THE TRIBES (2nd edition)
THE TRIBES contains information you need to know!
        Ten out of the Twelve Tribes of ancient Israel were exiled by the
Assyrians and taken to the North. They lost their identity and became
identified with the Cimmerians, Scythians, and Goths. The Scythians
rebelled against Assyria, then became partners of the Assyrians, and in the
end they first took over the Assyrian Empire and then destroyed it. They
were allied with the Medes and Babylonians who betrayed them, massacred
their leaders, and drove them northward into what was once known as Scythia
and later as the USSR.  The Bible and Talmud discuss these events and
attribute the deeds of the Scythians to the Lost Tribes of Israel thus
identifying the two. This is confirmed by a similarity of tribal names,
local Jewish legends, and archaeological findings. From the Middle East and
Scythia these peoples migrated en masse westward where they were known as
Celts, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Franks, Vandals, Goths, and Vikings. One
Scythian people of Israelite origin were the Khazars some of who crossed
the Sea to Scotland and became known as the Picts.  Those of the Khazars
who remained in the Steppe area converted to Judaism.
The Celtic peoples of the west represent earlier waves of Israelite
migration, some of which came by way of the sea and via Spain.  The Celts
were linked to the Cimmerians who were also of Israelite origin and arrived
in Western Europe by an overland route. Celtic legends and ancestral names
affirm their Hebrew origins.
        The Tribal identifications followed a more or less set pattern. Distinct
Israelite groups can be located according to names and legend etc., in
areas to which the Assyrians exiled them or to which they moved shortly
after being exiled. The paths of migration of the said peoples can then be
traced. It is noticed how in most cases various elements and clans from the
same original Israelite Tribe independently over the course of time went to
the same regions in the west and in the end formed single nations.
        The relevant peoples trace directly back to Scythia (Eurasia) and from
there to places-of-exile of Israelites in the Middle East. These
tribal-equations are confirmed by the examination of additional evidence.
THE TRIBES of Joseph (Ephraim and Menasseh) became the determining factor
in the English-speaking nations.
        Scriptural passages verify the identification of the Lost Tribes as a
whole, as well as those especially of Joseph in America, Britain, and
amongst descendants of the British overseas. It was prophesied that the
Lost Ten Tribes would be in the Isles of the Sea, at the extremities of
Continents, in the north, seafaring and powerful, possessors of strategic
international thoroughfares, wealthy, and blessed. They would be military
formidable and all nations of the earth would defer to them. They were to
become extremely numerous and to be a civilizing element amongst the
peoples. All of these factors and others are discussed and it is shown how
only peoples of British origin fulfilled all of them.
In THE TRIBES some physical-anthropological characteristics of the ancient
Israelites are considered. The ancient Hebrews contained both dark and fair
elements and in some regions one type was more dominant than the other.
Later environmental influence is also important in considering this issue
as discussed at length.
THE TRIBES describes the processes of migration. By tracing Tribal and Clan
Names and tribal characteristics THE TRIBES homes in on individual
Israelite Tribes. Different sections of these tribes tended (as if moved by
an Unseen Hand) to converge on the same areas. Biblical, Talmudic, and
related sources are shown to confirm these identifications.
National-characteristics of specific West European and related peoples
often correspond to those of the Hebrew Tribe that settled amongst them.
THE TRIBES has 490 pages.
        THE TRIBES is packed full of interesting, informative maps and
illustrations.  THE TRIBES (2nd edition) contains a detailed index, more
maps, illustrations, new facts, and an improved text.  The first edition
was good, the second one is better.
THE TRIBES may be obtained from:
Yair Davidy
Brit-Am Israel
P.O. Box 595
Jerusalem 91004

see also:

For a related subject (the Hebrew origins of runic writing) see:

        Price: The book may be purchased by a check (drawn on your local bank) for
30 American Dollars or 18 Pounds Sterling (or the approximate equivalent of
these prices in any other currency) with the price including postage by
Airmail.  Genuinely dissatisfied customers (if there are any) may obtain
their money back as long as they return the book within six weeks from the
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