      A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E


Anarchists are no one's foot soldiers.  As the demonstration against the
Asia Pacific leg of the World Economic Forum in Melbourne gathers steam, the
call has gone out for foot soldiers.  Organisers need to understand that
anarchists are not foot soldiers for the environmental movement, the trade
union movement, church groups or Marxists.  We control our own destiny.  We
are not whipping posts for the State, police or media.  We have clear

We want direct democracy, common ownership of society's resources and we
want to be involved in the decision making processes of the communities we
live in.  We oppose the World Economic Forum because their framework is
diametrically opposed to our framework.  We detest their centralised
authority and their monopoly on power and wealth.  That's why anarchists
across the globe are at the forefront of the struggle against globalisation
and corporatisation.  On the 11th, 12th and 13th of September those
self-appointed world leaders who are trying to set political, social and
cultural agendas will understand that they cannot make decisions for
billions of people without their participation in the decision making

Our strength lies in our diversity, it lies in our ability to organise in a
non-hierarchical manner.  We are a many headed hydra, chop one head off and
twenty will take its place.  Now is the time to form your own affinity
group; now is the time to formulate your agenda.  We are nobody's foot
soldiers, we represent ourselves.  Direct democracy, transparency and direct
action are our tools of trade.

Centralised, top-heavy organisations like the World Bank, the World Economic
Forum and the corporate sector are no match for our enthusiasm, our ideas
and our organising capacity.  The dawning of the 21st century marks the
beginning of the struggle to make that new world in our hearts into a
practical, breathing reality.

The latest attempts by the Federal government to squash what little
democratic tradition exists in the corporate sector highlights how sensitive
these people are to criticism.  Any corporation listed on the stock exchange
has to, under Australian law, call an extraordinary meeting if 100
shareholders call for an extraordinary meeting on a particular topic.  Last
year, a number (I think two) environmental groups caused two Australian
corporations to call extraordinary meetings about matters of concern to
share holders.

Unfortunately, it looks like this little bit of share holder accountability
is about to bite the dust.  The Federal government wants to push legislation
through parliament which would only allow an extraordinary meeting to be
called if share holders holding 5% of the total capital of the company
called for an extraordinary meeting.  In Telstra's case, this would mean
that an extraordinary meeting could only be called by a group holding 4
billion dollars of Telstra shares.

We all know that corporate democracy is based on the amount of shares
somebody owns in a company.  The more shares you own, the more power you
have.  We all know that 'Mum and Dad' investors are the first ones to be
screwed and that institutional investors enjoy all the perks of office.  So
why the chest beating and hair pulling about the government's attempts to
disenfranchise small share holders?

Anybody who believes that corporate power is somehow linked with democratic
principles needs to take a crash course in the principles of capitalism.
It's obvious our corporate mates can't cope with even the minimum of
scrutiny.  Theyıre in the game to make a buck, you give them your money on
trust.  How they use that money is up to them.  Don't ask them any
questions, trust them and if your really lucky you'll make a buck at the end
of the day.  No wonder so many investors are so insecure, on top of the heap
one day, down in the depths the next day.  What a way to live your life,
handing over your nest egg to a bunch of people you have no power over.
Your future in their hands, your fate interlinked with their unethical and
immoral behaviour.

Cathy Freeman's intervention in the stolen generation debate has once again
highlighted the collective amnesia that is such an integral feature of this
country's history.  Let's have a look at the facts.  We're told that between
the 1920's to the late 1960's, early 1970's, that the government and church
groups took Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children away to protect
them from unhealthy, dangerous situations.  I'm sure that 5 to 10% of
indigenous children may have been removed because of the poverty of their
surroundings and family life.  This occurred as a consequence of the brutal
way many indigenous people were treated in this country.  The other 90% were
removed from their families because they were "light skinned".

It was both State and Federal government policy to remove "light skinned
children" from their indigenous families so that they could be brought up in
a European manner.  Time and time again, police raids were conducted on
fringe settlements to "rescue mixed blood children" from their indigenous

The very communities that took on the responsibility of caring for children
who were born as a result of exploitative and violent relationships were
penalised by the State for taking on that responsibility.  The harm and
dislocation caused by the stolen generations was a result of distinct
government policies to assimilate "light skinned" indigenous children into
the bottom rungs of Australian society.

The policy was brutal and inhumane, was government sanctioned and is
responsible for the very poor state of physical, psychological and emotional
health of many members of this country's indigenous community.  The Howard
government's inability to offer an apology is a clear indication that
segments of Australian society including government continue to cling to the
white wash version of Australian history that has denied the racial origins
of the government's assimilation policies.

The Victorian Police hierarchy are in panic mode.  No, not about the
accusations of corruption that have been levelled at the Victorian Force.
They're in panic mode about the forthcoming protests on the 11th, 12th and
13th of September against the Asia Pacific leg of the World Economic Forum
in Melbourne.  What was to have been a quiet 'knees up Mother Brown' turn
has turned into a potential catastrophe.

The poor Victorian Police Force has been given an impossible task, they've
been asked to secure Crown Casino, possibly Melbourne's busiest building.
Thousands of gamblers, shoppers, movie and restaurant goers use the building
every day.  All police leave has been cancelled, police have been called up
from New South Wales and South Australia to protect the delegates to the
World Economic Forum.  In an attempt to frighten people from attending the
demonstrations, the Victorian Police Force has embarked on a campaign of
terror.  Terror in the sense of trying to portray the participants in the
protest as bent on violence and mayhem.

Unfortunately for the State government and the Victorian Police, their
attempts to win the hearts and minds of people through their terror campaign
has fallen on deaf ears.  The harder they protest, the more media interest
is focused on the proposed protest.  No wonder the upper echelons of the
Victorian Police Force are in panic mode.  I feel so sorry for them.  I'm
happy to offer some unsolicited advice to the State government and the
police.  Cancel the World Economic Do at Crown Casino and transfer it to the
Puckapunyal Army Barracks outside Seymour.  I'm sure Bill Gates and his
mates would have no objections to using the accommodation at the army base,
recently vacated by the Kosovo refugees who were given temporary safe haven
there.  If they hold the show in the army barracks they could ring the whole
place with gun emplacements and tanks and the meeting could go ahead without
any interference from those pesky demonstrators.  It's the only way I know
they'll be able to have their conference and not be bothered by the tens of
thousands who will be protesting.

The Federal governments tough talk about the Fiji crisis has come to nought.
A few cosmetic sanctions, nothing to upset the racists who now rule the
roost in Fiji.  When you compare the government's Fiji response to their
response to the Bougainville crisis - a total blockade which led to the
deaths of 5% of the population, you soon realise that something is not quite

Just in case your wondering about the draconian response in Bougainville
compared to the slap on the wrist dished out to Fiji's racist dictatorship
you soon come to understand that the bottom line is business and profits.  A
total blockade was applied around Bougainville because large sections of the
Bougainville population wanted to be independent of Papua New Guinea and
wanted to control their own lives.  In order to do this they chased C.R.A.
out of Bougainville.  For over a decade C.R.A.'s mine in Bougainville has
lain dormant.  The example set by the people of Bougainville is one that
could be copied by people across the world.  That's why it's important that
capital isolates them from the rest of the world.

Nobody, neither government or business is that concerned about what's
happening in Fiji.  What's important is that business continues to flourish.
That's why the proposed sanctions have no teeth and will not have any teeth.
We wouldn't want things to get out of hand and impose some sanctions with
teeth.  If the government did that, business would soon be out of pocket and
the people of Fiji would have a non racist government.

Q. How would an anarchist society deal with those everyday intractable
problems that occur between individuals within any community?
A. Some of the most difficult problems that occur within any community,
occur within families, collectives, between neighbours and within
workplaces.  An anarchist society needs to have mechanisms in place which
can tackle these problems.  It's no good just saying that people will sort
problems out.  In many cases they won't and small problems will become
unsurmountable ones.  Any mechanism that is set up needs to be both fair and
One way of tackling this problem is by setting up elected tribunals that
have the authority to intervene and settle disputes.  Tribunals would be
elected for a specific geographical entity or a specific workplace.  They
would be elected for a fixed period of time.  Everyone within that area
would be involved in the electoral process.  The tribunals legitimacy stems
from the fact that they are elected by the very people who use the tribunal.
Any person could take a particular problem to the tribunal.  The tribunal
would be assisted by an investigative and counselling unit that would
initially try to settle the problem to both side's satisfaction.  If no
agreement is reached, the matter would then go to the tribunal.  Any person
who finds themselves before the tribunal can represent themselves, can be
represented by friends or can use tribunal staff to represent them.  The
tribunalıs main task is not apportioning blame, it will listen to all sides
of the story and will then attempt to negotiate an agreement between the
parties.  If no agreement can be reached, the matter would then be placed
before a jury.
Juries selected by lot would have the power to apportion blame and order a
settlement.  At the end of the day, justice within an anarchist society is
dependent on due process and people's participation within the organs that
the community creates to resolve difficulties that may arise within an
anarchist community.

So, you've decided to join the demonstrations against the Asia Pacific leg
of the World Economic Forum in Melbourne on the 11th, 12th and 13th of
September.  What are you doing about it?  This is one time that talk isn't
cheap.  Don't expect the mass media to do the job for you.  They would like
no one to turn up on the day.  Don't expect the Labor Party to spread the
message, they don't want to rock the boat.  Don't expect the trade union
movement to take on the mantle, they want to keep their Labor mates out of
trouble.  Don't expect the Internet jockeys to do all the work for you.
At the end of the day, how many people turn up will depend on how may people
you talk to and explain the reasons you will be attending these
demonstrations.  See if you can convince a couple of your friends to go with
you on the day.  See if they can convince a couple of their friends, before
you know it you may have encouraged dozens of people to turn up.  As I said
before, this is one case where talk is not cheap.  Most of us seem to have
forgotten how important conversation is.  Although we're bombarded by a
number of simultaneous electronic messages, talk is still the single most
important method of communication we have.
So, over the next two weeks, talk, talk, talk.  Tell people at the train
station, doctors surgery, in the street, at university or college, in the
workplace, why you will be going.  The more people you talk to, the greater
chance you have of breaching the media induced hysteria these proposed
protests are generating.  Are you going to let them set the agenda on what
is legitimate action or are your going to seize the reins and place your
ideas in the public arena?  It's important we don't let the mass media set
the political, social and cultural agenda.  Through talk, organisation and
action we can set the agenda about what is important.  Seize the moment and
turn over the applecart so that everyone has apples.  Don't let the world
leaders who will be attending the Asia Pacific leg of the World Economic
Forum in Melbourne continue to push the apple cart and keep the apples for

Lemmings of the World Unite!!
Dare to Struggle, Dare to Swim!!
The 1970 'Save the Lemmings' campaign took on a life all of it's own.  The
absurdity of activists raising high the banner of Marxism-Leninist thought
in Melbourne in 1970 formed the backbone of the anarchist inspired 'Save the
Lemmings' campaign.  The three leaflets issued during the campaign:- 'Raise
High the Banner of Marxist-Lemmingist Thought', 'Marxist-Lemmingists on the
Road to Power' and 'Ho Ho Lemming Power' highlighted the absurdity of
Forty Lemming lovers marched through the streets of Toorak on Saturday the
25th of June to the Swedish Consulate.  The good burghers of Toorak were
confused by the march.  Two old ladies suggested to the marchers that they
should do something useful like working.  One woman came back with balloons
for the marchers and local children joined in the singing.  Melbourne's
finest became part of the event and were bussed in by police command to
protect the Swedish consulate.  Protesters entered the consulate driveway
and attacked the police with balloons.
A good time was had by everyone except Melbourne's Maoists, they didn't
quite get the joke.  One of the more interesting comments in the two
leaflets issued at the demonstration was "Though you may think that the
filthy-comprador-imperialist aggressors - the Swedish government is your
worst enemy this is not so.  For although they are the ones who profit from
tourism by selling your mass fever of self destruction to some decadent,
debilitated, sadistic American bourgeois grandmothers on their trip of a
lifetime, who will actually pay money (exploited from American workers)" and
the leaflet goes on in similar vein.  The poem
"The Lemmings waved their golden tails
And jumped into the moat
Though learned Marxists search and scan
No single Neo-Stalinist can
Entirely see the joke"
summed up the justification for the 'Save the Lemmings' campaign.  Thanks to
Dimitri form Barricade Books for providing us with a copy of the Melbourne
Anarchist Archives (1965-1970) so we could bring this campaign to your

The Battle that Changed Australia
Helen Trinca and Anne Davies
Publisher Double Day 2000
ISBN 186471 050 0
Three things I like about this book written by two of Fairfax's Sydney
Morning Herald reporters are the chronology at the start of the book, the
End notes and the Index.  The rest of the book chronicles the unfinished
events which many of the readers of the Anarchist Age Weekly Review
participated in.
This is a book about the background figures and the big boys and girls who
participated in the 1998 events.  Waterfront helps to fill in some of the
missing pieces of the crossword puzzle, but doesn't spell out the cryptic
clues that tell us the full story.  What I found disappointing about the
book was the lack of space that was devoted to the real heroes and heroines
in the struggle - those people who gave up their time and put their bodies
on the line in the struggle to maintain collective bargaining - the
community pickets.
The waterfront dispute is an unfinished dispute, although partially resolved
in the High Court, the untold story has not been told because the A.C.T.U.
and the Maritime Union have decided not to pursue their case against
Corrigan and Rieth in the Courts.  Even this tip toe through the tulips
version of events had a difficult birth.  The treasurer, John Howard's
anointed successor, Peter Costello forced the first edition of the book to
be pulped.  Trinca and Davies made an error about one of Costello's comments
and were told that the publishers could face legal action if the book was
not recalled.  Over 7500 copies of the first edition were recalled and
pulped and eight thousand new copies with the offending sentence removed
were reissued.
As I said at the beginning of this review, buy the book, not because it
throws new light on the Waterfront dispute but because it's got a decent
chronology, notes and index.  As some one who was involved in the people's
pickets on the Melbourne Docks, this Double day publication doesn't do
justice to the people who stopped the government in its tracks, the
Thanks to Steve Reghenzani for providing me with a loan of his copy of
Waterfront (It's one of those five hundred or so first edition copies that
were sold before the book was pulped.)

The book is available from most bookshops for around twenty five dollars

Blue plastic curlers wrapped in greying hair, jogging round the boundary of
a local football field got me thinking about how each generation has its own
distinctive appearance.  The blue rinse set is different from the plastic
curlers set.  The pork pie hat doesn't look quite right on a younger head.
Cowboy hats cross physical and generational boundaries.  Wrap around
sunglasses are all the rage among the X-generation.  Just in case you hadn't
noticed, flares are back in fashion.
In every crowd are reminders of what was hip and fashionable in bygone days.
Plastic curlers worn in public reminds me of the 1950's.  Every Saturday
morning in thousands of Australian front yards, the women of the house came
out in hair in metal curlers wearing an ill fitting baggy nondescript
dressing gown.  Men smoking pipes and wearing slippers was the 1950's male
equivalent.  The wave of post W.W.II. immigration introduced the four corner
knotted handkerchief as a head covering for outdoor workers.  Pictures of
life in the 1930's were replete with masses of men wearing hats.  Drab
affairs that sat on the crown and marked the bearer of the hat as a member
of a uniform homogenous community.
Although in blue plastic curlers, our friend was wearing Reebok running
shoes and Sloppy Joes.  As she came closer I noticed she had a layer of
thick make up plastered on her face, the sort women used to remove last
night's application of the stuff.  All that was missing were the dark eye
patches.  What seems unusual to me is normal to someone else.  Each
generation leaves its mark and then disappears.  How many people wear white
gloves everytime they go out or a bowler hat?  Very few if any.
Looking back at each generation since the turn of the century, no other
generation has been so manipulated by the corporate sector.  'God, King and
Country' set the parameters for everything that was good and acceptable in
the past.  Today's generations X and Y have become human billboards for the
corporate dream.  The logo, not the clothes maketh the man.  Give me metal
hair curlers, bowler hats, thick makeup, flares, eye patches, wrap around
sunglasses, mohawks, beanies and micro-minis any day.  Just keep me away
form those human corporate billboards that pay good money to their corporate
Gods to parade their patron's logo.

Homemakers Worthless!
Robyn Philpott, homemaker, casual worker, mother of two was killed on the
2nd of September 1995 when a derailed railway carriage uprooted a stanchion
and catapulted it onto the car that she was driving.  Since then her husband
Geoff Philpott has been fighting for modicum of justice.  In Victoria and
all other Australian States, people who are injured or killed in motor
vehicle accidents are covered by the relevant Transport Accident Commission.
A significant proportion of the money that is raised through car and truck
registrations is given to the T.A.C. to cover peoples medical and hospital
costs and to compensate them for time lost from work.  The only catch is
that the amount of compensation the family of somebody killed or injured in
a motor vehicle accident is entitled to directly linked to their current
income.  People on unemployment benefits are transferred to sickness
benefits and people who are homemakers are only entitled to hospital and
ongoing medical costs.  Mr Philpott and his family are not entitled to
anything because Robyn was just a homemaker.
This legal catch 22 highlights the way that the official economy always
takes precedence over the volunteer economy.  Although the unofficial home
based economy is worth as much if not more in monetary terms as the money
economy the non- money making economy is ignored in law.  The Philpott's
dilemma is nothing new, only people involved in the money economy are
considered to be legitimate work, those people who work in the home or in a
voluntary capacity are not recognised as doing real work.  The current
impasse doesnıt need radical social change or revolution to solve the
problem.  All it takes is a few legislative changes.  Unfortunately for the
Philpott's, changes are unlikely because if their case is successful, the
State will have to take into account the worth of the voluntary labour that
keeps the official money economy ticking over and that would cost them a few


JOSEPH TOSCANO (Libertarian Workers for a Self-Managed Society).

. ARIVISTA ANARCHIA No263 May 2000, EDITRICE A, C.P. 17120, 20170 MILANO,
ITALY, Tel/Fax: 02 2896627, Email: anarca.bolo.ch/a-rivista
. FREEDOM  Vol 61 No13  1st July 2000, 84b Whitechapel High St, LONDON
EI7QX, ENGLAND, www.ecn.org/freedom, Email Freedom Press at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
. L'HOMME LIBRE No164  July-Sept 2000, B.P. 205, 42005 SAINT-ETIENNE, FRANCE
. LIBERA VOLO No109  June 2000, Organo do Federacio Anarkiista, P.B. 15,
. LE MONDE LIBERTAIRE No 1211 22nd-28th June 2000, 145 Rue Amelot, 75011
PARIS, FRANCE, Tel: 0148 053 408, Fax: 0419 299 859
4101, BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA, Tel 07 3846 4358, Fax 07 3846 2233.

Our debt is now $687.50.  If we can continue to keep it below five hundred
dollars we can continue to publish till the cows come home.  It costs around
1500 dollars a month to produce the weekly, quarterly, radio program and
finance our other activities.  The Libertarian Workers for a Self-Managed
Society provide 800 to 900 dollars per month of this total.  The other 700
to 800 dollars needed to keep this level of activity going needs to come
from our subscribers and supporters.  Itıs important to remember to keep
those subscriptions and donations rolling in.  If you are sending relatively
small amounts (twenty dollars or less) send us 45cent postage stamps (this
saves you bank and money order charges) and help us to pay our 400 dollar
per month postage bill our second  biggest expense after our radio costs.
Make out cheques and money orders to LIBERTARIAN WORKERS and send them to
P.O. Box 20 PARKVILLE 3052, Melbourne AUST.
DEBT 19.7.2000 - $687.50

Do you live in Melbourne? Are you attending the demonstration against the
Asia Pacific leg of the World Economic Forum on the 11th, 12th, & 13th of
September?  Then think about Billeting an anarchist/s for the protest.
Anarchists from across Australia are coming to the demonstration by car,
bicycle, plane, bus and train.  The least we can do is put them up for a few
days.  Ring the Anarchist Media Institute on (03) 9828 2856 anytime and
leave a telephone number and name if you can billet an anarchist/s.  Youıve
got to be in it, to win it ­ bigger than Ben Hur - the peoples pre-olympic
festival outside Crown Casino in Melbourne on the 11th, 12th and 13th of

ADDRESS -http://www.freespeech.org/anarchistAge
Want to help us find new listeners for the Anarchist World This Week, then
send us a few stamps to AWTW, PO Box 20, Parkville 3052, Australia & we'll
send you out a colour poster (A3) for your use & a black & white poster you
can photocopy & put up to help us increase the number of people who listen
to the Anarchist World This Week.

We normally spend over $400.00 per month on postage stamps.  If you have any
spare stamps floating about or are about to write to us, stuff a few stamps
in the envelope.  Every little bit helps.

11th, 12th, 13th September
or telephone us for an A3 b/w poster about the demonstrations planned for
these three days.  You can photocopy and distribute this poster in your
workplace, school or around your community.  The more who turn up, the

A) Anarchism towards the 21st century
B) Towards an anarchist society 1999 handbook
Libertarian Workers for a Self-Managed Society Position and Activities 1999.
Send $4.00 of stamps to L.W.S.S. PO Box 20 Parkville 3052 Melbourne
Australia and we will post out both booklets to you.

Barricade books is having problems keeping their doors open, six days a
week.  The bookshop is a voluntary co-operative which provides low cost
anarchist publications and staffs an anarchist information centre in
If you are interested in helping keep the bookshop open, you want to meet
interesting people and are at a loss about what to do with all those hours
you have at your disposal.  Think about becoming a voluntary worker at
Barricade Books.  Drop in and meet them at 115 Sydney Rd, Brunswick
Melbourne and have a look at Barricade Books and Information Centre.  Email
them at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or give them a ring on (03) 9387 6646 if
you want to help.

Has been awarded to Mr Shier, the El Supremo of the A.B.C. for attempting to
perform a frontal lobotomy on the A.B.C.

If You Like What You Have Read, Photocopy This Publication and Leave It In
Doctors, Dentists, Vets Waiting Rooms and In Railway Stations, Bus Stops,
Libraries and Restaurants Etc.

The articles in the Anarchist Age Weekly Review express the opinion of
individuals within the Libertarian Workers for a Self-Managed
Society/Anarchist Media Institute. They do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of The Libertarian Workers for a Self-Managed Society/Anarchist
Media Institute.

    Anarchist Age Weekly Review -  4 pages of Anarchist commentary on Local,
National and International events.
            $50.00 for 50 issues                $10.00 for 10 issues
    Anarchist Age Quarterly Review ­ Issue 90 Jan-March 2000 - OUT NOW!
            $48.00 wage earners - 12 issues        $30.00 non wage earners -
12 issues
Make out cheques or money orders to: Libertarian Workers, PO Box 20,
Parkville, 3052 Victoria Aust.

All material in the Anarchist Age Weekly Review can be used by anarchists,
anarchist collectives and non-profit organisations as long as the source of
the material is mentioned in the article.  The Anarchist Age Weekly Review
reserves all rights as far as commercial publications are concerned.


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