This so call "Russian Expert" is nothing more than a psuedo religious
political propagandist engaged in psychological warfare directed at the
United States of America.......reminds me of the old days when they
turned loose the astrologers and psychics against John F. Kennedy, our
Space Program and our best democrats were murdered in cold blood "in the
open sight of others" and normally high noon or low twelve hits.    Even
Reagan, though Republican, once had been democrat and hit at high noon
coming from the Temple of Labor?

This kind of political tripe might have gone over in the 1929 period and
early 1930 period, but really this is like trying to cause a "rush" on a
bank - only this time it is the true bank of the United States for it is
the taxpayers who pick up all the tabs.

One would do well to remember the Mossad/KGB all work in same boat, and
consider this Wall Street Journalist whom they now say works for - guess
who - Abe Foxman, of the ADL who makes a practice to put militia,
Christians, and muslims on hate hit lists for the FBI.

Look like the wrong people are being put on these lists, right?   Osama
bin Laden, aka "The Contractor" - once years ago this man used to follow
me every where and telling people he was a 'conractor" and anybody who
said one bad workd, or laid a hand on me - and boom - he would hit his
fist into his hand.   Later found out he was high degree mason, a
fireman and a friend, who was a mentor into the Masons for a cop that
was so stupid he ended up being a photographer for his IQ was at near
ground zero.

So its all in the game plan - we are permitting American to be depicted
as a Sodom and Gomorrah - the Babylon, the great Whore, the Beast 666 -
and this stupid Donald Rumsfeld stands up and says oh yes many of our to
be killed, death, destruction, our children to be murdered which they
have already put on a hit list for sodomists as toys...who they kidding?
This Rumsfeld who and what is this man, where the hell do we find all
these ignoramuses...

Then toss in Harvard now with Enron - pity.   But then what would you
expect from this new image of Harvard which produced one, the Unibomber,
and two the idiot ugly creep named Alan Dershowitz who wants to torture
prisoners, when all it takes is a few drugs to get what you need out of
some of these people - but wait until all the drugs pumped into their
systems, wears off.

welcome to the New World Order?   Hey, it is the same as the Old World
Order, only more vicious with the usual suspects in control who hire
Mafia hitmen to enter into conracts with say, "The Contractor"?

With messages from God - pureply demoralizing vicious propaganda
designed to spread seeds of death and destruction and instill fear in
the hearts of America - this crap is so disgusting, and the people with
the Master Plan and this plan they use is the Bible with a calendar of
events all prepared for us - like 911  and these two stupid bastards,
Rumsfeld and Dershowitz are both taking orders from the Mossad for they
sure as hell are spreading the KGB/Mossad line for America - the
Scapegoat of the century, being led to the slaughter by a Judas sheep.
But then what else would one expect.


Russian Expert Who 'Predicted' Attacks Warns of New Ones
(saba note - get a load of that "Russian Expert" - is expert
propagandist engaged in psychological warfare while the plan to murder
Americans was ready togo)

Dr. Alexandr Nemets
Thursday, Oct. 4, 2001

The same Russian government expert who predicted last July that America
was about to suffer a "financial attack" –- and encouraged Russian
citizens to cash out dollars and buy rubles and gold –- has again
surfaced to make more stunning forecasts.

Dr. Tatyana Koryagina gained some credibility in the Russian media
because of her prediction of an unusual catastrophe that was about to
hit the U.S.

She said it would take place on Aug. 19 and would collapse the U.S.
Koryagina is a senior research fellow in the Institute of Macroeconomic
Researches subordinated to Russian Ministry of Economic Development
(Minekonom). She is reportedly close to President Putin's inner circle.

On July 12, 2001, Pravda published a Page One story on her predictions
entitled "The Dollar and America Will Fall Down on August 19? -- That's
the Opinion of Dr. Tatyana Koryagina, Who Very Accurately Predicted the
August Default in 1998."

In her July interview, Koryagiuna told Pravda: "The U.S. has been chosen
as the object of financial attack because the financial center of the
planet is located there. The effect will be maximal. The strike waves of
economic crisis will spread over the planet instantly, and will remind
us of the blast of a huge nuclear bomb."
(Saba Note:   With that inernationall organized mob about to come in to
Washington DC at end of September - readyto kill the bankers, what would
one expect - and who is behind this well orchestrated event?   LIke

Late last month, Pravda re-interviewed Dr. Koryagina to get her take on
the events of Sept. 11.

Koryagina made the following key points in an article entitled "Who Will
Strike America in Its Back?":

New Strikes Will Come. In the near term, she said, "the powerful group"
that masterminded the events of Sept. 11 will make new strikes against
America –- of a financial nature and otherwise. She said they will
"strike America in the back" and bring it down.

She noted that Americans are consolidating around their government and
preparing retaliatory strikes against the "terrorists."

However, Americans are trembling about spending. When they understand,
after the upcoming new strikes, that their government can guarantee them
nothing, they will panic -- causing a collapse of their financial

(Saba note Note all the "trembling" crap - and this demoralizing crap
this old bat is permitted to spew forth - this old bat is another Jean
Dixon who marked JFK and RFK and others for murder over and over - saba

Didn't Make Serious Mistake. About her forecast of July 12, Dr.
Koryagina said, "I did not make a serious mistake. Indeed, between
August15 and 20, the dollar started trembling under the pressure of
multiple bad news about the U.S. and world economy. And within weeks,
the Manhattan skyscrapers fell down. As a result, a significant part of
the world financial network was paralyzed. This strike was aimed at
destabilization and destruction of America and [in domino fashion] all
the countries making countless billions of dollars."

The Powerful Group. Who is behind these strikes? Koryagina claims the
U.S. is painting a false picture. She said the operation was not the
work of 19 terrorists but a larger group seeking to reshape the world.
She claimed a group of extremely powerful private persons, with total
assets of about $300 trillion, intends to legalize its power and to
become the new world government. The Sept. 11 strikes showed that this
group is afraid of nothing -- human lives have zero value for them.
Koryagina again encouraged Russian citizens to cash out dollars. The
Koryagina claims are not easily dismissed, especially her clear
indications in the interview before Sept. 11 that the attacks on
America's financial system would be of an unusual nature. Her comments
also mirrored similar warnings issued by Russian officials.

Still, this story raises other questions. Did the Russian government
know in advance and what was their involvement?

On Sept. 28 the Washington Times reported that "U.S. intelligence
agencies have uncovered information that Russian criminal groups have
been supplying Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaida terrorist network with
components for chemical, biological and nuclear weapons."

Of course, the Russian mafia has very close ties with Russia's
intelligence agencies.
(saba note - yes, like Rat Faced Meyer Lansky who put the hit on JFK and
RFK and said "find some nut to do it"....)

It is important to note that Russia is a significant backer of almost
every state sponsor of terrorism, some with links to bin Laden's group.
These include Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, North Korea and Cuba.
Editor's note: Col. Stanislav Lunev, Russia's highest-anking military
defector warns in "CIA Files" new details of Russia's links to
terrorists and the nations that support them. To find out more -- CLICK

Dr. Nemets is a consultant to the American Foreign Policy Council
(AFPC). An expert in Chinese-Russian strategic military alliance
development, he has spent the last several years researching Chinese and
Russian economic and military issues. Dr. Nemets worked from 1986-92 at
the Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences. He immigrated to the
United States in December 1994.
Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:
War on Terrorism

Saba Note - and this Doctor Nemets is a psuedo religious political
propagandist and his cause is being propagated by a Zionist Controlled

NewsMax cannot be this stupid - or can it?

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