-Caveat Lector-

In reply: Why bring up the words of those long dead?

History repeats it's self and since they were some of the ones that this
history of this country was built on.  I for one do not like to reinvent the
wheel.  Up date the language and you can sell the old as new.  Money
Changers become Money Launders.

-----Original Message-----
From: M. A. Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, December 26, 1998 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Re: [CTRL] Re [CTRL] A cliché was Re: Time to End CEOs
5-Year NAFTA Party

> -Caveat Lector-
>MJ wrote:
>  .50 Payments to Individuals
>  .15 National Defense
>  .15 Grants to States & Localities
>  .14 Net Interest
>  .05 Other Federal Operations
>  .01 Reserve Pending Social Security Reform
>   ____
>  1.00 Total
>  Hmmm ... 14% is bigger than 50%?  New Math?
>Linda Minor wrote:
>   "Individuals"?  Does this mean government employees or what
>    exactly?
>ALL individuals to who the government redistributes tax-payer's
>earnings ...
>Black Lung Disability and Survivor's Benefits, Black Lung Survivor's
>Benefits, Disability Insurance, Federal Employee's Compensation,
>Federal-State Unemployment Insurance, Railroad Unemployment Insurance,
>Trade Readjustment Allowances, Basic Educational Opportunity Grants,
>College Work-Study, Follow Through, Head Start, Interest-Free
>Guaranteed Loans, Medical Education Loans and Grants, National
>Direct Student Loans, Nursing Education Loans, Special Services for
>Low-Income Physically Handicapped Students in post Secondary Schools,
>Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants, Talent Search, Upward
>Bound, Vocation Educational Work Study, Food Commodities, Food Stamps
>School Lunches, School Milk, Special Supplemental Feeding (for pregnant
>and lactating mothers), Special Supplemental Feeding (for Women,
>Infants and Children), Comprehensive Health Services, Crippled
>Children's Services, Dental Health of Children, Health Care of
>Children and Youth, Intensive Infant Care Project, Maternity and
>Infant Care Projects, Medicaid, Medicare, Appalachian Housing Program,
>Farm Labor Housing, Home-Ownership for Tenants of Public Housing,
>Home-Ownership Loans, Indian Housing Improvement Program, Interest
>Subsidies for Rental Housing, Low-Income Housing Repair Loans,
>Low-Rent Public Housing, Mortgage Insurance for Families Who Are
>Special Credit Risks, Mortgage Insurance for Low-Income and
>Moderate-Income Families, Mortgage Insurance for Low-Income and
>Moderate-Income Families (Condominiums), Rent Supplements, Rural
>Housing Loans, Rural Housing Site Loans, Rural Rental Housing Insured
>Loans, Rural Self-Help Housing Technical Assistance, Career
>Opportunities Program, Concentrated Employment Programs, Economic
>Opportunity Loans, Foster Grandparents, Job Corporations, Job
>Opportunities in the Business Sector, Manpower Development and
>Training, Neighborhood Youth Corporations, Operation Mainstream
>Public Service Careers, Senior Community Service Employment, Senior
>Companions, Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Work Incentive
>Projects, Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), Assistance
>to Cuban Refugees, Emergency Assistance, General Assistance to Indians,
>Legal Services for the Poor, Meals for the Elderly, Services to Needy
>Aged, Blind or disabled, Services to Needy families on Welfare,
>Supplement Security Income.
>To name a few.
>Linda Minor wrote:
>     And you're saying there's only .01 difference between national
>     defense and net interest.  Sounds like the financiers are
>     getting a big cut there, and since they own most of the military
>     industrial complex as well, that's a big chunk of the government.
>The numbers I posited were Mr. Clinton's.
>Linda Minor wrote:
>   I keep wondering why they want to do away with the government.
>   It must have something to do with wanting the other 70% of the
>   pie.
>'They' who?
>*I* want to remove ALL of this plunder and restore liberty by
>restricting Government ONLY to its legitimate function of protecting
>ALL individuals from FORCE and FRAUD ... rather than providing
>legislated advantage.
>    The 'source' would then be the taxpayer -- so this mantra is
>    a bit silly.
>Linda Minor wrote:
>   It's only silly to you because you distorted what I said.  The
>   source of the money is the people who actually buy the bonds
>   that are actually sold.  The ideal situation would be if the
>   taxpayer bought the bonds, and then we'd collectively own the
>   infrastructure.  The actual situation is that, although
>   the money of small investors is used to pay for bonds, because
>   the savings are filtered into mutual funds, the investment
>   management company--not the investor--controls the fund.  In
>   the case of default, the small investor is wiped out, but the
>   larger bondholder (with maybe 5% of the total fund) gets
>   control of the asset.  Then it can be sold to another corporation
>   sponsored by the financiers and friends.  You don't have to
>   believe me; do some corporate research.
>The Government --Federal -- has
>MJ wrote:
>   Why the need to invoke emotive language rather than responding
>   specifically to the material?
>Linda Minor wrote:
>    I put the same question to you.
>My posits address the specific material -- and I seldom if ever
>invoke Nazism or other such merely pointing at reality.
>Linda Minor wrote:
>     And I don't have to insert flowery quotes from long dead
>     apologists for an empire called a "republic"--that existed
>     by virtue of looting and slavery.
>What exactly are we currently saddled?  The SLAVERY of oppressive
>50% taxation (PLUNDER) ... which is redistributed to those who
>seek favor from their masters.
>Education beyond the indoctrination of mythology spoon-fed
>by the Government ...  never mind.
>Linda Minor wrote:
>   What did Cato know about the 20th century or the United States?
>   What did he have to say about the corruption all around him
>   during his own lifetime?
>Cato was ONE of those who were read and quoted by the Founders
>of this nation (those persons you identify above who had to deal
>with that Law in which the British Government saddled them while
>seeking to unite -- in freedom -- 13 fledgling nations).
>     ... where corruption and public crimes are not carefully
>     opposed, and severely punished, neither liberty nor
>     security can possibly subsist. -- Cato's Letters (1721)
>Linda Minor wrote:
>    BTW, I've forgotten what kind of work you do, MJ, that's so
>    valuable to society.  Aren't you the Ayn Rand follower?
>    No creativity, only quotes.
>I am not a 'follower' of anyone and my occupation is of no relevance
>as I have stated prior.  As to your additional fallacy of logical
>argument, I will refrain from defining.
>No man ought to be exempt from the ties of law; and the higher
>any man is, the more ties he ought to be under. All power ought
>to be balanced with equal restraints, else it will certainly
>grow mischievous. He who knows no law but his own lust, seldom
>observes any other. -- Cato's Letters
>CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
>screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid
>and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
>frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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