable rights. I conclude that property tax and income tax is a
> slave tax which is inherently incompatible with freedom.  Taxes do
> no more than finance the continuing infrastructure of One World
> Government. Respectfully,Beaver
>      ----- Original Message -----
>      From: Jack Lancaster [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 1:56 PM
>      Subject: [CCCC-USA] Tugwell: Government Will Control All
>      Land
>      Government owns all land.  Stop paying taxes if you want
>      proof...jack
>       Assassinate me you may; intimidate me you cannot.
>      --John Philpot Curran, Irish Lawyer and Politician (1798)

                          Regional Governance
>      Transcript of article from: Phillip County News, Malta,
>      Montana, 4 January 1934, "Tugwell Predicts New Regulations
>      for Land With Federal Control"
>               http://www.sweetliberty.org/tugwell.htm
>              Tugwell: Government Will Control All Land
>      Use of all land, public and private will be controlled by
>      the federal government in the future, Assistant Secretary
>      of Agriculture Rexford Tugwell predicted this week.
>      Land which cannot be operated effectively under private
>      ownership will be held by the government as public
>      forests, parks, game preserves, grazing ranges, recreation
>      centers and the like, Tugwell asserted.
>      Privately owned land will be controlled "to whatever
>      extent is found necessary for maintaining continuous
>      productivity." he said. State officials here were studying
>      Tugwell’s statement today to see how they might affect
>      Montana.
>      "We have depended too long on the hope that private
>      ownership and control would operate somehow for the
>      benefit of society as a whole. That hope has not been
>      realize." Tugwell said present acreage reductions plans
>      were only an emergency stop gap. "What is done is merely
>      to keep a part of each field of each farm out of use." he
>      said. "It seems to be obvious that this cannot be a
>      characteristic feature of a permanent policy."
>      As an alternative, Tugwell advocated controlling the total
>      volume of farm products by limiting the area available for
>      production, the government acquiring and devoting to other
>      uses all land in excess of that needed for production.
>      He envisioned "a commercial agriculture made up of the
>      most efficient farmers operating the best of our lands."
>      Contrary to the desired trend 2,000,000 persons have
>      returned to farms during the depression, he said.
>      "We already had too many farmers." Tugwell said. "We could
>      probably raise all the farm products we need with half our
>      present farmers, or 12 and one-half percent of our total
>      working population."
>      "Private control has failed to use wisely its control of
>      the land." he concluded. "We are preparing a land program
>      not merely for the benefit of those who held title to it
>      but for the greater welfare of all the citizens of the
>      country". [end of transcript]

        "Control of land is central to objectives of Federal
        Regionalism. Regional Government seeks to overthrow the
        Constitution; merge fifty States into ten Federal
        Regions; change form of government from elective to
        appointed system; seize control of all property,
        production, communication, transportation; revoke civil
        rights and reduce you to status of ‘human resource’
        subject to dictates of central authority in Washington."

                                            — Col. Arch Roberts
                                    Lt. Col. AUS ret., Director
                          Committee to Restore the Constitution
                                                   P.O. Box 986
                                  Fort Collins, Colorado  80522
                                                  [970] 484-2575
>      "Through appropriate land use planning, it is his [the
>      physical planner’s] job to help this transfer of land to
>      occur in an orderly fashion by reconciling the rights of
>      the individual with the interests of the community." From
>      Planning Metropolitan Areas and New Towns, United Nations
>      - New York, 1967, U.N. Publications Sales No. 67.IV.5
>      Published in October of ‘95, Our Global Neighborhood - the
>      United Nations Report of the Commission on Global
>      Governance (In celebration of its 50th anniversary)
>      indicates the progress being made toward world
>      regionalism.
>      "The development of regionalism cannot be isolated from
>      global institutions. Affecting each other in many ways,
>      these goals should be linked in a dynamic process of
>      interaction. Regional arrangements have the potential to
>      complement and contribute to Global Governance, but may
>      not produce a positive outcome automatically" (In other
>      words, they’re ‘experimenting’ with world governance and
>      the people of the world are their guinea pigs)
>      "The development of global governance is part of the
>      evolution of human efforts to organize life on the
>      planet... we are convinced that it is time for the world
>      to move on from the designs evolved over the centuries and
>      given new form in the establishment of the United Nations
>      nearly fifty years ago."
>      "The UN must prepare for a time when regionalism becomes
>      more ascendant world-wide, and even help the process
>      along. It is committed to doing so; the Secretary-General
>      has called repeatedly for a strengthening of regionalism
>      in global governance, in development no less than in peace
>      and security."
>      -----------------------------------------------------------
>      From: Journal of State Government, Oct-Dec., 1991. The
>      Council of State Government’s publication for state
>      legislators (now State Government News) article titled,
>      "Foreign Relations at the State Level" ...
>      "The globalizations of state governments is receiving a
>      tremendous amount of publicity at the international,
>      national, state and local levels."
>      "... and how the chief executive and legislative leaders
>      should promote the best interests of the public in the
>      global market" [rank and file legislators are discounted
>      in these plans because it is common practice for
>      legislators in non-leadership positions to follow the
>      instructions, commands and demands of their ‘leaders’]
>      "Several U.S. states are entering into regional blocs or
>      pacts in order to optimize their resources and strengthen
>      their position in the global economy..." "One of the most
>      prominent and successful examples of such regional
>      cooperation is the Pacific Northwest Economic Region
>      (PNWER), which is comprised of Alaska, Oregon, Washington,
>      Idaho, Montana, and two Canadian provinces, Alberta and
>      British Columbia."
>      READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY -- The article continues...
>      "State governments have an important role to play, not
>      only in understanding where they fit in but also in
>      erecting what President George Bush has called the New
>      World Order. This order – if implemented properly – will
>      emphasize collective security [world Army under NATO-UN]
>      international cooperation and a dependence on
>      international law [no more Constitution for the united
>      States of America] to resolve conflicts, promote economic
>      and social development and create a respect for human
>      rights... We must prudently, yet forcefully seize the
>      opportunity and be constructive players".
>      -----------------------------------------------------------
>      State legislators are implementing Regional governance by
>      passing bills they don’t read. They haven’t the foggiest
>      notion of what they’re doing. It’s criminal and a
>      violation of oath. Please copy this sheet freely; get the
>      information to your state legislators and send it to five
>      others not your own. The ‘architects’ of World Government
>      are making their big push... in your state ! Watch for
>      bills ‘reforming’ tax codes, proposed amendments to state
>      constitutions, more ‘Regionalism’ legislation, i.e.,
>      city-county mergers, regional asset groups, any
>      intergovernmental type bills and especially... watch your
>      state for implementation of federal gun bills.
>      PLEASE TAKE NOTE:  You may modify your membership settings
>      if you choose not to receive individual group emails but
>      would rather participate on our group site where you can
>      also view messages and post your own at any time.  The
>      address is:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CCCC-USA.
>      If you wish to unsubscribe from this group at any time,
>      please follow instructions in group emails or by sending
>      your request to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Regards,
"The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as
sacred as the law of God, and that there is not a force of law and
public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence." -- John

"The American culture is journeying through muck and smut, looking for
lower ground, not of necessity but of depravity. Unless we change
course, and soon, our destination is either moral anarchy and social
chaos, or the surrender of all our freedoms to Big Brother in exchange
for his promise to protect us from ourselves." --Linda Bowles

Agents of the government, the FBI, CIA, DEA, ATF make bombs, cause
death and destruction, practice and teach others to torture and the
assassination of leaders: this is a government? More likely it is the
largest criminal conspiracy in the history of planet Earth.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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