Title: Y2K - Yourdon Says He Was Wrong - It's Going To Be WORSE


Y2K - Yourdon Says
He Was Wrong - It's
Going To Be WORSE
Ed Yourdon's "I know what I know"!

I hereby admit I was wrong. It will be worse.
A couple of years ago, I put forward the idea that the combined effects of Y2K and the collapse of the stock market bubble would lead to a "devolutionary spiral", somewhat analogous to the fall of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the dark ages. At the end of one of these articles I concluded "Of course, I could be wrong. It could be worse" In another article I showed, mathematically, that the Y2K problem could never be completely solved and that the residual failures resulting from the fixes themselves would be enough to cause significant economic impacts, even without failures from all of the unfixed systems. I also predicted, perhaps overoptimistically, that the stock market bubble would burst in the first quarter of 1999. I hereby admit I was wrong. It will be worse.
I was wrong about the timing of that collapse, but not about the state of Y2K or about the eventual crash of I am so very, very sorry it didn't collapse when I predicted. Not because I want it to happen, but because the delay means that the final crash will indeed be much, much worse than it needed to be. If the market collapse had occurred at the end of 1998 or beginning of 1999, as it logically should have, there would have been a full year for everyone to revise their expectations and to make major economic, budgetary and business planning changes before Y2K itself slams us in the first quarter of 2000. A collapse back then could still have been partially controlled, the market did not have so far to fall, and the first business failures and unemployment situations could have been handled with a mostly functional infrastructure and support systems. In short, we would have been forced (and able) to make realistic, useful contingency plans instead of relying on the nonsensical, irrational and mathematically impossible concept that Y2K has actually been fixed.
It is now completely inevitable that Y2K and the bursting of will occur at one and the same time, leading rapidly to a new Great Depression far worse, far deeper and far longer lasting than that of the 1930's. Because of the confluence of these and other events, I am now also convinced that we will also see a complete breakdown of the global monetary system, a series of vicious dictatorships and, within ten years, World War Three. Instead of 66% over fifty years, I now expect more than 90% of the world population will die within the next ten years. But, again, it could be worse. If a major nuclear exchange cannot be avoided in World War Three, the human race will quite simply cease to exist. Under present global political conditions, I consider this to be a very real possibility, if not yet a probability.
Either way, as a species, we have lost our one chance to get off this planet and to survive, long term, as a civilized race among the stars. (I am referring here to my own Devolution theory, to the Olduvai theory, to astronomer Hoyle's similar theory, and to other scientifically based approaches which predict that we have only one shot at developing a successful technology based civilization).
I know this will likely get the pollys jumping up and down on their perches but, frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. The time for debate ended about a year ago and there is no longer any useful purpose to be served in countering the polly arguments -- their damage has already been done, the lives of innocents have already been recklessly endangered, and previously possible recovery efforts have already been sabotaged by the shortage of bits in their processors. We'll let them squawk later, when we clean out their cage in the bubblegate trials. Until then remember that, although able to repeat complex sentences over and over again when carefully taught, polly's comprehension of the related subject matter is limited by an intellectual capacity roughly equivalent to that of a three year old child.
To regular readers, who know that I rarely insult my opponents, I apologize for the above. I also apologize to my own parrot for dragging him down to this level. But, after all the vicious attacks so many of the pollys have made on me over the last few years, just for once, I couldn't resist the temptation. It's about as close as I normally get to losing my temper, so please forgive me, because this article is not aimed at them but at those of you who are prepared for Y2K -- in response to the many eMail requests I have received to "come out of retirement" and present an update of my views. I am happy to do that, as a onetime event, just seven days before the rollover. But first, I'd like to tell you why I dropped out and where I've been.
In the fall of 1998 I decided not to take any more Y2K contracts because I had already reached the conclusion that at that point remediation was a lost cause, and the only viable (partial) solution to Y2K was a massive contingency effort. It would have been dishonest for me not only to charge for work I professionally considered to be useless but also to allow a client to continue in the false belief that remediation could actually solve the problem. I have had talks with a few clients and some bodysnatchers about Y2K audit and follow up work, in the hope that I could do something useful to alleviate the awesome consequences of Y2K. Nothing serious came of this, however, in large part because so few organizations have done enough remediation to be worth auditing and validating. And of those that have, so many are still laboring under the delusion that fixing individual software problems is a meaningful act, while continuing to ignore the real problem of the dependencies and the inevitable collapse of the system of systems itself.
At roughly the same time, I also renewed contact with "NymphoMagic", a lady friend from my misspent youth. And so, after a few hunting trips and a well earned winter vacation, with my own Y2K preparations largely in place, I decided to take a sabbatical and leave the digital dastards to their own devices. I spent most of this year in Northern California, renewing old friendships; sitting under a shady tree with a glass of fine wine; cooking my own special version of Beef Wellington over a charcoal fire; enjoying the last days of my faithful but ancient Golden Retriever; working on a Java based Bible study program; and making my peace with God before facing the fall of Babylon and the great tribulation. In short, I had a life and enjoyed it.
I even found time to occasionally follow the flame wars of CSY2K. But I must be honest and admit that I didn't find much worth responding to. As I said before, the useful debate was over about a year ago. We don't know for an absolute fact who won, and we won't for another month or so, perhaps as much as three months or even a year. But neither side will concede anything more than they already have. Our case is based on facts, logic, mathematics and prior historical experience, which the pollys simply reject out of hand. The polly case is based on nothing but emotion, corporate and government lies, greed, good "feelings" and an irrational belief that nothing could possibly go that badly wrong because the inimitable "they", the "authorities", will always fix it. It's the same, age old conflict between good and evil, right and wrong, right and left, nature and nurture, reason and emotion, freedom and serfdom, Christ and antichrist. It won't be settled until one side or the other starts dying in greater numbers. That won't be long now, but until then why waste any more energy arguing?
For those, then, who are calmly preparing for the gathering storm here is my current weather forecast (not to be confused with Cory Hamasaki's Washington Weather report). Let's begin with the state of Y2K itself.
In my expert professional opinion, the global prognosis is worse today than it was a year ago. Progress on remediation has been slower than even I expected and in many areas we have clearly regressed. In particular, the residual failure rate in "remediated" systems appears to be higher than I originally predicted. IV & V results show that the majority of these ostensibly repaired systems, almost all in fact, still contain potentially disastrous date errors, capable of crashing the system. In large part, this is due to the fixed deadline, the inevitable delays in the code change projects and the consequent lack of time for adequate testing. Even those best prepared, those who have been testing for two years or more, are still finding errors in their systems. These best of the best organizations tend to lower the overall error rate per million LOC but, obviously, this means that the residual error rate is much higher than average for those less well prepared than the best. Sadly, this applies to the great majority of all organizations and most of their so-called compliant systems will enter the new year still containing disastrous date errors.
Closely akin to the residual errors, but far more insidious, are the errors remaining from inadequate and incomplete assessment and remediation, particularly when these tasks were performed by personnel not properly qualified to perform them. I have a good friend, an army Lieutenant, who is responsible for Y2K in the administrative section he commands at a local base.
Discussing the issue with him last year, I found that he had checked the real time clocks on all of his PC's and reported himself compliant, honestly thinking that was all he had to do! Even after I pointed out that his real problems were things like software, spreadsheet formulas, database programs, macros and historical data; and all of these would have to be tested; he still had no intention of doing so. As far as I know he still hasn't properly tested his systems and he's still reporting himself compliant.
In my experience, this situation is the rule rather than the exception in small organizations without direct, professional IT support. It makes a mockery of the claims of compliance by many government departments, by small businesses and, to a somewhat lesser extent, even by large, technically proficient corporations. If even we professionals admit we can't fix the Y2K problem, amateurs don't have the slightest glimmer of a chance.
To make matters worse, many of the system replacement projects are also failing. We have seen new system failures at brand name companies like Hershey's, Royal Doulton and W.L. Gore. Businesses have been losing millions in lost revenues, even before the rollover, because these new systems (which may or may not be compliant) are simply not capable of replacing the functionality and capacity of the old systems they are supposed to be replacing. At least, not without considerable further development, refinement and testing, for which there is no more time.
Similarly, many of the new federal, state and local government systems are failing the acid test of real world deployment. As we approach year's end, the reports of these failures are increasing, just as I predicted. But I strongly suspect that the number and scope of these failures is really much larger than their "owners" would have us believe. In retrospect, it has typically taken months for news of the failures to become public. Logically, the most recent failures, which are indeed occurring in greater numbers, have yet to be reported and probably won't be until next year. Ask yourself, how many of these failures have been openly reported (not even one) and how many have been covered up and lied about until the very last moment? How many replacement system project managers are just now reporting the failure of their project to meet the deadline? How many desperate, doomed attempts are currently underway to patch up the old systems they were supposed to replace?
Finally, there are the systems that nobody has even tried to fix. The ones their owners are supposedly going to "fix on failure" -- the most ridiculous, brain dead solution of all. This category includes the vast majority of systems worldwide, probably more than 90% by number and certainly more than 50% by economic activity. Small businesses alone account for half of all our economic activity and yet almost none of them have done any meaningful testing or remediation. Most have done absolutely nothing, some waiting to see what actually fails and others still in total denial that there even is a Y2K problem.
Of those that have addressed the problem at all, most have not made use of professional help and are probably in the inadequate or improper remediation group (as are most local governments). Very, very few small businesses are likely to have really fixed their problems in advance. In fact, except for my own, I don't know of a single local business I could honestly pass as ready for Y2K. And sometimes I'm not too sure about my own!
Big business and large government agencies are no better off. Some really have fixed almost all of their problems, because they started early, planned well, financed and then staffed their projects adequately and allowed years for thorough testing in a complete, expensive, real world test environment. All they have left are a few residual errors as described above (although even these could still prove disastrous). However, such organizations are very few and far between -- probably less than 5%. So few that I cannot think of a single organization which I personally know or accept on their own assurance to be more than 70% ready, not even the clients for whom I have done Y2K work.
The claims of compliance by the great majority of large corporations, and all government agencies (without a single exception) are nothing more than willful, flat out, bald faced lies based on the myth of "mission critical" systems and intentional or culpable misrepresentation of the actual remediation data. Let me explain this with a little history, for those who are not familiar with large scale systems development.
Except for Antisocial Insecurity, which got started early, the US Grabit and most of the Fortune 500 didn't wake up to the reality of Y2K until the very beginning of 1997. (Smaller companies, most States and foreign governments and almost all local agencies were even further behind). At that time I was working for a large beverage company and I know for a fact that their top IT managers, with whom I worked, were largely unaware of the problem and it's consequences for the company. At this point, with only three years to go, it was already too late for most large organizations to fix all their systems in time to meet the only truly immovable deadline most computer professionals have ever had to face.
Through the grapevine, those of us who actually understood the true scope of the problem (mostly system software and long range planning specialists) already realized the task was larger than the available time and resources. Regardless of our individual clients and employers, and working back from 2000, we all knew we needed at least a year for integration testing, a minimum of a year or two for all the application software changes and basic testing, another year to set up and test the extra development and test facilities, a year or two to bring the system software up to date, another year or two for system inventory, evaluation and planning. Let alone the minor tasks like finding and training the extra staff or contacting and verifying the compliance of customers and vendors. Even with parallel tasking, the remaining critical path simply could not be completed in time.
For the system replacement approach the situation was even worse since, from initial start to finish, implementing a package like SAP is a minimum five year process for a large organization. In addition, before we could even start to look at the details of the problem itself, we had to convince non-IT management that the problem was real and extremely critical to business continuity (in Y2K terminology, this phase is known as "awareness"). For many, this phase alone took six months to a year and most large organizations, including the major bank for which I later worked on Y2K, didn't really get started with remediation until well into the spring of 1998.
In short, for most large businesses and government agencies, totally fixing the Y2K problem never was a realistic possibility and the vast majority of compliance claims are and always have been a lie. From the very beginning I am certain that almost all of the real experts were completely honest about this and recommended to their management that the Y2K effort should be focused on the most critical and profitable business functions and the rest should be dealt with by contingency plans -- including the orderly shutdown of areas which could not reasonably be fixed in time. Those of us with a little more insight even recognized that, spread over the economy as a whole, the controlled and uncontrolled shutdown of unfixed and unfixable business functions would inevitably lead to a minimum of a severe recession and advised an adjustment of the overall business plan to take this into account. I know I did, even though this led to my leaving more than one Y2K project.
No, the decision to lie about Y2K was not ours. It was a political decision made at the highest levels of business management and government. The first lie they told was to themselves -- that the problem could still be fixed, if only enough pressure could be brought to bear on the stupid peons who actually write the software.
Quite simply, in arrogance and ignorance, management didn't believe what they were being told by their own experts and they simply dictated an unreasonable schedule to fix everything anyway. In so doing they drastically reduced the effectiveness of Y2K remediation (by spreading time and resources too thinly) and virtually guaranteed there would be no accurate reporting of real project progress, no feedback on what was really happening. On more than one occasion I was personally asked (actually ordered) to falsify my time records to show that I had been working on a later phase of the project when in fact I had still been working on an earlier phase whose completion deadline had already passed. Certain levels of management above me (other than my own immediate manager) were simply too scared (or too ignorant) to report the truth and, as a result, the client's top management never did find out just how far behind their projects already were, even in the beginning.
Anyway, after a while, reality did begin to raise it's eyebrows, although it never exactly lifted it's ugly head. Most large organizations, including my client and, more especially, the Federal Grabit, began to realize that all of their systems would not, in fact, be ready for the rollover rectifinium. In this respect the Grabit was by far worse off than, for example, the major banks. They had literally billions of lines of old, poorly documented code running on vast numbers of obsolete and non-compliant computers. In addition, they had extremely limited in-house expertise and a pathetic track record of 100% failure to meet deadlines and costs in previous software projects. I seriously doubt that it ever was possible to fix more than 10% of the Grabit's code, a figure which is very roughly borne out by the number of systems they claim to have fixed. (The Fortune 500 were much better off with perhaps an average 60% fixable, but still nowhere near all of it).
Obviously this could never be admitted either by the Grabit (scared of the sheeple) or by big business (scared of the shareholders). Ever the leader in lying, it was the Grabit which came up with the first deception -- changing the size of the problem from the experts' meaningful billions of lines of code into the seemingly smaller and utterly meaningless measure of thousands of "systems". Bureaucratically brilliant because this vague term can mean a single piece of hardware, a collection of hardware, a single software program, a group of programs on a single piece of hardware or even a group of programs running on many pieces of hardware connected across multiple different networks. It can even be used to describe a manual operation in which computers are not even used. Obviously, such a loose term could easily be adapted to whichever lie of the day they wished to issue. For example, at one point, the US Navy claimed to have made compliant a "system" which consisted of a few guys sitting around drinking coffee in an office, but no computer at all.
The real beauty of this "system" measure, however, is it's utter meaninglessness when it comes to estimating the amount of work to be done in remediation. The total lines of code (LOC) is a meaningful measure because it directly correlates to the amount of work which needs to be done in inspection, modification and testing of the code. But, the number of LOC varies enormously from one system to another. I have worked on systems with as few as 2,000 lines of code and others with several million. In addition, to be really useful, a valid measure would have to include weighting factors for things like language, complexity, age, documentation quality, etc. By using the "system" as a measuring unit, the Grabit willfully and intentionally made it impossible to accurately measure their progress or, more honestly, their lack of progress in Y2K remediation. It was then easy for an individual agency, such as the FAA, to say that 90% of their systems were fixed with only 10% to go. When Jane Garvey told that particular lie, it is far more likely that they had only fixed their smallest systems, with perhaps 25% of the total code lines. The remaining 75% of code lines hadn't, and probably never will be fixed.
Disgustingly, it didn't stop there. The next great deception was the invention of the mythical "mission critical" system. This was necessary because, given the vast extent of the Grabit's problem, even the use of a dishonest measure could not by itself disguise or cover the magnitude of the impending failure and the monumental incompetence of those who had allowed it to happen. Taking the sound advice of the real experts to concentrate on the most critical functions, the venal vassals of verbal prevarication rapidly spun and twisted this essential, emergency approach into an absurd and totally dishonest concept in which only a few "mission critical" systems needed to be repaired in order for the entire Grabit to continue on its merry way of monstrous maladministration. Needless to say most of the fortune 500, desperate not to lose the confidence of their shareholders and customers even before Y2K, were only too happy to follow the Grabit's dishonest lead. This is why most companies continue to hand out meaningless but glowing reports of progress on their mission critical systems, while remaining largely silent about the remaining, unprepared systems.
In fact, on the global scale of Y2K, there is no distinction in failure effect between mission critical and non-mission critical systems. All systems, without exception, perform work that is considered useful by their owners. If that were not the case, none of these "non-critical" systems would ever have been created. In my more than thirty years experience I have not seen a single business or government system project which was not justified in advance by some kind of cost-benefit analysis. Lose even one of those systems and the global economy as a whole loses the benefits provided by that system. In most cases, the "benefit" we lose is the productivity gain achieved by implementing that system. Lose 50% of all the systems and we lose 50% of the benefits and increased productivity provided by all of the systems we have produced in the last thirty years. Effectively, we lose 50% of that part of the economic growth of the entire planet which is attributable to the computer revolution, beginning around 1970. Calling the other 50% "mission critical" does not change this mathematical fact, even if they continue to work.
In reality, the situation is much worse. In most cases, we no longer have the capacity to replace the failing systems with manual operations. This means that when a system fails we lose not only its productivity gains but also the entire underlying economic activity itself. In addition, because of the interconnected nature of all economic activities, only a fairly small percentage of failures is needed to cause a near total failure of all global economic activity (as described in Charlotte's Web). Exactly what the critical failure rate is nobody knows, including myself. But I am certain it is far lower than the 65% global system failure rate I am expecting (averaged from 90% failure rate for governments, 30% for big business and 70% for small business). I suspect the critical rate is about 15%, but that's probably academic now, since such a low rate is no longer attainable.
That's the good news. The bad news is it can't be fixed, not even in thirty years. We have taken one giant step forward and now we are about to take two equally giant steps back where we came from. In 1970 we started out with a fully functional, even robust economy and it still took thirty years to get where we are now. After the collapse of Charlotte's web there won't be enough of an economy left to pay for the repairs and replacement systems we need for a full recovery. Without either computer or manual labor to perform their functions in the short term, large numbers of businesses and even entire economic segments will cease to exist (particularly in the service sector). This is a simple fact and emotional appeals to human ingenuity and necessity can never change it. Creating or fixing computer software takes lots of time and lots of money and we won't have much of either. Remember, historically, after major information systems disasters, 50% of medium and large businesses declare bankruptcy within a month and 90% within a year. And that is under ideal economic conditions, with widely available capital and manpower for recovery.
Since so much will be lost, the global economy will no longer be able to support the current population of six billion souls. Millions are going to die because of lack of jobs, money, food, water, sewage, medical treatment, etc. Let alone by violent acts and wars arising from the devastating economic conditions. This again is a simple fact and emotional appeals are not going to change it. As they die, there will be fewer people to sustain even what's left of the global economy and it will shrink still further, leading to more deaths, and so on. This is the beginning of the devolutionary spiral I have long been predicting. We're not just going back to a 1930's depression, we're going back to the middle ages, if not worse.
But, just for the sake of argument, let's say that I am wrong and the Good Feelings Fairy gave Santa a whole bunch of perfect Y2K fixes to drop down every chimney, fixing the entire problem just in the Nick of time! Was there one in your stocking? It wouldn't make any difference if there was. Even if everything really were completely fixed and there were no residual errors left, Babylon will still be fallen, be fallen. Ironically, this is because and in spite of attempts to avoid the consequences of Y2K by our beloved pollyticians and economystics. As usual, they just made the problem worse.
For example, to avoid liquidity problems and potential bank runs before the rollover, Alan Greenspan has printed billions upon billions in new dollar debt. If Y2K doesn't finally burst his monopoly money certainly will. Ignoring the immorality of fiat currencies and fractional reserve banking in general, it might be normal to add reserves slowly when the economy is expanding, but over the last few weeks, as we approach year's end, Mr. Greenspan has pumped billions of inflationary dollars per day into the banking system just for Y2K (and to prop up Presumably, his assumption is that these reserves can then just as easily be withdrawn when January passes with no significant Y2K failures. Not only is he wrong about the failures, he is also wrong about withdrawing the reserves. It is much easier to print monopoly dollars than to withdraw them, especially at this time when the dollar currency itself is on the verge of collapse (more about this below). Even if there were no Y2K failures at all, by the time he thinks it safe to withdraw these dollars, he will find they have already cycled into the broader economy, starting a new period of the dreaded inflation and, by inference, finally bursting and unleashing all of those related consequences.
You see, it really is the economy, stupid (to quote our faithless leader). It always was, and Y2K itself was never anything more than the trigger, in spite of it's own massive potential for disaster. I've often seen Y2K compared to the Titanic, a doomed ship waiting to sink us all. More accurately, Y2K is the deadly iceberg sitting silently in the ocean waiting for its unsuspecting victim (and what we have seen so far really is just the tip of the iceberg). Aboard the good ship U.S.S. Enterprise it's "full speed ahead, Mr. Greenspan, and damn the icebergs, we're unsinkable". While in the first class lounge the band plays endless soothing songs for the sheeple, oblivious to their coming shock and terror.
With the iceberg dead ahead it's already too late to change our course. The time and place of the collision are fixed and the outcome is already determined. In spite of the Captain's unfounded optimism, the good ship Enterprise is not so strongly built and it certainly isn't unsinkable. The protecting plates of the hull, and the rivets holding them together, are brittle and ready to break under the slightest unexpected pressure. After they do, the watertight compartments will not work as designed and we'll find there are not enough lifeboats for all of us on board. But the band will keep on playing, until they sink with the ship and most of the dancers to their deadly siren song.
In the real economy, the insanity is the most obvious immediate danger and its inevitable collapse will have immediate repercussions for everyone on the face of this planet. It is often compared to the "irrational exuberance" which preceded the 1929 crash and the Great Depression. But there's really no comparison at all. Real measures of value, like P/E ratios, earnings and dividends, show that this is by far the most overvalued market since the beginning of the industrial revolution, far more bloated than in 1929. It is quite probably the biggest bubble in recorded history. When it bursts, as all bubbles always do, the effects will be worse than any crash in history, worse than the Great Depression, and they will last for decades if not centuries. This is true even if there were no Y2K problem and there were none of the other economic problems I describe below.
As with Y2K, there are no reasonable chances for a short term recovery. In 1929, the economy was driven mainly by manufacturing and agriculture whose products were still required after the crash. Today, it is driven by services which will be much less in demand. In 1929, we still had good money, backed by gold. Today, we have monopoly money backed by nothing more than promises to pay debts which really never can be repaid. In 1929, we had a very small national debt and no welfare state. Today, we have massive government debt and a millstone welfare state which together suck the majority of the revenues raised by the Grabit. In 1929, taxes were low enough that revenues could be increased by additional taxes (like Antisocial Insecurity) without worsening the problem or starting a revolution -- we could still spend our way out of the depression. Today, total taxes are in excess of 50% of income and cannot be further raised without further damaging the economy and actually reducing revenues.
In 1929, the general population was reasonably well educated in practical matters, were able to maintain their own homes, cars and equipment, and could hunt and gather much of their own food. Today, the masses have been dumbed down by an educational system which teaches little of practical value, very few are now able to perform the most rudimentary maintenance on their vehicles and even less know how to hunt or grow their own food. In 1929, the average family was a solid unit, with many children and all able to rely on each other for support. Today, many are single mother units, with few of the traditional male skills, low incomes and a high dependency on the welfare state. In 1929, people were generally peaceable and respected their elected and appointed authorities. Today, Y2K terrorism is a real possibility, children have no qualms about shooting each other in school and there is little love or trust for a Grabit which has grown far beyond control and no longer serves a useful social function. In 1929, the average worker walked to work (or rode a bicycle). Today, he lives miles away from any commercial or industrial center and cannot go to work without a car (and the endangered oil it takes to run it).
Lest you think this is too far in the past, and things are "different" now, let's compare to a more recent example, Japan in 1990. Japan had a positive balance of trade, ours is increasingly negative. Japan had a positive savings rate, ours is negative. The bubble in Japan was relatively small, ours is the largest in history. Japan has an industrial economy whose products are mainly useful, ours is a service economy whose products are largely superfluous in a belt tightening situation. The Japanese people are generally well educated, hard working, respect authority and are unarmed. Ours are generally ignorant, lazy, dependent on Grabit handouts and are likely to use their own or stolen weapons to plunder and murder their better prepared neighbors when the Grabit can no longer bribe them with welfare handouts. The global economy was not dependent on the Yen, it is dependent on the dollar (because of the need to buy oil with dollars, as we shall see). Japan still had a foreign market when their bubble burst. We won't.
With all of these advantages, ten years later, Japan still has not recovered. Even the claimed turnaround earlier this year has fizzled out, with continued contraction of their economy in the third quarter. Their projected, minuscule 1% growth for next year is nothing but pie in the sky nonsense, especially given their extremely late start in the Y2K races. Now consider that after 1929, even with a smaller bubble, and lots of monopoly money inflation, it still took more than twenty five years for stock prices to recover their pre-crash values. But, we are told, this is a new "paradigm" and all we'll see is a tiny bump in the road. Nowadays, we really know how to precisely control and fine tune our economy, even though the intelligent Japanese, using the same bankrupt economic theories, completely failed to save their own economy just ten short years ago. According to our new age counselors, if we just leave our money in the market it won't crash and any "corrections" will be small and rapidly recovered. I think not. The only "pair a dimes" I'd put my trust in were minted in silver before 1964.
We know the bubble will eventually burst, as bubbles always must and historically always have. But the question remains, will it burst at the same time as we face the worst of the Y2K failures? After all, I was wrong in my prediction of the timing of the crash in early 1999. Well, I truly believe these two events will indeed be simultaneous and I'm willing to go out on a limb again and predict that by the Ides of March, the Second Great Depression will have already started. I've even put my money where my mouth is and, since late 1997, I've invested exclusively in precious metals (physically stored with close relatives outside the US and the UK and beyond the likely threat of confiscation). This is more than I can say for certain bank "consultants" like Martin Armstrong, who led the charge against gold for Republic Bank in New York, but who is now facing contempt of court charges for the hoarding of $16M worth of gold coins and bars, allegedly embezzled from his billion dollar Japanese clients.
It looks like I'm in experienced (if not honest) company and I'm not the only one who prefers to be a year or two early rather than a single day late. In fact, I believe that at least some of the downward trend in gold prices over the last year is due to willful manipulation by large banks and institutional investors, as well as oil producers, who wanted to move out of worthless paper and into physical gold at the best possible price. They even timed their exit to precede the double ought disaster and did everything they could to bolster the bubble and keep as many as possible completely in the dark about the true condition of the Y2K problem. More charges for the bubblegate trials?
But back to the question of timing. Firstly, the greatest number of Y2K problems will indeed occur in the first two months of the year 2000. There are certain "experts" who have said that the majority of failures have already occurred, before the actual rollover. Bovine Scatology. Because of the very nature of the record keeping task inherent in most business systems, almost all digital dates are historical and so, except for the limited and shoddy testing of Y2K fixes, dates with a zero-zero year cannot possibly enter most systems until after December 31st, 1999. Only a tiny fraction of dates are computed in advance and the failures we have seen so far are therefore only a tiny fraction of those we are going to see next year. In my expert opinion, almost all Y2K failures will be experienced in January, and at the beginning and end of February (as month end and leap year processing adds to the general confusion). There will be a secondary spike at the 2000/2001 boundary but, basically, most of the failures will have already occurred by early March, 2000. That does not mean they will be fixed by then, of course. Most of the failures will take days, months and even years to fix, as we have already seen with several of the early failures. In some cases, the systems will never be fixed and their benefits will be permanently lost to their owners and to the economy as a whole. Some of their owners will also fail, taking with them the benefits even of those systems which didn't fail and starting the widely predicted domino effect and the collapse of Charlotte's web.
Secondly, not only is bigger than a year ago, but there are increasingly ominous indications of an impending crash. Massive inflation has been hiding in the balance of trade and in the stock market for years (that's what caused the bubble in the first place) but now it is beginning to show in the general economy as well (particularly in oil prices). In addition, interest rates have been steadily rising since the last quarter of 1998. Also, it is becoming apparent to savvy investors that the corporate earnings of many high flying technology companies (particularly Microsoft) have been artificially exaggerated by questionable accounting practices which use employee stock options to inflate the bottom line. If these options were more honestly accounted for, many of these companies would be showing massive losses instead of profits. All of these factors trend toward lower future corporate earnings, making the market less attractive to investors. This last is borne out by the fact that, since April of this year, more stocks have declined than advanced, indicating that the smart money has already left the market and the bear cycle has already begun. Only the amateurs, frantically feeding the internet beast, are keeping the indices where they are today. Indeed, the hindsight of history may actually show that the decline really did begin in the first quarter of 1999 and my original prediction was in fact correct!
In addition to Y2K and there are five more major economic areas which are shaping up for a simultaneous crisis in the year 2000. They are oil, gold, the dollar, the yen and the euro. These five factors are so closely related and intertwined that I find it useful to lump them all together under a single name derived from the two with the most important long term implications -- the gold/oil or GO crisis. In my not so humble opinion, the GO crisis has the potential to trigger World War Three, starting in the Middle East, and quite possibly involving a nuclear exchange with Israel. It is vital that we understand all of these factors if we want to survive the great tribulation of the coming decade.
Let's begin with oil, the lifeblood and lubricant of the global economy. In fact, oil has two major crises to face in or very close to the year 2000. The first, a short and medium term problem, is the effect of Y2K itself, both on embedded systems and on the conventional business systems used in it's production and distribution. Given the tardiness of Y2K remediation in most oil producing countries, we can be certain that there will be interruptions in supply, but by how much and with what effect?
During the Arab oil embargo, a mere 6% reduction in production led directly to the deepest global recession since the Great Depression itself. Today, the US, Europe and Japan are all far more dependent on third world oil (the most in danger) and even this minor reduction would burst and induce a major worldwide recession. However, even conservative government agencies, like the CIA, are estimating reductions of up to 30% and I have seen credible estimates of losses up to 70% of production. For the US, the problem is even more acute because it's largest single foreign supplier is Venezuela. Not only is this country still at the Y2K starting gate, but it has recently experienced a major natural disaster with which it will still be struggling at the start of the year. To make matters worse, Venezuela has also just adopted a new constitution which is almost certain to lead to a Marxist dictatorship unfriendly to the west. I think it should be obvious that the US will lose at least 50% of it's foreign oil.
For how long? The problem with the oil industry is its heavy dependence on embedded systems, not just in well head production and transportation, but even more so in the refineries. This last is the main reason for the higher estimates of 70% production loss. Although the failure rate may be lower, and I'm not even completely convinced of that, these systems are much more difficult to fix than conventional business systems and the effects of their failure are frequently disastrous. The main reason for this is that embedded systems are, by definition, always an integrated part of a larger and more complex system -- the equipment plant they are controlling or measuring.
This makes them harder to replace with modern, compliant equivalents because they must all be individually interfaced to their hardware and then individually tested. This alone is a mammoth task which just hasn't been done on anywhere near a large enough scale to avoid a major problem. Witness the Van Nuys sewage system failure which, months later, still hasn't been fixed with anything more than a manual workaround. So far, it has proved impossible to replace or repair the subsystem which actually failed.
Far more important than this, however, is the distinct possibility of a single embedded system failure bringing down the entire outer system, the entire production plant, and not just for a few hours. In fact, most recent industrial disasters have been ultimately caused by the failure of a single subsystem. We saw this on New Year's Eve, 1996, when a simple leap year date problem essentially destroyed two aluminum smelters in New Zealand and Australia. Oil refineries are even more complex and, according to engineers more knowledgeable than I, after similar subsystem failures it would often be less expensive, and less time consuming, to build a new refinery rather than repair the old one. With less crude oil available, and in times of economic distress, that just isn't going to happen. Much of the production loss will therefore be essentially permanent.
Unfortunately, oil has an even bigger, long term problem to face than just the Y2K date rollover. At this moment in history, we have used up and burned approximately half of all the cheap oil God ever created on this planet, and we only took 100 years to do it. In the 1950's, a geologist by the name of Dr. M. King Hubbert defined the basic laws which describe the production and consumption of finite resources, like oil. He found a bell shaped curve of production which typically peaked at the point when half of the resource had already been used. Using this, he successfully predicted the peak of US oil production in 1969. Passing this production peak is the main reason the US will always and increasingly be dependent on foreign oil (at least until it all runs out).
According to recent, credible research, the peak for global production as whole will be reached around the year 2000. It might even have been passed in 1999. Venezuela has already passed it's peak, and the North Sea is also peaking about now. The Middle East will be last and may not pass their peak until 2010. This is politically highly significant, because prices tend to decline before the peak (in response to increasing supply) but they rise steeply afterwards, because of increasingly shorter supply. From now on, the Middle East will have increasing control over more and more of the production and price of this vital commodity. Unlike the earlier oil embargo, this sea change will be permanent and oil prices will continue to increase, forever.
Which brings us to gold. According to our beloved bankers, who strangely still want lots of it for themselves, gold is just a "barbarous relic" whose only viable modern use is strictly as an industrial commodity. In reality gold is still, also, money. To those of us who own it, gold is the only true money there is, created directly by our most high and living God, in a fixed amount which can never be inflated by pollyticians or economystics, and which grows in circulation only slowly in response to human endeavor. It is the only money worth having when the other moneys begin to return to their intrinsic, commodity value. Government paper money, unless backed by an irrevocable promise to repay in gold, is intrinsically worthless. When it fails, as all fiat moneys eventually do, about the only thing you can do with it is burn it for heat or flush it down the toilet (after appropriate terminal usage, of course).
The founding fathers knew this truth when they constitutionally limited the individual states to money consisting solely of gold and silver coins (a restriction which is legally still in effect and which was certainly also intended to apply to the Federal Grabit). Franklin Roosevelt knew this truth in 1933 when he defaulted on the Grabit's solemn promise to repay US citizens in gold for the hard earned sweat they had deposited into the bankrupt Federal Reserve system. Richard Nixon knew this in 1971 when he, too, defaulted on the Grabit's promise and stole from trusting foreigners the gold that they were entitled to from the same bankrupt Federal Reserve. The Arabs who control the world's oil have known this for thousands of years and it was only a gentle reminder when they were among those whose gold was stolen by the Nixon default.
The Nixon default was the real cause of the Arab oil embargo and the global recession which followed it. Contrary to conventional American prejudices, Arabs and other Middle Eastern peoples are not a bunch of stupid sand diggers. In many cases they are far more intelligent and much better educated than the average American. This should not surprise us since they spring from the same well of civilization, between the Tigris and Euphrates, from which ancient and modern Babylon are also watered. Historically, gold has been the only trustworthy means of exchange, the only reliable store of wealth, in this turbulent region of constantly changing borders, countries, princes, dictators and even religions. These intelligent Arabs have always known the true and finite value of their only major resource, even when they were being exploited and cheated by the Anglo-American companies who first possessed the technology to retrieve their oil.
In fact, it was their understanding of their lack of other resources, their lack of a modern industrial infrastructure, and their desire to acquire both, which induced them to trade their oil in the first place. But only for something of equal value, something which could in turn be traded, even after many years, for something else of equal value. In short, they always wanted historically reliable gold for their oil and, in this respect, they are certainly more intelligent than the average American or European.
Prior to the Nixon default, the Middle Eastern countries happily accepted dollars for oil because, effectively, they were "as good as gold". Each and every dollar they received really could be physically exchanged for a fixed and promised weight of gold -- real, true money. Americans lost this right in the 1933 Roosevelt default, and were too stupid even to complain about it. Not so our Arab friends. They knew the value of their gold and when Nixon stole it they were pissed. The oil embargo was their way of recouping their losses through higher prices and it didn't end until an agreement was reached through which they could once more reliably receive physical gold for their oil, as we shall see.
I doubt that Nixon ever really understood what was happening back then, just as I doubt that most of the Americans reading this today even understand what I am saying. But try very hard, because I'm talking about the cause of World War Three and the kind of misunderstandings which can lead to it. In 1971, Richard Nixon was faced with a problem. Because of inflation and the rapidly escalating trade deficit (sound familiar?), foreigners were losing confidence in the dollar. When they received dollars for their goods, it made a lot more sense to invoke their legal right to redeem them in gold, rather than hold the paper dollars and watch them daily depreciate in value. As a result, the US Treasury was being rapidly drained of it's gold reserves and would soon be unable to keep it's promise to repay it's dollar debt in gold. Nixon could not possibly understand why these crazy foreign persons would prefer gold to the almighty dollar. After all, he received his own salary in paper dollars, which seemed to work quite well, and he didn't feel any need for any gold of his own (in fact, after the Roosevelt default, it would have been a felony for him to own any). From his parochial, bigoted American viewpoint the solution was really very simple. If the promise would have to be broken eventually anyway, why not just break it now and keep the gold reserves the bankers said was necessary to keep the bankrupt Federal Reserve from completely collapsing? After all, when Roosevelt did that in 1933 it worked and everyone had to keep on using paper dollars, even if they did lose their value over time. Why couldn't foreigners, especially Arabs, understand and accept this as the American sheeple had?
Which brings us to the dollar. Believe it or not, the software which runs area navigation systems like INS and GPS determines the predicted position of an aircraft by first deciding where it isn't! Likewise, we can best understand the paper dollar by first describing what it isn't. In the first place, it isn't money and it isn't legal tender. The US constitution clearly limits the member states to gold and silver coins as the only form of legal tender they may use for private and public debts. It also reserves to the United States (the Grabit) the duty to mint such coins and specifically forbids the individual states or private individuals from doing so themselves. It does allow the United States to emit "bills upon the credit of the United States" but has no provision, and indeed prohibits, the use of such "bills" as legal tender. In fact, there is no place in the US Constitution, or in federal law, or in the constitutions or laws of the individual states, which actually defines what a dollar really is or where it comes from.
This has interesting intellectual and legal implications which I personally find fascinating, but in the context of this particular discussion they are largely irrelevant. The question for us is where do practical, every day dollars come from and what are they really worth? As I write this, I have before me a single dollar "bill", taken from my wallet, with the serial number "H04383516F" (which obviously must make it very important and very valuable). But let's take a look at what is actually printed on this "bill" and what it legally means.
First, the largest typeface is used to say "The United States of America" at the top, and "One Dollar" at the bottom. Both phrases are criminally, fraudulently deceptive. This bill may be printed by an agency of the Federal Grabit, but only on the orders of a privately owned banking monopoly called the Federal Reserve, which is solely responsible for actually issuing it. This is why it is called a "Federal Reserve Note" in smaller text at the very top of the bill. The even smaller print in the top left says "this note is legal tender for all debts, public and private" which is completely and utterly false. Even the US Congress has no power to make anything legal tender other than gold or silver coin, and it certainly has no power to delegate such authority to the privately owned corporations which make up the Federal Reserve. It is in no way, shape or form a bill emitted by congress against the credit of the United States, and there is absolutely no obligation for anyone to pay anyone else a "dollar", even if there really were such a thing as a real dollar. This bill is not money and it is not legal tender. It is a counterfeit.
The only reason Americans accept this fraud as money is because this country has been under the thumb of an illegal, unelected dictatorship since 1913, when the Federal Reserve was first created. At this time, a cartel of criminal bankers traded the unpayable debts of the bankrupt United States for the greatest power of all -- the power to print the people's money. This gave them the power to steal all of the real money, the gold, of the United States but, being the sly scum they have always been, they didn't want to do this directly or openly in case the sheeple woke up, put on their wolf's clothing, and tore them into tiny pieces! In any case, they didn't have to. Given the lack of interest and study by average people of the important, but boring subject of money, it was easier for them to steal the gold slowly and quietly through the greater fraud of fractional reserve banking.
When banks are allowed to keep only a tiny fraction of their customers' deposits in the form of "reserves" (currently about 2%), they are free to create billions upon billions of new paper notes out of thin air, just by issuing loans to other customers from the remaining deposits. This is because the loans themselves first become new deposits, and are recycled through the banks to create even more loans and more deposits of imaginary money. It works like this (greatly simplified, of course). Mr. A deposits $1,000 and the bank must place 2% or $20 with the Federal Reserve. But there is still $1000 in the system, the number in A's account. Mr. B wants to build a house and borrows $500, which would build a pretty good house back in 1913. He doesn't need all the money right away, so he leaves it in his account. The bank has to place 2% or $10 with the Federal Reserve but there is now $1500 in the system, $1000 in A's account and $500 in B's account, created out of thin air. Now Mr. C wants to outdo Mr. B and build an even bigger house for which he borrows $1000. The bank is allowed by law to lend him this money because there is enough to do so with current deposits, less the reserve. Likewise, C doesn't need the money straight away, and leaves it in his account. Again 2% or $20 goes to the Federal Reserve and the banking system now has $2500, mostly created out of thin air from the original $1000. To repay the banker for his generosity, the law also lets him charge 10% interest on the $1500 in loans, while paying only 2% interest on the original $1000 which got this whole thing started.
Would you like to be a banker? Sorry, ordinary people are not considered to be "honest" enough! If you didn't understand this before, you stand in good company. From the parable of the ten talents it is clear that, in His human form, even Jesus Christ didn't fully understand the insidious evil of bankers (although they weren't quite as bad back then). In His heavenly form, though, I'm certain He fully understands their behavior, and I really would not want to be a banker when He returns. I also have no regrets about charging banks large fees to fix Y2K problems I helped to create in the 1970's.
But back to the dollar problem. The fabrication of imaginary paper dollars could continue indefinitely, were it not for inflation. As the money supply becomes inflated, there are more and more dollars chasing the same goods, services and commodities. Prices begin and continue to rise, especially the price or value of the ultimate commodity -- gold. At some point, the general public always loses confidence in this inflated funny money and converts it into something of real value, like gold and silver. In 1913, the Federal Reserve wanted to forestall this inevitable loss of confidence so they lied, and pretended that their paper notes could always be exchanged for the gold which supposedly backed them. But the bankers knew that very few of the sheeple would actually do this, since paper money is so much lighter and more convenient, especially as their numbers are inflated and more of them are needed to buy everyday items. Their scam worked for twenty years and would have gone on much longer if it weren't for something that happened in 1929.
In October 1929, what was until then the biggest equity bubble in history, burst. The huge economic contraction which followed put an end to the myth of gold for dollars. The smartest money saw the same signs we are seeing today and got out of the markets before the bubble even burst. Taking the Federal Reserve at their word, they converted Reserve Notes to gold, and stored it in their bank safety deposit boxes. After the crash, the other money took what they had left and tried to convert that into gold. They were too late. As everybody and their uncle tried to convert paper dollars into gold the paper was quickly becoming worthless. So in 1933, just twenty years after its founding, the Federal Reserve defaulted on their notes and Franklin Roosevelt not only made private ownership of gold illegal he even went so far as to steal it from safety deposit boxes. This is why I keep most of mine away from the US and its UK puppet. I keep only enough to get me out of the country and to my stores of wealth.
Thus, by 1933, the United States was completely under the illegal dictatorship of the Federal Reserve and their White House shill. The sheeple were forced, by fiat and dictate of a Dammcorrupt pollytician, to accept meaningless and valueless reserve notes as their money. But even a Dammcorrupt couldn't dictate to the rest of the world, because nuclear weapons had not yet been invented. If Americans still wanted to buy goods and services from the rest of the world, and they did, they would have to buy them with dollars which were at least perceived to have real value. After 1929, it took the bankers four years to come up with the idea to use the same scam they had started in 1913. Just change the geography and limit the redeemable dollars to the few in foreign hands and we're back in business, just about where we were in 1920 when we started that stupid bubble!
The new scam worked until the end of the Second World War, which was a historical accident. Our benevolent bankers only ever start little wars, and revolutions, and only for strictly financial reasons. World wars only happen when they make a mistake and lose control of the situation. At the end of the war, the global economy was a shambles. Only America still had a workable economy, and that only because a geographical accident had protected
American industry from being bombed back into the previous century, allowing American business to reap a windfall at the expense of the rest of the global economy. At this point, however, even the bankers realized the world needed a stable global reserve currency (as long as it wasn't gold and only they could print it, for nothing, out of thin air). The result was the Bretton Woods agreement, which simply devalued the dollar to a lower rate against gold, allowing more, redeemable dollars to be printed in order to finance a restart of the global economy.
Which brings us to the yen (and the mark, and the pound and the franc, etc.). All of these foreign bankers were thoroughly familiar with the pyramid scheme of fractional reserve banking, because they had been using it themselves for years. But they had always felt the need to back their scams with some real gold, to give at least a semblance of honesty (and to give themselves an exit strategy into real money when that became necessary). That's why they would not themselves accept an unbacked foreign dollar. They watched in sheer amazement as this fiat dictatorship continued to work in America. After all, historically, all previous similar scams had always ended in disaster when the sheeple woke up and the fiat currency collapsed in a worthless pile of paper. What they failed to recognize was that the sheer size (and dynamics) of the US economy, compared to their own, was merely slowing the rate at which domestic confidence was being lost in the dollar. In addition, they initially missed the true significance of creating a special class of money which was redeemable in foreign trade but intrinsically worthless at home. They didn't realize that this, too, was just slowing the rate at which the dollar would eventually become worthless.
Each of the major nations created, (or redefined) an intrinsically worthless domestic fiat currency, which they could force their citizens to use by fiat or dictate, and which traded internationally not against gold, but rather against the dollar. But only foreign exchange dollars which the Federal Reserve pretended were still fully redeemable in gold. The intent, and I do mean intent, was to create a huge supply of inflated paper trade dollars, backed by a fractional reserve consisting of all the gold in Fort Knox, gold stolen from American citizens by Roosevelt in 1933. But the pyramid scam was still the same -- these dollars were not worth the amount of gold which the Federal Reserve promised to pay for them. There was never enough gold to pay off even the foreign trade dollars at the official price. The smart money (the Arabs and others) knew this from the start, and they traded their dollars for gold as soon as they received them. By 1971 it was clear that the gold would soon run out. Which led to the Nixon default (by a Republicoward this time, may a pox be upon both their houses). Which led to the Arab oil embargo.
Which brings us to the Euro. After the Arab oil embargo and the following recession, it was clear to the rest of the world that the dollar was no longer viable as a long term global reserve currency. It was not as "good as gold" and the defaults clearly proved it was not backed by the full faith and credit of the United States of America. In addition, the rest of the world was more than a little miffed at the unfair advantage given the US in creating a mountainous balance of trade deficit simply because of the reserve status of the dollar. In effect, the rest of the world was subsidizing the US national debt simply because of the need to accept dollars which could then be used to buy oil. This need in turn only arose because of a private agreement between the US, Britain and the OPEC nations to end the embargo in return for a way by which the Arabs could easily and cheaply convert dollars into the gold they demanded for their oil (more about this later). The world needed a new trade (reserve) currency, but it couldn't be gold. If it were gold, eventually all of the smart money would be converted into gold and all of their fiat currencies would become worthless (actually they already are). The rest of the world was temporarily forced to use those worthless dollars, but eventually there would have to be a reckoning.
With that strange synchronicity which seems so tightly bound to the year 2000, there were two events which occurred in 1999 to start the reckoning. One was the introduction of the Euro (almost twenty years in the making, after the Nixon default). The other was the US running out of gold with which to pay for oil. I admit that I don't have all the details, and probably nobody ever will, but the signs are clear for those who want to see them. There have been rumors for years that the gold is no longer there in Fort Knox, that "somebody" has stolen it. The "proof" is that "they" have not allowed it to be audited since long before the Nixon default.
This view is probably more than a little naive. The gold is probably physically still there (and in other repositories elsewhere) it just doesn't belong to the sheeple any more. Some of it has been fraudulently transferred to the bankers, and more has been secretly paid to the Arabs in return for their oil. For me, the clearest indicator of something rotten in the state of the Fort is the recent gold sales by the Bank of England, initiated by the socialiar Klinton Krony living at Number 10, Downing Street. Why on earth would a G5 nation publicly announce the sale of half it's gold reserves in such a way that it would inevitably force down the price of that gold, thereby greatly reducing the number of worthless dollars the BOE would receive in return for their valuable gold? Why would the European Union respond by forcing Britain to publicly join them in a repudiation of more gold sales and an elimination of the gold lease short sale scams which have depressed the price of gold and pushed the gold mining industry to the brink of destruction? Why would they make sure that a European announcement was made in New York? Why would the price of gold, determined largely by insiders, then immediately jump by about $70 per ounce?
The nudge-nudge, wink-wink answer is that the BOE is covering for one or more deeply short members of the LBMA (London Bullion Merchants Association). Bravo Sierra. A G5 nation doesn't put up half of all it's real money just to cover a few banks. It doesn't have to. It just prints more paper and takes the inflation hit, as America has done time and time again. No, a bailout of this magnitude is only done for another nation, and a very close ally at that. The only nation close enough to Britain to receive this kind of special treatment is the United States. In fact, a bailout of this size isn't even likely for a close ally, just on it's own merits. Even if Bully Blair does owe his temporary Downing Street address to the Klinton Machine and to campaign funds provided by Goldman Sachs (the villain of the Ashanti gold mine disaster). Such a bailout could only occur if Britain itself is also in deep monetary trouble. All of this will come out in the bubblegate trials but, in the meantime, the most logical conclusion is that the US Treasury and/or the Federal Reserve and Great Britain are heavily short of the mellow yellow metal.
But the Arabs still want gold for their oil. Which is why the Euro will fail. It took twenty years to craft this first attempt at a European monetary hegemony. It has much to offer. A simple, interchangeable currency for the whole of Europe would be a godsend to business efficiency and it is even backed 15% to 30% by gold (depending on the price of gold and how you look at it). As is, it is far more dependable than the dollar. But it isn't gold and it can't be simply and legally exchanged for gold. If it isn't a complete, 100% genuine certificate, permanently redeemable for physical gold, the Euro is worthless. It's just another piece of counterfeit paper. Which is why the Euro will fail. But the Arabs still want gold for their oil.
The EEC is making the same fundamental mistake as Nixon in the 1971 gold default. These stupid bankers really, truly, believe their pathetic paper is actually worth something to intelligent people and that there are enough sheeple to believe in it and keep the ponzi scheme going. But the Arabs still want gold for their oil. Which is why the Euro will fail. If the Euro doesn't pay out in gold, if the dollar can no longer be easily exchanged for gold, there will be no more cheap oil from the Middle East.
This, then, is the crux of the gold-oil, or GO crisis. Like it or not, the Middle East has control of both the remaining oil and the gold to pay for it (past and future). The world needs oil and gold to keep the wheels of the economy turning. Without them, the world we know won't GO, it will STOP. If either stops flowing, there is no human alternative but to switch to the other precious metal, lead, at an average velocity of 2750 feet per second. Or its precursor, uranium, which after certain transitions also becomes a form of high temperature lead. I have no doubt that, militarily, we would win such a World War Three. But do we have the right? What is the cost to our souls?
These, then, are the first three horses of my apokalypsos (a simple Greek word meaning "revelation", not necessarily the immediate end of the world).
They are Y2K, and the GO crisis. But, like my namesake John, I have a fourth, pale horse whose rider is named Death, and Hades follows close behind him. So far, I have placed all of these problems synchronously in the 1999/2000 time frame, and I feel confident enough of my technical
ability, analysis and knowledge to do so. The fourth is a public health problem but, even though I started out to be a medical student, I don't really feel qualified to place it absolutely in any particular time frame. Nevertheless, I feel it's spiritual presence within me at this time. Many great historical changes have been accompanied by sickness and death. The departure of Israel from Egypt. The Black Death of the middle ages. The influenza epidemic of 1918 (which basically ended World War One).
We are overdue for another flu epidemic like this. And there are other diseases appearing with greater frequency all over the world, in spite or perhaps because of modern medical marvels -- AIDS, the resurgence of antibiotic resistant TB, the deadly Hanta virus right here in Arizona and Ebola and similar viruses which jump from the jungle and leap with certain death from victim to victim in a matter of days or even hours. I am certain about the first three horses and I am certain they will produce conditions in which fresh water and reliable sewage treatment are at great risk. Do not be surprised to see my fourth horseman riding through your neighborhood at the same time as all these other disasters are happening. I pray that the Lord will be with you, with your children, and with mine.
And now, for something completely different, let's close with two simple lines from the world wide children's game -- Hide and Seek:
. . . one thousand nine hundred and ninety nine, two thousand! . . . ready or not, I'm c.o.m.i.n.g ! ! !


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