-Caveat Lector-

[radtimes] # 162

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
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--Biowarfare Warning
--Anarchists Plot Protests To Disrupt Election
--NSA listens to bin Laden
--Send in the Goons
--CSIS predicts anarchists will bring violence to global summit
--Radicals want violence at Quebec summit, says CSIS


Biowarfare Warning


by Joan Stephenson, PhD

Australian scientists who inadvertently created a deadly mouse virus issued
a warning last month that the global Biological Weapons Convention should
be strengthened to reflect concern that their approach could be employed to
modify human viruses for use as biological weapons.
The lethal mouse virus was the unintended creation of investigators at the
Co-operative Research Centre (CRC) for the Biological Control of Pest
Animals, Canberra. The researchers, who were attempting to create a
contraceptive vaccine to be used for pest control, used mousepox virus as a
vector to introduce genes for mouse egg proteins into mice for the purpose
of stimulating antiegg antibodies to curb fertility. (The types of mice
used in the study are normally resistant to mousepox infection.)
However, when the researchers introduced another element, a gene for
interleukin 4 (IL-4)to the mousepox vector to help boost antibody
production, they made a surprising discovery: instead of having the desired
effect, the modified mousepox virus suppressed the animals' cell-mediated
immunity and killed all the mice within 9 days. The gene alteration also
made vaccines that normally protect mice against mousepox less effective.
Although mousepox does not affect humans, the discovery raises concern that
analogous modifications to such human viruses as smallpox could create
deadly human pathogens against which current vaccines are ineffective. The
CRC study is reported in the February issue of the Journal of Virology.


Anarchists Plot May Protests To Disrupt Election

The Times, London

EXTREMIST groups are plotting to paralyse London with violent May Day
protests 48 hours before the expected general election polling day.
Intelligence reports say that organisers are recruiting support from
abroad to choke the capital on May 1. They intend the protests to
spill over to election day. Police are monitoring "electronic
traffic" between anarchist groups to thwart their plans, amid fears
that ringleaders are intent on causing more trouble than at last
year's May Day protests.

Sir John Stevens, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, said that
he was drawing up plans to cancel all leave over the May Day period
and was considering a ban on all protests in the capital.

He has been shown intelligence reports on how organisers want to
exploit the timing of their May 1 protest to embarrass the main
political parties.

British anti-capitalist protesters are urging extremists from abroad
to visit because of the publicity that the London rallies would get
so close to a general election.

The fears of the police are shared by ministers, who are daunted by
the prospect of campaigning on law and order while there are running
street battles around the capital. Every security agency in the
country has been told to concentrate its efforts on uncovering then
blocking the protesters' plans.

Sir John said that if necessary he would borrow officers from
neighbouring forces to reinforce the Metropolitan Police ranks. Sir
John, speaking to The Times to mark his first year as leader of
Britain's biggest force, said that last year the protesters planned
to take over a government building in Whitehall and challenge police
to remove them, but they were thwarted. This year he said that the
Yard had drawn up contingency plans.

"We will have the resources to meet, match and beat (the protesters).
We cannot have the streets of London descending into anarchy, people
being physically hurt or damage done. That cannot be allowed," Sir
John said.

The problem with the police and other intelligence services
eavesdropping on the protesters is that the groups know that their
planning on the Internet is being monitored. Aware that anyone can
access such websites, the organisers are believed to be sending false

The belief is that there will be a major protest at a well-known,
symbolic London venue, which will be advertised on the Internet - but
the real trouble will come from breakaway groups that will strike at
alternative sites.


NSA listens to bin Laden


Tuesday, 13 February 2001
By RICHARD SALE, Terrorism Correspondent

   WASHINGTON, Feb. 13 (UPI) -- If you like to use your e-mail to convey
enticements to your sweetie or snuggle down and trade intimate long distance
calls at midnight, you may want to think again, especially if you are
connected with anything that the U.S. government regards as a threat to
national security.

   Ask Saudi exile and terrorist Osama bin Laden.

   The U.S. case unfolding against him in United States District Court in
Manhattan is based mainly on National Security Agency intercepts of phone
calls between bin Laden and his operatives around the world -- Afghanistan
to London, from Kenya to the United States.

   The 321-count indictment charges that bin Laden is chief of a shadowy
group called Al Qaeda, or "The Base," whose aim is to kill U.S. nationals
anywhere in the world. Specifically mentioned in the indictment are the 1993
murder in Somalia of 18 U.S. Army Rangers and the 1998 bombing of two U.S.
Embassies in East Africa that killed 224 and injured more than 4,000.

   It is perhaps ironic that a current defendant in the trial, Khalid Al
Fawwaz, waiting to be extradited from Britain and who allegedly ran bin
Laden's "media information office" in London, procured for Bin Laden a
satellite phone. Fawwaz also provided satellite phones for other members of
the bin Laden's group, "to facilitate communications," the indictment said.

   Instead the phones facilitated his and the others' downfall.

   The London Al Qaeda office served as a conduit for messages, including
reports on military and security matters from various terrorist cells. For
example, bin Laden called Fawwaz in the London office many times to discuss
financial disbursements and other matters, according to the indictment.

   Just before the Aug. 7 embassy bombings, a suicide bomber, Mohamed Rashed
Daoud al-Owhali, contacted an Al Qaeda number in Yemen from a safe house in
Nairobi. Owhali called that same number the next day from a hospital clinic
and would make a series of phone calls from Nairobi to Yemen.

   The indictment clearly links bin Laden's satellite telephone calls to the
East Africa bombings in Nairobi and Dar-es-Salaam.

   On Aug. 11, two days after the bombings were completed, bin Laden's
satellite number phone was used to contact network operatives in Yemen, at a
number frequently called by perpetrators of the bombing from their safe
house in Nairobi.

   What pulled all this information together?

   A system called ECHELON is said to be mainly responsible, according to
U.S. government officials who requested anonymity. They said that ECHELON is
designed by the National Security Agency based at Fort Meade, between
Washington and Baltimore, Md., and that the system is linked with special
collections stations around the world, which allow signals intelligence
agencies to increase surveillance over the Internet and of databases, faxes,
phone calls and e-mails connected with it.

   The stations are run by the United States, Britain, Canada, New Zealand,
and Australia, sources said.

   The targets of ECHELON center on the penetration of the major components
of most of the world's telephone and telecommunications systems. This could
cover conversations NSA targets. Also included are all telexes carried over
the world's telecommunications networks, along with financial dealings:
money transfers, airline destinations, stock information, data on
demonstrations or international conferences, and much more.

   When United Press International wanted to send some information to a
former CIA official about Ayman al-Zawahiri, a senior bin Laden military
commander and organizer, the intelligence official exclaimed," My God, don't
put that in an e-mail," indicating that the worldwide listening system would
light up. "NSA has huge watch lists" and he didn't want to be on one, he

   According to a half dozen specialists interviewed by UPI, ECHELON doesn't
listen in on a particular individual. Instead, the system vacuums up
tremendous amounts of communications and then uses dictionary computers to
sort and identify the messages that have any intelligence value. These are
sent immediately to the headquarters of the listening organization -- in the
NSA's case, the vast complex of buildings and computers at Fort Meade that
houses 20,000 employees.

   The dictionary computers are supplied with key words -- names of
terrorists or political groups or crime organizations. The computers then
begin to intercept e-mails from such groups and make a record of all
contacts, and the contacts that those contacts make, adding them to a watch
list. The information is recorded digitally on magnetic tapes and then
turned over to analysts for scrutiny, U.S. sources said.

   "It's a pretty awesome capability," said a former Defense Intelligence
Agency official.

   According to him and others, the ECHELON system can intercept all the
communications carried by a ring of stationary communications satellites
positioned above the equator, which each day daily process hundreds of
thousands of e-mails, phone calls and telexes. Also targeted are microwave
networks over land, and undersea cables systems. Once the undersea cables
emerge from the sea and join with the network of line-of-sight microwave
towers, they are "extremely vulnerable" to interception, in the words of one
U.S. expert.

   The NSA listening station at Sugar Grove, about 150 miles from Washington
in the hills of West Virginia, covers Atlantic Intelsats transmitting to
North and South America. In one operation a few years ago, officials at the
European Union's offices in Luxembourg complained to U.S. officials that the
E.U. had evidence that NSA had used the Internet to penetrate the e-mails
that linked the 5,000 EU elected officials and bureaucrats. Such activity
has been used recently to monitor talk about the EU wanting to set up its
own defense force, a U.S. officials said on condition of not being named.

   "It's a freebee," said a former senior U.S. intelligence official. "It's a
tremendously rich source of material. We'd be fools not to use it."

   Asked about its legality, he replied, "This isn't about legality. This is
about trying to protect American lives."

   Another NSA listening post at Yakima, Wash., inside a U.S. Army firing
range there, is used to listen in on the Pacific Intelsats. They are aided
by stations in New Zealand, which has stations at Waihopai, and a station at
Geraldton in Western Australia that pick up what Yakima is unable to hear.

   Another series of stations at Menwith Hill in England; Shoal Bay near
Darwin in northern Australia; Leitrim, just south of Ottawa, Canada; Misawa
in Japan; and Bad Aidblig in Germany, listen in on happenings in Russia,
these sources said.

   The stations are formidable installations. The one at Menwith Hill
consists of 4.9 acres of buildings with 22 or more satellite terminals, U.S.
government officials said.

   The Menwith Hill station has played a key part in tracking bin Laden,
according to U.S. government sources. In 1991, it was given the NSA "Station
of the Year" prize for its performance during the Gulf War. The station also
serves as a ground station for real-time data transmissions from U.S.
electronic spy satellites like Vortex, which can intercept military
communications from walkie-talkies to military radios or any microwave

   Since 1995, bin Laden has tried to protect his communications with a "full
suite of tools," according to Ben Venzke, director of intelligence, special
projects, for iDefense, a Virginia information warfare firm.

   Coded letters, encryption of calls, verbal ciphers, messengers that elude
technical collection, embedding messages in Internet porno films -- all are
being used.

   Since Bin Laden started to encrypt certain calls in 1995, why would they
now be part of a court record? "Codes were broken," US officials said, and
Venzke added that you don't use your highest level of secure communications
all the time. It's too burdensome, and it exposes it to other types of

   During an insurgency in Cyprus in the 1950s, the British found the rebels
were using female motorcycle riders to carry messages back and forth. Bin
Laden is doing the same. But while messengers are fine, their use "is
dependent very much on the speed you require," Venzke said: "Communication
has to be safe, but it has to be efficient too."

   The best way to augment signals intelligence is with HUMINT -- human
intelligence, placing a source "close to the target," said Venzke.

   "HUMINT is essential. It's hard to place assets where they are needed to
be, but they're essential for exact information," he said.


Send in the Goons

By Robert Rees
Honolulu Weekly, Feb. 7, 2001

The Honolulu City Council committees on Transportation and Planning and
Public Safety met jointly on Jan. 31 to discuss a single agenda item, the
plans to curtail free speech when the Asia Development Bank meets in Hawaii
at the Hawaii Convention Center.

Attending the May 7-11 ADB meeting will be representatives of 60 owning
countries, 1200 investment bankers and as many as 400 journalists. The
Hawaii Tourism Authority considers hosting the event a coup, and the HTA's
executive director, Bob Fishman, was on hand to tell the Council how
important it is that Hawaii "makes a good impression" on these cash-laden
and opinion-leading visitors.

Fishman warned that the opponents of globalization have learned to utilize
international conferences as venues for expressing concerns. Hawaii, hungry
for business, was chosen for the ADB conference because it promised an
oasis of security. To hold up its end of the deal, Honolulu plans to spend
an extra $7 million on crowd control. Rationalized Fishman, "We are
training and developing a police force for a higher level of proficiency
that makes Hawaii a more attractive place."

Assistant Chief of Police Boisse Correa assured the Council that "We're on
top of this," but added, "We need more riot equipment." Correa noted also
that "the National Guard is working with us," and "all leaves will be

Correa didn't disclose that the HPD has asked the state judiciary to cancel
all scheduled court appearances by HPD officers during the conference, and
has arranged for alternative sites for arraignment and detention of
protesters. Further, as first reported by the Hawaii Chapter of Refuse &
Resist, the City Council is rushing to pass new ordinances to make the job
of the HPD easier. Says Council Chair Jon Yoshimura, "We are giving the HPD
additional tools to deal with protesters. These tools are patterned after
what Los Angeles has done."(Among other things, it will be illegal to wear
a mask "with the intent to commit a crime," police dogs will be allowed in
our parks and campers will be arrested.)

Correa did reveal that certain city parks will be shut down. Ostensibly
this is to provide staging areas for the HPD in its new role, as an
occupying army, but it will have the effect of choking off any opportunity
for protesters to legally congregate in our public forums. This, in turn,
will force the protesters to the streets.

Getting into this spirit of Dr. Strangelove, Transportation director Cheryl
Soon noted solemnly that bus routes might have to be altered. Further,
intoned Soon, "We will give out [revised bus schedules and routes] only on
a need to know basis."

Of special concern was Fishman's promise, "We will not tolerate excessive
inconvenience?" As a policy, this is an excuse for stifling free speech
based on content. In fact, if we applied Fishman's convenience rule to the
Martin Luther King Jr. parade financed by the city, or to the Convention
Center itself, neither would exist.

It's enough to make you want to protest. In fact, with President Bush
possibly on hand, the international forum provides a grand opportunity for
a highly visible demonstration on behalf of freedom for diversity and


CSIS predicts anarchists will bring violence to global summit


April meeting in Quebec

Jim Bronskill
Southam News

OTTAWA - The likelihood of violence at the Summit of the Americas in Quebec
City has increased with calls from anarchists and other radicals to use
force -- possibly including bricks and gasoline bombs -- to make their case
against globalization, says Canada's spy agency.

A Canadian Security Intelligence Service report warns the expected "presence
of some violence-prone individuals" raises fresh concerns about the April
gathering of the Organization of American States.

The newly obtained report, prepared in December, says the threat of serious
disruption escalated last October with efforts to form "anarchist affinity
groups" to plan activities ranging from projectile attacks to human

"Anarchist elements are actively organizing to protest the summit," says the
confidential report, released to Southam News under the Access to
Information Act.

The hemispheric meeting will bring together the leaders of 34 countries,
including Canada, to discuss free trade and investment.

Protesters argue corporate globalization and the unbridled pursuit of profit
are seriously eroding the rights of workers, feeding social injustices and
damaging the environment.

For almost a year, activists have been preparing for the summit through
Internet sites, e-mail, meetings and training camps.

While many demonstrators intend to express opposition peacefully, some are
calling for "direct action" to achieve goals.

At previous global summits, the more extreme members of the
anti-globalization movement have smashed windows, set fires and trashed

For several months, some activists have urged protesters to shut down the
Quebec City meetings.


Radicals want violence at Quebec summit, says CSIS

Bricks and gasoline bombs may be used at April meeting

Jim Bronskill
Southam Newspapers; Southam News
Tuesday 13 February 2001

The likelihood of violence at the Summit of the Americas in Quebec City has
increased with calls from anarchists and other radicals to use force --
possibly including bricks and gasoline bombs -- to make their case against
globalization, says Canada's spy agency.

A Canadian Security Intelligence Service report warns the expected
"presence of some violence-prone individuals" raises fresh concerns about
the April gathering of the Organization of American States.

The newly obtained report, prepared in December, says the threat of serious
disruption escalated last October with efforts to form "anarchist affinity
groups" to plan activities ranging from projectile attacks to human blockades.

"Anarchist elements are actively organizing to protest the summit," says
the confidential report, released to Southam News under the Access to
Information Act.

The hemispheric meeting will bring together the leaders of 34 countries,
including Canada, to discuss free trade and investment.

Protesters argue corporate globalization and the unbridled pursuit of
profit are seriously eroding the rights of workers, feeding social
injustices and damaging the environment.

For almost a year, activists have been preparing for the summit through
Internet sites, e-mail, meetings and training camps.

While many demonstrators intend to express opposition peacefully, some are
calling for "direct action" to achieve goals.

At previous global summits, the more extreme members of the
anti-globalization movement have smashed windows, set fires and trashed

For several months, some activists have urged protesters to shut down the
Quebec City meetings.

In an interview, CSIS spokesperson Dan Lambert said "the radical anarchist
fringe" has demonstrated a willingness to use violence.

"Given the situation, there is a likelihood of disruptive activity."

The CSIS report stresses most protest groups will "conduct their activities
in a peaceful, legitimate manner."

But the possibility of violence is heightened by the efforts of a "loosely
organized cluster" of alliances and individuals known as the Black Bloc to
establish an anarchist presence in Quebec City and form "affinity groups"
of five to 10 individuals.

Pamphlets distributed in Montreal suggested these groups handle various
arrangements including medical services, projectile attacks, emergency
intervention, human blockade, police surveillance and communication.

"Anarchy doesn't mean out of control. It means out of 'their' control."
        -Jim Dodge
"Communications without intelligence is noise;
intelligence without communications is irrelevant."
        -Gen. Alfred. M. Gray, USMC
"It is not a sign of good health to be well adjusted to a sick society."
        -J. Krishnamurti
"The world is my country, all mankind my brethren,
and to do good is my religion."
        -Thomas Paine
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