So its back to Mr. and Mrs. God - and I repeat:

And God said, Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness..........

And lo and behold if Darwin is right, we are the Planet of the Apes.
God had to be a pure energy maker, master of molecules and all that
stuff I do not understand....he moved mountains, created rivers, the sun
to rule by day and the moon by the night and the stars, just for fun and
pleasure at which to look?

But God I think was a real Yankee Doodle Dandy, for further on in
Genesis I we also read:

And then, Eve stole them apples and all hel broke loose - that Satan,
that snake in the grass - well they all had to get out and work for a

Now what still strikes me is this -  Genesis 2, Vs. 11 through 15.   God
essentially made Adam and Even servants to take care of his garden -
landlord-tenant agreement let us say but for that tree with the tainted
fruit - dare not touch that.

Now vs 11 and 12 reads "And the name of the first (river) is Pison, that
is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is GOLD;
there is bdellium and the onyx stone.......and there is the river
Hiddekel - now drop that K and that was Lee Harvey Oswald's code name
"Alex Hiddell: ancient cyphers had no K.   But in Daniel you find Daniel
by the River Hiddekel but that is another story - 3 Presidents within 10
years end result meaning one will be knocked off - like Lincoln,
Kennedy, almost got Reagan, but he broke the Astrologers Mark of Doom
(as preached by that psuedo religious propagandist engaged in
psychological warfare, Jean Dixon, the Tokyo Rose of Washington Square).

Now back to energy - sheer energy.   As of late this good man Richardson
who was raised in Mexico and now runs our Atomic Secrets stuff, which he
caused to be lost in Los Alamos (that would be a good movie - Lost in
Los Alamos) 3000 people at least this good man admits will die of
cancer etc., from working in this stuff that glows in the dark and that
stuff like neutron bomb stuff that Clinton gave away.

So what is "Bdellium"........lots of gold, rubies, and where you find
gold, you find uranium, etc.  But what is Bdellium?

Two stories here for those with enquiring minds and a tendency to see
conspiracy and use of a bible code, which one takes literally and Jimmy Hoffa Sr. used to say, but he always said when
JFK was murdered - hey, I was not the Architect of that plan - wonder if
that guy was a mason, but as a Union man one of the few who did not sell
out and was not admitted to the CFR like Wurf and Woodcock......well he
knew where all the bodies were buried didn't he?    Last words of Hoffa
family were "at least Bobby Kennedy was honest with us", for he did what
he felt he had to do.....too bad he took on Hoffa, for he picked the
wrong man - should have nailed Meyer Lansky for he was head....but he
never wagged Hoffa as he did other Union men.

Now bible calendar/code used by Oswald and assassins planning murder of
the next President of this Beryllium the same thing as
Bdellium?  Lots of other precious stones here, and now why would God be
interested in stuff like that un he had some good things

Must be, Mr. and Mrs. God were English and Irish.........but these two
in Genesis had to answer to higher authority.....GOD I.....

A Saba

September 13, 1999

Missing IAAP files are found
By Dennis J. Carroll
Spurred by an angry, frustrated Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, U.S. Energy
Department officials now say they have found much of the lost written
history of the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant in Middletown.
Earl Whiteman, a technology and sites program official in the DOE's
Albuquerque office, said documents related to the plant's years as a
nuclear weapons production facility have been found in a warehouse at
the Pantex plant near Amarillo, Texas.
"We think that's what they are," Whiteman said of several boxes marked
"Burlington," a reference to the Middletown plant.
Harkin has criticized the Energy Department for losing track of IAAP
records, especially those relating to worker health and possible
environmental contamination.
Whiteman said it appears the newly discovered files deal with the
cleanup of IAAP's Production Line 1 after the DOE moved its Middletown
operation to the Pantex plant in 1974.
Whiteman also said the files, which have not yet been fully examined,
also relate to the exposure levels of workers to radioactivity,
hazardous chemicals and beryllium, a metal used in nuclear weapons
because of its nuclear, though not radioactive, nature.
"There is no indication that people were exposed to harmful levels of
anything," Whiteman said.
The Army, which now operates IAAP with contractor American Ordnance, has
said the line was cleaned up after AEC and DOE shut down their
operations there in 1974, but said it had no substantiating documents.
"My sense is that all radioactive contamination was cleaned up back in
the 1970s," Whiteman said.
He said the files appear to confirm that there was very little, if any,
contamination to clean up on Line 1.
In the test firing area, Whiteman said, documents show that the Atomic
Energy Commission shipped "large amounts" of contaminated soil from the
He said the newly discovered boxes appear to contain files collected by
the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers, as
well as the Energy Department.
Harkin toured Production Line 1 Saturday before conducting a discussion
of the plant's history with DOE and other officials and former plant
workers, several of whom said they have suffered illnesses they think
may be related to their work on Line 1.
Harkin decided to visit the plant -- the first time he had ever been
there -- after discovering that some DOE officials were unaware that the
facility ever produced nuclear weapons.
He also said the health of workers at the plant had not been screened
and monitored as had the health of workers at similar nuclear-production
Harkin called on Energy Secretary William Richardson to include former
and present IAAP workers in its health monitoring programs.
He said that if illnesses such as various cancers and lymphomas are
found to be related to workers' exposure to radiation or other poisons,
they should be compensated.
That seems unlikely, however.
The DOE's Whiteman said an extensive study of workers at the Pantex
plant from 1951 to 1978 found no connection between deaths from a
variety of diseases, including cancer and heart disease, and their work
at the plant.
Whiteman said workers at the Pantex plant performed exactly the same
type of of work as those at the Middletown plant.
>From 1949 until 1974, when its operations were transferred to Pantex,
the Middletown facility assembled components of nuclear weapons that
were shipped there from the nuclear design lab in Los Alamos, N.M.
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