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Groups Promoting A Globalist
 Satanic Agenda

Groups Promoting A Globalist Anti-American Agenda pt2
This page will be updated often. So please revisit.

233 Club
Was a Masonic chapter for actors who were Freemasons. Examples of actors who
were Freemasons include John Aasen, Gene Autry, Monte Blue and Humphrey
Bogart, Douglas McClean, John Wayne. Then there is T. V. DJ Dick Clark.

A. Phillip Randolph Institute (Layer of The Club Of Rome)
Officials: Bayard Rustin. Purpose: To provide a means of coordinating
organizations with a common purpose, an example of which would be the spread
of socialist ideas among college students and workers.

ABC (Illuminati Front Group)
In 1961, Walt Disney bought out ABC's investment (also labeled Paramount) for
$7.5 million with cash and notes, and to bring this all up to date, later on
July 31, 1995, Disney merged with Capital Cities/ABC, with Disney in nominal
control. Actually Capital Cities has long been a CIA front company, so the
merger placed Disney squarely within the CIA ranks, although it had been in
bed with them for the CIA's entire history. The Illuminati-controlled
corporations of Coca-Cola and the drug firm Johnson and Johnson became
sponsors for Disney's early TV shows.  Confirmation Of Anti-Gun Media Bias
He and Hoover are bosom, probably bed, partners. And so, Spellman is in a
place to be in control of the CIA, the FBI, the Mafia, and through
Freemasonry, the Dallas Police Department—like they control every major
city’s P.D. And so he carries it out. And then he’s also in control of the
press, in control of Time and Life, with Henry Luce, so the press never gets
it. He’s in control of CBS, with a man named Frank Shakespeare, who was the
head of CBS at the time. So you think Walter Cronkite is going to tell us the
truth? No way. He’s in control of CBS, NBC, ABC. They have stocks in it, for
heaven’s sake. So, there’s no way the story’s getting out. And he’s in
control of the CIA to hit and kill anybody who wants to come out and tell the
truth, which is why there’s over a hundred dead witnesses over the last 30
years.That’s why they took out Fensterwald, in 1992, outlined in the book by
that CIA agent First Hand Knowledge, by Morrow. He was a CIA agent. He was in
on the Kennedy assassination. He completely outlines it in his book, and he
tells of that relationship of the CIA to killing Fensterwald. He dedicates
his book to Fensterwald.

Alta Vendita
Carbonarism a.k.a. the Alta Vendita, led by another powerful Rothschild, Karl
Rothschild, son of Amschel. In 1818, Karl participated in a secret document
that was sent out to the head-quarters of Masonry from the Alta Vendita. The
Masons were quite distressed when a copy of this was lost, and offered
rewards to anyone who could return the lost copy. It was originally written
in Italian. Its title translates "Permanent Instructions, or Practical Code
of Rules; Guide for the Heads of the Highest Grades of Masonry."

Amalgamated Clothing Workers (Layer of The Club Of Rome)
Officials: Murray Findley, IRWIN SUALL and Jacob Scheinkman. Purpose: Much
the same as the Machinists Union, to socialize and polarize workers in the
garment trade.

American Cancer Society (ACS)
In the fall of 1996 a new scientific paper dealing with a meta-analysis of 23
different scientific studies on the relationship between first-trimester
abortions and breast cancer was published in a British medical journal. That
study clearly demonstrated a higher incidence of breast cancer in women who
had had first-trimester abortions. In response to that publication, the
American Medical Association (AMA), the American Cancer Society (ACS), and
pro-abortion/population-control advocates joined together in an unholy
alliance to attack the conclusions of the authors, and to block all efforts
to disseminate that information to American physicians. All of the
organizations mentioned above continue to oppose efforts to have physicians
warn women of the risk they face when they submit themselves to
first-trimester abortions. Before carrying out all surgical procedures in
America "advised consent" is required, except for abortion. The AMA. the ACS,
and the pro-death lobby continue to insist that women must not be advised of
the risk they incur when they destroy the life of their unborn child. Why is
there such inconsistency? Current abortion policies in America are absolutely
necessary to reduce our population. That is why a minor child can be taken
from school to an abortion clinic without parental notification, yet that
same child cannot be given an aspirin without parental consent. It all has to
do with population control. The Population Control Agenda

America Online  ( Note the Eye set in a pyramid)
America On Line, AOL, has plenty I think they do not tell you. They are NOT
an Internet Service Provider, ISP, but an online service, sort of a middle
man TO AN ISP. That technical or lawful difference reportedly justifies them
having a screening or censorship committee. In other words, a NAMELESS,
reserve the right or "authority" to block your postings and transmissions?
What, if any, is your remedy or recourse? Are they, what is known in public
utility and other law, as a Common Carrier, or are they a different animal?
Supposing the U.S. has a very serious decline, even a collapse, in the stock
and other markets. And suppose as well that at such at time, there is a run
on banks. Would the various Internet Service Providers and the Online
Services function as before? Or would they obey a secret government directive
to silence loudmouths by blocking their E-Mail and other transmissions? On
the one hand, Internet, and the World Wide Web, and E-Mail, seem to be a
great blessing, countering censorship. On the other hand, great numbers of
folks have become overly dependent on the electronic communication. Thus
created is a dilemma. (By Sherman H. Skolnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Some see Orwell's 1984 in AOL-Time Warner merger

American Freedom Coalition
Reverend Sun Myung Moon founded The Unification Church. Moon sees Christian
churches as furthering Satan's power. Moon also states, "When Jesus grew up
he failed as a leader because he was unable to love his disciples enough to
motivate them to kill for him or die in his place." Moon claims he is the new
Messiah and Korea is God's chosen nation. Unification Church, Rev. Sun Myung
Moons fingers are messing with the media, through his ownership of the
Washington Times; with politics, through the American Freedom Coalition, a
well-funded conservative group; and with business, through various
real-estate, commercial-fishing, video and auto-parts ventures. His
manipulation of political affairs go way beyond treason.

American Eastern Liberal Establishment

American Medical Association (AMA)
In the fall of 1996 a new scientific paper dealing with a meta-analysis of 23
different scientific studies on the relationship between first-trimester
abortions and breast cancer was published in a British medical journal. That
study clearly demonstrated a higher incidence of breast cancer in women who
had had first-trimester abortions. In response to that publication, the
American Medical Association (AMA), the American Cancer Society (ACS), and
pro-abortion/population-control advocates joined together in an unholy
alliance to attack the conclusions of the authors, and to block all efforts
to disseminate that information to American physicians. All of the
organizations mentioned above continue to oppose efforts to have physicians
warn women of the risk they face when they submit themselves to
first-trimester abortions. Before carrying out all surgical procedures in
America "advised consent" is required, except for abortion. The AMA. the ACS,
and the pro-death lobby continue to insist that women must not be advised of
the risk they incur when they destroy the life of their unborn child. Why is
there such inconsistency? Current abortion policies in America are absolutely
necessary to reduce our population. That is why a minor child can be taken
from school to an abortion clinic without parental notification, yet that
same child cannot be given an aspirin without parental consent. It all has to
do with population control.   The Population Control Agenda

American Museum of Natural History
So many elite controlled organizations are heavily involved in the spread of
the evolution theory.  The_Astor_family


Anti-Defamation League (Layer of The Club Of Rome)
Officials: IRWIN SUALL, also known as John

   ( Industrial giant which requires their managers to attend New Age seminars

Atlantic Institute's Economic Council
Peccei headed the Atlantic Institute's Economic Council for three decades
while he was the Chief Executive Officer for Giovanni Agnellis' Fiat Motor
Company. Agnelli, a member of an ancient Italian Black Nobility family of the
same name, is one of the most important members of the Committee of 300. He
played a leading role in development projects in the Soviet Union. The Club
of Rome is a conspiratorial umbrella organization, a marriage between
Anglo-American financiers and the old Black Nobility families of Europe,
particularly the so-called "nobility" of London, Venice and Genoa. The key to
the successful control of the world is their ability to create and manage
savage economic recessions and eventual depressions.

Is a front for the fascist "Nazifeller" New World Order infiltration of, if
not invasion of, North America,
Arco, Eastlund And The Roots Of HAARP

Avon Products
The multitude of connections of people serving the Reynolds to the elite are
mind-boggling. Many of the institutions in the Middle South connect back to
the Illuminati and their front organizations such as the Freemasons and the
Chambers of Commerce, the CFR etc. etc. Some of the companies that R.J.
Reynolds Industries interlocks with are Arista Co., Avon Products

Bank of International Settlements (BIS)

Bilderbergers (aka "The Alliance" and "The Relationship")
This group is the brainchild of David Rockefeller, one of the leading
Globalist for many years. It held its first meeting May 29-31, 1954, at the
Bilderburg Hotel, Osterbeek Netherlands. They meet in great secrecy every
year to coordinate global plans. There are about 100 members mostly from
Europe and the United States. The Bilderburgers, the Council on Foreign
Relations and the Trilateral Commision are the SECRET GOVERNMENT and rule
this nation through MJ-12 and the study group known as the Jason Society.

Black Nobility of Venice
Peccei headed the Atlantic Institute's Economic Council for three decades
while he was the Chief Executive Officer for Giovanni Agnellis' Fiat Motor
Company. Agnelli, a member of an ancient Italian Black Nobility family of the
same name, is one of the most important members of the Committee of 300. He
played a leading role in development projects in the Soviet Union. The Club
of Rome is a conspiratorial umbrella organization, a marriage between
Anglo-American financiers and the old Black Nobility families of Europe,
particularly the so-called "nobility" of London, Venice and Genoa. The key to
the successful control of the world is their ability to create and manage
savage economic recessions and eventual depressions.

Blue Cross-Blue Shield.
( Industrial giant which requires their managers to attend New Age seminars)
New Age The Coming population Control

Bohemian Club


British Quator Coronati

Campus Sisyphus

Capital Cities  (CIA Front Group)

Carnegie Group

Confirmation Of Anti-Gun Media Bias
He and Hoover are bosom, probably bed, partners. And so, Spellman is in a
place to be in control of the CIA, the FBI, the Mafia, and through
Freemasonry, the Dallas Police Department—like they control every major
city’s P.D. And so he carries it out. And then he’s also in control of the
press, in control of Time and Life, with Henry Luce, so the press never gets
it. He’s in control of CBS, with a man named Frank Shakespeare, who was the
head of CBS at the time. So you think Walter Cronkite is going to tell us the
truth? No way. He’s in control of CBS, NBC, ABC. They have stocks in it, for
heaven’s sake. So, there’s no way the story’s getting out. And he’s in
control of the CIA to hit and kill anybody who wants to come out and tell the
truth, which is why there’s over a hundred dead witnesses over the last 30
years.That’s why they took out Fensterwald, in 1992, outlined in the book by
that CIA agent First Hand Knowledge, by Morrow. He was a CIA agent. He was in
on the Kennedy assassination. He completely outlines it in his book, and he
tells of that relationship of the CIA to killing Fensterwald. He dedicates
his book to Fensterwald.

Chase Manhattan Bank

Chrysler Corporation
( Industrial giant which requires their managers to attend New Age seminars)
New Age . The Coming population Control

Church of Jesu. ( aka Society of Jesus) Also headquarters of the Knights of
Founded in 1534 by Ignatius Loyola to combat the reformation and propagate
the faith. (Reformation being salvation thru grace instead of the Catholic Chu
rch.) The Jesuit General, and the other high Jesuit Generals, they are
sorcerers. They are Luciferians, and they worship what they would call
Lucifer. They do not believe in Satan. They believe in Lucifer. Their
ultimate goal is the rule of the world, with the Pope of their making, from
Solomon’s rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. That’s their ultimate goal. Anti
The Most Powerful Man In The World? The "Black" Pope Count Hans
Kolvenbach—The Jesuit’s General

Church Of Religious Science
Lots of lies wrapped up in a thin sugar-coating of Biblical truth. The New
Agers like to accuse us Believers of taking Scripture out of context to fit
our doctrinal statements (and they aren't always wrong!), but they themselves
are masters at it. What you will find with the Religious Science folks is a
lot of psycho-babble religious-sounding speech, but no substance. Lots of
wonderful sounding uplifting talk, but no foundation built upon the Rock of
Jesus Christ.

He and Hoover are bosom, probably bed, partners. And so, Spellman is in a
place to be in control of the CIA, the FBI, the Mafia, and through
Freemasonry, the Dallas Police Department—like they control every major
city’s P.D. And so he carries it out. And then he’s also in control of the
press, in control of Time and Life, with Henry Luce, so the press never gets
it. He’s in control of CBS, with a man named Frank Shakespeare, who was the
head of CBS at the time. So you think Walter Cronkite is going to tell us the
truth? No way. He’s in control of CBS, NBC, ABC. They have stocks in it, for
heaven’s sake. So, there’s no way the story’s getting out. And he’s in
control of the CIA to hit and kill anybody who wants to come out and tell the
truth, which is why there’s over a hundred dead witnesses over the last 30
years. That’s why they took out Fensterwald, in 1992, outlined in the book by
that CIA agent First Hand Knowledge, by Morrow. He was a CIA agent. He was in
on the Kennedy assassination. He completely outlines it in his book, and he
tells of that relationship of the CIA to killing Fensterwald. He dedicates
his book to Fensterwald.

Cini Foundation

Club of Rome (Committee of 300 subversive body)

CNN ( Owned by Time Warner)
Some see Orwell's 1984 in AOL-Time Warner merger
Confirmation Of Anti-Gun Media Bias

Coca-Cola (Illuminati Front Group)
Coca Cola, C.I.A. and the Courts

Committee of 300 (aka Olympians)

Communist Party

Joseph Melvin Reynolds, Lloyd George Reynolds

Council on Foreign Relations (layer of the committee of 300)
This group was formed in 1919 as the American Institute of International
Relations by the Round Table Group in the United States. Colonel Edward
Mandell House, President Woodrow Wilsons mentor, was the main founder. When
it became apparent that the U.S. Senate was not going to ratify the League of
Nations Covenant, the Globalist recognized that the United States was the
most serious obstacle to their plan for world domination. To meet this
challenge, the Council on Foreign Relations was incorporated on July 29,
1921, using the American Institute of International Relations as its core.
The Council headquarters is at: Harold Pratt House, 58 East 68th Street, New
York, NY 10021., Tel. No.: 212 434 9400 (212-734-0400), Fax No.:
212-861-1789. Mike Holtzman is Director of Public Affairs on 212-434-9536

Council of Trent


Davos Group

The World Economic forum brings together 1,000 of the world's top
multinational companies in an annual meeting at the luxury ski resort of
Davos, Switzerland. The meeting gives the companies a chance to meet with
many of the world's political and media leaders and Director-Generals of
organizations such as the World Trade Organization, the World Bank and the
OECD. (For a list of the most important attendees see Appendix 1). The last
Davos meeting was from January 29th to February 2nd 1998. There were also
regional meetings in Doha, Qatar 16-18 Nov 97 and New Delhi 7-9 Dec 97. The
Forum is organized by industry sector. It also has a number of 'clubs' made
up of individuals. These clubs are called Industry Governors, Global Leaders
for Tomorrow, World Media Leaders, World Cultural Leaders, Mega City Mayors
and Forum Fellows. Gordon Brown, UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, is listed in
the Global Leaders group. Despite having all the multinational companies on
board, the Forum gives the impression of being quite progressive. For
example, the director of the TRIODOS Bank is listed as a global leader of


Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Episcopalian Church (a branch of Freemasonry)
Episcopal Church-- Haven for \Christian Witches

European Black Nobility

European Union



The FDA has put the interests of drug companies and the psychiatric research
establishment ahead of those of America's children. It is time for the public
and concerned professionals to take a stand against unethical pharmacological
research on children. FDA Seeks To Destroy Alternative Health Web Sites

Federal Reserve
1957 George W. Malone, U.S. Senator (Nevada), speaking before Congress in
1957, alluded to the families that secretly own the "Federal" Reserve Bank
and control the finances of the U.S.. He stated: "I believe that if the
people of this nation fully understood what Congress has done to them over
the last 49 years, they would move on Washington; they would not wait for an
election....It adds up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and
social independence of the United States!."

Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA)
The Club of Rome, after playing a key role in the Cuban Missile Crisis,
attempted to sell its "crisis management" (the forerunner of FEMA) program to
President Kennedy. Several Tavistock scientists went to see the President to
explain what it meant, but the President rejected the advice they gave. The
same year that Kennedy was murdered, Tavistock was back in Washington to talk
with NASA. This time the talks were successful. Tavistock was given a
contract by NASA to evaluate the effect of its coming space program on
American public opinion. The contract was farmed to the Stanford Research
Institute and the Rand Corporation. Much of the material produced by
Tavistock, Stanford and Rand never saw the light of day and remains sealed
until now.
 Take note that FEMA is a major New World Order front with SEVERAL extensive
operational underground bases which, like underground Trojan horses, exist
beneath strategic locations throughout the United States: "'FINCEN' CONFIRMED
PRE-DEPLOYMENT LOCATIONS: south and east-central California; west-central
Montana; north Texas; west-central Wisconsin; north-east Illinois; south-east
Michigan; central Indiana; south-west Ohio; north New York; south Delaware;
south Maryland; north-east Virginia. north-east North Carolina; central,south
The United Nations In The United States * F.E.M.A. Federal Emergency
Management Agency

Film Booking Offices
Illuminati kingpin/mob boss Joseph Kennedy's (John F. Kennedy's father)
company. Disney worked under the control (auspices) of Illuminati kingpin
Kennedy. All of the Disney pictures were registered by R-C Pictures Corp.,
one of the parent companies of Kennedy's FBO. Joseph Kennedy also controlled
the RKO studio which worked together with the other big studios to insure
that no small studio would develop as a competitor.

Ford Foundation
1954 Rowan Gaither, President of the Ford Foundation, in 1954 lends proof to
what we know to be fact today, namely that many of our Presidents have been a
knowing part of this World conquest plot. Mr Gaither stated to Congressional
Reese Commission investigator Norman Dodd:
 "We operate here under directives which emanate from the White House....The
substance of the directives under which we operate is that we shall use our
grant making power to alter life in the United States so that we can
comfortably be merged with the Soviet Union."

Ford Industries

Fordham University
Cardinal O’Connor is the King of the American Empire. And he rules his Empire
from that Palace, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, "the little Vatican".
Martin: And is he in contact, do you think, with Kolvenbach?
Phelps: Of course. O’Connor himself is not a Jesuit, but the Jesuits are like
the SS of the Catholic Church. They maintain order. And the ones closest to
him who maintain order are the Jesuits of Fordham University. Now, one of
them—the head of Fordham University, I believe he is an Irishman, is also a
member of the CFR [Council on Foreign Relations]. And I have that right here
in the Annual Report of the CFR of 1993. Those Jesuits at Fordham maintain
semblance and rule over the Cardinal in New York. And, of course, the
powerful Jesuits of Fordham include Avery Dulles and John Foster Dulles, one
of the writers of the book on the Second Vatican Council.
The Most Powerful Man In The World? The "Black" Pope Count Hans
Kolvenbach—The Jesuit’s General

The United States Presidents and the Masonic Power Structure

General Motors
( Industrial giant which requires their managers to attend New Age seminars)
New Age . The Coming population Control

Peccei headed the Atlantic Institute's Economic Council for three decades
while he was the Chief Executive Officer for Giovanni Agnellis' Fiat Motor
Company. Agnelli, a member of an ancient Italian Black Nobility family of the
same name, is one of the most important members of the Committee of 300. He
played a leading role in development projects in the Soviet Union. The Club
of Rome is a conspiratorial umbrella organization, a marriage between
Anglo-American financiers and the old Black Nobility families of Europe,
particularly the so-called "nobility" of London, Venice and Genoa. The key to
the successful control of the world is their ability to create and manage
savage economic recessions and eventual depressions.

German Marshall Fund
Club of Rome and its financiers under the title of the German Marshall Fund
were two highly-organized conspiratorial bodies operating under cover of the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and that the majority of Club of
Rome executives were drawn from NATO. The Club of Rome formulated all of what
NATO claimed as its policies and, through the activities of Committee of 300
member Lord Carrington, was able to split NATO into two factions, a political
(left wing) power group and its former military alliance.

Giovanni Agnellis (Fiat Motor Company)
Peccei headed the Atlantic Institute's Economic Council for three decades
while he was the Chief Executive Officer for Giovanni Agnellis' Fiat Motor
Company. Agnelli, a member of an ancient Italian Black Nobility family of the
same name, is one of the most important members of the Committee of 300. He
played a leading role in development projects in the Soviet Union. The Club
of Rome is a conspiratorial umbrella organization, a marriage between
Anglo-American financiers and the old Black Nobility families of Europe,
particularly the so-called "nobility" of London, Venice and Genoa. The key to
the successful control of the world is their ability to create and manage
savage economic recessions and eventual depressions.

Global Business Network
The leading international futurist organization is a relatively small company
from San Francisco known as the Global Business Network. The GBN is another
invitation only group - this time of diverse and innovative thinkers from
across the social and technological board - whose expertise in predicting the
future is hired out for millions by organizations such as Shell, the US Joint
Chiefs of Staff and the American Express bank. The major concern here is
perhaps not the information itself but the influence. The GBN is possibly the
most highest regarded consultancy in the world.
Secret Societies


Global Resources Ministries International (GRMI).

Lee Stewart. Maintains web site for AD 2000 & Beyond and Global Resources
Ministries International (GRMI). Teaches the false "Hebrew Roots" of
Christianity doctrine - a form of British-Israelism which claims that the
Anglo-Saxon nations are the lost 12 tribes of Israel.


GodSpeak International

A Revival leader associated with the United Kingdom/Toronto Blessing wrote a
testimony which portrays Jesus as a voyeur. The blasphemous testimony of
Teresa Seputis was posted on her web page, now titled GodSpeak International,
but removed within days of posting our expose. A portion of this testimony is
reprinted in the Revival Connection. Teresa also ministered in 1994 with John
and Carol Arnott in San Francisco (28) and in 1996 and 1997 with Randy Clark
and the St. Louis Vineyard Christian Fellowship which sponsored Catch The
Fire conferences in Moscow. Of interest to us was the fact that Teresa
Seputis' testimony was also posted in an e-mail conference on the Scottish
Stewart Clan Internet Home which focuses on the Toronto Revival that has been
exported around the world. Within hours after the Watch Unto Prayer expose
was posted on November 6, 1997, the Scottish Stewart Clan Internet Home
blocked access to their discussion groups for all except those having a
secret password. Plainly the Stewart Clan does not want the Rosicrucian
UK/Toronto Revival connection to be known.


Group Of Thirty

THE Group of Thirty, or (ouch) the Consultative Group on International
Economic and Monetary Affairs Incorporated, was set up in 1978 with the aim
of deepening understanding of international economic and financial issues.
The diversity of its carefully chosen membership of 30 (current and former
central bankers and public officials, private bankers and economists) makes
it unusual. Its first chairman was Mr. Johannes Witteveen, former IMF
managing director. Now, Lord Richardson, former governor of the Bank of
England, gives it class. A leading light, whose enthusiasm got the group
going, is Mr Geoffrey Bell, an economist-cum-banker, who acts as secretary.
The 30 meet twice a year for two or three days - one meeting riding on the
IMF/World Bank jamboree - to discuss current topics in private; 10-20
distinguished outsiders come each time. The G-30 also organizes seminars and
special working parties, whose reports are among the group's publications. A
small permanent staff operates in New York and London. Originally financed by
the Rockefeller Foundation, it is now paid for - none too readily - by
corporations, central banks and private banks. The group is rather strapped
for cash, so its venues have become less exotic. The hospitality of a central
bank - anywhere - is appreciated. Recent discussions have ranged over the
world economy, imbalances in world payments, exchange-rate movements and the
problems and financial markets of developing countries. Mobilization of the
G-30's talent and contacts has resulted in useful fact-finding operations on
these subjects that are not to be sneezed at. But the group needs a long-term
DANGEROUS LIAISONS - A Survey of Known Groupings of Multinational Companies
That Influence International Policy

Harvard University

H.B.O. (Owned by Time Warner)
Some see Orwell's 1984 in AOL-Time Warner merger

Hellfire Clubs

Hollywood Pictures  (aka Walt Disney)
Disney wanted to put out more "adult" films, they did a slight of hand and
created the label Touchstone films so that people wouldn't associate movies
like Splash (which showed what looked like bared breasts) with Disney
Productions. Another label, Hollywood Pictures, was created by Disney to help
distribute Touchstone films. At first the personnel of these companies was
simply Disney's staff, but as time went on, they got their own production



Identity Movement
These agents operate embedded in the so-called Christian rightwing, and the
rightwing "patriotic" groups, and still operate, under cover of strong and
fearless outspoken opposition to Judaism their main enemy, they would have us
believe. These agent-informers are led and controlled by a group of
homosexuals who are well-liked and well-respected by political and religious
conservatives all across the United States.

International Monetary Fund

Interpol  (International Police)
The Club of Rome has its own private intelligence agency and also "borrows"
from David Rockefeller's INTERPOL. Every U.S. intelligence agency cooperates
very closely with it, as does the KGB and the Mossad. The only agency that
remained beyond its reach was the East-German intelligence service. the
STASSY. The Club of Rome also has its own highly organized political and
economic agencies. It was they who told President Reagan to retain the
services of Paul Volcker, yet another important Committee of 300 member.
Volcker stayed on as Federal Reserve Board chairman, notwithstanding the
faithful promise of candidate Reagan that he would dismiss him as soon as he,
Reagan, was elected.


See: W. R. Grace

Jacobin Club  (originally known as Club Breton).
One of the lodge systems set up by the Illuminati was the Jacobin Club
(originally known as Club Breton). Its Jacobite members got financing from
the Illuminati and were a big part of the cause of the French Revolution. The
Jacobites also played a role in the early history of the United States and
the American Revolution. The Jacobites had a number of aristocrats who were
also secret Satanists as their leaders. They had a lodge in Rome. One of the
Scottish Jacobites was Flora Macdonald. She saved Prince Charles Edward’s
life. Etienne Jacques Joseph Alexandre Macdonald (Scottish blood) was a  33
degree Freemason & also an officer who fought on the side of the French
Revolution. He went on to become a Marshall in the French army.

Jason Society.
The Bilderburgers, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral
Commision are the SECRET GOVERNMENT and rule this nation through MJ-12 and
the study group known as the Jason Society.

Jehovah's Witnesses (aka Watchtower Bible and Tract Society)
Started by Charles Taze Russell. Russell is one of the 13 Satanic Bloodlines
that run this country.
Secrets of the Watchtower

Jesuit Liberation Theologists

John Hopkins University
New World Order Art compare with The Denver International Airport

Johnson and Johnson  (Illuminati Front Group)

 Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus implement Jesuit politics. And Louis Freeh was the one
behind the Waco atrocity and the Oklahoma City bombing atrocity. And his top
sniper was a Japanese Roman Catholic named Lon Horiuchi. So, it’s Roman
Catholics in control, Knights in control of the FBI, who carried out all of
this killing. And those two men, Louis Freeh and Lon Horiuchi are personally
accountable to Cardinal O’Connor of New York. And Cardinal O’Connor of New
York is the most powerful Cardinal in the country. He is the military vicar.
And that’s why Bush kissed his fanny for going to Bob Jones, because Cardinal
O’Connor is the King of the American Empire. And he rules his Empire from that
 Palace, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, "the little Vatican".
The Most Powerful Man In The World? The "Black" Pope Count Hans
Kolvenbach—The Jesuit’s General

Knights of Malta (see Church of Jesu)

Knight Templars

Ku Klux Klan

Life Magazine
He and Hoover are bosom, probably bed, partners. And so, Spellman is in a
place to be in control of the CIA, the FBI, the Mafia, and through
Freemasonry, the Dallas Police Department—like they control every major
city’s P.D. And so he carries it out. And then he’s also in control of the
press, in control of Time and Life, with Henry Luce, so the press never gets
it. He’s in control of CBS, with a man named Frank Shakespeare, who was the
head of CBS at the time. So you think Walter Cronkite is going to tell us the
truth? No way. He’s in control of CBS, NBC, ABC. They have stocks in it, for
heaven’s sake. So, there’s no way the story’s getting out. And he’s in
control of the CIA to hit and kill anybody who wants to come out and tell the
truth, which is why there’s over a hundred dead witnesses over the last 30
years.That’s why they took out Fensterwald, in 1992, outlined in the book by
that CIA agent First Hand Knowledge, by Morrow. He was a CIA agent. He was in
on the Kennedy assassination. He completely outlines it in his book, and he
tells of that relationship of the CIA to killing Fensterwald. He dedicates
his book to Fensterwald.
( Industrial giant which requires their managers to attend New Age seminars)
New Age . The Coming population Control

London School of Economics

London Times

Los Angeles Times


Groups Promoting A Globalist Anti-American Agenda pt2
The preceding information was excerpted and researched from the following
Knowledge Equals Freedom
2790 Wrondel Way
#41, Reno Nevada, 89502
Wake Up Call America
P.O. Box 280488
Lakewood, Co. 80228

The_Satanic_Bloodline * Order of Skull and Bones * Targets_of_the_Illuminati
ILLUMINATI NEWS * United States Presidents and The Masonic Power Structure
SKULL_AND_BONES_LIST * IlluminatiHistory thru-1900 * Illuminati History
Freemason Global Government New World Order Conspiracy

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