-Caveat Lector-

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send appropriate email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
Contents from previous issues:
RT # 100
--Police find locked ballot box at Miami hotel
--International elections expert 'amazed' by tight U.S election
--'Coup Watch' Series Begins On IMC
--Non-citizens to Choose Next President Says U.S. Border Control
--US officials bristle at "banana republic" charges
--US officials bristle at "Banana Republic" ridicule abroad over election
RT # 99
--Voters Take to the Streets
--Judge freezes ballots until next week
--Volusia officials find two suspect bags of ballots
--Duval tosses 22,000 votes: Unusually high rate to draw closer look
--Miami Haitians say they were unable to vote Tuesday
--Gore Campaign Sharpens Legal Demands and Tone
--Bush is behaving like the U.S. version of Milosevic
RT # 98
--Three Billion Dollar Campaign Ends in Gridlock
--Data of Little-Known Service Led to Wrong Call in Florida
--This Just In: Bush Or Gore May Win!
--Overlooked ballot box found in Florida church
--Missing ballot boxes in Dade County, FL
--Florida Sent Duplicate Ballots to Overseas Military Personnel
--Florida Declared Insane
--Africa Offers To Send 'Observers' To Help US End Poll Confusion
--Cuba Says New Elections in Florida 'reasonable,' Offers Observers
RT # 97
--Statement From Secretary James A. Baker III
--In Palm Beach, a Tidal Wave of Political Protest
--Judges have power to overturn elections
--The 2000 US election results: the constitutional crisis deepens
--Ballot designer, under fire, hires lawyer and hides out
--Florida Cops Accused of Harassing Black Voters
--Ore, NM Presidential Races Undecided
--Four other US states may recount election votes
RT # 96
--Florida Voting Rights & Wrongs- Campaign for a Legal Election
--Florida Common Law and Election "Irregularities"
--Nobody Won!
--From impeachment to a tainted election
--A Gore Coup d'Etat?
RT # 95
--Bush and Advisers Urge Gore Not to Stand in Way
--The good news of gridlock
--Bloodless coup d'etat
--Michael Moore to Kofi Annan
RT # 94
--Bush Or Gore: 'A New Era Dawns'
--The Election: Process and Results
--Nader and the Virtues of Gridlock
--No Surprise, Money Wins Big
--Florida official confirms 19,000 votes tossed out
RT # 93
--Your Stolen Vote: The Missing Piece Of The Puzzle
--Arrogance Of TV Networks: Compounding A National Crisis
--The honorable course in Florida
--The world mocks as America squirms
RT # 92
--Your Official
--League of Non-Voters letter
--Voting For Chief Prison Guard
--Electoral College myths, third-party truths
--Killing union activists
--World Bank Head Speaks On Demonstrations
--Naked Surveillance
RT # 91
--Study: AIDS devastating Africa; 24 million may die
--Drug traffickers exploit the weak
--Wargames: Air Force Space Command's Battle Plans
--Digital Angel unveiled
--Hemisphere's Police Chiefs Go High-Tech
--When It's Clear the 'Word is Not Enough', Reach for Technology
--Spies will face mental health check
--Satellite radio soon to orbit your car
--Athena Technologies flies micro air vehicle
RT # 90
--Direct Democracy, Not Corporate Hypocrisy
--Never Mind The Ballots!
--Voting never brought freedom to anyone
--Patching Up Morale at the World Trade Organization
--Ritalin: As Easy to Get as Candy
--New Technology Can Pinpoint Cell-Phone Users' Locations
RT # 89
--Anti-Capitalist Youths Challenge IMF in Montreal
--Protesters' message reaches economic meeting in Canada
--Global Stench
--The New Asterix
--Ecuador asks U.S. for $160 mln in anti-drug aid
RT # 88
--From Seattle to Seoul
--A worldwide web of discontent
--Living Justice Non-Violence Forum
--Munitions used against us on October 22
--Interpol targets cybercrime at world conference
--Uganda Ebola Death Toll Rises To 73
--Spy Base named in Euro probe
--Packaging Sales Surpass Album Sales, Sony Reports [humor?]
RT # 87
--Is direct action the new democracy?
--LAPD Homeless Sweeps Target Skid Row
--Ritalin becoming school yard hustlers' newest product
--Study Finds Resurgence in Corporate Tax Avoidance
RT # 86
--Ohio Braces for World Bank Protests
--Record Low Turnout Predicted [voting]
--The CIA's Honeymoon With The Academy
--Farm and rural life poll
--Microsoft on the bounty
--Vieques Protesters Stop US Navy/NATO Bombing
--Moms and Militia: A True Story
--U.S. Special Ops Gets First Non-Army Chief
--The FBI's alarming crime spree
RT # 85
--Profiting on the Backs of Child Laborers
--FBI's Carnivore Just the First Step In Cyber Surveillance
--Globalisation Heightening Gender Inequalities
--Lobbying, Advertising and Political Donations Surpass All Previous Records
--Diamonds are Forever
RT # 84
--Fear pervades Supermax
--Protesters Left Out in Cold at U.S. Campaign Debate
--NSA Chief: We Protect Cyberspace
--Interpol orders immediate cybercrime action
--IMF/World Bank: Stupid, Cruel, Brutal
--Going after Predatory Global Business
--'United Native America' press release
RT # 83
--Protest the Inauguration of the Next President
--TV's Mr. President arrested at Vandenberg protest
--Directory of Transnational Corporations
--Extravagant Evil and the I.M.F.
--Gun Control Refresher Course
--Chumbawamba Sample Metallica, Madonna, Dre on Free Download
--Anarchist Question And Answer
RT # 82
--IMF crimes against humanity
--An ethics firestorm in the Amazon
--What Happens When Genocide Poses as Science
--Commerical Rebellion
--The Thalidomide Of Genetic Engineering
RT # 81
--The Unbearable Lightness of Capitalism
--How Big Money Buys Big Votes In US Race
--The Ordeal of Female Inmates
--California Pot Busts Set Record
--FBI pushes for cyber ethics education
--Have Sex, Stay Young
--Poverty Deepening in Former Communist Countries
RT # 80
--LA Police Protesters Arrested
--Study: globalization bad news for work-related depression
--Why all is not well with globalization
--When Might Makes Wrong
--Mideast Leads Global Weapons Purchases
--Phantom Voters
--Cloning teams cross pig and human DNA
RT # 79
--"Democracy Now!" In Danger [Pacifica]
--Shoot To Kill: The Militarization of the U.S. Police
--Drug War Toll From Police Shootings Continues to Rise
RT # 78
--Crackdown On "Democracy Now!" [Pacifica]
--'Big Brother' Could Soon Ride Along in Back Seat
--147 arrested at parade standoff [Columbus]
--Tribes, activists can use Columbus dispute to teach their history
RT # 77
--FBI's Carnivore hunts in a pack
--Critics blast FBI's first release of Carnivore documents
--Bioterrorism: Red Scare For A New Millenium
--National Security Archive Update, October 6, 2000
--140 Native protesters arrested at Denver "Columbus Day" parade
--New Study Shows Alarming Increase in Corporate Cybercrimes
--Army report: Soldier bragged about raping other young girls
--Cash cow [cloning]
--Invest like the pros! [humor?]
RT # 76
--Thousands of protestors slam Asia-Europe summit
--IMF, World Bank are failures
--Children in chains [slavery]
--Why are they so angry?
--Selfish silence enables justice abuses
--Bringing the Military and the Law together
--Arrests restore image of Israel's snatch squad
--Anarchist Question And Answer
RT # 75
--Girls swap diapers for rebel life [Columbia]
--Prague update: 11 prisoners released
--Privacy Becomes Issue For UPS, FedEx As Drug Seizures Surge
--Space surveillance complex changes hands
RT # 74
--Police, Protests, and People's Power
--Eating The Greens [Sony v. environmentalists]
--Update on Josh Harper [was: FBI nabs 'anarchist' fugitive--RT #57]
RT # 73
--Activist leader held on felonies for convention protests
--The Antiglobalization Movement Gets Global
--Interpol looks for new directions in fighting cybercrime
--School shooters: Secret service findings
--The choice: Arm all or arm none
--Israeli-U.S. Agreement Near For Spy-Planes Procurement
RT # 72
--Critics of global economy meet in Tijuana
--Probers Hunt Facts & Faces
--Mideast violence prompts rallies in U.S. cities
--Citizens protest closed debate
--Cold War Warriors Turn Circus Performers
--NRLB Ruling on Temps Could Shake Up Silicon Valley
RT # 71
--Radio Wars
--A World Banker's Account of Prague
--Anarchists Still Held in Prague
--Hunters and the Hunted at US-Mexico Border
--Seoul braces for protests at Asia-Europe summit
RT # 70
--A Call for Anti-Capitalist Direct Action in Cincinnati, OH, USA
--The Third Force: The Rise of Transnational Civil Society
--Activist sees link between human and environmental rights
--Activists Take Aim at International Finance Corporation
--Police Airwaves Sabotaged In Anti-Globalization Protests
--The Poverty of Electoral Politics
--More than 200 Olympic threats
--Base commander says biological warfare training won't hurt public
--Give us this day some realism
RT # 69
--The Great Privacy Swindle
--Prison workers encroach on free-market jobs
--High Tech Prison Reform
--Prefabricated Jail Cell Market
--Nation's Prosperity Linked to Global Engagement
--Media Firms Buy Their Way To Political Access
--Reading Your Body
--reader commentary
         re: Surveillance and Repression: Remedies not Rumors [RT #59]
RT # 68
--Free Radio Austin 97.1FM Shutdown in FCC Raid
--Second pirate radio station in Austin shut down by FCC
--Carnivore Details Emerge
--French Warn of U.S. Spy Network
--Pentagon Introduces High-Tech ID
--How to crush oppression without killing justice [book review]
--Chem-bio warfare agent detector market assessed
--Fear of Contaminated Airplane Cabin Air
RT # 67
--West Nile: It's Not Just Local. It's Global
--Inside the Death House
--Radiation alert under ozone hole in southern Chile
--Colombia gets U.S.-backed loan for helicopters
--U.S. Companies Tangled in Web of Drug Dollars
RT # 66
--Spectrum Squatters
--Report Says Global Accounting Firm Overlooks Factory Abuses
--No Cure for Political Blues
--American Society of Industrial Security meeting
--The Roots of Homicide
--The Unnatural Death of a Natural Right [guns]
--USDA says better job needed in segregating biotech crops
--Replace Auto License Plates With Bar Codes
--Identifying Suspects in 3D
RT # 65
--In the Aftermath of Seattle: Backlash Reigns
--Philadelphia Protesters Trusted Wrong Volunteer
--Withering Democracy
--Protest Against the Trans Atlantic Business Dialogue
--Security Detail
RT # 64
--Big Brother Capabilities in an Online World
--A Government For The Military-Industrial Complex
--The Feds' Latest Crusade
--Among parents, backlash builds to Ritalin
--Big business has us bang to rights
--reader commentary
         Re: Gun control is global flop [RT # 41]
RT # 63
--Keeping an eye on protesters
--The Dirty Little Secret Of The Dot-Com World
RT # 62
--Anti-IMF Riots Sweep Developing World
--A Culture Of Rage
--Legislation To Expand Tax Breaks for America's Weapons Dealers
--The NRO Declassified -- NSA
--FDA advisers tied to industry
--Crusading for the kisan of the Third World
--Protesters besiege IMF meet, dozens hurt in clashes [Prague]
--Grateful Dead Fights Music Pirates
--Bark, Bite, Stun -- All in a Police Dog's Repertoire
--Burma classifies caffeine as narcotic drug
RT # 61
--Bedtime for Democracy in Boston
--198 methods of nonviolent protest
--Federal Death Penalty's True Colors
--Slavery in Sudan becomes a 'cause' in US
--Customs debuts cybersmuggling center
--Study: Toxic Risks Near Projects
RT # 60
--Protests at 1st Presidential Debate
--Protesters Take Post-Debate Stage
--U.S. Troops in Colombia Threatened
--FBI Releases Carnivore Documents to EPIC
--COPA panel wants billions more for cops
--POOR journalists of color seize media access at NAB convention
RT # 59
--Tribunal on corporate control over seeds
--U.S. Spy Agency NSA Offers Rare Glimpse Inside
--Surveillance and Repression: Remedies not Rumors
--Do Violent Media Really Cause Actual Violence?
--Clinton Announces Steps to Block Illegal Gun Sales
--AFRL studying automatic voice processing for prison applications
--McDonald's to open McCafe coffee shops in US
RT # 58
--FCC Raids the Father of the Micro Radio Movement
--IndyMedia Int'l Campaign on Behalf of Mbanna Kantako
--Chronicle Gives Short Shrift to NAB Protests
--Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression
--Homeless Dying Slowly of AIDS
--New Voluntary Standards Proposed for Experiments on People
--Study: Full Jails Not Lowering Crime
--Someone's Watching: Online, at Work - Everywhere
--Security Problems Plague Federal Accounting System
RT # 57
--Czech Police Measures Bring Severe Violations of Human Rights
--Biometrics: a safeguard or invasion of privacy?
--FBI nabs 'anarchist' fugitive
--Hawking says greenhouse effect threatens human race survival
--New iceberg breaks off Antarctic ice shelf
--Justices To Examine Police Power
--Juvenile murders: Guns least of it
--Internet DNA test will name fathers
RT # 56
--Raid on Human Rights Radio
--The Old, White NAB
--Fired for having the wrong genes
--Update of jail situation [Prague]
--Czech Police Statement
--Prague - the globalisation of a city
RT # 55
--World Bank schemes cost 2.6m their homes
--Colombia Rebels Set Sights on U.S. Troops
--Police Try, But Gangs Thrive
--Toys Of The Super-Rich
--Air Force team teaches joint antiterrorism class
--Vandenberg launches pair of Minutemans
RT # 54
--'Civilian Army' of Americans Helps Fight Colombia's Drug War
--Invasion of SWAT Teams Leaves Trauma and Death
--America's Call For Workers' Rights Ignored At Home
--Globalization, Suicide and a Wake Up Call
--A goulash of causes unites a potpourri of protesters
RT # 53
--FBI v. protesters
--More Arrests As IMF/World Bank Meeting Ends
--Learning From The Prague Protesters
-Human Rights Watch: Five New Reports
--Anti-union repression persists worldwide says report
--Energy Dept. Posts Weapons Site List
--EU Details World Crises Plans
--reader commentary
         Re: Gun control is global flop [RT # 41]
RT # 52
--Thousands say "Smash the IMF"
--Report: Extinction risk growing worldwide
--Canada Hosts Conference on War-Affected Children
--RIP: what the spooks can really see
--The Feds and Your Privacy
RT # 51
--Shocking Human Rights Abuses Faced by Protestors in Prague Jails
--Appeal for solidarity; statement From INPEG [Prague]
--Prague Declaration
--Undercurrents report from Prague
--World Bank Has Failed At Reforms
--Mass Protest Nothing New for the IMF/WB
-Death toll rises to five, 30 injured [Bolivia]
--US spy software could devour RIP
RT # 50
--IMF Meeting Closes Early
--IMF Wraps Up First Part of Meeting a Day Early
--Capitalism And Communism Look Equally Bad In Prague
--2 Prague stories
--SPJ statement on NAB expulsion of journalists
--Broadcasters celebrate big gains from violence and greed
--Humans destroying the natural world
--Processor Makers Embrace On-Chip Encryption Technologies
RT # 49
--Take Action Oct 3rd at the Presidential Debates
--Protesters Parade Through Prague
--Watching the riots
--Chicago group to review FBI e-mail surveillance plan
--Cuban spy case puts spotlight on U.S. eavesdropping
--High Court Accepts Heat-Detector Case
--Message From DownUnder
RT # 48
--Prague protests turn violent
--Over 1,000 March Against NAB
--The NAB Protests-What Did it all Mean?
--Helping the Poorest to Get Poorer
--Climate to be privatised in November
RT # 47
--Protesters riot in Prague as finance summit opens
--Who are the Prague protesters?
--Scientist 'killed Amazon indians to test race theory'
--Soviet-Era Bioweapons Threat Lingers
--Poverty 10X Higher World Bank Says
--Death List
RT # 46
--Dozens injured in Prague clashes
--Prague Protests Heating Up
--Economist on Prague demos
RT # 45
--1 in 3 women abused, UN report shows
--Women on the Verge of an Economic Breakdown
--Sexually Abused Children Get Little Help
--No One Is Illegal
--Lawyers Allege Maker of Ritalin, Psychiatric Group 'Created' Disease
         (+ reader commentary)
RT # 44
--Why I'm Skipping the Olympics
--Waste and Pollution Increase in Industrialised Nations
--e-marketing to children
--DOJ on 2nd Amendment
--It's Not Just About 'Assault Weapons' Anymore
--Ex-NSA expert warns of concealed backdoors
--Law Enforcement Online (LEO) Promotes Information Sharing
--Mobile Phones for Cops
RT # 43
--Thousands Protest the NAB
--The Protest against the NAB
--The Morning Show [NAB]
--Arrests At NAB Protests
--NAB Infiltrated; Lockdown at Moscone; Clear Channel Demo
--Activists Facing Charges from RNC
--U.S. Leads World in Curtailing Privacy
--Beating Metal Detectors
RT # 42
--Protesters Prepare For Prague IMF And World Bank Demos
--Activists line up days of anti-IMF action in Prague
--Rage over U'wa
--A Condemnation of LAPD Actions During the DNC
--Colombia's right-wing paramilitaries promise kinder, gentler war
--Future chips
--When the CIA waged cultural war [book review]
RT # 41
--Slam The NAB
--Protesters Try to NAB Spotlight
--Analysts Available on National Association of Broadcasters
--Gen. Powell inspires amid war of airwaves
--Activists Gear Up for Europe's Biggest Anti-Globalisation Protests
--Why Big Oil backed the fuel protests in Europe
--Gun control is global flop
RT # 40
--SFLR News - Slam the NAB--Day 1
--11,000 Police Mobilized for Prague Talks
--Protesters Arrested at Gore Headquarters in Washington
--Are anarchists inherently violent?
--Olympics ban guns, knives - and Pepsi
--Terrorist Threats
--Should Cops Have License to Commit Crime? [Canada]
--Court to Rule If Pollution Cuts May Be Too Expensive
--Reader commentary
         Re: Lawsuits Claim Ritalin 'Conspiracy' [RT#38]
RT # 39
--Global Eavesdroppers
--Globalization - Not If, But How
--The Radicalization of America's Gun Culture
--UN Getting Into Bed With Big Business
--Hack alert: Where's the outrage?
--God-free gathering challenges religion
RT # 38
--Historic Prague Braces For Turbulent IMF Meeting
--Spying on demonstrators in Los Angeles
--Lawsuits Claim Ritalin 'Conspiracy'
--Waking Up the Global Elite
--Big labor's surprising comeback
--One in three young criminals is armed [UK]
RT # 37
--Protesters Begin Practicing Techniques [Prague]
--Broadcasters' 'Radio Show' Comes to a Troubled Region [NAB]
--Police Infiltrated Protest Groups During GOP Convention
--Allies Deliberately Poisoned Iraq Public Water Supply In Gulf War
--Teachers spy a new career opportunity [MI5]
RT # 36
--CIA, FBI and Pentagon Team to Fight Terrorism
--Protests overshadow IMF [Prague]
--The Other Side From Down Under [Olympics]
--Shell to face US lawsuit for Saro-Wiwa execution
--Prison Guards' Undue Influence
RT # 35
--IndyMedia Sets Up in SF
--How The Corporate Media Interfere with Democracy
--Industry Goes On Global Offensive Against Environmentalists
--The Battle in Seattle Reconvenes in a New York Ballroom
--Economy Hot, But Many Left Out in Cold
--On a New Map, the Income Gap Grows
--Correctional Chic
RT # 34
----NAB Convention Protest - Calendar Of Events (updated)
--Open letter to the NAB
--Stephen Dunifer on microradio and the NAB protests
--NAB: Enemy of democracy
--Senate Moves In For Kill [LPFM update}
RT # 33
--Olympic Protest Coverage Online
--SFLR to Broadcast 24 Hours During NAB Week
--The Media Muddle the Message
--Protest generation vows to grab reins of power
--Protesters see betrayal by 'activists'
--US servicemen 'beat Kosovo civilians'
--Suffering under Uncle Sam
--The Robot Revolution Is on the Way
--Hackers amass new zombie army
RT # 32
--Prague braced for demos
--Cops, Protesters Prep for Cincinnati Confab
--FBI Director Visits Moscow, Hails Cooperation
--A small tribe battles big oil
--Chiapas Indians Hold Officials Hostage
--Netspionage' costs firms millions
--All That Glitters
--ITT gets surveillance pact from FBI
--The Bureau of Atomic Tourism
RT # 31
--No Globalisation Without Direct Democracy
--The Clinton Administration's See-No-Evil C.I.A.
--Worrywarts, Black Helicopters and Trust
--New Report Examines Commercialism in U.S. Schools
--From Wall Street to Mob Street
--The Latest in Security Technology Has its Eyes on Would-be Bad Guys
--Sensors of Chemical Warfare Agents Make a Mass-Transit Debut
RT # 30
--Protesters, Cops Clash at "Economic Olympics"
--Olympics Protesters' Site Hijacked
--IMF/WB Opponents
--Czechs Plan Tough Border Checks During IMF Meeting
--Prague braces for protests
--Study shows Brady law has no effect on homicide rates
--Panic buyers start to strip supermarkets [UK]
RT # 29
--The protests behind the protests
--Police Worry About Fortune 500 Forum Protesters
--Czech police wary of protest peacekeepers
--"Don't Blame The Player, Blame The Game!" [NAFTA]
--Protests spread across Europe [fuel]
RT # 28
--Mainstream Corporate Media Dismisses Democracy
--Melbourne under siege
--5000 unionists join forum demonstrations
--Chemicals in Environment Causing Disabilities in Children, Warns Report
--Prague's police aim to tolerate protests
--Pervasive Disparities Found in the Federal Death Penalty
--Why Defense Stocks Are Going Great Guns
RT # 27
--WEF protesters defy police violence and maintain peaceful blockade
--World trade targeted Down Under
--Economic Summit Protests Continue
--Australian Accountancy Body Supports WEF protesters
--Protesters, Police Gather Outside Econ Forum Early Wed
--Nike Answers Allegations of Labour Standards Violations
--World Bank shamed by 2.8 billion in poverty
--More on Maldon Institute
--Critics Say U.S. Is Losing Control Over Arms Exports
RT # 26
--Black Bloc at s11 Melbourne
--The Federal Government Is a Hacker's Paradise
--Monsanto's 'Desperate' Propaganda Campaign
--Surveillance cameras keep watchful eye on Britons
--Nader advocates legalization of marijuana
--The Deadly Blue Line: Police State Euthanasia
--The Fire This Time [satire]
RT # 25
--Upcoming Independent Media Center Coverage
--S11 Protestors Keeping Delegates Out
--Rumors had troopers seeing Reds during the GOP convention
         -background/commentary on the above story (2)
--USA concentration of wealth worst ever
--Security to be tight in Quebec
--Uncle Sam: Arms merchant to the world
--Study: Nursing cutbacks kill patients
RT # 24
--War is Hellishly Profitable
--Modern-Day Slavery
--Fear And Loathing In Los Angeles
--War On Drugs Or War On The American People?
RT #23
--Great Myths and False Promises Dominate UN Summit
--Police Abuses Will Not Stifle Protest Movement
--Prague braces for anti-globalisation showdown
--The Super Rich Are Out of Sight
--Fodors for Free Speechers [IndyMedia]
--Body odour checks to foil thieves
--Paying The Price: Killing The Children Of Iraq
--U.S. Latin America command changes hands
--think about it
RT # 22
--The militarization of police forces
--Mining data on mutilations, beatings, murders
--Drug Flow Will First Get Worse, U.S. Predicts
RT # 21
--NAB Convention Protest - Calendar Of Events
--Micropower Broadcasting Counter-Convention
--'World Forum' Bashes America, GOP
--Castro rains on UN parade, says wealthy run it
--Colombian paramilitary chief admits getting backing from businessmen
--Cold War Radiation Subjects Denied Compensation
--Intended mob target unfazed by wiretap law
--Cybercrime Lab is a Sign That Crime has Gone Online
--Biometrics Offers Fool-Proof ID In the Blink of an Eye
RT # 20
--True Survivors: The World Cannot Stand Much Reality
--State police infiltrated protest groups, documents show
--Secret program left toxic legacy
--Prison Is A Good Investment
--Military investigators learn about sex crimes and family violence
--Feds To Net Criminals: You Can't Hide
RT # 19
--The Legitimization Of Dictatorship
--The Gene Stealers: Your Life and the Commercialization of Biology
--NAFTA ruling Punishes Mexico for Rejection of Hazardous Waste Dump
--Russia's Naval Catastrophe: Once-Feared Fleet Lies Rusting and Radioactive
--Nuclear Time-Bombs Tick as Russian Hardware Rots
RT # 18
--Will Cops Ruin the Next Anti-Globalization Protests in Quebec?
--LSD experiments on war children
--Wobblies Aren't So Wobbly Nowadays
--Nader speaks out against raid on a South Dakota Indian reservation
--Two Mexican Generals Implicated in Drug Trade
--Major banks named in $3bn Nigeria fraud
--Looking on the bright side can be bad for you
--The bombing of Sudan, Afghanistan: Another fleeting tragedy
RT # 17
--Children used for drug tests
--Corporate Carnivore Available
--Microchip Implant Could Find Missing Children and Prisoners
--Want To Increase Voter Turnout? Give Them A Candidate To Hate
--Hacktivism takes to the cyberstreets
--Ain't no network strong enough
--Net crime set to rocket
--Crisis for Air Traffic System: More Passengers, More Delays
RT # 16
--Judi Bari Bombing Case Update
--Authorities use a heavy hand to keep kids on drugs
--Widespread Property Destruction & Sniping Seen
--Haitian Detainees Riot At Krome
--50,000 New Cell Phone Towers For America's Wilderness Areas
--Sirius Satellite Radio Launch Update
--Congress To Try Again To Reform Bureau Of Indian Affairs
--Does Free Speech Extend To Code?
RT # 15
--An Invitation to Direct Action [NAB Convention]
--Skirmish in San Francisco [NAB Convention]
--The continued rapid concentration of wealth
--Obscene CEO pay in USA now worst ever
--Final Lockdown at Sydney Olympic Park Complete
--Prisoners and Plowshares
--A pocket guide to NSA sabotage
--Tests show Gulf war soldiers have uranium poisoning
--6 Convicted of Smuggling Immigrants
RT # 14
--The same few people still own the country
--Elections Not Enough, UN Head Tells Legislators
--Global Warming Report Predicts Doom for Many Species
--Protecting Society From Criminals, Bad Cops, And Inhumane Prisons
--1.5 Million U.S. Kids Have a Parent in Jail
--LAPD Sees Convention As a Victory
--LAPD Victory Party
--Federal Reserve conference spotlights financial instability
RT # 13
--FBI to Monitor European Activists
--CIA Bankrolling 8 Silicon Valley Startups
--Law Enforcement Woes Are Rampant Nationwide
--We Won't Win The War On Drugs
--FDA Designates Bioterrorism Antidote
--US Government Will Collect $602 Billion Over the Net by 2006
RT # 12
--The police state is here
--"Deck is Stacked" Against U.S. Workers
--At least 20 die in Colombia anti-Clinton attacks
--Your Phone Serves As A Tracking Device
--Big Brother wore khakis
--A New Breed of High-Tech Detectives
--Wearing A Secret On Their Sleeves
RT # 11
--NAB 2000: Speak Out for Media Democracy
--Democratic Convention Protests Redefine Movement
--100,000 March Against Police Brutality in DC
--New military unit for domestic deployment, Cohen says
--Totalitarian capitalism
--Supreme Court Strikes Down Medical Marijuana
--The George Carlin Theory About Life
RT # 10
--Ruckus Society Leader Speaks
--Police Spies Active In Protests At Democratic Convention
--FBI's Anti-Nazi Training Is Hypocritical
--Hunting pedophiles on the Net
RT # 9
--Prosperity or not, anarchism back in vogue
--Naomi Klein's New New Left
--A street-side view of the Democratic Convention
--Violent Crime Rate Plunges
--Prisons Are a Hotbed of Drug Use, Survey Finds
--4 of 13 Servers That Manage Web Traffic Failed For A Brief Period
RT # 8
--Police State Crackdown
--Number of FBI intelligence officers up sharply
--The Fight For Liquid Assets [water privatization]
--Airport Searches Revealing More
RT # 7
--An undercover cop's Democratic convention diary
--Convention Protests Bring Mixed Reactions
--Representative McKinney on convention activists
--Voteauction Bids the Dust
--Sniffer Routs Out Drunk Drivers
RT # 6
--Of Anarchists, Activists, Protests, and the LAPD
--Schools Grow Electronic Eyes
--Redesigning the Protest Movement
--Prison: The New Slavery?
--Open Letter to Ted Hayes from an Anarchist
--More on Ted Hayes
RT  # 5
--Protesters March Against Police Brutality, And Receive More Of It
--Officers Kept Eye on Protests From Within
--Led by U.S., Arms Sales Surge Globally
--Leftists and Popular Movements
--Qualifying the Police State
--Reader commentary
         re: Homeless activist slams anarchists [from RT #2]
--The LAPD's unlikely defender
RT # 4
--LAPD, Activists Choreograph a Confrontation
--NWO Hackers: The Covert War Against Antiwar.com
--Close Vote? You Can Bid on It
RT # 3
--DNC: Corporate Sponsors and Rubber Bullets
--Police Are Protest Target
--A dose of anarchy in a police state
--Police conduct at the conventions
--Nuke Sites Permanently Contaminated
--Nike protesters living on Nike wages in Indonesia
--Nation's Prison Population Climbs to Over 2 Million
--Cultural Sabotage Waged In Cyberspace
RT # 2
--Corporate Media Interfere with Democracy
--Homeless activist slams anarchists
--Labor Poll
--Farmers Fight Monsanto's Seed Invasion
--The Big Brother Implant
--Toy Electric Chair
RT # 1
--After Police Ruckus, LA Protesters Seek Peace
--95 Arrested as Protesters and Police Make a Day of It
--LAPD criticized for 'police riot'
--Dozens arrested in mostly peaceful protests on convention's second day
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