-Caveat Lector-

Happy Birthday Ken Vardon 2/15/1939

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Reno Holding Out On Hubbell Documents
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 08:02:01 -0500 (EST)
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (CharlesSmith)

Real-To:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (CharlesSmith)

Whitewater and the Chinese Army share one thing in common,
Webster Hubbell.  Assistant Attorney General Webster Hubbell was
in charge of a top secret information warfare project that was
penetrated by spies of communist China.

In 1993, Webster Hubbell ran the Clipper project, a special
computer security chip designed by the National Security Agency
(NSA).  Hubbell was assigned to the project by Attorney General
Janet Reno.

In January 1999, the FBI released a 1993 letter from then FBI
Director Sessions to General Reno confirming Hubbell's work on
the secret Clipper project.  The Dept. of Justice has refused to
release further documents on Webster Hubbell.  The government
denial is currently under appeal.

Clipper started under the Bush administration.  In 1992, AT&T
had begun to sell secure telephones that the government could
not crack.  Clinton agreed to a Bush proposal to buy the entire
inventory of AT&T phones in order to keep them away from the
American public.  AT&T eagerly agreed, providing secret
manufacturing data directly to members of both administrations.

Part of the secret project included re-fitting the purchased
AT&T phones with a new chip called Clipper, developed by the NSA
at Ft.  Meade, Maryland.  According to top secret documents
obtained from the Dept. of Justice, the Clipper chip contained
an "exploitable" feature allowing the government to monitor the
secure phones.

The secure AT&T phones were purchased using a Dept. of Justice
controlled "drug confiscation" slush fund in 1993.  The funding
was approved by the then Democratic controlled Congress.  The
re-fitted AT&T phones were to be given to the Drug Enforcement
Agency (DEA).  Each chip was to contain a secret key to be held
by the Dept. of Justice and the Dept. of Commerce.

Another part of the Clipper chip project was to install them
into your planned national ID card and Hillary Clinton health
care card.  The intent would be for the Dept. of Justice to
monitor health your health care providers for fraud and abuse.
The result would be to monitor you.

According to a 1993 letter to the Commerce Dept. by Microcard, a
U.S. smart card manufacturer, the high cost of Clipper sank the
health care card proposal.  Clipper, according to Mircocard, was
far "too expensive" at $25 per chip to be included into Mrs.
Clinton's planned nationalization of U.S. health care.

Clearly, the First Lady and Hubbell were inside the top secret
world of Clipper.  The selection of former Rose office associate
Webster Hubbell and his repeated White House meetings on the
National Health Care project with Mrs. Clinton shows the First
Lady was aware of the chip and its secret exploitable feature.

Hillary Clinton's close relationship with the Chinese Army is
far more well documented.  The First Lady was clearly involved
with Chinese agent Johnny Chung and the penetration of Col. Lui
of COSTIND.  Mrs. Clinton helped John Huang obtain his secret
cleared job at the Brown Commerce Dept.  Mrs. Clinton shared
secret contract work with the NSA and Hubbell when they worked
at the Rose Office law firm.  Mrs. Clinton brought Webster
Hubbell into the Dept. of Justice.

Repeated requests for Clipper data shared with the First Lady
during the Health Care fiasco have been stone-walled by the
Commerce Dept.  Documents shared with Mrs. Clinton have been
illegally withheld by the White House under the claim that they
are being reviewed by another "agency".

According to the attorney for Vice President Al Gore, the White
House is not an "agency" under the Freedom of Information Act.

In 1993, the Reno Dept. of Justice circulated quiet proposals to
Democrats in Congress seeking a "mandatory" nationalization of
the computer security industry.  According to one Top Secret
report by the National Security Council (NSC) Democratic
"Senator Biden" was known to favor a government take-over.

However, the mandatory Clipper proposal leaked to the Washington
Post, bringing a sudden and unexpected firestorm of opposition.

In April of 1994, Hubbell resigned from the Justice Department.
By late June 1994, Lippo boss James Riady met with John Huang,
Webster Hubbell and Bill Clinton during five days of White House
visits.  Early the next week, a Lippo unit paid Hubbell about

In December 1994, Hubbell pled guilty to several felony charges
relating to illegal billing in the Whitewater affair.  Webster
Hubbell also cited his Fifth Amendment rights to not testify
before the Senate Congressional hearings.

Two weeks after the Lippo money was given to Mr. Hubbell, John
Huang got his job at the Commerce Department as Assistant
Secretary.  Huang's position determined technology transfers
that went to places such as Indonesia and Communist China.  Mr.
Huang and his wife have both taken the Fifth Amendment and
refused to testify at Senate Congressional hearings.

DNC fundraiser, former Lippo banker and secret cleared Commerce
employee John Huang was briefed 37 times on encryption
communications by the CIA while working at the Brown controlled
Commerce Department.  Immediately after each briefing, Huang
would walk across the street to the Lippo/Stephens Group offices
and make long distance phone calls and send faxes to points

The Clinton administration claims to have canceled the Clipper
project but events suggest otherwise.  The recent outing of the
"exploitable" feature of the Intel Pentium 3 is hardly a
coincidence.  Was the secret Intel feature a marketing ploy by
some unseen executive or a paid secret project through the
Clinton administration?

The history of the Clinton administration is to make policy
behind closed doors with U.S. corporations.  For example, AT&T
secretly co-operated in 1993 to sell all its secure phones to keep
them away from U.S. citizens.  Is there evidence that other
similar proposals were made to U.S. firms?

According to documents obtained from the Commerce Dept. a
consortium of U.S. computer companies obtained classified
briefings inside the White House.  The computer companies,
called the Computer Systems Policy Project (CSPP), were then
represented by the brother of White House power broker John

John's brother, Tony Podesta, is the owner of Podesta
Associates, a D.C. based lobby firm.  Tony's company represented
a dozen major donors to Bill Clinton.  Those donors met in a
June, 1995 during a top secret session on super-computer and
encryption export controls.

Of course, just by coincidence, in June 1995, White House
employee John Podesta was also charged by Bill Clinton with
making super-computer and encryption policy.  According to
Congressional investigators, John Podesta signed a legal
statement in which he promised would not engage in any conflict
of interest with his brother Tony Podesta in early 1993.  In
1997, according to White House lawyers, John Podesta was
absolved of any conflict with his brother by President Clinton.

Normally a government waiver issued in 1997 for possible
criminal actions in 1995 is called a "pardon".

Yet, questions of conflict aside, Clinton proposals to
nationalize the computer security industry persist to this day.
Secret CIA documentation revealed that General Reno openly
pushed for a mandatory nationalization as late as 1996.

According to the 1996 report to V.P. Gore by CIA Director
Deutch, Ms. Reno proposed an all out Federal take-over of the
computer industry.  The Justice Department, proposed
"legislation that would ... ban the import and domestic
manufacture, sale or distribution of encryption that does not
have key recovery."

Obviously, Al Gore is aware of the project.  The same consortium
of computer companies that met secretly in the White House also
support Al Gore for President with large donations.  The support
was solicited openly by John and Tony Podesta while they
controlled exports for the same companies being strong-armed
into donations.  The same companies were allowed to export
super-computers to Chinese and Russian nuclear weapons labs.

No CSPP member has been prosecuted by the Reno Justice Dept.

Despite claims to the contrary, these high-tech deals were not
made with Leprechauns.  The Chinese military computer warfare
unit charged with spying on the Clinton White House is called
the Laboratory of Information Security (LOIS).  LOIS, according
to the U.S. Defense Dept., is an agency of the Chinese Army
through the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

LOIS is currently under the command of Chinese Commission of
Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense, or
COSTIND.  According to the GAO, COSTIND "oversees development of
China's weapon systems and is responsible for identifying and
acquiring telecommunications technology applicable for military

According to Johnny Chung, Col. Lui, a computer specialist
trained by LOIS and a member of COSTIND, penetrated the White
House in 1996 using PLA money donated through Hillary Clinton.

COSTIND/LOIS agents also penetrated the Brown Commerce Dept. and
obtained advanced U.S. encryption technology.  In October 1995,
LOIS officials signed an exclusive deal with the largest U.S.
encryption code maker, RSA of San Mateo, California.  The deal,
a "Memorandum of Understanding", was signed at a U.S. Commerce
computer trade conference in Beijing.  The conference was
attended by Ron Brown and Chinese Army officials.

In November 1995, Vice President Al Gore called DNC million
dollar donor Sanford Robertson from the White House and asked
for a $100,000 contribution.  Robertson by that time had secured
permission to purchase control of RSA through Security Dynamics
Inc., a Massachusetts computer hardware company financed by his
investment company, Robertson & Stephens.

In late January 1996, Robertson made the donation, $80,000 in
soft money and $20,000 in hard directly to Gore's 1996
re-election campaign.  In February 1996, LOIS and RSA signed a
agreement to finalize the encryption technology transfer.  At
the same time the Clinton administration decided not to stop the
Robertson sponsored buy-out of RSA, nor prevent the deal between
RSA and the Chinese Army lab LOIS.

By April 1996, the Robertson controlled hardware company, SDI,
purchased RSA for over $280 million.  Robertson & Stephens made
$2 million just to write the merger deal.  Robertson donated
$100,000 to Gore in January and his company made $2 million just
to type up the contract and then watch as U.S. technology was
shipped to the Chinese Army.

Robertson's own history with the Clinton administration predates
his 1996 donation of $100,000 to Al Gore.  Robertson wrote a
personal thank you letter to President Clinton for a trade trip
to China in 1994.  Robertson concluded his letter to Clinton
with a DNC donation report.  Robertson wrote "Bob Rubin came to
our home on Thursday for a Dianne Feinstein dinner, which raised
over $100,000 for her campaign".

Ms. Reno does not want you to see Sanford Robertson and his
direct payoffs to Senator Feinstein, Vice President Gore and
Bill Clinton.  General Reno does not want you to hear about
Johnny Chung, Hillary Clinton and Col. Lui of COSTIND inside the
White House.  General Reno certainly does not want to you to
know about the PLA penetration of the Dept. of Justice through
Webster Hubbell.


Office of Information and Privacy
Suite 570, Flag Building
Department of Justice
Washington, DC 20530-0001


(202) 514 - FOIA

1 if by land, 2 if by sea.  Paul Revere - encryption 1775
Charles R. Smith
SOFTWAR         http://www.softwar.net      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[APFN} Hubbell was in charge of the Justice Dept. on Feb. 28 1993
the day the BATF attacked a home in Waco, Texas. It is known
that both he and his buddy "Bubby" has some very, very close,
very, very powerful friends in Waco, Texas. Re: Clinton Speech,
Univ. Of Texas, "The day of the million man march" C-SPAN

I feel the sound and the fury!
American Patriot Friends Network [EMAIL PROTECTED]

More INTEL U.S. Senate Vote & Blackmail:
Cong. Henry Hyde (IL) & Hillrey Clinton Bus. Partners. +++
Oh, yes, Senator Hatch and BCCI, neat!
Sherman H. Skolnick
9800 S. Oglesby
Chicago, Ill 60617
Send $5.00 and a bus. env. w/3 $.33 stamps
for a heavy package of infomation.
Message line: 773-731-1100 (Tape Message)
Or Use search "Sherman Skolnick"

"A conqueror may exercise governmental authority,
but only when in actual possession of the enemy's
country; and this will be exercised upon principles
of international law, MacLeod v. U.S. 416, 33
Sup. Ct 955, 578 L. ed 1260"

The War Inevitable

Uniform Code Of Military Justice

While President Clinton is in Mexico,
in the U.S. States, Presidents Day,

Feb. 15 1999, On this day in 1939,
Kenneth L. Vardon was born. On this day in
1933 President-elect Franklin Rossevelt survives
assassination attempt. On this day in 1950 Walt
Disney released 'Cinderella'. In 1842 The first
adhesive postage stamps in US (private delivery
company), New York City.

"... he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment,
and buy one." .... Luke 22:36

"Arms in the hands of the citizen may be used at
individual discreation for the defense of the
country, the overthgrow of tyranny or private
self defense." ---- John Adams


Woe, unto you lawyers (ESQ.)! for ye have taken away the key
to knowledge; ye entered (the Kingdom of God) no in
yourselves, and them that were entering in ye [have]
hindered.   --- Luke 11:52



When people fear government there is tyranny.
When government fears the people there is Liberty.

Without Justice, there is JUST-US!

U.S. Constitution ("no rule of law applied")

I feel, I see, I hear the sound and the fury!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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