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Please print, study and share this outstanding research with as many of your friends as possible. We are all thankful to John Prukop for this report. A true American Patriot!
This report is the result of many current postings about Why Waco? Please go to the
Message Board and review this information. Soon to be added is the information about
Paul Wilshire and his report to Gen. Janet Reno "The Truth Behind Waco". Mr. Prukop
helped APFN in the distribution of this report. I the first page of this report Mr. Wilshire makes the statement "The information in this report could get me killed". It did! In just over a month of giving this report to Gen. Reno, Mr. Wilshire was found dead
in his Apt. by Washington Reporter Sarah McClendon. Mr. Wilshire was also representing covert agent Gunther Russbacher in what is called "The October Surprise Investigation". Rayelan [EMAIL PROTECTED]  has just filed a email with APFN on
this matter.  At the time APFN contacted APFN (FAX NETWORK) to help with a
10x10x10 matrix to copy and network "The Truth Behind Waco" report. I provided a copy of the report to the U.S. House Judiciary Committee during the Waco hearings. It was never discussed or reviewed in the final report. Mr. Wilshire's death has never been investigated, all his records and files were taken and no one has received any further information. On several interviews I have heard Sarah McClendon on she has never answered any hard questions about the report. If anyone has any further information on this matter please feel free to post to APFN message board or send
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and we will spread the word.

-------- Original Message --------

Subject:  "Secretary of Treasury" A.K.A. "Governor" of The Fund and The Bank
Date:  Wed, 9 Dec 1998 15:00:59 -0800
To: American Patriot Friends Network  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Ken, [APFN]

In a message dated 12/9/98, 5:24AM, you wrote:

[APFN NOTE] Treasury Secretary Lloyd Bentsen (Former longtime Senator form
Texas) - During the Waco hearings had to take the "OATH of TESTIMONY" before
the committee after a heated discussion. The first video about Waco provided
by Dr. Gregg Sali & Ken Fawcett had a researcher providing documented proof
that the Secretary of the Treasury did not take the "OATH OF OFFICE" to the
United States of America. He takes an "Oath of Officer" to the "International
Monetary Fund" (IMF). This researcher further states that all Treasury
takes that Oath. This would include the BATF and the IRS. Thousands of people
seen that video. I have not seen any follow-up to the fact or fiction to the

Please be advised that the information above is true. Simply stated, there is NO OATH of Office for "Secretary of Treasury", and the reason why there isn't will become clear after reading the material that follows. What you will find is an appointment as "Governor" of The Fund and The Bank, which is all under the UNITED NATIONS Monetary and Financial Conference dated July 22, 1944. (See: 22 USC 286, 22 USC 286a(a)(b)(c)(d), 22 USC 286c, 22 USC 286d, 22 USC 286e, etc.) The title, "Secretary of Treasury" exists under PRETENSE of name only. From the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents for the Administration of William J. Clinton for Monday, February 1, 1993, Volume 29 - Number 4, page 113, you will find the following:

Submitted January 28

Lloyd Bentsen, of Texas, to be U.S. Governor of the International Monetary Fund for a term of 5 years; U.S. Governor of the International Bank For Reconstruction And Development for a term of 5 years; U.S. Governor of the Inter-American Development Bank for a term of 5 years; U.S. Governor of the African Development Bank for a term of 5 years; U.S. Governor of the Asian Development Bank; U.S. Governor of the African Development Fund; and U.S. Governor of the European Bank For Reconstruction And Development.
No where is there to be found any "appointment" to "Secretary of Treasury".

Officers of the United States are required pursuant to 5 USC 3331 to subscribe to an Oath of Office, to file an Officer Affidavit pursuant to 5 USC 3332, and an Employee Affidavit pursuant to 5 USC 3333.


Since some of those on your list may not have the ability to receive attachments, I have assembled here a few excerpts from several monograms on related subject matter that will reveal some of the more important elements. The thing to keep in mind while reading the following material is that the ENTIRE governmental structure as ordained and established by the Constitution FOR the United States of America (1787) has been SUBJUGATED and OVERTHROWN economically:

Article I, Section 10 of the Constitution for the United States of America declares that, "No State shall make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts." The emergency, subjugated, compact "state of Washington" is a party to the compact and the officer writing the ticket is the "charging agent" of the compact state. We now have a series of problems arise, as Article IV, Section 27 of the "Constitution of the State of Washington" (1889) states that ALL PROCESS shall be, "The State of Washington," and all prosecutions shall be conducted in ITS name and by ITS AUTHORITY. The fact that the "state of Washington" is a party to various "compacts" and its use of SDR's (Federal reserve notes) means that the REAL PARTY OF INTEREST is NOT in the courtroom, and the process is NOT under its AUTHORITY. The Federal Reserve note is valued to SDR's by international organizations, not by Congress. The emergency, subjugated, compact "state of Washington", as the extended territory of the United States, is raising revenue and collecting FORCED CONTRIBUTIONS for and on behalf of FOREIGN PRINCIPALS, and is in fact and law, pursuant to the rule of instrumentality, the ALTER-EGO of "The Fund" (IMF) and "The Bank" (World Bank) - both of which are under the direction and control of the alien, corporate "Governor", a.k.a., the "Secretary of Treasury" who is paid by the United Nations, through its fiscal depository agent, the Federal Reserve. Additionally, the "charging agent" is receiving emoluments or remuneration from agents of a foreign principal. **IF** he has an Oath of Office, as required by Article VI, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution and the domestic laws made in pursuance thereof, such as 4 USC 101, he would necessarily be in felony breach of that oath. One cannot serve TWO masters. Cinema 5, Ltd. vs. Cinerama Inc., 528 F.2d 1384. Further, much of the so-called "federal" funding received by the "state of Washington" through the Governor thereof, for and on behalf of the Criminal Justice Training Commission through which all law enforcement personnel must qualify, is administered under the Crime Control Act of 1973 and amendatory acts, by the Attorney General of the United States, Janet Reno, who is the permanent representative of INTERPOL which is based in Lyons, France. Under Article 30 of the INTERPOL Constitution and regulations, agents of INTERPOL are required to renounce their allegiance to their respective Countries and State and are therefore EXPATRIATES. The Attorney General is NOT paid by the United States, but rather receives emoluments or remuneration from "The Fund" and "The Bank". The alien, corporate Governor of "The Fund" and "The Bank", Robert Rubin, is the ALTERNATE representative of INTERPOL. See: Memorandum of Understanding, U.S. Government Manual 1996/97, pg. 351. Because the "Treasury of the United States of America" was DISSOLVEDupon the creation of the INDEPENDENT TREASURY, by Act of Congress on May 29, 1920 (41 Stat. Chapter 214, pg. 654), neither Ms. Reno or Mr. Rubin are Officers of the United States of America. They can't be, because no viable treasury exists, one of the basic requirements of a sovereign nation. They are not paid pursuant to the Constitution for the United States of America and the domestic laws made in Pursuance thereof.


The United States REDUCED its character and capacity to that of an ALTER-EGO and PRIVATE PARTY when it became a voting share stockholder in International Organizations such as The Bank and The Fund -- UN operations (22 USC 286e). Other organizations, such as the "Nature Conservancy" (IUCN) organizations, and the individuals who are members of the organizations, associations and corporations, have REDUCED their characters and capacities. An artificial entity is NOT a Citizen and cannot be extended the Liberties, Rights, Privileges, Immunities and Powers of the Citizen, and when working in "collaboration" with or under the direction, control, or financial assistance of such International Organizations -- they become AGENTS of FOREIGN PRINCIPALS and POWERS. The Constitution for the United States of America DOES NOT DELEGATE the Power to any Public Office to create or grant such entities special privileges, immunities or franchises, nor does the Constitution for the United States of America authorize those in Public Office to INDIRECTLY commit acts which are DIRECTLY PROHIBITED.

Those operating under the United Nations Organizations direction, control, subsidy, or financial assistance, are unlawfully within the domestic jurisdiction of the United States of America and the several States of the Union. Public Law 330, 69 Stat. 624, makes it a FELONY for ANY PERSON to accept or hold a public office or to be employed by any agency of the government who advocates the overthrow of our constitutional and Republican Form of Government in the United States, or belongs to an organization that advocates overthrow. A "de facto" government cannot lawfully contract or obtain dominion over property, nor are commingled "chameleon" like characters and capacities allowed in law and it has been determined that NO OBEDIENCE is due to such entities. Texas vs. White, 74 U.S. (7 Wall) 277.

The violation of "The Code Of Ethics For Government Service", Public Law 96-303, 94 Stat. 855, would be obvious and appropriately applied against those who devised and conjured into existence the various "environmental programmes" and "strategic plans" -- IF -- they really were in "Government service" of the United States of America. The United Nations is, however, a separate entity conjured into existence through certain known, unauthorized and unconstitutional acts and omissions and by certain corrupt and profligate FACTIONSwhose interests and agenda wasadverse and diametrically opposed to the ordained Constitution for the United States of America, and the Laws made in Pursuance thereof, and to the necessary Law of Nations. All of the United Nations officers, employees and agents are required to "EXPATRIATE" from their nation upon grounds that the United Nations and its sister International Organizations, such as The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, claim EXEMPTION from the LAWS OF ANY NATION OR STATE. There is NO ALLEGIANCE to the People or to the Union of several States of the United States of America by the denizens of the International Organizations.

The concept that the principal is not bound or obligated by the secret agreements of the agent is as old as the fundamental concept that governments are formed and established only by the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED. It is obvious that the International Organizations, Corporations, Associations and combinations are of aristocratic form and have been historically and presently known for despotism and tyranny. The Constitution for the United States of America, Article IV, Section 4, ONLY
SECURES a "REPUBLICAN FORM" of governance. The Organizations are UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND UNAUTHORIZED. Likewise, the principal that "no man can serve two masters" as applicable as the obvious conflict of allegiance and interest. No officer, employee, or agent of the United States of America is allowed to directly or indirectly act as an agent of a foreign principal, 22 USC 611. Violations are subject to criminal pains and penalties under 18 USC 219, to wit:

"WHOEVER, being an officer or employee of the United States in the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of government or in any agency of the United States, including the District of Columbia, is or acts as an agent of a foreign principal required to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than two years, or both." (See also: 18 USC 951)

It is to be specifically noted that an "Agency" is NOT an integral part of the government, U.S. vs. Strang, 254 U.S. 491, and raises immediate and serious questions and concern as to WHO the "PRINCIPAL" and real party in interest is. It is NOT the "United States" pursuant to the Constitution for the United States of America and the domestic Laws made in Pursuance thereof. NO, it is The World Bank and The Fund who are the true "principal", and it is The World Bank's POLICY that is being implemented by and through the various "intergovernmental" (INTERNATIONAL) agencies in accordance with the "Brady Plan", and pursuant to the "Multilateral Economic Assistance Act of 1989", Public Law 101-167, 103 Stat. 1195, and as specifically declared under the subheading of "Environmental Concerns" found as 103 Statutes at Large, pages 1227 and 1228. Further evidence of direct involvement by The World Bank is found in the "Convention On Biological Diversity", Articles 21 and 39, Treaty Document 103-20, among others.

Furtherance of the scheme is evidenced by the unlawful debasement of the domestic Coin in 1965 under pretense of "scarcity", the disavowing and dishonoring of notes and obligations under Public Law 90-269, 82 Stat. 50, on March 18, 1968, using the same repudiated notes and obligations as a fraudulent security for international letters of credit under Special Drawing Rights Acts such as Public Law 90-349, 82 Stat. 188, June 19, 1968, embezzlement of the intrinsic metals and laying the repudiated debts and loss off on others not signatory parties nor privy to the secret meetings and agreements, all being accomplished and implemented under pretense of such Acts as the "Par Value Modification Act", Public Law 94-564, 90 Stat. 2660, October 19, 1976; and further, while inducing and forcing others to aid and abet in the systematic scheme and criminal enterprise, the corporators conspired together and with each other, to breach the domestic duty and perfect obligation to maintain the integrity of foreign and domestic securities and Coin under pretense of Public Law 95-147, 91 Stat. 1227, October 28, 1977; and did in fact continually hold the CITIZENS and THEIR PROPERTY LIABLE and as COLLATERAL ON THE INTERNATIONAL SPECULATIONS, LEVERAGING, and arbitrary extensions of CREDIT of the corporators of The Fund and The Bank, and their agents. The Fund and The Bank and its associations and combinations are claimed and admitted to be the "instrumentality", and are fundamentally engaged in activities which are of a "private nature", Osborn vs. The Bank Of The United States, 6 L.Ed. (9 Wheat) 204. They are NOT exempt from judicial process in the State Courts, nor from liability under the "International Organizations Immunities Act", 22 USC 288-288f, for TORTS or contractual obligations.

THE BOTTOM LINE: The Fund and The Bank, its corporators and agents SOLICIT and COLLECT CONTRIBUTIONS, LOANS, MONEY, OR OTHER THINGS OF VALUE, FOR OR IN INTEREST OF FOREIGN PRINCIPALS AND POWERS. (See: 22 USC 611; 26 USC 6103(k)(4); Multilateral Economic Assistance Act of 1993, Public Law 102-391, 106 Stat. 1633). NO OFFICER, EMPLOYEE OR AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES CAN ACT AS AN "AGENT OF A FOREIGN PRINCIPAL" WITHOUT CRIMINALLY VIOLATING FUNDAMENTAL DOMESTIC LAW. The Supreme Law of the Land specifically declares and limits the use of force and taxation to "the general Welfare and common defence of the United States." See: Constitution for the United States of America, Preamble; Article I, Section 8, Clause 1. NONE of the funds solicited or collected through forced contributions of the Internal Revenue Service are returned to the de jure office of "Treasurer of the United States." (See: Public Law 94-564, 90 Stat. 2660, Legislative History, Senate Report 94-1148, pg. 5967; Reorganization Plan No. 26, 15 Federal Register 148; 26 USC 7804(a)). The funds solicited, collected and contributed by the corporators, and all proceeds of the operation, remain in the International Organization's exclusive possession and control. (See: Public Law 102-391,106 Stat. 1633).

The "Secretary of Treasury" is undeniably and admitted to be the "Governor" of the International Bank For Reconstruction and Development (The Bank) and the International Monetary Fund (The Fund) 22 USC 286a, and numerous other international organizations, and whose officers, employees and agents owe their PRIMARY ALLEGIANCE to the respective organizations AND TO NO OTHER AUTHORITY. (See: Articles Of Agreement Of The I.M.F., 60 Stat. 1401, et seq., Article IX; Articles Of Agreement Of The Bank, 60 Stat. 1440, et seq., Article VII; Mendaro vs. The World Bank, 717 F.2d. 610; see also Constitution And General Regulations For INTERPOL, Article 30; 22 USC 263a). Under PRETEXT and PRETENSE of "Reorganization" (BANKRUPTCY) the position also includes the exercise of the powers of the President under the "Trading With The Enemy Act" of October 6, 1917, 50 USC 1, as "Alien Property Custodian." (See: Executive Order 9095, as amended, Executive Order 11281, 31 Federal Register 7215). The control of the entire "essential economic engine" was relinquished and surrendered to the "Governor" of "The Bank" and "The Fund" under pretense of Reorganization Plan No. 26. (See also: 26 USC 7804(a)). The numerous international agreements were NOT "made under Authority" in accordance with the tenor of the commission as expressed in the Constitution for the United States of America, Article VI, Clause 2. The forced CONTRIBUTIONS through the IRS cannot be vindicated as a "TAX" under the Constitution for the United States of America, Article I, Section 8, Clause 1, nor under the 16th Amendment, nor under the Law of Nations. The Internal Revenue Service is NOT an Agency of the United States. But . . . if you have a Social Security Number, also known as a "Taxpayer Identification Number", YOU have licensed and contracted to trade with the enemy. Social Security is an INTERNATIONAL agreement, and is controlled by the IMF and World Bank -- both UN Organizations. ALL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, i.e., YOUR LOCAL BANK OR CREDIT UNION -- all of them, are under the EXCLUSIVE direction and control of the "Governor" of "The Fund" and "The Bank" -- the United Nations. Now, would YOU like to have a bank account or a loan? They have no money. There are NO"dollars" in their (YOUR) accounts and YOU are NOT being PAID AT LAW for YOUR LABOR. A "dollar" is a specific weight of metal, either silver or gold; it is NOT paper, unless it is redeemable for the silver or gold Coin. Federal Reserve Notes, also called "SDR's" (Special Drawing Rights) are NOT "dollars". The fundamental Law of the Land, Article I, Section 10 of the Constitution for the United States of America, as ordained and established, REQUIRES that "No State shall emit Bills of Credit  or make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts."

Where is the silver and gold Coin? It will be appropriate to repeat here that "TYRANNY IS ALWAYS CLOAKED IN COMPLEXITY." Afterall, we are speaking here of a "systematic scheme" that was given birth in the early 1900's, with the institution of "elastic currency" and overseas banking and lending, also known as "edge banking". Shortly thereafter, more paper monetary obligations were circulating abroad than could be redeemed. This in turn created a balance-of-payment problem and, in large part, gave rise to the "Great Depression" of the late 1920's. The created economic condition resulted in the passage of: (1) the "Emergency Banking Relief Act" of 1933, whereby the gold Coin was TAKEN from the People; (2) the "Agricultural Adjustment Act" of 1933, whereby the private Federal Reserve banks' irredeemable (floating) paper was declared to be "legal tender" for all debts, and where marketing boards and price controls were started; and, (3) the "Gold Reserve Act" of 1934, which created an exclusively controlled Fund where the gold was deposited and held for settlement of international balance-of-payments. The "public lands" were also "withdrawn" from use and settlement during this time and fees were imposed for the use and enjoyment of natural resources (duck stamps, grazing fees, park entrance fees, etc.).

On June 12, 1934, the Office of President was given statutory authority to enter into EXECUTIVE, INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL AGREEMENTS without the consent of the Senate. Franklin D. Roosevelt used this new power to negotiate the London Agreement on Gold. The intent of the London Agreement was to "NATIONALIZE" (meaning to "take") and then to "INTERNATIONALIZE" the gold and silver Coin. The agreement could not be implemented because it would destabilize the domestic economy of the United States of America. As a result, Roosevelt sought passage of the "Gold Reserve Act" of 1934 to GIVE EFFECT to the London Agreement and other INTERNATIONAL agreements to be made in the future. Section 10(b) of the Gold Reserve Act created the "Exchange Stabilization Fund" under the "EXCLUSIVE CONTROL" of the Secretary of Treasury. Moreover, any operations or transactions taking place under this clause are "not reviewable by any other officer of the United States". The gold taken (nationalized) from circulation during the mid 1930's, was deposited in this Fund. Section 10(b) also declares that whatever is deposited in the "Exchange Stabilization Fund" SHALL REMAIN in the Fund, including any interest or other profits made from its use. THIS ACT PERMANENTLY REMOVED THE GOLDFROM CIRCULATION AMONG THE PEOPLE and CONVERTED IT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THOSE ENGAGED IN INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS!

The "future" INTERNATIONAL agreements did not surface until 1945, when the International Bank For Reconstruction And Development (World Bank) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) were established as sister International Organizations of the United Nations by the Bretton Woods Agreement. The United States took the gold that it nationalized (expropriated) from the People in the 1930's, and purchased voting share stocks in the World Bank and IMF. The United States was, and is, the LARGEST voting share stockholder in both the World Bank and the IMF. It is absolutely imperative to remember that when a government becomes a stockholder in any corporation, IT WAIVES ITS SOVEREIGNTY, and operates under and according to the corporate charter of the organization. The United States thus became the "alter-ego" of "The Fund" and "The Bank" under the rule of instrumentality.

By 1965, the balance-of-payments DEFICIT had grown to such immense proportions that Congress had to debase the silver Coin of the United States to pay the international debt. On March 18, 1968, via Public Law 90-269, the United States declared that there were no more funds left for the redemption of their obligations, and a few months later, Congress amended the Gold Reserve Act of 1934, which became the foundation of the "Special Drawing Rights" (SDR) accounts in the IMF.

Special Drawing Rights (SDR's) are used for many things. It has recently been used to provide funding to implement the Uruguay Round Trade Agreement in the United States, and to pay Mexico's debts after it defaulted on its international balance-of-payments. An SDR is a "blank check" written against someone else's account. Technically, an SDR is an "international letter of credit" issued by the Secretary of Treasury (a.k.a. the "Governor" of the Fund and Bank) in whatever amount he determines. The SDR is then deposited in a central bank, such as the Federal Reserve Bank. The Bank then issues the EQUIVALENT in PAPER FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES. The funds received from the Banks are deposited in the "Exchange Stabilization Fund" where they remain at the exclusive disposal of the "Governors" of the G-7, that is, the seven corporate "Governors" of the World Bank and IMF (United Nations). The International Organizations are NOT obligated to repay the SDR, however, the funds taken out and borrowed from the central banks through the "system" become, and are, OBLIGATIONS of the Nation. When an SDR is issued against the United States, the People and businesses feel the effects through INFLATION and the DEPRECIATED PURCHASING POWER of their irredeemable paper money. As "human resources" and "institutional units", the People are held liable for the entire indebtedness, PLUS interest. Simply said, both the initial funds for the loan and the loan payments are collected through forced contributions from the People of the United States through taxation, fees, and other exactions.

President Clinton used the International Organizations Act to grant IUCN "immunity from suit" on January 18, 1996, via Executive Order #12986. These special privileges and immunities provide the IUCN and its agents with the equivalent of a "Title of Nobility" which is prohibited by the Constitution for the United States of America. It is to be noted that the members of IUCN still use FAMILIAR DOMESTIC front names such as "U.S." Forest Service, "U.S." Fish and Wildlife Service, "U.S." Bureau of Land Management, "U.S." Environmental Protection Agency, "U.S." Park Service, and "U.S." NOAA and National Marine Fisheries Service, etc. Much of the public is deceived as to whom the organizations and agents REALLY ARE and what their REAL AGENDA and program IS. The facts and law of the situation indicate that all of these so-called "U.S. Agencies" are each, DIRECTED, CONTROLLED, FINANCED AND SUBSIDIZED by AGENTS OF A FOREIGN PRINCIPAL, and have NOTHING to do with the "United States of America", as you and I know it.

As stated in the IUCN's book entitled, "The Easement As A Conservation Technique" ...."Broadly speaking, the need for an approach like that permitted by CONSERVATION EASEMENTS is occasioned by limited OBJECTIVES OF LAND-USE CONTROL, the achievement of which does not require assumption of full proprietary ownership of the land. THIS NEED ARISES FOR GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES WHEN THE OBJECTIVES ARE BEYOND THEIR POWER to impose sufficient restrictions on property WITHOUT COMPENSATION....The United States federal and state constitutions require 'just compensation' to be paid to a landowner whose property has been EXPROPRIATED or condemned for public purposes."

The plans, programs, collaborative projects, etc., are many times referred to as "INTERGOVERNMENTAL" activities. The "Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, Section 8; Money and Finance Act of 1982, Chapter 65; and the International Forestry Act of 1990" -- ALL OF THESE are examples of "INTERGOVERNMENTAL" operations. The media buzzword "intergovernmental" has a definition and meaning that is quite different from what it conveys to the mind of most people. The term "Intergovernmental" is defined in the Vienna Convention On The Law Of Treaties, Part I, Article 2, Section 1(i) as: "'INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION' means an intergovernmental organization."The use of benign words that have hidden meanings are frequently intended to persuade the ignorant to give their tacit consent.

The "strategic plan" of the International Organizations is a SUBJUGATION PROCESS and is more on the order of the "unconventional warfare" operations of the Agency for International Development (USAID), which is misrepresented as being a "U.S." Agency. The A.I.D. is directly connected to The World Bank and International Monetary Fund and oversees and controls THE BANK'S INTERESTS in the host recipient country (THESE ARE U.N. OPERATIONS). It also operates as a paramilitary support unit for U.N. multinational military operations (see: 22 USC 287d) and is sometimes referred to as the "country team."

The international systematic scheme was devised and stealthily implemented over the course of the last 100 years or more. This scheme is nothing more or less than a ploy to nationalize, then internationalize and expropriate property and rights to property under the guise of "saving the earth" and "endangered species". Nationalization and expropriation is AGAINST THE LAW OF NATIONS and the declared Public Policy of the United States. Public Law 88-205, 77 Stat. 386, 387, Section 602(e). The INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS are also prohibited by Congress from seriously impairing the economic stability of the United States, Public Law 472, 62 Stat. 137, or adversely affecting production in the United States, Public Law 99-190, 99 Stat. 1306, Section 523. ANY ACTIVITY WHICH VIOLATES THE PUBLIC POLICY OF THE UNITED STATES IS CONSIDERED AS VOID AND UNENFORCEABLE. (See: 54 Am Jur 2d, "Money", Section 35).

The "Land Acquisition" program (Act of March 1, 1911, 36 Stat. 961, as amended, Public Law 94-588, 90 Stat. 2949, Section 17) coupled with other Acts such as the "Endangered Species Act" (Public Law 93-205, 87 Stat. 884) have been systematically used as an ILLEGAL "EMINENT DOMAIN" proceeding, and have been wrongfully and fraudulently used to nationalize, expropriate and internationalize large amounts of valuable property belonging to the Citizens and others. The International organizations under the U.N. have unlawfully and fraudulently used these sequestered private and public lands and natural resources as COLLATERAL in the "loan portfolios" of international lending institutions, which are under the direction and control of the alien, corporate "Governor" of The Fund and The Bank, Robert Rubin and his predecessors, Lloyd Bentsen and Nicholas Brady (also "known" as the "Secretary of Treasury"), including, but not limited to, The International Bank For Reconstruction and Development, the Inter-America Development Bank, The African Development Bank, The Asian Development Bank, The African Development Fund, The Export-Import Bank,  and their many subsidiary financial institutions. The "Brady Plan" was devised and implemented to insure and guarantee international lending institutions from losses because of their own cupidity and unsafe and unsound banking practices. Public Law 98-181, 97 Stat. 1153, House Report 98-175, pg. 1906. THE DEBTS AND LOSSES OF THESE INTERNATIONAL AND PRIVATE LENDING INSTITUTIONS (22 USC 286d) WERE PASSED OFF ON THE "U.S. TAXPAYER." As recorded in the Congressional "Hearing Before The Subcommittee On International Economic Policy And Trade", April 19, 1989, concerning the "INTERNATIONAL DEBT CRISIS: A REVIEW OF THE BRADY PLAN", at page 3:

"In the second place, I don't think the AMERICA TAXPAYER SHOULD HAVE TO ASSUME THE RISK FOR THE COMMERCIAL BANKS. Under the Brady Plan, if the debtor nations default on their reduced loans, the IMF and the World Bank will offset the losses incurred by the commercial banks. BUT AS WE ALL KNOW, U.S. TAXPAYERS CONTRIBUTE 20 PERCENT OF THE FUNDS TO THE IMF AND THE WORLD BANK. So if the debtor nations default on their refinanced loans, THE U.S. TAXPAYERS WILL HAVE TO PICK UP A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF THE TAB. The taxpayers did not share in the profits in the 1970's made by the commercial banks on their loans to Third World Countries. Why, then, should the taxpayers have to absorb some of the banks' losses?"

The "Plan" and underlying scheme is meant as a revenue raising measure for FOREIGN PRINCIPALS AND POWERS and to secure international lending institutions and organizations from losses. Such activity has been PROHIBITED since the time of Lord Mansfield, 54 Am Jur2d, "Money", Section 35, and is a CRIMINAL ACT under 18 USC 219 & 951. NO OFFICER, EMPLOYEE OR AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES CAN ACT AS AN AGENT OF A FOREIGN PRINCIPAL. The underlying international scheme is not "for the general Welfare and common defence", nor is it meant to pay the debts of the United States and is therefore OUTSIDE of the DOMESTIC revenue raising Powers of Congress, Article I, Section 8, Clause 1.
-------------------------------END OF EXCERPTS-------------------------

This is only part of the sordid story.

/s/ John R. Prukop

"Reason obeys itself; and ignorance does whatever is dictated to it."
--Thomas Paine, Rights of Man ("Conclusion")

"All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void."
--Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (2 Cranch) 137 (1803)

CCW Coalition: Citizens For A Constitutional Washington
John R. Prukop, Executive Director
11910-C Meridian Ave. E., #142
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FAX: (253) 840-8074

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