-Caveat Lector-

> http://emperors-clothes.com/news/borislav.htm
> And this current tendency to reduce human existence to one equivalent
> evil, where 'humanitarian' means 'bombing' and resistance to
> terrorism is by definition virtually the same as terror, where it is
> considered natural for ethnic groups to try to kill each other and we
> are supposed to root for whichever side the Imperial media has
> portrayed as victims so that whatever they do is justified as
> "revenge" against whatever group has currently been labeled "just
> like Hitler" - that, it seems to me, is what your brother has been
> fighting. That is why I'm supporting him. Sorry for my long speech!
> Yes yes! No, no it's very good speech!
> [In Serbo-Croatian] The whole concept that your government is trying
> to impose on the world is very similar to what they preached when
> there was a bipolar world, creating a positive force and its
> opponent, a negative force, which today is called international
> terrorism; and in that struggle everything is allowed. And nobody may
> be neutral in that fight.
> So in the conditions of world supremacy of one power, the tendency
> for having new armaments of mass destruction, new lethal arms is
> increasing and it leads to development and strengthening of
> terrorism. International terrorism cannot be suppressed by the use of
> force alone, especially, as you correctly pointed out, when the
> supreme power is itself organizing terrorism in various ways in
> Kosovo, in Afghanistan, in Chechnya. So international security can be
> created only on the basis of universality, and not on the basis of
> isolation and destruction of several countries that allegedly
> represent some axis of evil.
> And you have correctly pointed out that many organizations defined as
> terrorist for instance and especially in the Middle East, were
> created and are still controlled by the American secret services.
> And the American policy has created great harm in other ways. There
> is the destruction of the environment and the economy in Yugoslavia
> because of the attack. And there is the increasing danger of both
> nuclear accident and nuclear war.
> I think you made a very important point, that the Empire wishes to
> create the perception of a bipolar world, in which they are one pole
> and the other is terrorism.
> This Empire's thinkers are aware that every action has an equal and
> opposite reaction. Because it's a law of politics, isn't it? So
> opposition inevitably develops. And because they are clever, instead
> of only attacking the opposition, the Empire tries to mold the
> opposition. How can they lose if they are fighting something they
> control? Their own nightmare image, in effect.
> By declaring this war on terrorism, they are fighting forces which
> they covertly control. Then they also defend these terrorists, whom
> they actually organized, by means of the 'human rights' apparatus
> which they also control - and this ends up luring some people into
> sympathy and support for the terrorists.
> Such people may not be thinking clearly or maybe they've just fallen
> into the natural reaction that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" -
> it's a human trait to think that way. So we see people on what
> considers itself the Left in the West making heroes out of the
> Taliban and other terrorists. But these terrorists are not
> fundamentally opponents of this Empire. The Taliban, for example, are
> victims of a guiding principle of this Empire, which is, "We have no
> friends, we only have future victims." This Empire may attack those
> whom it supported yesterday, as the need arises. The Taliban were
> supported by them (11) and then abruptly they became a target because
> the US needed an excuse, or more properly, the Empire needed an
> excuse, because it is not the same as the US, this Empire is above
> the US government, the Empire needed an excuse to move into Central
> Asia. This was for geopolitical reasons. They wanted to give Central
> Asian nations the DOS (12) treatment, which is penetra!
> tion by Fifth Column organizations, and we see this now going on in
> Central Asia accompanied by military penetration and the corruption
> of the remnants of the Soviet officer corps disguised as military aid
> and training. The goal is to build a force in these countries capable
> of striking Russia. The Empire knows that Russia, in alliance with
> China, is the primary real threat to their control.
> None of this is contradicted by Mr. Putin's complete capitulation. As
> we saw with Macedonia, capitulation does not protect a country from
> attack by this Empire. Indeed, the experience of the Taliban shows
> that even being created by this Empire won't help if they decide to
> recycle you! (13)
> So this move to complete the encirclement of Russia is justified by
> the "war against Terrorism." And so some people in the peace
> movement, perhaps not giving enough thought to what's going on, but
> simply reacting to the appearance, which is that the Empire is
> attacking Islamic fundamentalist terrorists - some people conclude
> that the fundamentalists are an ally in resisting NATO. Meanwhile, in
> fact, huge numbers of Taliban are being incorporated into the new
> Afghan army (14) which is still a Fundamentalist army, just more
> directly under Imperial control and with an end to local squabbling,
> or so they hope.
> When Russia was the opposite pole, that was a problem. Russia had
> positive ideas and practices regarding social equality. It was weak
> on democracy and sometimes on international morality but strong on
> social equality, and this encouraged dangerous egalitarianism. But
> with Islamic terrorists as the opposite pole, when potential
> opponents are drawn to the opposite pole, what are they idolizing?
> The most backward and fascistic forces - the very people Saudi Arabia
> and US used to destroy the secular state in Afghanistan.
> So these jihad terrorists, the most brutal killers, who condone
> violence against women, whose definition of democracy is enforcing
> the Quran, who advocate religious war - these fanatics become the
> heroes for kids who want to change the world. What a nightmare.
> It is a difficult situation.
> Regarding this, let me say something about the war on terror. We in
> Yugoslavia consider September 11th a tragic event.
> Perhaps your readers are not aware of the horrific destruction done
> to my country [during the NATO attack on Yugoslavia]. This was a war
> of terror. It was launched to support terrorists in Kosovo. And it
> was conducted by planes dropping bombs, often encased in uranium,
> from a great height, not by troops on the ground. Terrible
> destruction, massive killings, environmental devastation. And all
> carried out from a great height. Against a country which hadn't
> invaded or threatened anyone. So this too was terror. (15)
> But we take no satisfaction regarding Sept. 11. On the contrary, we
> sympathize with those who have suffered in the US.
> It is understandable that people in your country would have strong
> reactions when those terrible events happened last September. But now
> time has passed. A more thoughtful approach may be taken. A road of
> peace may be pursued. I hope that people in your country will think
> deeply about these questions. It is very important to the world.
> Thank you, Mr. Ambassador.
> OK, Israel. It was very very big pleasure for me and I am very
> pleased to contact to you like this and thank you very much. Very big
> pleasure for me.
> Well, thank your mother and father for having produced two men who
> have contributed so much to the world.
> * BORISLAV MILOSEVIC [Laughs. Says in English]:
> Don't overestimate things.
> But it's the truth. Where would we be without Serbia? You resisted.
> What can I say? The Serbs seem to do it every time.
> ***
> Join our email list at http://emperors-clothes.com/f.htm
> Receive articles posted on Emperor's Clothes.
> Click here to email the link to this article to a friend.
> Further Reading:
> EVIDENCE,' by Professor Francisco Gil-White can be read at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/milo/gw.htm
> 2) 'Milosevic Speech at Kosovo Field (1989),' can be read at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/milo/milosaid.html
> LIE,' is a statement Slobodan Milosevic made during a pre-'trial'
> hearing at The Hague. It contradicts what one might expect Milosevic
> to say, based on his portrait as drawn in the Western media. Can be
> read at
> http://www.icdsm.org/milosevic/30jan.htm#1
> 4) In the classic text, 'Seeing Yugoslavia Through a Dark Glass:
> Politics, Media and the Ideology of Globalization,' Diana Johnstone
> quotes a semi-internal publication of the very anti-Milosevic
> International Crisis Group which states that Albanian secessionists
> in fact boycotted Albanian-language institutions in Serbia (as
> opposed to having been deprived of such cultural institutions by
> supposed racists, as they and the Western media claimed.) In other
> words, they and the Western 'experts' lied. The relevant quote is at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/Johnstone/1yugo.htm#kspring
> Ms. Johnstone's article is generally instructive in seeing through
> the dark glass of misinformation about Yugoslavia.
> 4a) Speaking of 'provocative images,' in 'Art in the New World
> Order,' written in spring of 2000, a news photographer discusses the
> amazing fact that from 1998 to 2000 virtually all the top
> photojournalism awards were given for pictures of crying Kosovo
> Albanian women. What will future generations make of this? Can be
> read (and sample prize winning photos can be seen) at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/analysis/artinthe.htm
> 5) "Afghan Operation Leaves Russia 'Encircled' by US and NATO,"
> by Sergey Ptichkin and Aleksey Chichkin can be read at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/analysis/encircle.htm
> 6) 'Gaping Holes in the 'CIA vs. bin Laden Story,' by * JARED ISRAEL
> can be read at http://emperors-clothes.com/news/probestop-i.htm
> 6a) 'Bush & the Media Cover up the Jihad Schoolbook Scandal,'
> http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/jared/jihad.htm
> 7) 'Did any major power NOT fund the Kostunica campaign?' can be read
> at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/news/everybody's.htm
> 8) 'The Black Hole,' by Petar Makara documents that 'Yugoslavia' was
> removed from the Britanica when the existence of said country became
> politically incorrect. Can be read at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/multiple/blackhole.html
> 9) Alijah Izetbegovic was portrayed in the Western media as a
> moderate in favor of a multiethnic Bosnia. Nothing could be further
> from the truth. For a revealing quote from his book, "Islamic
> Declaration," and a bit on his role during World War II, see "JOE
> http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/garris/duringthe.htm#1
> 10) 'The Other Side of the Story,' by Dusan Vilic and Bosko
> Todorovic.
> Written by two retired Yugoslav generals with access to never-before
> released army orders, this truly amazing book documents the ways the
> Yugoslav Army strove to fight NATO-backed terrorists in a
> civilian-friendly way, thus demonstrating that contrary to Chomsky,
> counter-terrorism need not equal terror. The issue of civilian
> relations is discussed throughout including in chapter seven which
> can be accessed at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/book/book7.htm
> The book can be accessed in full, or, for quicker loading,
> chapter-by-chapter, starting with chapter one. For whole book go to
> http://www.icdsm.org/more/book.htm
> or for chapter one (with link to chapter two, and so on) go to
> http://emperors-clothes.com/book/book1.htm
> 11) 'Congressman: U.S. Set Up Anti-Taliban to be Slaughtered,'
> includes text of Congressional hearing and comments by * JARED
> ISRAEL. Go to http://emperors-clothes.com/misc/rohr.htm
> 12) DOS stands for Democratic Opposition of Serbia, a charming use of
> language, since these 'democrats' overthrew the elected Yugoslav
> government and burned the Parliament and these 'Serbs' were given
> what were in Serbian terms astronomical amounts of money by the US
> and other states in the new Empire in exchange for 'their' nation.
> For more information, see these two texts, which also have useful
> references found in 'sections marked Footnotes' or 'Further Reading':
> * a) "Kostunica Says Some Backers 'Unconsciously work for American
> Imperial Goals...'" at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/news/erlang.htm
> [Includes the infamous remark that the US shipped 'suitcases of cash'
> to DOS]
> * b) 'US Arrogance and Yugoslav Elections' at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/engl.htm
> 13) On NATO's use of UN-paid terrorists to attack Macedonia see:
> http://emperors-clothes.com/mac/times.htm
> [Note - If you are not familiar with what has been done to Macedonia,
> the phrase "UN-paid terrorists" may sound like the worst hyperbole.
> But read the article and you will see that it is understatement.]
> 14) For documentation of claim that much of Taliban has been
> incorporated into the new Afghan Army, go to
> http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/jared/oil-1.htm#1
> 15) In 'Death on a Very Small Planet' we have posted strikingly
> similar pictures of the destruction caused by September 11th and by
> NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia. Can be viewed at
> http://www.emperors-clothes.com/1/rem.htm
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