Maybe this explains why Madelline Albright went to Putin to ask
permision for the USA to build up their defenses against communist
aggression potential?

Maybe this explains why a KGB agent operated in the FBI for over 16
years undetected - caught on the Bush Watch....and Freeh who visited
Russia and met with  KGB who returned home to say how impressed he was,
to hink he had sat down and broke bread with the KGB?

Could this be why Israelis now want DNA of Russian immigrants to make
certain their blood is jewish?   Hey, aren' t we taught that all blood
is the same - and to mix blood makes no difference....however the
Russian jews consist of many fair and blonde haired young people who
were recently killed in Israel for as one rabbi said they were punished
for the girls danced with boys.......

Imagine a DNA test for Russian Jews yet European Zionists have not given
a pedigree to take over the Holy Land, have they - and Ethiopian Jews of
course carry jewish blood as well -

So why all the fuss when this item offers a plan to hook Russia to USA -
after all,  it is only 50 miles across the Bering Strait from USA to
Russia now and what a drug route that is......

When we sing now of the Red White and Blue - well Russia's new flag have
you seen it for it is Red, White and Blue stripes - like Israel too
light baby blue and white, the same colors of the UN - baby blue and sweet.

Wonder if Gore had been elected - for you know Clinton was in love th
the Red Stars of Communism would we be singing songs in Russian in a few
years time - strange though, nobody has notid the new Russian Colors.

Now as for bible calendar codes, the Stern Gang took their land grab
according to lost boundaries in the bible - Jomo Kenyatta also wanted to
restore lost boundaries but avoid crucifixtion as he playeds on this
way, like King, to the promised land all timed, to the unist Time Table
now called New World  Order or Globalism and we all fly Red White and
Blue under Zionist baby blue and white........

So Russia and USA now fly the red white and Blue?


A stunning plan has secretly been set in motion by the Illuminati. I
first wrote about it in 1971 in a paper entitled, "Will the Soviet Union
Survive Until 1984?"

I predicted that the Communist regime behind the Iron Curtain was so
corrupt, so morally bankrupt, and so horribly incompetent that it would
eventually implode to a resounding crash and fall. The result, I noted,
would be the synthesis, or convergence, of Communism and Capitalism…of
Russia and America.

          I must, however, credit the brave and
courageous Norman Dodd, now deceased, for first exposing the
conspirators' goal of merging Russia and America. In 1952, Congress set
up a "Select Committee to Investigate Tax Exempt Foundations." Chief
investigator and director was Mr. Norman Dodd of the U.S. House of
          In pursuing his investigation, Mr. Dodd
was invited to privately meet with Mr. Rowan Gaither, president of the
Ford Foundation, a premier leftist organization active in funding
Communist-oriented causes and strongly supported by liberals in Congress
and the media.
          During this visit, Ford's Mr. Gaither
voluntarily made a stunning admission. He stated, "Mr. Dodd, we operate
here at the Ford Foundation under directives which emanate from the
White House…We operate and control our grant-making policies…as
follows: We shall use our grant-making power so as to alter life in the
United States that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union."

A Global Zionist Superstate

What the Illuminati hope to achieve is a regional grouping of nations,
to be called AmerRuss. The grouping would combine the nations of the old
Soviet Empire with those of the Americas. Eventually, AmerRuss would be
united with Europe, with Africa, and the Asian axis (China/Japan/India),
all to be ruled as component parts of a great, global, unscriptural
Zionist Superstate with its capital the earthly Jerusalem.

As this official Department of Defense photo shows, the military forces
of Russia and the U.S.A. are already being merged. Here we see top U.S.
Navy officers hob-knobbing with Russian officers in Sevastopol.
          It should be noted that in Bible prophecy,
God identifies the earthly Jerusalem spiritually as the wicked, latter
day city of "Sodom and Egypt" (Revelation 11). Sadly, until Christ
returns, the deceived Jews and their antichrist King will, as
prophesied, temporarily hold the reins of world power.
          After the Great Tribulation, our God will
exalt the heavenly city of Jerusalem. Zion shall be established with
Jesus as King. Until that glorious day, however, the Christian must
remember always the rallying cry, "No Zion without a True king—and No
king but King Jesus!"

A Frankenstein Global System

The reigning planetary economic and political structure to come would be
"global fascism," a Hegelian combination of capitalism and
communism/socialism. Under global fascism the only acceptable world
religion would be occultic Jewish kabalism, including its subsidiary
elements (Hinduism, New Ageism, ecumenicism, etc.)
          The first step in creating this end-time,
monolithic, Frankensteinian global system is the ending of national
sovereignties. Thus, the United States is to be quietly terminated as a
separate constitutional entity. That process has been ongoing for some
time now. America is eventually to be merged with the defeated and
plundered Russia and its former republics, to create a wholly new joint
entity called AmerRuss.
          As globalist Bob Fuller explained with
verbal ecstasy in his article in Whole Earth Review (Winter 1986)
advocating the AmerRuss creation:
What if somehow a single sovereignty could be established on
earth?…With Russia and America merged into one nation—let's call it
AmerRuss—so much stronger than any other nation or any other alliance
of other nations, a way through to the elimination of all national
sovereignties could be envisioned…Once the invincibility and dominance
of AmerRuss were established, the other nations might be persuaded (some
might have to be coerced) to disarm and join a world government.
Jewish Mafia Rise in Russia
Following the 1980s' fall of the old Soviet communist regime, the
Illuminati appointed Russian leader Boris Yeltsin to oversee the
transfer of all Soviet wealth—including its gold and cash
reserves—to chosen Jewish "Mafia" leaders inside the restructured
Soviet Union.
          Under a controlled process of
"privatization," Russia's enormous stores of natural resources—oil,
gas, zinc, iron ore, chromium, diamonds, etc.—in Siberia and elsewhere
were turned over to this Jewish Mafia. The Jewish Mafia in Russia, in
turn, answer to their Illuminati overlords in the United States and
Canada, in Israel, and in Europe and South and Central America.
World War III Envisioned
The privatization process of plundering Soviet wealth having been
achieved, now the next step is ready for accomplishment. That would be
the pretext needed to cause the American people to dumbly follow the
future cry of the media and the American leaders in Washington, D.C. to
merge the U.S.A. and Russia and thus create the new nation of AmerRuss.
It will take a monumental crisis like a World War to accomplish this.
          Watch, therefore, for things in the Middle
East to become explosive and of deadly, World War dimensions. Any claims
of "peace" will be temporary and transient. There will be no peace until
Christ returns.
          To initiate the conflict, the Illuminati
will probably have a combined U.S.-Israeli secret "Delta" military force
blow up the Dome of the Rock, the Moslem mosque that sits atop the
Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This will, of course, be claimed to be the
despicable act of a non-governmental "right-wing Israeli terrorist
squad." In other words, Jewish extremists will be blamed.
          This terrorist action can predictably be
expected to enrage the entire Arab and Islamic world since, to Moslems,
the site of the Dome is a holy place, second only to Mecca. It is the
spot supposedly where Mohammed was lifted bodily up to heaven.
          Under the Illuminati scheme, in this
conflict Russia will side with the Palestinians and with the Islamic
world. An invasion of the Middle East will be launched with a Soviet
military blitzkrieg moving into Iraq, Syria, Iran, and other Persian
Gulf area nations to "aid" those countries and to bring peace to the
region. This invasion will be the fulfillment of Bible prophecy,
especially Ezekiel 38:10-11.
Israel's Nuclear Arsenal Unleashed
Israel will then be encouraged to unleash its 300-plus nuclear bombs.
The Jews were given their nuclear technology under-the-table by U.S.
spies. Israel's massive nuclear attack will incinerate most of the
combined Soviet force. Israel itself will also be severely scorched and
damaged; tens of thousands of innocent Israelis will have died.
          Just as prophesied in the scriptures,
tragedy will have befallen millions, and the whole world will mourn the
dead. From this ominous tragedy will come unbelievable consequences.
First, the remaining Jews will be allowed to build their long-sought
temple on the Temple Mount, atop the rubble of the old, destroyed
          Russia will be finished—much of it
destroyed, a waste heap. In the face of the misery of the surviving
Soviet people and in light of the spectacle of utter starvation, blight,
and economic catastrophe inside the defeated Soviet bloc, the United
States—generally unscathed and still viable—will become Savior. We
will use the United Nations to merge America and Russia, creating
AmerRuss. Billions of American aid money will flow into defeated Russia
and its old republics, as well as into war-ravaged Jerusalem and Israel.
Masonic Plan Envisioned World War III
This outcome was envisaged first in 1871, when the world's two foremost
Masonic chieftains, Albert Pike, the Sovereign Grand Commander of
Scottish Rite Freemasonry, based in South Carolina (U.S.A.) and Mazzini,
his Italo-European counterpart, plotted out three great world wars. The
first two, World Wars I and II, have already transpired. The third and
final conflict, agreed Pike and Mazzini, would be fought over Israel and
the Middle East.
          Overseeing this grand scheme is an
Illuminati puppet, Mikhail Gorbachev, who operates his Gorbachev
Foundation and other enterprises out of his offices in the former
Presidio military installation, outside San Francisco. It is Gorby's
task to tend to all of the details in the coming merger and especially
to propagandize and condition the world's peoples. I believe Bill
Clinton will now join Gorbachev in this endeavor.
In 1994, after exposures by a handful of courageous news reporters,
Israel tried to fend off criticism by claiming it would tighten lax
banking laws. The European newspaper stated that Israel "has been turned
into a major money laundering centre by mafia gangs from the former
Soviet bloc." Today, Israel continues to be a hub of money laundering
for Russia's Jewish mafia—with New York banks not far behind. As for
The European newspaper, it was forced out of business and no longer
exists!            On December 6, 1993, in
Edinburgh, Scotland, at a special conclave sponsored by Britain's Lord
Lothian, Gorbachev gave the keynote address, calling for a radical
geographic transformation:
I shall not repeat to this audience something that is all too
obvious—that the European nations, together with the United States and
Canada, have the prerequisites and the opportunity to create a Community
whose territory would span the entire northern hemisphere from Vancouver
(Canada) to Vladivostok (Russia).
Gorbachev went on to speak of the "immediately necessary combining of
Siberia and North America." He encouraged his elite audience to "press
ahead" with efforts to create the new global order, emphasizing that it
will "certainly be a long and complicated process, which will carry over
into the 21st century."
          Don Bell, a patriot and friend of Power of
Prophecy, in his Don Bell Report, in 1990, warned that the real purpose
of the Persian Gulf War and the George Bush Sr.-Gorbachev coalition was
to forge a new AmerRuss entity.
Communism and the Illuminati
None other than Sir Winston Churchill, Britain's famed Prime Minister
during World War II, tied the Russian Bolshevik revolution to the
revolutionary aims of the Jewish controlled Illuminati. In a major
London newspaper, Churchill shocked readers when he revealed that Lenin
and his Bolsheviks, also known as communists, were Jews and part of a
long-standing Jewish Illuminati conspiracy:
>From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt (who founded the secret order of
the Illuminati on May 1, 1776) to those of Karl Marx, to those of
Trotsky…this worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization
and for the reconstruction of society on the basis of arrested
development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality has been
growing. It played a definitely recognizable role in the tragedy of the
French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive
movement during the 19th century…
Chronicle of Events
Here, then, is the chronicle of pre-planned events to occur:
Escalating violence in the Middle East with Israel's brutal repression
of Palestinians.
Russian economic and political collapse with increasing turmoil as the
Communist Mafia Jews exercise increasingly dictatorial control and the
seething and miserable Russian people seek to overthrow their Mafia
Bombing by "terrorists" of Islam's Dome of the Rock with riots and
outrage by Palestinians in Israel and throughout the Moslem world.
Russian military invasion of the Middle East, followed by…
Israeli nuclear attacks on invading Russian forces and neighboring Arab
states. (This will result in the utter destruction of ordinary Russian
soldiers and sailors. Meanwhile, Illuminati Jews and Gentiles sit back
and watch inside their comfy Kremlin in Moscow.)
Announcement of plans for a new Jewish temple to be built amidst the
rubble of the destroyed Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in
Merger of a defeated, pitiful Russia and the much richer United
The rapid emergence of Antichrist, Mr. 666 (Revelation 13), to oversee a
global United Nations empire, headquartered in Jerusalem and made up of
once great countries merged into regional, nation-state groupings.
For additional insight into these coming, climactic prophetic events
that will so dramatically impact our lives, please order Texe Marrs'
exposé, AmerRuss II—The Coming Defeat of Russia, and the Prophesied
War in Israel and the Middle East, Caused by Illuminati Plot. For
insight into the Illuminati's planned merger of Russia and the U.S.A.,
please order Volume I of this audiotape series, AmerRuss: The Illuminati
Plot to Merge the United States and Russia. Also available is the
audiotape: Will the Antichrist Be a Jew?
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