-Caveat Lector-

That's a very nice theory, but I would add to it one more twist.
That of "who is controlling Saddam and Osama" and "why the hell
are they STILL alive"? mm? I'd say it stinks of dirty US
politicians and military spooks who want to make money and
stay in power. The Forever-War has started...

On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, dogmonsterboy wrote:

> I Need Your Help On This
> I am working on what might be called an "Anthrax Terrorism Unified
> Field Theory". If you have any information to confirm or dispute this
> theory please post it BOTH here and at our groups: Our groups are
> listed below: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/americansecrets
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BushBusters
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Exposes
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Greens4DemocraticVictories
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Jews-And-Others-Against-Bush
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JOIN-CATNIP
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TheLoyalOpposition  Basically it goes
> like this: Saddam could well be the source of the anthrax attacks in
> the US using as his proxies, American
> right-wing-extremists-white-supremacists-homophobes-pro-life-neo-nazi
> and similar kooks.   See for instance: Radical Islam, Neo-Nazis Are
> Seen Sharing Hate Rhetoric
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TheLoyalOpposition/message/100
> We are all familiar with the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." "There
> once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the  hillside
> watching the village sheep. To amuse himself he took a great breath
> and sang out, "Wolf! Wolf! The Wolf is chasing the sheep!" The
> villagers came running up the hill to help the boy drive the wolf
> away. But when they arrived at the top of the hill, they found no
> wolf. The boy laughed at the sight of their angry faces.   "Don't cry
> 'wolf', shepherd boy," said the villagers, "when there's no wolf!"
> They went grumbling back down the hill. Later, the boy sang out again,
> "Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is chasing the sheep!" To his naughty delight,
> he watched the villagers run up the hill to help him drive the wolf
> away. When the villagers saw no wolf they sternly said, "Save your
> frightened song for when there is really something wrong! Don't cry
> 'wolf' when there is NO wolf!" But the boy just grinned and watched
> them go grumbling down the hill once more. Later, he saw a REAL wolf
> prowling about his flock. Alarmed, he leaped to his feet and sang out
> as loudly as he could, "Wolf! Wolf!" But the villagers thought he was
> trying to fool them again, and so they didn't come. At sunset,
> everyone wondered why the shepherd boy hadn't returned to the village
> with their sheep. They went up the hill to find the boy. They found
> him weeping.  "There really was a wolf here! The flock has scattered!
> I cried out, "Wolf!" Why didn't you come?"  The anthrax hoaxes being
> perpetrated against abortion clinics may well fit into this pattern.
> Designed to lull abortion clinics and their clients into a false sense
> of security because of the number of hoaxes to produce   the feeling
> that any envelopes containing powder do NOT contain anthrax.   Then,
> when the time is ripe for Saddam and his proxies: the
> pro-life-ultra-right-wing-extermist-white-supremacist-homophobic-neo-n
> azis to strike they send hundreds of envelopes which DO contain
> anthrax to abortion clinics and other targets.
> "ADL Welcomes Guilty Pleas by White Supremacists in Synagogue Arsons
>  http://www.adl.org/learn/news/SSA.asp  Two white supremacist brothers
> have pleaded guilty to federal                      charges in
> connection with the June 1999 fire bombings of three  synagogues in
> Sacramento, Calif.                     Benjamin Matthew Williams, 33,
> and James Tyler Williams, 31, admitted to setting fires that caused
> more than $3 million in damages. The fires caused extensive damage to
> the Congregation B'Nai Israel and Kenesset Israel Torah Center, both
> in Sacramento, and the Congregation Beth Shalom in
>  Carmichael. "We welcome the guilty pleas entered by Matthew and Tyler
> Williams and commend law enforcement and the U.S.Attorney's Office for
> pursuing justice in this case," said Jonathan
> Bernstein, San Francisco Regional Director for the Anti-Defamation
> League. "It is important that society send a strong message to those
> who would advocate similar acts of hatred. Acts of religious
>            intimidation, such as these synagogue arsons, are
> especially harmful in the pain and fear they inflict on an entire
> community .We urge the prosecution in this case to seek the strongest
> possible sentence for each defendant, to ensure that such a  horrific
> act will not be repeated again in California." Matthew Williams
> allegedly has professed anti-Semitic, anti-gay and white supremacist
> views since his arrest. According to police, the brothers had left
> hate literature at the scene of one of the three synagogue arsons. The
> leaflets sought to blame Jews for the NATO bombings of Yugoslavia. The
> two men had been charged with 13 counts of conspiracy to commit arson,
> arson, destruction of religious property and the  use of fire to
> commit a felony. The brothers have also pleaded guilty to setting fire
> to an abortion clinic. Under the agreement reached with prosecutors,
> Benjamin Williams faces 30 years in prison. James Williams is facing a
> 20 to 21 ½-year sentence. The sentencing hearing has been scheduled
> for Nov. 30.The Williams brothers still face state murder charges in
> the slayings of a gay couple on July 21, 1999, for which they could
> get the death penalty if convicted."  Now here is the question about
> the story above:
> Could the Williams brothers have linked up with some of the
> anti-Semitic groups who are linked to Saddam and other Middle Eastern
> extremists?  While secretly fighting AGAINST Serbia, Saddam PRETENDED
> to be on the Serbian side, and could well have forged links between
> his own operatives, and racists and anti-Semites in the West during
> the course of that propaganda effort .There were for instance Russian
> anti-Semites who  PRETENDED to make common cause with their Serbian
> kin and who  make REAL common cause with people like Saddam.
> http://www.cs.indiana.edu/hyplan/dmiguse/Russian/vzbio.html
> "Zhirinovsky praised Adolf Hitler's ideology of National-Socialism in
> an Izvestia article. ***Zhirinovsky set aside campaign activities in
> order to be in Iraq during an October 15, 1995, referendum on Saddam
> Hussein's presidency. Hussein greeted the LDPR leader at the airport,
> and Zhirinovsky later claimed that he came "to support the democratic
> process" in Iraq (Hussein gained more than 99.9% support in the
> referendum). (Earlier, during the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait,
> Zhirinovsky sent several volunteers from the group known as "Falcons
> of Zhirinovsky" to Iraq to help Saddam survive the "Desert Storm".)
> ***In February, 1996, Vladimir Zhirinovsky hailed Pat Buchanan's
> victory in the New Hampshire presidential primary. He wrote a letter
> to Buchanan, saying: "You say that Congress is 'Israeli-occupied
> territory.' We have the same situation in Russia. So, to survive, we
> could set aside places on U.S. and Russian territory to deport this
> small but troublesome tribe." Zhirinovsky called Buchanan a "brother
> in arms" and wished him a "convincing victory" in November's U.S.
> presidential ballot." The truth of course is that with friends like
> Zhirinovsky , Serbia does not need enemies. Nor can such people be
> called genuine friends of Serbia. Serbia's real enemies are well
> http://notendur.centrum.is/~snorrigb/muftism.htm
> http://www.flamemag.dircon.co.uk/yugoslavia_collaboration.htm
> http://www.flamemag.dircon.co.uk/nazis_postwar_egypt.htm
> http://www.srpska-mreza.com/handzar/handzar.htm
> "A short history of terror by Yair Sheleg - Ha'aretz
> http://www.virtualjerusalem.com/news/infocus/?disp_feature=nDai5P.var
> The Ben Yehuda pedestrian mall in Jerusalem (scene of the December 1st
> 2001 Saturday night attacks)  has been the scene of terror attacks
> since before the  establishment of the state*** after Abed al-Kader
> al-Husseini announced to the  press that it was he who was responsible
> for the attack, the Supreme Arab Committee, which was afraid of
> international censure, released a statement denying Al-Husseini's
> announcement. The mufti himself authorized the denial of his nephew's
> statement. It seems that complex relationships between the
> perpetrators of attacks and a leadership  that denies responsibility
> or censures these attacks are not just  phenomena of our times."
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BushBusters/message/2552
> Yet, because people like Zhirinovsky, and the Williams brothers, and
> Saddam, all espoused the Serbian cause for their own evil ends, Serbia
> suffered from guilt by association with such thugs. All the while
> those thugs were combining in their own evil ways for their own evil
> ends.( Some in the extremist wings of the pro-life movement are also
> white supremacists, neo-nazis, homophobes, etc.  What links do they
> have with Iraq? Could they be sending real anthrax supplied by Saddam
> to various targets in the west? What about the known anthrax targets
> in the West to date? How do they fit into the picture? We all
> recognize the need to create a situation in which American freedoms
> are not jeopardized permanently by the current and proposed Draconian
> measures widely seen to be needed to save lives. The current horrific
> world situation filled with nuclear, chemical, and biological threats,
> known as NBC, or WMD, for weapons of mass destruction, most of which
> emanate directly from Iraq, or proxies for Iraq, such as bin Laden,
> et.al. cannot be solved from a purely defensive posture. To eliminate
> these threats we need to go to the source: To Iraq itself.  Iraq
> behind US anthrax outbreaks
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TheLoyalOpposition/message/12 You are
> invited to join TheLoyalOpposition
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TheLoyalOpposition
> We are looking carefully at the links which may have been forged
> between Iraq and its various proxies, both in America, and around the
> world. Though it is far from a favorite source for me, consider the
> following from http://www.truthinmedia.org/Columns/wt10-25.htm   :
> "during the night of July 18-19, 1998 a group of several hundred
> heavily armed foreign mercenaries (mostly "mujahideens,"Islamic "holy
> warriors") frontally attacked from Albania the Yugoslav Army border
> guards near the Djeravici mountain. The attack was repulsed by the
> Serbian troops, and the foreign assailants suffered heavy casualties.
> Among the dead were six mercenaries from Yemen, five from Saudi
> Arabia, four from Macedonia. A short while later, Yugoslav authorities
> arrested Nuri Salip Muhamed, a Lieutenant Colonel in the Iraqi Army as
> he was trying to enter Yugoslavia illegally from Bulgaria. This Iraqi
> officer, who reportedly spoke perfect Serbian, was supposed to have
> commanded the July 18-19, 1998 terrorist attack from Albania. But
> lucky for him, he had not arrived there in time."  Saddam Hussein was
> of course not the only player in the Balkan wars.
> http://www.serbia-info.com/news/1999-04/10/10724.html  "Bin Laden in
> Albania April 10, 1999 Tirana, April 9 (abridged) - There are about
> 500  Mujahidin fighters in the vicinity of Albanian towns Korca and
> Podgrade, led by terrorist  Osama Bin Laden.***. The Islamic
> fundamentalists use  Albania as a spring board for sending terrorists
> to Kosovo-Metohia, to  kill people and jeopardize territorial
> integrity and sovereignty of  Yugoslavia. All this has been done in
> front of the whole world, under the NATO auspices."  While Saddam was
> secretly fighting AGAINST Serbia in the Balkan Wars. his propaganda
> machine was issuing the BIG LIE that Saddam supported Serbia in the
> Balkan wars. Saddam was forging links between Iraq and both
> ultra-right-wing and ultra-left-wing groups around the world. Fiercely
> opposed to his local rivals: Iran and Saudi Arabia, both of whom were
> taking a hand in the Balkan Wars against Serbia, Saddam falsely posed
> as a friend of Serbia. Meanwhile Saddam's  henchmen : Osama bin Laden,
> and Yasir Arafat, were fighting against Serbia in the Balkans. I
> suggest that you read Don't Let Anyone Destroy Our Movement
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BushBusters/message/1629
> Part Two Don't Let Anyone Destroy Our Movement
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BushBusters/message/1642 Part Three
> Don't Let Anyone Destroy Our Movement
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BushBusters/message/1644
> You are invited to join
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BushBusters
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  We are also  not supporting ANY
> events or activities or efforts by the IAC, Ramsey Clark, Lyndon
> LaRouche, A.N.S.W.E.R., et. al. in any way. Saddam's allies in the
> west seem to include BOTH the aforementioned AND others such as
> Farrakhan and by extension Farrakhan's pals: Tom Metzger, the founder
> of the White Aryan Resistance, et.al. Please  See Hamas: "Anthrax
> should be put in US water supply"
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BushBusters/message/2568
> Bomber quit intelligence service to join Hamas 2 days before attack
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BushBusters/message/2586
> "The Iraqi government has upgraded the rates it pays to families of
> Palestinian suicide bombers,YEDIOT  AHARONOT newspaper reported
> Instead of giving families of suicide bombers $10,000, Iraq will now
> reward families with $15,000. Also, Iraq will pay every Palestinian
> injured while fighting against Israel $1,000 instead of $500."
> Radical Islam, Neo-Nazis Are Seen Sharing Hate Rhetoric
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TheLoyalOpposition/message/100
> One wonders what else they may share.  Could anthrax be a common link
> between the far-right in the US and Europe and Saddam Hussein, and his
> henchmen: Osama bin Laden and Yasir Arafat, et.al.?
> The 1999 bombings of Jewish temples in California, which included the
> arson against the Holocaust Library of Sacramento Temple B'nai Israel,
> which "lost its library of thousands of historic Holocaust books,
> documents and a video collection in the anti-Semitic hate crime
> attack." http://www.adl.org/PresRele/HatCr_51/3406_51.html   was
> falsely blamed on Serbians "angry at NATO" and alleged "connections"
> between NATO and Jews when of course the truth: Israelis fight on the
> side of Serbs
> http://www.the-times.co.uk/news/pages/tim/99/06/11/timkoskos01007.html
>  ?1124027 is far from that big lie. The bombings were the work of
> anti-Semites who  used the NATO war as a pretext for their terrorism
> and as a means of driving a wedge between the Serbian people and the
> Jewish people. More information on who may have really been behind
> those attacks appears at http://www.jewishsf.com/bk990806/1afeds.shtml
>  For more on the topic please see:
> http://www.adl.org/backgrounders/sacramento_arsons.html
> http://www.adl.org/
> http://www.adl.org/backgrounders/sacramento_arsons.html#wcotc
> http://www.adl.org/backgrounders/sacramento_arsons.html#na
> http://www.adl.org/backgrounders/sacramento_arsons.html#posse
> http://www.adl.org/PresRele/HatCr_51/3406_51.html The nazis
> responsible for these actions are of like mind with those who bombed
> The Jewish Cultural Center in Argentina some years back
> http://bnaibrith.org/pr/ditella.html killing Holocaust researchers and
> destroying their work, including work about nazi war criminals from
> Croatia moved into Argentina by the Vatican "ratline". See: Unholy
> Trinity : The Vatican, the Nazis, and Soviet Intelligence by Mark
> Aarons, John (May 1998) St. Martin's Press; ISBN: 031218199X  "How the
> Nazis won the war"
> http://www.worldmedia.com/archive/sld/sld-3-01.html So it comes as no
> surprise that the Holocaust Library in Sacramento was a particular
> target of these thugs. No Serbian would ever destroy a Holocaust
> Library. Serbians and Gypsies Are co-victims with Jews of the
> Holocaust. One and a half million Yugoslavs, 1.2 million of them
> civilians were killed during World War Two. Most were Serbians, hunted
> down along with Jews and Gypsies by Croatian nazis, 2 SS Divisions
> filled with Bosnian Moslems, and a third Moslem SS division from
> Albania. In one incident Hungarian nazi troops herded 500 Jews and
> Serbs onto the ice, opened fire with artillery, the ice broke and
> Serbs and Jewsdied together holding one another in the frigid water.
> Croatian nazis called the Ustashi had a notorious concentration camp
> which "exterminated" Serbs, Jews and Roma , a.k.a. "Gypsies". Franjo
> Tudjman,  the late leader of contemporary Croatia was quoted as saying
> that he "thanks God" that his wife "has no Jewish or Serbian blood".
> The truth, as usual, is the exact opposite of the big lie being
> perpetrated in California by the nazis. NAZI Roots of U.S. Ally in
> Kosovo http://www.nonviolence.org/board/messages/6843.htm
> "FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE    CR     FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 2000     (202)
> 514-2007 WWW.USDOJ.GOV     TDD (202) 514-1888 TWO BROTHERS INDICTED
>  WASHINGTON, D.C. - A federal grand jury in Sacramento today indicted
> two Palo Cedro, California men for allegedly setting fire to three
> synagogues and an abortion clinic in the Sacramento area last summer,
> the National Church Arson Task Force (NCATF) announced. The 13-count
> indictment, returned in U.S. District Court in Sacramento, charged
> Benjamin Matthew Williams, 32, and his brother James Tyler Williams,
> 29, with conspiring "to destroy and close synagogues, reproductive
> health facilities and other targeted buildings, and to thereby provoke
> further incidents of violence and to intimidate, terrorize and harm
> Jews, providers of reproductive health services, and other groups of
> persons whom the defendants regarded as inferior or undesirable.
> "Today's indictments represent an important milestone in the
> investigation of these heinous crimes," said Under Secretary of the
> Treasury for Enforcement James E.  Johnson. "Consistent with the
> objectives of the National Church Arson Task Force, Federal
> investigators and prosecutors, in coordination with state and local
> authorities, worked tirelessly to ensure that those responsible for
> these terrible acts would be brought to justice." In the early morning
> hours of June 18, 1999, the defendants are accused of breaking into
> three synagogues-the Congregation B'Nai Israel, the Congregation Beth
> Shalom, and the Kenesset Israel Torah Center-and setting them on fire,
> sustaining significant damage. At two of the sites, authorities found
> anti-semitic leaflets.  Then, in the early morning hours of July 2,
> Choice Medical Group clinic, located in a medical building in
> Sacramento, was the scene of an arson, as well.  "Church arson not
> only burns buildings, but also robs people of their feelings of safety
> and acceptance in their places of worship," said Bill Lann Lee, Acting
> Assistant Attorney for Civil Rights. "These crimes will not be
> tolerated, and the federal government remains steadfast in our efforts
> to prosecute each and every incident to the fullest extent of the
> law." According to Assistant U.S. Attorneys R. Steven Lapham and
> Benjamin B. Wagner, who are prosecuting the case, count one of the
> indictment charges the Williams brothers with engaging in a conspiracy
> to commit arson. The maximum penalty for the conspiracy count is five
> years in prison. Counts two, five, eight, and eleven each charge the
> Williams brothers with arson in connection with each individual arson
> attack at the four different Sacramento locations. Each arson count
> carries a mandatory minimum penalty of five years in prison, and a
> maximum penalty of 20 years in prison. Counts three, six and nine each
> charge the Williams brothers with destroying religious property in
> connection with the three attacks on the Sacramento area Synagogues.
> Each count of destroying religious property carries a maximum penalty
> of 20 years in prison. Count twelve charges the Williams brothers with
> interfering with commerce by violence, in connection with the arson
> attack on the reproductive health services clinic. The maximum penalty
> for count twelve is 20 years in prison.  Finally, counts four, seven,
> ten and thirteen each charges the Williams brothers with using fire to
> commit a felony. If convicted on each of those counts, the penalty
> would be a mandatory sentence of 10 years in prison for the first
> conviction, and a mandatory sentence of 20 years in prison for the
> other convictions, each sentence to run consecutive to any other
> incarceration imposed. The Williams brothers could also be ordered to
> pay fines of up to $250,000 per count of conviction, and restitution
> to the victim organizations. The Williams brothers are currently in
> custody in Shasta County, California on unrelated state murder charges
> for their alleged participation in the killing of a gay couple. It is
> anticipated that they will be brought to Sacramento for arraignment on
> the federal charges in the near future. The indictment was the result
> product of an extensive investigation by a joint task force led by the
> Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
> Firearms. Other agencies that contributed to the investigation include
> the U.S.  Secret Service, the Sacramento Sheriff's Office, the
> Sacramento Police Department, the Sacramento District Attorney's
> Office, the Shasta County Sheriff's Department, the Sacramento City
> Fire Department, the American River Fire Protection District, and the
> California Highway Patrol."***
> http://www.usdoj.gov/opa/pr/2000/March/130cr.htm
> >From the Sacramento Bee
> The following article will make your hair stand on end... It is about
> Benjamin Matthew Williams and James Tyler Williams, alleged murderers
> of a gay male couple in California and suspects in the fires set at
> three synagogues in Sacramento last June. They are now suspects in
> another arson of an abortion clinic.The aspect of the article that is
> most frightening is the descriptions of some of the hate groups that
> the brothers had ties to and of new strategies being used by hate
> groups to promote violence."
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/UMCalledOut/message/286  "Fire probe
> again targets brothers: Pair also temple-arson suspects By Sam Stanton
> Bee Staff Writer (Published Aug. 20, 1999)
> http://classic.sacbee.com/news/news/old/local02_19990820.html
> The probe into the June fire at a building housing an abortion clinic
> that came one week after Sacramento's synagogue arsons has refocused
> on Benjamin Matthew Williams and James Tyler Williams because of
> evidence discovered during searches of the brothers' Redding home,
> sources say.
> The early morning June 25 fire, which damaged the Country Club Medical
> Center at 2322 Butano Drive, initially had been looked at for possible
> links to the earlier fires because it occurred almost one week to the
> hour after the synagogue arsons. ***Now, however, sources say the
> investigation has been redirected to the Williams brothers, who are
> the chief suspects in the synagogue arsons and who are in the Shasta
> County jail awaiting trial on charges of murdering a prominent
> Redding-area gay couple.
> The new focus on the brothers stems from evidence found during
> searches of their Redding home, storage locker and vehicle, sources
> say. The evidence includes pieces of glass, clothing and other items
> that investigators are trying to link to items found at the scene of
> the fire.
> The brothers have pleaded innocent in the July 1 slayings of Gary
> Matson and Winfield Mowder and face a preliminary hearing in Redding
> next month in the case.  However, evidence uncovered by the FBI and
> other agencies during searches uncovered a trove of racist and
> anti-Semitic material, as well as items that appear to link them
> directly to the synagogue fires, sources have said.  Matthew Williams
> has said in a July letter to The Bee that he wants "it known that I am
> not a hate-filled man." In another letter from Williams received by
> The Bee this week, he wrote, "I expect to be sharing my faith and
> facts within the next month." Williams, who like his brother usually
> goes by his middle name, signed the latest letter, "14 words, Ben."
> Williams gave no explanation for the manner in which he closed the
> letter. However, experts familiar with adherents to the world of white
> supremacists and anti-Semites say the phrase "14 words" is a common
> shorthand for one of their hate messages: "We must secure the
> existence of our people and a future for white children." The phrase
> stems from the writings of a member of The Order, a violent offshoot
> of the Aryan Nations that conducted a terror campaign of bank
> robberies and assassinations in the 1980s.
> The Order since has largely died out, but other groups have adopted
> use of the phrase "14 words," said Michael Reynolds, senior
> intelligence analyst for the Southern Poverty Law Center's
> Intelligence Project, which tracks such groups.  Skinhead followers,
> for instance, sometimes close letters by signing "14 words/88," with
> the "88" serving as code for "Heil Hitler" because "h" is the eighth
> letter of the alphabet.
> The Williams brothers were found to have possessed materials from some
> of the nation's most active and dangerous hate groups, including the
> World Church of the Creator, the National Alliance and the Church of
> Jesus Christ-Christian, the Aryan Nations sect known as Christian
> Identity that preaches whites of European descent are the true lost
> tribes of Israel and the only pure race.
> The Christian Identity movement is the focus of great federal interest
> by investigators trying to determine whether there is a nationwide
> conspiracy to commit hate crimes and whether there were accomplices
> involved in the synagogue fires.  Buford O. Furrow Jr., the man who
> reportedly has confessed to last week's Jewish community center
> shootings in Granada Hills and the later slaying of a Filipino
> American postal worker, was an Aryan Nations security lieutenant at
> one point.  Jim Maddock, chief of the Sacramento FBI office, declined
> comment Thursday on the progress of the synagogue fires probe. But he
> acknowledged the investigation of the fire at the building housing the
> abortion clinic still is part of the overall probe by the various
> agencies looking into the synagogue fires."    "Abortion terrorism
> intrigue
> http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2001/11/28/waagner/index_np.html?x
>    The Nuremberg Files' Neal Horsley says fugitive abortion foe
> Clayton Waagner took him hostage, claimed credit for an anthrax
> hoax-and promised to kill 42 clinic workers if they don't resign.
> Skeptics say they're in cahoots. By Frederick Clarkson  Nov. 28, 2001
> | Fugitive anti-abortion militant Clayton Waagner says he's
> responsible for sending letters and Federal Express packages
> supposedly laced with anthrax to some 700 abortion providers and
> abortion rights groups last month. He also claims he has a hit list of
> 42 clinic workers he will murder if they don't quit their jobs. News
> of Waagner's latest threats came from fellow abortion foe Neal
> Horsley, proprietor of the notorious Nuremberg Files Web site, who
> claims Waagner visited him the day after Thanksgiving, took him
> hostage and used him as his mouthpiece to claim responsibility for the
> anthrax letters and to announce his threat of new violence against
> abortion providers.  Clinic security experts say they doubt that
> Horsley was actually taken hostage by Waagner. But they believe his
> message from the violent fugitive is authentic.  Waagner escaped from
> federal custody in February while awaiting sentencing on federal
> firearms and stolen vehicle charges. Since, then he has been driving
> back and forth across the country, stealing cars, robbing banks and
> stalking abortion clinics. He says he's assembling a cache of weapons
> and compiling dossiers on clinic staff in order "to kill as many of
> them as I can," or so he claimed in a communiqué posted on the Army of
> God Web site, run by Rev.  Donald Spitz, earlier this year. The FBI
> then put him on its 10 Most Wanted List.  "We take it very seriously,"
> said FBI spokesman Bill Crowley of the Bureau's Pittsburgh field
> office. "Every law enforcement officer in the country is on the
> lookout for this guy. And we will continue to go after him until we
> locate and apprehend him." The feds want Waagner so badly, Crowley
> says, they've established a multi-agency task force that includes the
> FBI, the U.S. Marshals Service and the U.S. Postal Inspectors."
> http://www.fbi.gov/mostwant/topten/fugitives/waagner.htm      "The FBI
> is offering a reward of up to $50,000 for information leading directly
> to the arrest of Clayton Lee Waagner."
> If you have any information to confirm or dispute my theory please
> post it BOTH here and at our groups: Our groups are listed below:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/americansecrets
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BushBusters
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Exposes
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Greens4DemocraticVictories
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Jews-And-Others-Against-Bush
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JOIN-CATNIP
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TheLoyalOpposition
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> Daniel Leach & Jason Goodman.
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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