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From: "Remy C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "End Secrecy List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [endsecrecy] The Professional Paranoid Newsletter
Date: Saturday, October 27, 2001 5:49 PM

The Professional Paranoid
H. Michael Sweeney
HMS@ proparanoid.com
proparanoid@ yahoo.com
PO Box 1941, Clackamas, OR 97015

Check out his book on Feral House:

URGENT DISCOVERY - P R I O R   K N O W L E D G E  of  9 - 1 1:

Foreign Press Reveals Collin Powel Negotiated Afghanistan War Months Before
Suicide Air Attacks:
- Motive is Oil Profits for Multinational War Partners
- May be tied to OKC blast and Operation Northwoods.
- CIA proprietaries in Oil Industry merge with Kuwaiti firms, may profit
from war
- CIA has been similarly investing in energy for ten years

(Click for links)

N O I L W A R !

It's All About Blood Money

P R I O R   K N O W L E D G E ?
      Afghanistan War Planned Months Before Suicide Air Attacks
      Motive is Oil Profits for Multinational War Partners
      May be tied to OKC blast and Operation Northwoods.

F O L L O W   T H E   M O N E Y !
     Bush Gets bin Laden Money
     bin Laden Invests in Biomedicine - or Biowarfare?
     Bush Gives Taliban Money While Negotiating War
     Same Investors, Oil Companies Merge
     Yet More War Profits with White House Ties

9 1 1   A   F A M I L Y   A F F A I R!
      Two CIA Directors have cozy 'relations' with Taliban
      Osama bin Laden's Father Killed in Texas

A B O U T   N O I L W A R !
      A simple belief stands against deceit
      References and Quotes you MUST Review


Osama Investments in Biological Research - or Biowarfare?

Now comes The Boston Herald (Bin Ladens Own Stake in Mass. Biomedical Firm,
Jonathan Wells/Jack Meyers, Sep 25, 2001) which breaks a story about a very
strange biomedical firm and its very unusual investors. Turns out, with
further investigation on my part, to go much deeper than the simple but
provocative headline would indicate.  Not only is the bin Laden family and
the same Mafouz from Harken and BCCI money laundering adventures investing
in this firm, but also a certain Prince Faisal of Saudi Arabia, who has
since been found to also be more recently investing in Harken. In fact,
there are more than a dozen Middle-Eastern investors, and at least one
mystery investor whos' identity is withheld even on SEC filings - $50M worth
of hidden investing.

This firm is particularly strange because it has lost $240M, never making a
profit in more than 6 years. These losses were racked up in 'research' which
has been essentially unproductive, its only commercially available produc
involving research and licenses on the work of others, and for which it has
only three clients - clients chiefly given them by one of the license
holders. Despite this clear failure to become a sucessfull company, it is
paying the top two corporate officers obscene 6 figure (nearly 7) salaries.
There is even a $190K loan to the top officer which has risen to a quarter
million dollar debt because there have been no payments whatsoever for
years. This for a company with only 50 employes, which according to the math
from official SEC filings, earn an average well below $20K per year. What
kind of high-tech biomedical specialists can you hire for that?

More interesting is that other investors include DOD and military
contractors, and key managers come from both Eli Lilly, where they worked
under George Herbert Walker Bush, and/or from appointments and/or positions
with the National Academy of Science/Institute of Medicine or National
Institute of Health under the first Bush Administration. There are a lot of
very interesting financial transactions and business decisions to explore,
including a bank loan adjusted over and over again, real estate and other
transactions where money goes one way, then comes back, and a curious move
from one facility to another, and then back again in a matter of months.
More interesting than this, is a $1M bank account in a German Bank which has
been FROZEN by the German Government in August of 1997. Very interesting,
because the firm reports  no business in Germany. These curiosities and
others make a half-dozen 'indicators' that a firm is a front operation, and
so far, the closer I look, the more such indicators I find. The question is,
a front for whom, and for what?

Family Ties: Taliban and Former CIA Director Richard Helms

>From the Village Voice, an article entitled Mondo Washington: The Accidental
Operative, by Camelia Fard & James Ridgeway, Additional reporting:
Ariston-Lizabeth Anderson and Rouven Gueissaz. This piece documents how
closely the CIA and the Taliban, and perhaps, Osama bin Laden really are,
and hints at the value of Afghanistan to CIA as a tactical opportunity to
capture a new drug supply. It turns out that the niece of former CIA
Director Richard Helms is the defacto ambassador to the Taliban, and thus,
the principle political buffer between the US and Osama bin Laden. Moreover,
it highlights how badly the administration and intelligence community does
NOT want Osama bin Laden captured and brought to justice. Please consider
these startling excerpts, italics added:

June 6, 2001. On this muggy afternoon, a group of neatly attired men and a
handful of women gather in a conference room at the Johns Hopkins School of
Advanced International Studies (often looked on as a CIA think tank.) The
guest list includes officials from the furthest corners of the
world?Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, and Turkey?and reps from the World
Bank, the Uzbekistan chamber of commerce, the oil industry, and the Russian
news agency Tass, along with various individuals identified only as 'U.S.
Government,' which in times past was code for spook.

At hand is a low-profile briefing on international narcotics by a top State
Department official, who has recently returned from a United Nations trip to
inspect the poppy fields of Afghanistan, source of 80 percent of the world's
opium and target of a recent eradication campaign by the fundamentalist
Taliban. The lecture begins as every other in Washington: The speaker
politely informs the crowd he has nothing to do with policymaking. And, by
the way, it's all off the record.

Lecture over, the chairman asks for questions. One man after another rises
to describe his own observations while in the foreign service. The moderator
pauses, looks to the back of the room, and says in a scarcely audible voice:
'Laili Helms.' The room goes silent.

Note: Richard Helms and George Bush were key CIA managers involved in the
Bay of Pigs matter according to Mark Lane, and thus, both tied to the
assassination of JFK as mentioned earlier.  Both would eventually become
directors of CIA.  In CIA, there are axioms seldom left unapplied: Once CIA,
always CIA.  The son of CIA becomes CIA.  The wife of CIA is from CIA.
Considering these axioms, it is most curious that the son of former CIA
Director George Bush does business with the Brother of Osama bin Laden in
the setting up of businesses which seem very tied to CIA - while at the same
time, a woman with CIA ties and who is married into the family of former CIA
Director Richard Helms represents the Taliban, protector of Osama bin Laden.
This coziness among the CIA and bin Laden families all suggests to me that
perhaps Osama bin Laden may still very much be a CIA protected operative,
and makes me very nervous about who really orchestrated the 911 attacks.

Laili Helms, his niece by marriage, is an operative, too - but of a
different kind...
In 1999, Helms says, she got a message from the Taliban leadership that they
were willing to turn over all of bin Laden's communications equipment, which
they had seized, to the U.S. When she called the State Department with this
offer, officials were at first interested, but later said, 'No. We want

Note: Convenient answer.  Rather than take away the capability of bin Laden
to direct his people abroad (and perhaps, to communicate with his CIA
overseers), a line is drawn in the sand demanding that which was not
possible. Why not take the gear and still seek the man, having weakened his
ability to avoid capture in the process?  Perhaps because getting the man is
NOT the actual goal. Perhaps he is more useful where he is, doing what he

In the same year, Prince Turki, head of Saudi intelligence, reputedly came
up with a scheme to capture bin Laden on his own; after consulting with the
Taliban he flew his private plane to Kabul and drove out to see Mullah Omar
at his HQ. The two men sat down, as Helms recounts the story, and the Saudi
said, 'There's just one little thing. Will you kill bin Laden before you put
him on the plane?' Mullah Omar called for a bucket of cold water. As the
Saudi delegation fidgeted, he took off his turban, splashed water on his
head, and then washed his hands before sitting back down. 'You know why I
asked for the cold water?' he asked Turki. 'What you just said made my blood

Bin Laden was a guest of the Afghanis and there was no way they were going
to kill him, though they might turn him over for a trial. At that the deal
collapsed, and Turki flew home empty-handed.

Note: What does Osama bin Laden know that makes him more valuable dead than
alive?  In the world of CIA operations, you don't generally double cross one
of your own agents and set them up for a patsy to some crime unless you
insure they are not captured alive.  It might prove embarrassing if they
were given the opportunity to tell their side.

Early this year, the Taliban's ambassador at large, Hashami, a young man
speaking perfect English, met with CIA operations people and State
Department reps, Helms says. At this final meeting, she says, Hashami
proposed that the Taliban hold bin Laden in one location long enough for the
U.S. to locate and destroy him. The U.S. refused, says Helms, who claims she
was the go-between in this deal between the supreme leader and the feds...

Again, we see the government refusing to take an opportunity to stop Osama
bin Laden cold.  Why?  Because there would be no body produced.  They want
him 'brought to justice', but only it would seem they only want him brought
out as a corpse - if the clues assembled herein are taken at face value.

Perhaps we should ask why we are really going to war, and who really ordered
the 911 attacks.  As my friend and author Alex Constantine has said in his
own newsletters on topic...

The entire case against Osama Bin Laden rested on the claim that the
identities of the hijackers were known. That claim fell apart when even the
US admitted that the hijackers had used phony identifications with the
stolen identities of mideastern arabs on them. Moreover, the hijackers had
made a conspicuous display of themselves in various locales to make sure
that the stolen identities would be remembered. The forged IDs wreck any
chain of evidence that leads from the hijackers to those who controlled
So, where are we? Well, it looks like we're about to invade Afghanistan. We
don't know for sure that Osama actually had anything to do with the attacks
on the World Trade Towers but we are still going to invade Afghanistan. We
don't even know that Osama is still inside Afghanistan but we are still
going to invade Afghanistan. It is rapidly becoming clear that Osama was
just the excuse; the real goal all along was to invade Afghanistan, which
is, of course, what the US was telling other countries it intended to do
last summer...While American media gave us all Condit all the time.

bin Laden's Father Dies in Visit to Bush

While the Bush family has continually tried to claim no knowledge of the bin
Laden investments, one event makes clearer the notion of close working
relationships, including a bin Laden visit to Texas. Mohammad had come to
the mountain, but he would not leave it alive. What was discussed was
unknown, nor is it known if the results of the discussion were positive or
negative. But it is known the plane carrying Shiek Salem bin Laden crashed

This was in 1988, just as the elder Bush was heading to the White House and
just months away from the first Gulf War. The death may have helped secure a
scandal-free ride for Elder Bush... may have represented a solution to a
rift between the bin Laden Brothers and the Bush Oligarchy... may have
marked or even caused the turning of Osama against the US for reasons of
revenge... or may have been completely accidental as NTSB would tell us.
But NTSB has no credibility, having repeatedly been shown to falsify or cook
official NTSB investigations when politically expedient. The following
excerpts from PBS Frontline (found in REVEALING articles from the
Progressive Review) will not only confirm these facts, but will likely teach
you more about the bin Laden family in 60 seconds than all of media has told
you in the many weeks after 9-11.  I wonder what they don't want you to
know, and why...

...Like his father in 1968, Salem died in a 1988 air crash...in Texas. He
was flying a BAC 1-11 which had been bought in July 1977 by Prince Mohammed
Ben Fahd. The plane's flight plans had long been at the center of a number
of investigations. According to one of the plane's American pilots, it had
been used in October 1980 during secret Paris meetings between US and
Iranian emissaries. Nothing was ever proven, but Salem bin Laden's
accidental death revived some speculation that he might have been
"eliminated" as an embarrassing witness. In fact, an inquiry was held to
determine the exact circumstances of the accident. The conclusions were
never divulged... There was also a political aspect to Salem bin Laden's
financial activities...

On his death in 1968, Sheik Mohammed left behind not only an industrial and
financial estate but also a progeny made up of no less than 54 sons and
daughters, the fruit of a number of marriages ...Upon Sheik Salem's death,
the leadership of the group passed to his eldest son, Bakr, along with
thirteen other brothers who make up the board of the bin Laden group. The
most important of these are Hassan,Yeslam and Yehia. Most of these brothers
have different mothers and different nationalities as well. Each has his own
set of affinities, thus contributing to the group's international scope.
Bakr and Yehia are seen as representatives of the "Syrian group"; Yeslam, of
the "Lebanese group". There is also a "Jordanian group." Abdul Aziz, one of
the youngest brothers, represents the "Egyptian group" and is also manager
of the bin Laden group's Egyptian branch, which employs over 40,000 people.
Osama bin Laden is, incidentally, the only brother with a Saudi mother.

So we see a consistent pattern involving Bush Presidencies, Middle-East
investments linked to and through CIA resources, typically to include the
criminally corrupt BCCI bank, said investments both within and without the
oil industry, and political 'investments' of similar construct. And as with
the current war on Afghanistan, it should be pointed out in addition to
these coincidental consistencies, that the same old gang at work now was
present and played key roles in the Gulf War: Bush, of course, albeit the
heir; Colin Powell; Dick Cheney; and James Baker.

Of course, we donít know Harken was (or is) used by CIA, only that CIA seems
to be involved peripherally in every aspect, just as seen for his Fatherís
companies. But we do know this from excerpts From a HOUSTON, March 15
/PRNewswire/ -- Harken Energy Corporation announced that:

security issues surrounding its (Harken) Colombian Operations have increased
significantly in the recent past... In addition to these security issues,
the Company has also become the subject of media focus in Colombia that may
further complicate its security position in the country... The Company is
also currently analyzing and upgrading its security procedures and will
initiate immediate action to expand security measures for both personnel and
field operations... Mikel D. Faulkner, Harken's Chairman and CEO stated,
'Although we expect to continue our efforts in Colombia, presently, the
Company must focus more management time and financial resources on the
recently increased security issues confronting our personnel and

Columbia is a hot bed of drug king pins known to cause political unrest and
conduct terrorism against US companies (largely in the belief they are CIA
fronts aiding in the ëdrug warí - and in recognition of the fact that one of
their largest competitors in the illicit drug trade is CIA).  So the above
may be seen as a ënormalí response to a tough situation perhaps faced by
many American firms in Columbia - or - as worded, it also paints a picture
which is quite suitable to insertion of additional CIA agents and operatives
into the area under cover of ëimproving security.í

As I explore the oil profit motive, know that others have explored the drug
profit motive. Afghanistan has only one cash crop, and it is poppy fields
which are used only to make heroin. Once again, it is the same players:
Bush, Cheney, Baker, and CIA - but a whole different set of corporate
players, though they, too, are from the oil industry, and they, too, are
very involved in both the Gulf War and our war on terrorism.

For more information on this angle, please visit:

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