Bahamas – The same Chinese company that recently took operational control of 
the Panama Canal is currently completing construction of the largest 
container port in the world in Freeport, Bahamas – just 60 miles from 
Florida. View Photos of the PortSeveral U.S. military experts say that the 
activities of Hutchison Whampoa Limited, a Hong Kong-based conglomerate, in 
both Panama and the Bahamas, pose a significant risk to U.S. national 
security. Officials for Hutchison Whampoa have heatedly denied any links with 
the Red Chinese government, but several established connections – including 
new evidence uncovered by – suggest the Chinese government has a 
keen interest in the company's activities. One port facility that has 
captured the interest of the Chinese government is Hutchison Whampoa's 
sprawling port facility in the tourist destination of Freeport on Grand 
Bahama Island.Strategically Located Near U.S. East Coast According to the 
company's Web site, the port is located at one of the most strategic spots in 
the world because "Freeport is the closest offshore port to the east coast of 
the United States, at the cross-roads of routes between Europe and the 
Americas and through the Panama Canal."In 1995, Hutchison Whampoa entered 
into a 50-50 partnership with the Grand Bahama Development Company, a 
privately owned Bahamian company, to develop and expand the small Freeport 
facility that had catered to cruise ships. Since then, Hutchison has helped 
dredge and expand the port, making it capable of handling the largest 
container ships on the high seas. According to Michael Powers, Hutchison 
Whampoa's General Manager for the Freeport development, the container port is 
simply a "dedicated deep water trans-shipment hub."'Hub' Port for Container 
ShippingLarge container ships coming from several directions can off-load 
their container boxes, which can be re-routed on to other large or small 
container ships for delivery. The port operates, he says, much like Miami 
airport might serve as a "hub" for travelers going to destinations around the 
globe. Already the port is doing a brisk business in container shipments, 
Powers said, and has the capacity to become the world's largest container 
port. He said the company also plans to make the port the world's largest 
cruise ship destination port. Already, Disney cruise lines will soon make 
Freeport a port of call. The company has ambitious plans to create the 
largest air cargo facility on land adjacent to the port. Hutchison has a 50 
percent stake in the Grand Bahama Airport Company, which owns one of the 
largest airport runways in the world – more than 11,000 feet long. According 
to Powers, the runway is capable of handling the world's largest cargo and 
military aircraft. On 800 acres of wooded land adjacent to the airport, 
Hutchison plans to create the Grand Bahama Sea-Air Business Center – a center 
that could potentially allow for 8 million square feet in warehouse space. 
Communist China Ties DisturbingWhile Hutchison Whampoa has a sterling 
reputation as a commercial enterprise – and has not been linked to any 
illegal activities such as drug or gun smuggling – the firm's ties to 
Communist China have raised concerns.Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, 
R-Miss., and former U.S. Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger have expressed 
concerns about Hutchison's influence over the Panama Canal. Lott has 
described the Hong Kong firm as "an arm of the People's Liberation Army." 
Hutchison Whampoa's chairman, Li Ka-Shing, is also a board member of CITIC – 
the China International Trust and Investment Corporation. U.S. intelligence 
sources have described the firm as a front for China's governmental State 
Council. Congressman Dana Rohrbacher, R-Calif., has stated that CITIC has 
been used as a front company by China's military to acquire technology for 
weapons development.Closely Tied to Beijing RulersA recently declassified 
report by the United States Southern Command's Joint Intelligence Center, 
prepared in October 1999 and obtained by the government watchdog Judicial 
Watch, said that "Hutchison Whampoa's owner, Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-Shing, 
has extensive business ties in Beijing and has compelling financial reasons 
to maintain a good relationship with China's leadership."The military 
intelligence report also warns that "Hutchison containerized shipping 
facilities in the Panama Canal, as well as the Bahamas, could provide a 
conduit for illegal shipments of technology or prohibited items from the West 
to the PRC, or facilitate the movement of arms and other prohibited items 
into the Americas." View the Actual Secret U.S. Military ReportJohn Meredith, 
the group-managing director for Hutchison Port Holdings, told 
that comments made about Hutchison have often been erroneous and 
"outrageous."He said the firm's involvement at the port in the Bahamas is 
simply a trans-shipment service.Just Cranes, That's All "We have no pilots. 
We have no tugs. We have no boats. We have no ships. We have no containers. 
All we have is cranes," he said.Meredith angrily denied any connection 
between the firm and the Chinese government."We're a public company in Hong 
Kong. We're not an arm of anybody," said Meredith. He pointed out that less 
than 1 percent of all Hutchison investors are Chinese. "I'm British for 
starters. I don't even speak the language. It would be very difficult for 
someone to instruct me as to what to do," he said"We've had the most 
outrageous comments made about what we've got down [in Panama] – missile 
silos and all sorts of rubbish. Anybody can come and investigate," added 
Meredith.No Chinese on PayrollAccording to Powers, Hutchison employs about 
500 Bahamians. Only five managers are not Bahamians, mostly British 
nationals. None are Chinese. Bahamian officials told they have 
noticed no increase in Chinese nationals at the port or on the island.Despite 
the strong claims made by Hutchison that China has no interest in their 
Bahamian port, evidence suggests otherwise. A review of the visitor's log by at the company's main office in Freeport shows that Chinese 
government officials have been frequent visitors to the port facility. 
According to the log, China's ambassador to the Bahamas, MA Shuxue, has 
visited the port facility at least a half dozen times in the past few years. 
He has also accompanied groups of Chinese government officials. On other 
occasions Chinese governmental or commercial representatives have also paid 
visits without the presence of Ambassador Shuxue.Chinese Hold 
Frequent-Visitor RecordThe visitor logbook indicates Chinese officials have 
visited the port more often than officials from any other country, including 
the United States. View Photos of Entries by Chinese Officials in the Visitor 
LogThe logbook also shows that on June 2, 1999, the Cuban ambassador, Lazaro 
Cabeza, also paid a visit to the facility. Cuba is a strong ally of China's. 
"If they have no connection to Hutchison and the port, if they are not 
interested in this company, why is China sending its ambassador there?" asks 
retired Admiral Thomas Moorer. "Why are other Chinese officials showing up 
there? Why is Castro's ambassador going there?"Moorer, former chairman of the 
Joint Chiefs of Staff, also served as former commander in chief of the 
Pacific and Atlantic Fleets. "Of course the Chinese military sees the benefit 
of having a base, a future base, so close to the United States," Moorer said, 
adding, "What China is trying to do is get a kind of maritime position 
worldwide, and they need a home base – so to speak – in every ocean."They 
Even Wanted Long Beach "Not only are the Chinese in the Bahamas, they're in 
Panama and the Spratly Islands right off the Philippines. They tried to get 
Long Beach," Moorer said. "There's no question about the fact in my mind that 
the Chinese military forces are affiliated with Mr. Li, who in turn runs 
Hutchison Whampoa," added Moorer.Moorer said while the port facilities appear 
harmless today, they could be used as a staging ground by the Chinese at some 
future point if hostilities were to arise in the Korean peninsula or over 
Taiwan. The Bahamian government said they are pleased with Hutchison's 
activities, however.Bahamians All in Favor Lindy Russell, the parliamentary 
secretary in the office of the prime minister for the Bahamas, said that 
Bahamians are excited about the economic development the port brings to the 
island nation.Besides development of the port, Hutchison has other 
investments on the island including a 370-acre resort in Lucaya, Grand 
Bahama, which includes a 49-acre beachfront site. Russell said that U.S. 
officials have expressed concerns to him regarding human cargo of Chinese 
labor possibly coming through the ports. They had no concerns about the 
actual operation of the port, Russell said. 

Todd HommanWalton, KY100% Disabled VeteranFOR GOD AND COUNTRYDAV - AMVETS - AMERICAN 
unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, andlike wise his scrip: and 
he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buyone". - Luke 22:36"Those who 
desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security, will not have, nor do they 
deserve, either one." - Thomas Jefferson "Any people that would give up liberty for a 
little temporary safety deserves neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin "To 
compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors 
is sinful and tyrannical." - Thomas Jefferson ---Outgoing mail is certified Virus 
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