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Subject: [ICD]   Senator "Flip-flop" Kerry  (Part 2)

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Senator "Flip-flop" Kerry
Part 2
“Why is Saddam Hussein attempting to develop nuclear weapons when most
nations don’t even try and responsible nations that have them attempt to
limit their potential for disaster? Why did Saddam Hussein threaten and
provoke? Why does he develop missiles that exceed allowable limits? Why
did Saddam Hussein lie and deceive the inspection teams? Why did Saddam
Hussein not account for all the weapons of mass destruction which UNSCOM
identified? Why is he seeking to develop unmanned airborne vehicles for
delivery of biological agents?... The unrestrained threat of weapons of
mass destruction in the hands of Saddam Hussein is unacceptable and his
refusal to allow UN inspectors to return was a blatant violation of the
1991 cease-fire agreement.” --Sen. John Kerry (well after 9/11), US House
floor, 10/9/02
"John Kerry:
   Voted against the Iraq war ...
   Before he was for the Iraq war ...
   Before he voted for the Iraq war ...
   Before he was against the Iraq war ...
   Before he voted for funding the Iraq war ...
   Before he voted against funding."
   --Kerry Iraq Documentary, 7/28/04
"Although Kerry describes himself as a fiscal conservative and moderate
on other issues, he ranked as the ninth most liberal senator in the
National Journal's comparison of voting records for 2002. He ranked even
higher -- more liberal than Kennedy -- on economic issues.... Americans
for Democratic Action, a liberal group, rated Kerry more liberal than
Kennedy during the time they served together in the Senate..."
--Washington Post, 2/8/04
Kerry's Campaign Theme:
       "Judge Me By My Words Alone"
August 3, 2004
This is the first of two columns -- one won't be enough -- addressing the
audacious statements in John Kerry's convention speech.
On divisiveness after 9-11, Kerry said he was proud that all Americans
were unified after September 11 and "How we wish it had stayed that way."
This self-serving formulation ignores that the Democrats' Bush-hatred
preceded 9-11 by almost two years and merely took a short, required
sabbatical following the terrorist attacks.
On divisiveness in general, Kerry said, "Let's build unity in the
American family, not angry division.... This is our time to reject the
kind of politics calculated to divide race from race, group from group,
region from region.... I see us as one America red, white and blue." Need
we remind the senator that it is his party that routinely plays the class
warfare and race cards, clearly promoting "angry division"? In this very
speech, Kerry railed against tax cuts for the rich, even though the
wealthiest Americans received the smallest percentage tax cuts under the
Bush plan. And should we interpret Kerry's echo of Barack Obama's
"one-America" theme, an outright repudiation of his running mate's
two-Americas shtick?
On his record, Kerry said, "I ask that you judge me by my record." But
that's the last thing Kerry wants us to do, as evidenced by the balance
of his speech and most of the other convention speeches, which were all
calculated to obscure Kerry's anemic record on national defense. For good
reason, the only facts Kerry shared about his Senate voting record dealt
not with national security, but a balanced budget initiative and a law
enforcement measure.
On negative campaigning, Kerry lectured President Bush, "In the weeks
ahead, let's be optimists, not just opponents." This was after Kerry had
pledged to "restore trust and credibility to the White House, accused
V.P. Cheney of conducting illicit secret meetings with "polluters" and
accused President Bush of "mislead(ing) us into war," playing footsie
with the Saudi Royal family, not guiding policy by facts and "distorting
facts with politics." Campaigning doesn't get any dirtier than this. And
if Kerry meant to suggest that Bush either pressured the CIA or distorted
the intelligence provided to him, he is contradicting the 9-11 Commission
and the agencies themselves. (And don't forget Kerry's bizarre hedge as
recently as May, admitting that we still might find WMD in Iraq.)
On honoring the Constitution, Kerry said he "will appoint an attorney
general who actually upholds the Constitution." Like Janet Reno, perhaps,
who demonstrated her allegiance for the document in ratifying or ordering
the storming of Waco and the home of Elian's Miami relatives? And while
Ashcroft is the Democrats' favorite demon, Kerry wants us to forget that
he voted for the Patriot Act himself. Kerry also admonished President
Bush not to misuse the Constitution for political purposes -- presumably,
like his colleagues on the Senate Judiciary Committee, who have often
usurped the president's judicial appointment power.
On nuance, Kerry said, "I know there are those who criticize me for
seeing complexities -- and I do -- because some issues just aren't that
simple." Sorry, but the reverse is true. Republicans haven't dogged Kerry
for his pretentious, self-congratulatory nuance. They have merely
applauded President Bush for his moral clarity and defended him against
Democratic criticism that he lacks nuance. Nuance and complexity are
fine, but paralytic indecisiveness is not nuance, and moral uncertainty
is neither proof of complexity or mental agility.
On war, Kerry guaranteed he would never lead America into war unless "we
have to." I suppose, then, he will apologize for his support of the Iraq
War resolution and the bombing of Serbia and recant his earlier
pronouncements that preemptive war may sometimes be necessary.
On defense, Kerry said he would "provide our troops with the newest
weapons and technology to save their lives and win the battle." I note
that it was not at this juncture in the speech that Kerry asked to be
judged on his record.
On the draft, Kerry made an utterly irresponsible statement, unfitting a
would-be commander in chief: "We will end the backdoor draft of National
Guard and reservists." Every reservist is told before he enlists or
re-ups that he can be called into active duty. To suggest that the
administration somehow misled the reserves by activating them is
unconscionable. It also invites the question of how Senator Kerry, who
has sometimes been critical of our troop levels in Iraq, would have
brought them to sufficient strength. Oh, that's right. He would have
simply asked the foreign leaders who would prefer him as president, and
they would have complied because they like him.
More on such foolishness in Part II.
David Limbaugh
Copyright David Limbaugh 2004
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Extreme Makeover Fact Sheet:
       Setting the Record Straight
July 29, 2004
Even before John Kerry has spoken, he is working to distort his own
record and the President's. He is engaged in an extreme makeover of his
out of the mainstream record.
Kerry: "My fellow Americans, this is the most important election of our
lifetime. The stakes are high. We are a nation at war -- a global war on
terror against an enemy unlike any we have ever known before. And here at
home, wages are falling, health care costs are rising, and our great
middle class is shrinking. People are working weekends; they're working
two jobs, three jobs, and they're still not getting ahead."
Economy Creating More High-Paying Jobs Than Low-Paying Jobs. "According
to BusinessWeek's analysis, 40% of American workers belong to
occupation/industry groups where the median pay is $559 a week or more.
Yet, employment growth in those higher-paying groups accounted for well
over half of total job growth during the past year. Average monthly
employment in the higher-paying groups was 744,000 higher in the 12
months ended in June, 2004, than in the previous 12-month period. By
contrast, only 408,000 jobs were added in groups whose median pay was
$553 a week or less, even though they account for 52% of total jobs."
("Another Look At Those Job Numbers," BusinessWeek, 7/26/04)
Average GDP over Most Recent Three Quarters
1996: 3.1% 2004: 5.6%
The Prescription Drug Bill Signed by President Bush Offers a Prescription
Drug Benefit under Medicare for the First Time in History.
Kerry Voted 98 Times for Tax Increases Totaling More than $2.3 Trillion.
Kerry Voted at Least 126 Times against Tax Cuts Totaling More than $5.3
Kerry Has Voted 73 Times to Reduce the Size of a Tax Cut.
Kerry Voted 67 Times for Smaller Tax Cuts (Democrat Alternatives).
Kerry Voted 11 Times against Repealing Tax Hikes.
Kerry: "We can do better and we will. We're the optimists. For us, this
is a country of the future. We're the can do people. And let's not forget
what we did in the 1990s. We balanced the budget. We paid down the debt.
We created 23 million new jobs. We lifted millions out of poverty and we
lifted the standard of living for the middle class. We just need to
believe in ourselves -- and we can do it again."
In the 1990s, Kerry Voted for the Largest Tax Increase in US History.
Jan-June Average Unemployment
1996: 5.5% 2004: 5.6%
30-Year Fixed Rate Conventional Mortgages
1996: 8.32% 2004: 6.29%
June Consumer Sentiment
1996: 92.4 2004: 95.2
Kerry Says America is "In the Worst Job Recovery Since the Great
Depression." (Sen. John Kerry, "Statement by John Kerry on New Jobs
Numbers," Press Release, 5/7/04)
Kerry: "As president, I will ask hard questions and demand hard evidence.
I will immediately reform the intelligence system - so policy is guided
by facts, and facts are never distorted by politics. And as president, I
will bring back this nation's time-honored tradition: the United States
of America never goes to war because we want to, we only go to war
because we have to."
Kerry Was on Senate Select Intelligence Committee for Eight Years
• While on Committee, Kerry Missed 38 of 49 Intelligence Committee
Hearings. During John Kerry's eight years of service on the Senate's
Select Committee on Intelligence, there were 49 open, public hearings. Of
these 49, John Kerry attended just 11 (22.4%). Among the most notable of
those he missed is the June 8, 2000, hearing on the report of the
National Commission on Terrorism, which warned about the terrorist threat
we now face and recommended numerous steps to address that threat (few of
which were adopted prior to 9/11/01).
• While on Committee, Kerry Proposed over $7.5 Billion in Across the
Board Cuts to Intelligence Budget, All of which Were Rejected by
Democrats and Republicans Alike. (S. 1826, Introduced 2/3/1994; S. Amdt.
1452, Introduced 2/9/94; S. 1290, Introduced 9/29/95)
• A Look at Kerry's Legislative Record During that Same Time Period Finds
No Legislation that Kerry Proposed (Wrote and Sponsored) to Increase
Funding for Human Intelligence or Reform Intelligence Community to Focus
Resources on Human Intelligence Gathering.
• Kerry Touted Being "Way Ahead" of President Clinton, His Senate
Colleagues and Much of Country in His Support for Regime Change, by
Ground Troops if Necessary.
ABC's GEORGE WILL: "Senator Kerry, given the fact that we say, on the one
hand, he's like Hitler - the most evil man since Hitler, the secretary of
state said this week - yet he's not worth fighting for on the ground,
fighting against on the ground, is it perhaps time for the United States
to quit obsessing about him, say this is a problem we can't solve, and
think about other things?"
SEN. JOHN KERRY: "Well, first of all, George, I don't believe it's not
worth fighting for on the ground. And I think that's your last position,
and there are many things you can do. And I'm quite confident you can
make his life sufficiently miserable and deprive him of the ability to
survive without necessarily having to reach that level. But I'm prepared
to go to the level. And the reason is very simple [I] believe he is the
kind of threat that has been described. I believe that in the post- Cold
War period this issue of proliferation, particularly in the hands of
Saddam Hussein, is critical. It has implications for a Qaddafi, for a
Sudan, for other countries in the world in the future."
WILL: "Senator Kerry, you're way ahead of the commander in chief in this
KERRY: "I am way ahead of the commander in chief, and I'm probably way
ahead of my colleagues and certainly of much of the country. But I
believe this. I believe that he has used these weapons before. He has
invaded another country. He views himself as a modern-day Nebuchadnezzar.
He wants to continue to play the uniting critical role in that part of
the world. And I think we have to stand up to that."
(ABC's "This Week," 2/22/98)
Kerry: "I defended this country as a young man and I will defend it as
president. Let there be no mistake: I will never hesitate to use force
when it is required. Any attack will be met with a swift and certain
response. I will never give any nation or international institution a
veto over our national security. And I will build a stronger American
1990-2003: Voted at Least 12 Times against Higher Pay for America's
Hardworking Volunteer Military.
Kerry Voted for Use of Force Resolution against Iraq. Kerry and Edwards
voted for the Congressional resolution authorizing the use of force
against Iraq.
Senators Kerry and Edwards are Two of Only Four US Senators Who Voted for
the Use of Force Resolution against Iraq and against the $87 Billion
Funding Bill for Our Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
• Supplemental Funding Bill Kerry and Edwards Voted against Provided
"Extra Money for Body Armor for Soldiers ..." ("Highlights of Iraq,
Afghanistan Measures," The Associated Press, 10/17/03; S. Rept. 108-160,
Conference Report on S. 1689, 10/2/03)
• Supplemental Funding Bill Kerry and Edwards Voted against Provided
Increased Combat Pay for Troops. ("Highlights Of Iraq, Afghanistan
Measures," The Associated Press, 10/17/03; S. Rept. 108-160, Conference
Report on S. 1689, 10/2/03; "FY 2004 Supplemental Request for Operation
Iraqi Freedom (OIF), Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), and Operation
Noble Eagle (ONE)," US Department Of Defense, 9/03)
• Supplemental Funding Bill Kerry and Edwards Voted against Provided
Health Benefits for Reservists and Guardsmen Called to Active Duty, as
Well as Support for Their Families. ("Highlights Of Iraq, Afghanistan
Measures," The Associated Press, 10/17/03; S. Rept. 108-160, Conference
Report on S. 1689, 10/2/03; "FY 2004 Supplemental Request for Operation
Iraqi Freedom (OIF), Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), and Operation
Noble Eagle (ONE)," US Department of Defense, 9/03)
Kerry Had Characterized a Vote against the Funding as "Irresponsible."
(CBS, "Face the Nation," 9/14/03)
Kerry Later Offered a Tortured Explanation of His Vote against the $87
Billion to Support Troops in Iraq. "I actually did vote for the $87
billion before I voted against it." (Richard W. Stevenson and Adam
Nagourney, "Bush's Campaign Emphasizes Role Of Leader In War," The New
York Times, 3/17/04)
Kerry Said He was "Proud" that He and Edwards Voted against $87 Billion
in Funding for US Soldiers. (John Kerry, Remarks at "Women's Voices: A
Luncheon with John Kerry," Boston, MA, 7/12/04)
Kerry then Said His Vote against Body Armor and Supplies for Troops was
"Complicated." (MSNBC's "Imus in the Morning," 7/15/04)
Kerry Even Said His Vote for the War and against Funding for Our Troops
was "Not a Flip-Flop." (CBS' "Evening News," 7/21/04)
Kerry Adviser on Vote against the $87 Billion Appropriation: "Off the
Record, He Did It because of Howard Dean. On The Record, He Has an
Elaborate Explanation." (Philip Gourevitch, "Damage Control," The New
Yorker, 7/26/04)
Kerry: "In these dangerous days there is a right way and a wrong way to
be strong. Strength is more than tough words. After decades of experience
in national security, I know the reach of our power and I know the power
of our ideals."
Kerry's Storied Career of Opposing a Strong National Defense
1972: In Congressional Race, Pledged to "Bring a Different Kind of
Message" by Voting against Defense Funds. ("Candidates For Congress
Capture Campus In Andover," Lawrence [MA] Eagle-Tribune, 4/21/72)
1982-1984: Used Lieutenant Governor Position to Lobby against Reagan
Defense Build-Up and Supported Nuclear Freeze Movement. (Senate Candidate
Questionnaire, Massachusetts "Freeze Voter '84," 5/25/84)
1984: Running For Senate, Pledged to "Fight to Cut the Overall Defense
Budget." Opposed "annual increases in the military budget above the rate
of inflation," and proposed cutting "$200 billion from the defense budget
over four years ..." (John Kerry, Letter to US Senate Campaign
Supporters, 6/84; "Senate Candidates' Positions," The Boston Globe,
7/8/84; Chris Black, "Kerry Asks Cuts in Defense Outlay," The Boston
Globe, 5/30/84)
1993: Sen. Kerry Proposed Numerous Defense Cuts. Included cuts in number
of navy submarines, Army light infantry units and air force tactical
fighter wings, plus the immediate retirement of no less than 60,000
members of the armed forces. (S.1163, Introduced 6/24/93)
1994: Sen. Kerry Proposed $45 Billion Cut in Defense and Science Programs
Vital to National Security. (S. 1826, Introduced 2/3/94; Sen. John Kerry,
Congressional Record, 2/3/94, p. S807)
1996: Sen. Kerry Questioned Defense Budget Size: "What is it that We are
Really Preparing for in a Post-Cold-War World?" (Sen. John Kerry,
Congressional Record, 5/15/96, p. S5061)
2001: Sen. Kerry Opposed Push to "Spend More Money on the Military, which
Bush is Going to Do ..." (CNN's "Late Edition With Wolf Blitzer,"
1985-2001: Voted at Least 38 Times to Cut, Transfer or Otherwise Decrease
Overall Defense Budget.
Kerry: "And the front lines of this battle are not just far away --
they're right here on our shores, at our airports, and potentially in any
town or city. Today, our national security begins with homeland security.
The 9-11 Commission has given us a path to follow, endorsed by Democrats,
Republicans, and the 9-11 families. As president, I will not evade or
equivocate; I will immediately implement the recommendations of that
commission. We shouldn't be letting ninety-five percent of container
ships come into our ports without ever being physically inspected. We
shouldn't be leaving our nuclear and chemical plants without enough
protection. And we shouldn't be opening firehouses in Baghdad and closing
them down in the United States of America."
Overall Homeland Security Funding Tripled: Since 2001, President Bush has
nearly tripled the amount of funds devoted to homeland security. In his
2005 budget, President Bush has called for a $3.6 billion (9.7%) increase
over funding levels for DHS from 2004.
President Bush Will Take Action "Within Days." "President Bush is
preparing executive orders and a speech detailing his initial plans for
revamping the nation's intelligence services, administration officials
said Wednesday. He is likely to begin his announcements within days, the
officials said." (Mike Allen And Dan Eggen, "Bush May Move Soon On 9/11
Report," The Washington Post, 7/29/04)
First Responders Funding Up 680%: President Clinton's last budget (FY
2001) provided $456 million for state & local funding. President Bush's
FY 2005 budget request allocates $3.561 billion to states & locals. That
is a $3.1 billion increase (680%) in funding levels for President
Clinton's last budget. President Bush has allocated more than $13 billion
since 2001 to state and local law enforcement for use in
counter-terrorism preparedness efforts.
Assistance to Firefighters. President Bush's FY 2005 budget request
allocates $500 million for Assistance to Firefighter Grants -- a 400%
increase since taking office. Assistance to Firefighter Grants go
directly to local firehouses to increase the effectiveness of
firefighting operations, firefighter health and safety programs, new fire
apparatus, emergency medical service programs and fire prevention
programs. President Bush has already awarded over $1.1 billion in
firefighter grants in the last three years. The President's budgets have
provided 900% more funds for firefighter grants than the previous
administration's budgets. ("USFA: Assistance to Firefighters Grants
Program Fiscal Year 2003 Recipients," US Fire Association, Accessed
Kerry: "For four years, we've heard a lot of talk about values. But
values spoken without actions taken are just slogans. Values are not just
words. They're what we live by. They're about the causes we champion and
the people we fight for. And it is time for those who talk about family
values to start valuing families."
Nonpartisan National Journal Scored Kerry's Votes Most Liberal in Senate
for 2003. Kerry scored a Senate-high 97% liberal rating for 2003, beating
out Sens. Barbara Boxer (91), Hillary Clinton (89), Ted Kennedy (88), and
Tom Daschle (80). (National Journal Website, "How They Measured Up,"
http://nationaljournal.com, 2/27/04)
Kerry Voted Against the Laci Peterson Law, Known as the "Unborn Victims
of Violence Act." This new law acknowledges a common-sense proposition:
When a crime of violence against a pregnant woman kills or injures her
unborn child, there are two victims, and two offenses that should be
Kerry Voted to Allow Federal Money to be Used to Distribute the
Morning-After Abortion Pill in America's Schools.
Kerry: "We value jobs that pay you more not less than you earned before.
We value jobs where, when you put in a week's work, you can actually pay
your bills, provide for your children, and lift up the quality of your
life. We value an America where the middle class is not being squeezed,
but doing better."
Kerry is No Friend of Middle Class
Kerry Voted against Amendment to FY 2004 Budget Resolution that Would
Extend $1,000 Child Tax Credit until 2013.
Kerry Sponsored and Voted for Motion to Kill Marriage Penalty Relief for
Couples Earning Less than $50,000 per Year. "Kerry, D-Mass., motion to
table (kill) the Gramm, R-Texas, amendment -- The Gramm amendment would
allow couples with combined incomes under $50,000 a year to claim an
additional $3,300 income tax deduction, thus eliminating the so-called
marriage penalty for those in that income bracket." Sen. Gramm's marriage
penalty relief would have saved taxpayers $46 billion over 10 years. The
amendment also would allowed self-employed individuals to deduct health
insurance costs on their income taxes. (S. 1415, CQ Vote #154: Rejected
48-50: R 5-49; D 43-1, 6/10/98, Kerry Voted Yea)
Kerry Voted Three Times against Repealing the 1993 Clinton Tax Increase
on Social Security Benefits.
Kerry Voted against the 2001 and 2003 Tax Cuts.
Kerry Voted against Eliminating Clinton-Instituted 4.3-Cent Tax on
Transportation Fuels.
In 1995, Kerry Voted for a Resolution that Said Middle Class Tax Cuts
were Not Wise. The sense of the Senate amendment, killed on a motion by
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), said, "reducing the deficit should be one of the
nation's highest priorities, and that a middle-class tax cut would
undermine and be inconsistent with the goal of achieving a balanced
budget." (H.J. Res. 1, CQ Vote #67: Motion Agreed To 66-32: R 49-3; D
17-29, 2/14/95, Kerry Voted Nay)
• Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI), Sponsor of Resolution, said Senators Need
"Will" to Resist Middle Class Tax Cut. (Sen. Russ Feingold, Congressional
Record, 2/14/95, p. S2617)
Dems Extreme Makeover
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Kerry 'Unfit to be Commander-in-Chief,' Say Former Military Colleagues
Liberalism, Kerry's Wartime Handicap
Kerry's Early Pact with Communist Sandinistas
Kerry Honored/Supported by Communists
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Kerry Shields Communist Vietnam's Slaughter of Christians
Kerry's FBI File
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Kerry Needs To Answer
Kerry Rescued by New York Times
The Liberal Media Favors Kerry Over Bush
Strange Encounter on a Ski Slope
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Kerry Supporters Put on a Friendly Face
Compare the Candidates
Voter Information
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