-Caveat Lector-


Hi all this is really important.The Omega group is written about here.

"NewsHawk Inc." wrote:
> US Air Force--Spraying Toxic Substances?
> Copyright NewsHawk Inc.
> All rights reserved.
> No sooner do we find out that spooks from Air Force intelligence
> sub-agencies are deeply involved in the programming and such of the
> mind-controlled mass shooters currently activated to terrorize our
> nation, then we come across (more) HARD PROOF that the USAF is ALSO
> dispersing various substances from it's KC-135s and other craft on a
> regular and high-volume basis.
> These substances, according to testimony from unwilling victims all over
> North America INCLUDING Canada, are responsible for a bewildering and
> extensive list of severe and debilitating physical distress and disease.
> As well, documentation exists that at least some of the materials
> dispersed by U.S. aircraft consist of toxic metals including but not
> only aluminum; ALSO very high levels of UNUSUAL (as in GENETICALLY
> altered) molds and fungi--substances which are known to have a very
> negative impact on human health and well-being as well as on that of
> many other lifeforms on the planet.
> Who really even KNOWS what this stuff is doing to us??!!
> Thousands of witnesses and victims from all corners of the continent
> have experienced and seen the same activity and results and have
> provided visual documentation as well as chemical analysis of the
> residues in several cases, such as in this case of an on-going aerial
> assault on a region in northern Ontario, Canada.
> Some residents of the area have photographic evidence of USAF KC-135s
> involved in this exact activity. When confronted with the fact of the
> existence of this photographic evidence, the best that Air Force
> flak-catcher, PR guy and front man Lt. Col. Stevie Shapiro could do was
> say the Air Force doesn't have any such craft operating in that area.
> Wow. Oh really?
> Is that supposed to mean that SOMEBODY ELSE is operating the Air
> Forces's KC135s then?
> Or is Shapiro just following orders and reading his cue-cards, whether
> or not he knows the real truth?
> Obviously, the witnesses have not conspired with owners and operators of
> KC-135s to stage an entire, deliberately falsified event. yet this
> apparently is what the Air Force would have us believe. Unless as noted
> they are saying by omission that that USAF KC-135s are spraying the
> substances, but someone else is flying them. Considering all the reports
> of NATO/UN/NWO military contingents operating within our country and of
> pending schemes to put the U.S. military and that of other countries in
> North America under control of such New World Order organizations and
> accompanying highly suspect mandates, such a possibility as the latter
> may in fact be true. Perhaps UN/NATO personnel are in charge of this
> mass spraying of unhealthy, dangerous substances upon the population at large.
> I must note in closing, however, that a number of long-term and reliable
> contacts we know have indicated to us that in the Air Force, in nearly
> ALL branches of the military and in much the federal government as a
> whole (as well as STATE government to some degree) there is a MAJOR
> split or schism running through the entire structure; resulting in at
> LEAST two/three main factions and surely some smaller ones as well.
> Opposing factions are literally in "control" of different groups within
> the branches and agencies of the federal government, and are all making
> strenuous and severe attempts to control the future direction of the country.
> There is a strongly pro-New World Order ("4th Reich") faction,
> definitely the most unpleasant of the lot. Their prime directive is
> pretty much across-the-boards oppression, suppression, enslavement, and
> malevolent manipulation of humanity at large, to the greatest extent
> possible; with an on-going objective of intensifying the grip upon
> humanity at every conceivable turn and by every (newly) available means.
> These guys REALLY suck completely. THESE are the people who were BEHIND
> the creation of The Nazi regime and the Third Reich in Germany; as well
> as (to pick just one) the brutal Bolshevik/red Communist horror which
> engulfed so much of eastern Europe at the same TIME IN HISTORY.
> There is also a strongly "strict constructionist" faction; which
> supports the upholding of certain "inalienable", fundamental human and
> civil right for human beings… up to a point at least (reductions in
> personal freedoms/liberties a distinct possibility if this bunch gains
> control, however). Their prime directive? It could best be described as
> "traditional", moderate "American" values as manifested in a democratic
> republic. The Air Force and the Army are said to be pretty evenly
> divided between these two named factions ; however, the Navy is
> thought to be VERY pro-NWO. (It was put to me that there are at least
> TWO "Air Forces"!)
> There is also a group known informally to some as the "Omega" group;
> whose members pretty much want to maintain the status quo (with some
> modifications of course) as it stands--with the very few and very
> wealthy profiting outrageously from the toils of vast legions of
> underpaid humanity. These guys want "business as usual" to be the rule
> of the day; again with some definite modifications however (most likely
> in the realm of personal liberties). At least, though, the "Omega" crew
> is somewhat less malignant that the NWO bunch; more like your friendly
> neighborhood mobsters on a bigger scale. Their prime directive? They
> want to stay in business.
> Missing from this lineup however is WE, THE PEOPLE; citizens and
> residents of what has been founded as a "free country", with equal
> opportunity for all and fundamental support for and validation of our
> inalienable human rights--such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
> John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
> US Air Force Denies It Is
> Spraying Toxic Substance
> The S4 Database List - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.anomalies.net
> The Sudbury Star (Canada) 8-14-99
> 8-15-99
> (http://www.sightings.com/politics4/spraydeny.htm)
> The United States Air Force says none of its jets has been flying in the
> skies over Espanola (Ontario) and spraying a mysterious substance being
> blamed for illnesses by some residents of the paper mill town.
> If there are problems being caused by low-flying aircraft, "It's not the
> air force" causing them, said Lt. Col. Stevie Shapiro of the USAF press
> office in Washington D.C.
> Shapiro said in a telephone interview Friday that she checked with the
> highest sources in the USAF in response to concerns in Espanola about
> the contrails - condensation trails - of passing US military aircraft.
> Some Espanola residents say they have "photographic evidence" which
> suggests KC-135 military aircraft has emitted or sprayed substances at
> low altitude.
> Espanola resident Ben McNenly has presented town council with a petition
> signed by 250 people who fear substances emitted from aircraft engines
> may be leaving dangerous chemicals behind when they pass.
> Since the unidentified aircraft began appearing on a weekly basis last
> February, McNenly said, he and others have suffered neck pain, breathing
> problems, headaches, burning eyes and dry, hacking coughs.
> The Espanola residents have environmental test results showing the
> emissions contained carbon and military chaff, a fine material used by
> military piolots to block enemy radar, McNenly said. Tests also found
> unusually large numbers and varieties of fungi and molds, he added.
> McNenly said he believes the US military is testing carbon as an agent
> that produces rain clouds to use weather as a weapon.
> Based on new reports from other area residents, he said he also is
> concerned that substances other than carbon are being dropped by passing
> military aircraft.
> Robert and Jeannette Deacon of Birch Island, about 25 kilometres from
> Espanola, are among thos who contacted McNenly. The Deacons said they
> were outside on their waterfront property July 30 when they saw an
> aircraft resembling a KC-135.
> "It was very low . . . just over the treetops. We saw a brown emission
> coming from underneath the plane," Jeannette Deacon said. A few days
> earlier, she found a strange brown resude on her outdoor funitrure, she added.
> The matter was reported to Ministry of Environment and a ministry
> official is supposed to visit the couple to test the residue, she said.
> The US Air Force's Shapiro was suprised to learn Espanola-area residents
> had identified the mysterious aircraft as KC-135s, which are used by the
> USAF as cargo aircraft and for airborne refuelling of fighter jets.
> But Sapiro categorically denied the air force had any KC-135s in
> Northern Ontario.
> Copyright 1999 The Sudbury Star
>                                          SIGHTINGS
>                                 US Air Force Denies It Is
>                                  Spraying Toxic Substance
>                       The S4 Database List - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>                                  http://www.anomalies.net
>                              The Sudbury Star (Canada) 8-14-99
>                                           8-15-99
>               The United States Air Force says none of its jets has been
>               flying in the skies over Espanola (Ontario) and spraying a
>               mysterious substance being blamed for illnesses by some
>               residents of the paper mill town.
>               If there are problems being caused by low-flying aircraft,
>               "It's nout the air force" causing them, said Lt. Col. Stevie
>               Shapiro of the USAF press office in Washingto, D.C.
>               Shapiro said in a telephone interview Friday that she checked
>               with the highest sources in the USAF in response to concerns
>               in Espanola about the contrails - condensation trails - of
>               passing US military aircraft.
>               Some Espanola residents say they have "photographic evidence"
>               which suggests KC-135 military aircraft has emitted or
>               sprayed substances at low altitude.
>               Espanola resident Ben McNenly has presented town council with
>               a petition signed by 250 people who fear substances emitted
>               from aircraft engines may be leaving dangerous chemicals
>               behind when they pass.
>               Since the unidentified aircraft began appearing on a weekly
>               basis last February, McNenly said, he and others have
>               suffered neck pain, breathing problems, headaches, burning
>               eyes and dry, hacking coughs.
>               The Espanola residents have environmental test results
>               showing the emissions contrained carbon and military chaff, a
>               fine material used by military piolots to block enemy radar,
>               McNenly said. Tests also found unusually large numbers and
>               varieties of fungi and molds, he added.
>               McNenly said he believes the US military is testing carbon as
>               an agent that produces rain clouds to use weather as a
>               weapon.
>               Based on new reports from other area residents, he said he
>               also is concerned that substances other than carbon are being
>               dropped by passing military aircraft.
>               Robert and Jeannette Deacon of Birch Island, about 25
>               kilometres from Espanola, are among thos who contacted
>               McNenly. The Deacons said they were outside on their
>               waterfront property July 30 when they saw an aircraft
>               resembling a KC-135.
>               "It was very low . . . just over the treetops. We saw a brown
>               emission coming from underneath the plane," Jeannette Deacon
>               said. A few days earlier, she found a strange brown resude on
>               her outdoor funitrure, she added.
>               The matter was reported to Ministry of Environment and a
>               ministry official is supposed to visit the couple to test the
>               residue, she said.
>               The US Air Force's Shapiro was suprised to learn
>               Espanola-area residents had identified the mysterious
>               aircraft as KC-135s, which are used by the USAF as cargo
>               aircraft and for airborne refuelling of fighter jets.
>               But Sapiro categorically denied the air force had any KC-135s
>               in Northern Ontario.
>                                          [Image]
>                                     SIGHTINGS HOMEPAGE

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