-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


ARTICLE 01 – A Salute to the Marines from an Air Force Serviceman


By Paul Connors

Regardless of inter-service jokes and rivalries, let it never be said that
the U.S. Air Force doesn't respect and admire the United States Marine Corps.

Like so many other Americans since Sept. 11, I found myself wondering which
service would be the first to put troops on the ground in Afghanistan once
the Air Force and naval aviation completed the bulk of their bombing

I found myself pondering the history of several Army units and the Marines
and tried to determine which one would get the nod. Would it be the 82nd
Airborne or the 10th Mountain Division?  Or, would it be “the few, the proud,
the Marines?” As of Nov. 26, Americans at home and people around the world
found out that the world's pre-eminent and most historic fighting force had
once again answered its country's call and headed for the sound of the guns.

The Marines now on the ground in Afghanistan have a lengthy and proud
history.  They have served in every one of this country's conflicts back to
Nov. 10, 1775, and they have never, ever failed us. From the foretops of “men
o' war” to Belleau Wood, and from Wake Island, Saipan and Iwo Jima to Hue,
they have stood up when counted and made their Corps and their country proud.

After Vietnam, the Marine Corps continued to serve as America's fire brigade,
a service with unique capabilities, an unequaled esprit de corps and
standards that they would not betray or diminish. They were there again in
Grenada and Beirut, where 242 Leathernecks died carrying out their nation's
foreign policy. Marines returned to their classic amphibious roots in
Operation Desert Storm and while the Clinton Administration sought to
“de-militarize” the Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard with lower
standards and integrated basic training, the Marine Corps alone, refused to
bow or buckle to the winds of political expediency.

Marines have a system that works and they know it. They are also proud of
that fact, just as they are justifiably proud of their achievements and the
many hard-fought battles in their 226-year history. And now, as the United
States faces one of its most difficult military campaigns, it has once again
called on its fabled Corps to go in harm's way to do a job the average
American would probably rather not think about.  It is dangerous and ugly
work. The hours are long and the working conditions are less than pristine.

But U.S. Marines never shirk or complain or balk when given a difficult task.
Unlike the average spoiled American, these “grunts” have willingly accepted
the challenges they face.  I have always marveled at one seemingly simple
observation: the tougher the job, the more the Marines like it.

So, in this first year of the new millennium and at the very beginning of the
Corps' 227th year, they have once more landed on “foreign shores.” They have
done so quickly and with a minimum of fanfare. But they are there and in
control of the situation. I would hate to be Osama Bin Laden or another
member of Al Qaeda knowing that the “devil dogs” were hunting me. Despite
the fact that their numbers on the ground in Afghanistan are not great when
compared to their past battlefields, the combination of unequaled training
and technology will allow them to excel and prevail in this most difficult of

The Taliban and Al Qaeda terrorists are facing men who, while not immortal,
are on a crusade. The Marines are in Afghanistan to avenge the murder of
their innocent fellow countrymen and to restore balance and justice to a
chaotic part of the world.  As our Marines go about our nation's business,
let us not forget their dedication, perseverance and sense of mission.

And as this chapter in the annals of Marine Corps history is written, it
should be remembered by Americans everywhere that this latest generation of
Americans proudly upheld the honor of their corps and lived up to their
motto, “Semper Fidelis.”

Paul Connors is DefenseWatch Air Force Editor.

Table of Contents


ARTICLE 02 – Terrorist ‘Sleepers’ – An Ancient Threat


By Robert G. Williscroft

Terrorism is the indiscriminate use of force and coercion against innocent,
uninvolved individuals.

In today's world, terrorism seems to be divided into three distinct types.
One type concerns itself with “internal” affairs – directing its terrorist
activities against fairly well defined “opposition” elements. Most notable
among these are the Irish Republican Army (IRA), Timothy McVeigh types,
several African tribal groups, several Southeast Asian and South American
“political” organizations, and at least two related to drug-trafficking.

The second type is typified by the now defunct Baader-Meinhof Gang in Germany
–  it is entirely commercial, supplying services to the highest bidder. The
third type is strictly religious, owing its allegiance to several Islamic

“Internal” terrorists should be handled by the authorities in the countries
wherein they operate, unless these authorities request outside assistance.
Terrorism for hire and drug-related terrorism are international scourges that
ought to be handled like any other heinous criminal activity. Islamic
religious terrorism, on the other hand, should be examined more closely,
since this has become the next great international crisis.

Islam spread throughout the world after the conquests by the Caliphs in the
7th and 8th centuries. Around 1000 AD, an offshoot of the Isma'ili Islamic
sect took root in India under the leadership of Mohammed Agha Khan. Known as
the Nizaris, they were reputed to partake immoderately of hashish, so that
they were also called hashshashins. In fact, these hashshashins became well
known for the carefully planned murder of enemies of their sect – hence the
word, assassin.

The Isma'ilis developed a well-deserved reputation of being prepared to
sacrifice themselves in the service and for the cause of Islam. They became
the legendary swords of Imams (Moslem clerics) the world over. There is a lot
of intellectual controversy concerning the origins of the Nizari assassins,
and much of the recorded history may well be more the stuff of legend than
historically accurate.

Nevertheless, in the early 19th century, the Isma'ili Imam received the
official title of Agha Khan from the Shah of Persia, harking back to the
[mythical] origins of the sect. This enterprising representative of Allah
actually issued his assassin followers letters of introduction to the angel
Gabriel in order to secure for them a good place in Paradise.

This ploy has not been lost on modern Islam leaders – especially the late
Ayatollah Khomeni of Iran and his successors, and more recently Osama bin
Laden – who routinely dispatch assassins throughout the world, promising them
a place in paradise. When you are a soldier of Allah Himself, guided by the
hand of his holy Imam, you are unlikely to be impressed by international
decrees outlawing terrorism.

Today, radical Muslim assassins are located throughout the world, set to
destroy target unbelievers upon a signal from their Imams. The killings of
Israeli Olympic athletes, the suicide car-bombing of the American compound in
Lebanon, the downing of the Pan Am flight over Scotland, the destruction of
several U.S. Embassies, the attack on the USS Cole, the attack on the
Pentagon and destruction of the World Trade Center Towers – are all verified
examples of this activity.

The danger is very real to anyone anywhere who publicly undermines or appears
to undermine fundamentalist Islamic beliefs and actions. Several years ago, I
personally experienced this danger. The Ayatollah Khomeni had just issued his
death sentence on Salman Rushdie for his book, Satanic Verses. I carried the
back page of a national magazine, and I dedicated that page to a condemnation
of the Ayatollah.

I also wrote a weekly column that was carried in papers across the Northwest.
In that week's column I exposed the nature of the assassins from the past and
their very real danger in today's world. Shortly thereafter I was the object
of demonstrations by masked mid-eastern college students, and have received
periodic telephonic death threats for the past ten years.

The danger to everyone is all the more real because these assassins jealously
guard their identities and association with the sect controlling them. Their
services are available to any Imam, and the vast wealth of the oil-rich Arab
region is indirectly available to finance their activities in much the same
manner that the wealth of western corporations can be tapped by Christian
church authorities, except that Islam has more direct access because of the
fuzzy distinction between Moslem church and state identities.

Hamza Hendawi writing in The Washington Times on Nov. 24, said that current
assassin cells are populated by hundreds of al Qaeda-trained soldiers. They
no longer pump themselves up with hashish, but are filled instead with an
unflagging belief in their spiritual righteousness and the certainty of their
heavenly reward. They are taught to blend in completely, and to await the
call of their Imam to Jihad – holy war.

Terrorism in the guise of religion is far more insidious than terrorism for
hire. We must deal with it decisively and completely – at the source. These
cells won't work without initializing orders. We need to identify and bring
stern justice to bear on those Islamic Clerics who -- as opposed merely to
expressing viewpoints in opposition to American policies in the Mideast and
South Asia -- are found actually to control and direct these terrorist cells,
or who issue clear death threats or exhortations to violence by their

The U.S. government should not hesitate to use its expanded anti-terrorism
powers to monitor and surveill all Islamic Clerics who support Muslim
extremists. Any non-citizens residing in this country should not be exempt
from the full power of the law aimed at thwarting future terrorist strikes,
including tribunal hearings and immediate summary executions following
conviction of terrorist actions. And the U.S. government should not hesitate
to press upon foreign governments to put the same effort to bear on such
clerics operating in foreign countries. Furthermore, where such cooperation
is not forthcoming, we should take direct action ourselves to eliminate these
overt threats.

Robert G. Williscroft is DefenseWatch Navy Editor.

Table of Contents


ARTICLE 03 – Balkans Stability Remains an Illusion


By J. David Galland

The International War Crimes Tribunal gloats over its latest quarry, former
Yugoslavia President Slobodan Milosevic, who has finally been indicted for
the crime of genocide and just about every crime except playing hooky from
school. However, at the same time the endemic pattern of ethnic violence in
the Balkans has entrenched itself for another cold winter of discontent.

Which of the former provinces of what was once Yugoslavia remains is in the
forefront? It is still Macedonia. You remember Macedonia, don't you? Allow me
to jog your memory a bit from this past August: peace, cease-fire,
disarmament and mutual respect for differing ethnic groups, just to mention a
few key points.

I am sure the reader can reflect on the lackluster signing of the Ohrid Peace
Agreement only three months ago. As well, one can recall many of the critical
provisions of the agreement that aimed to save Macedonia from abysmal
lawlessness. Perhaps you remember that under its provisions, hostilities
would come to a rapid stop and a cease-fire would ensue, NATO troops would
come in for 30 days, and 30 days only, with the Albanian rebels then turning
in their weapons. Next, Albanian citizens of Macedonia, largely in the
Presevo Valley, would then be treated equally and be given more rights by the
Macedonian-dominated parliament.

What has Macedonia, as a country, or as I predicted last July, a NATO
protectorate, accomplished? Not much!  Since the marionette strings were
pulled taunt on the hapless President Boris Trakjovski, whom NATO and the
West bought out for a song, things haven't changed much. That is, if any of
the current reports, news stories and tales of terror that emerge into the
world media are correct.

Only days ago, heavily armed rebels, believed to be the well rested remnants
of the Albanian National Liberation Army (known by its Albanian acronym,
UCK), took as many as 70 people hostage in the Macedonian village of Semsovo,
which is a few kilometers northeast of Tetovo. A few hours before this latest
challenge to rural tranquility, a group of about a dozen people, were
abducted on a main road in the area. One of the unfortunate ones was Zlate
Todorovski, the director of the Macedonian language television station in

Local police officials, speaking on terms of anonymity, insisted that the
perpetrators were not former UCK members.  Even the former UCK commander in
the area, readily available for comment and denial, assured Western sources
that this was not the work of the now, disbanded rebel group.

These abductions brought an immediate response from the NATO-backed police
forces. Scores of police in armored personnel carriers streamed into the area
around Tetovo, which is viewed, locally, as additional provocation.
Resistance to the advancing constabulary was swift on the part of the, "not
former rebels".  Between Semsovo and Trebos, northwest of Tetovo, a police
convoy was ambushed and three policemen were killed, leaving numerous others
wounded. The following day, a running gun battle ensued between Macedonian
Police and suspected ethnic Albanian rebels near the village of Preljubiste.

On the Sunday following these events, a powerful explosion rocked another
city in northwestern Macedonia, further shattering the fractious peace that
NATO, thinks, is prevailing. A spokesman for the new Albanian National Army
was quick to take credit for causing the explosion and promised more similar
actions during the next week. Clearly, these incidents and the escalation or
violence can be viewed as a response to the political foot-dragging by
Macedonian leaders in Skopje, on the promised issues of Albanian autonomy and
equality within Macedonia.

Two weeks ago, before cozying up to the Russians in Moscow, the ever
confident and self-serving NATO Secretary-General Lord Robertson, while
visiting Slovenia, stated that he believed the situation to be stabilized and
he urged all involved to show restraint. These would be my recommendations
too, but I am not naïve enough to believe such tolerance and bliss between
the ethnic factions will prevail. Robertson's declaration followed an
apparently illuminating conversation with President Trakjovski and German
Brig. Gen. Heinz-Georg Keerl, the NATO Commander in Macedonia.

In the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in the United States, the world
has largely turned its collective focus to issues other than Macedonia,
particularly the ongoing war in Afghanistan.

At the same time, Macedonia still simmers with violence waiting to explode.
Ant the Balkans continues its ever-familiar downward spiral of violence and
hatred, still quite capable of ensnaring the United States and its allies in
yet another bloodbath.

J. David Galland, Deputy Editor of DefenseWatch, is the pen name of a career
U.S. Army senior Non-Commissioned Officer currently serving in Germany

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