-Caveat Lector-

Text of Condit's letter to constituents:

'I have cooperated'

The following is the text of the letter sent by Rep. Gary Condit, D-Calif.,
to his constituents.

Dear friends and neighbors,

Chandra Levy has been missing for nearly four months.

I'm sorry that the pain the Levy family and Chandra's friends have been
feeling has grown worse with each passing day.

When Chandra's dad called me to tell me she was missing, he asked for my
help.  I contacted the police to see if a reward fund would help find
her.  They said it would, so I helped start one.

Since that day and everyday since, I have cooperated and worked with law
enforcement to find Chandra.  I invited the police to my apartment.  I
asked the FBI to help.

Despite my best attempts to help find Chandra, some in the media have
criticized me for remaining silent.  I have not been silent with those in
charge of finding Chandra.

I have answered every single question asked by the police and FBI.

When tabloids turned the disappearance of Chandra into a spectacle, and
rumors were reported as facts, I decided that I would not discuss my
private life in the media.

Some suggest that not talking with the media could mean that I had
something to do with Chandra's disappearance.  I did not.  I pray that she
has not met the same fate as the other young women who have disappeared
from the same neighborhoods.

I will be interviewed on TV and hopefully be able to answer questions that
will help people to understand.

It is not something I look forward to.  But things have gone on long

Before speaking to the media I wanted to write to you.  I have known so
many of you for a long time.  You know me to be hard working, committed to
our issues and dedicated to my community and my family.  I hope you also
will understand that I am not perfect and have made my share of mistakes.

For 30 years as a local Mayor, County Supervisor, State Assemblyman and
Congressman, thousands of people have come to me with their personal
problems.  A son in trouble, a mother in a nursing home, a job that was
lost, a farm going broke, a mortgage that couldn't be paid.

And each time people trusted that I would treat their problems with care.

I hope our relationship is strong enough to endure this.

For now I want my work in Congress to improve our communities.

Please know that you can still bring me your concerns and your problems.

Thank you for the kindness you have shown Carolyn and my family.

Sincerely, Gary Condit

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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