-------- Original Message --------
Subject: SNET: [piml] Fwd: See FROM the Interstate Cameras!
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 18:12:39 -0500 (CDT)
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Rapchak Jr.)

    Be sure to check out the URLs on this - particularly the last one

                 Mike R.

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---------- Forwarded Message ----------

From:   "Larry L. Lawson", INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
TO:     (unknown),
DATE:   10/7/99 2:28 PM

RE:     See FROM the Interstate Cameras!


I'm VERY excited about this website!:

Linked to this site is an Arizona map with camera positions:

Go there and pick an 'x' and see from the camera mount.
These are in MANY major cities all accross the U.S.!
NOT JUST ARIZONA!  Here in Indiana and ALL OVER!
Just LOOK for them in YOUR state!  Use binoculars to see
the cameras on the towers described below here.

Many are mounted on the interstate light towers like you can
see in this photo below:

It is these cameras that feed into the NWO base of operations.
I BELIEVE that what Prophecy Club speaker Bill Deagle saw in
Colorado called the Omega operation is in actuality the Denver
International Airport.  The reason why is more obvious than you'd
imagine.  Just goto this site and LOOK at the goofy wall murals.

Pardon the pun....Do you get the big PICTURE now?

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