-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Eva Georgia KPFK General Manager (818) 985-2711 Ext: 503 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Ms. Georgia:

I am a member of the 9/11 truth movement, a social justice effort that works to expose evidence for Bush regime complicity in the September 11th attacks. I publish www.oilempire.us -- a website that is part of the "Deception Dollar" campaign. I co-organized a very successful public event with David Ray Griffin on July 28, author of "The New Pearl Harbor," which had about 450 attendees (in Eugene, Oregon). Dr. Griffin was a guest on KPFK last month.

Oilempire.us has very detailed information on the 9/11 wargames done
by the military and intelligence agencies that probably paralyzed the
response to the hijackings, the circumstantial evidence for remote
control of the planes, the role of oil and peak oil in 9/11 and the
Iraq war, election tampering, elite selection of candidates,
electronic voting machines, the role of the anthrax attacks in the
passage of the USA Patriot Act, fascism and Homeland Security.   Two
of the most important pages are
http://www.oilempire.us/understanding.html "Understanding 9/11
paradigms:  Incompetence, Blowback, Perle Harbor or Reichstag Fire?"
and http://www.oilempire.us/911intro.html "The archeology of 9/11
evidence."  These essays are part of what will be a published book in
the near future.

It pains me to have to appear as a critic of an effort claiming to
expose the 9/11 scam, but the "truth" of this situation is that the
film "911: In Plane Site," which KPFK is promoting, is an effort to
drown out truth with distraction and disinformation that discredits
by association.

I have very mixed feelings about KPFK's promotion next week of the
"In Plane Site" film.  On the one hand, it is nice to see a Pacifica
station clearly stating that 9/11 was probably an "inside job."  On
the other hand, the "In Plane Site" is a mix of proven evidence and
ridiculous, blatant disinformation that "muddies the waters" of
truth.  In Plane Site has so many severe errors, misrepresentations,
doctored video, a fake audio track that pretends to be evidence that
it discredits the legitimate indpendent efforts to investigate what
actually happened on 9/11.  A detailed review of this film is posted
at http://www.oilempire.us/bogus.html#planesite

A couple of the lies that are in this film:

-- the outrageous nonsense that there was a "pod" attached to the underside of Flight 175, which hit the South Tower (the second strike). None of the "pod people" who promote this claim on various websites that have materialized in the past few months have been able to produce a single quality photo that actually shows this. Blurry, altered photos that magically appear on anonymous websites two years after 9/11 are only evidence of peoples' gullibility (and possibly, an official disinformation COINTELPRO campaign against the 9/11 Truth Movement).

-- the film has a video clip from somewhere in New York showing
people screaming as the towers burn.  this scene has a woman's voice
screaming "That was not American Airlines, That was not American
Airlines."  The only thing that this is evidence of is that the
film's producer is not competent at digital editing as the people who
altered the films of the south tower collapse to add extra "flashes"
not found on previous films such as "The  Great Deception" (a film
made shortly after 9/11 that included CNN footage of the Flight 175

-- In Plane Site shows a photo of the Pentagon repair that claims
that there wasn't a severe fire in the area that was struck, although
other parts of the film show that the fires went much further than
the area in this photo.  Their analysis of the Pentagon crash takes a
photo of the repair job AFTER THE FIRES HAVE BEEN EXTINGUISHED and
makes a variety of claims about how the fires were not intense. This
photo clearly shows additional supports placed to shore up the
damaged building, placed long after the attack. While it is
impossible to say when this photo was taken, it was long enough
afterwards that there wasn't any more smoke, and the repair job was
already well underway. The film claims that the photo includes a
table with a book and the "pages aren't even singed" This claim might
be true, but the photo only shows a small blob of light that you
can't prove it is even a book, let alone whether the pages are
unsinged or not, whether the book was part of the repairs being made
weeks after the event or not..
Powerhour's commentator also glossed over one of the most important,
not disputed, "hidden in plain sight" pieces of evidence -- the fact
that the nearly empty part of the Pentagon was hit (it was mentioned
very briefly by the narrator, but not seen as evidence of official
complicity). In contrast, the film "Painful Deceptions" has a scene
that focuses on this aspect. See http://www.oilempire.us/remote.html
for details.The best part of Plane Site is the video footage of WTC
Building 7, which clearly was a demolition. But "Painful Deceptions,"
although flawed, is a much better film, and also includes of these
film clips.  (The event with David Griffin showed the "Painful
Deceptions" segment on Building 7.)

-- In Plane Site claims that a photo of the South Tower collapse is
really an image of a giant explosion at the base of the twin towers.
If you watch this horrid film, look at the right side of this photo,
which clearly shows the dust plume created by the collapse.  Other
photos of the South Tower collapse also show the gigantic plume to
the left of the towers which "plane site" claims is a giant
explosion.  There is a fair amount of evidence for controlled
demolition, especially of the 47 story Building 7 (which was not hit
by a plane nor by the collapsing towers), but the bogus material in
"Plane Site" isn't helpful to exposing this issue.

In Plane Site's makers have shown that they know how to make simple video effects, to take stock footage of the attacks and show them over and over in their film, and to package it with decent cover art lifted from other people's work (for example, the Osama picture on the cover is the same image as used on Alex Jones's "9/11: The road to tyranny," available through infowars.com) When I was in school, this was called plagiary, and it was cause for being expelled. Now, 9/11 is so important that plagiary in the cause of spreading the truth of 9/11 is probably acceptable in the long run, although I always prefer to credit the original writers or researchers, when possible. However, plagiary in the good parts of "Plane Site" (there is some accurate information in the film) combined with blatant bullshit is evidence of an incompetent scam that should be shunned by KPFK.

I was amused a few weeks ago to be threatened by William Lewis, the
producer of "In Plane Site," with a lawsuit for daring to point out
that the advertising for this film (http://911inplanesite.com)
contains misinformation.   (The complete film is much worse than
their website, since the most blatant nonsense is buried in the film,
and not publicized on their webpage.)  The producer posted on his
site the claim that I hadn't actually written a review of their
website's bogus claims, and that "Mark Rabinowitz" had recanted the
claims.  However, they did manage to send me via my correct email
their threat of litigation, so their claims of incompetence are
suspect.  Mr. Lewis later admitted to an author who inquired as to
their incredible screwup that "I guess it is painfully clear that I
am a film director, not a private investigator."  Thiis story is
described in more detail at

I hope, if you look closely at this bogus film, that you will choose
to substitute a genuine film series that accurate exposes official
complicity in 9/11.  To date, the best film on the topic is "The
Great Deception" by Vision TV of Toronto, Ontario.  Barrie Zwicker,
who is the host of the film, is currently working on an update (it
originally aired in January and February 2002 - the first film to
talk about Bush's bizarre behavior in the elementary school that
morning).  The 911 Truth LA group has a copy of this.

You could also invite Michael Ruppert (www.fromthewilderness.com) to
give a presentation about 9/11 evidence and his forthcoming book "The
Truth and Lies of 9/11: America's Descent Into Fascism at the End of
the Age of Oil."  He is local to your station, and is one of the best
speakers on this crucial topic.  I urge you to invite him onto KPFK
to promote his extremely important book, and organize public meetings
with him.  (After learning about "Plane Site," Fromthewilderness
removed their link to "power hour," on their links page.)

Another Los Angeles area website that KPFK should promote is www.cryptogon.com

A great mistake has been made to promote "In Plane Site," a
disinformation film that seeks to hijack a growing social movement
with easily disproven doctored evidence.  I hope that over the next
few days, KPFK can rectify this by withdrawing the offer to sponsor
this film and its narrator, and substitute genuine experts with an
accurate attention to detail.  The deceptions by the film's producers
constitute a valid reason to withdraw the invitation, and to
substitute accurate information about the 9/11 scam for your

Pacifica's National Correspondent, Larry Bensky, who is based at KPFA
in Berkeley, is extremely hostile to any suggestions that the Bush
regime was complicit in any way with 9/11.  Promoting the obviously
bogus 911inplanesite film is going to give supporters of the official
story such as Bensky incredible ammunition to attack genuine
investigators such as Michael Ruppert and others who have worked very
hard to compile enormous amounts of documented evidence for official
foreknowledge and complicity in "the event that changed the world."
You can read an interesting exchange of letters about 9/11 between
Mr. Bensky and I at http://www.oilempire.us/denial.html#pacifica

In solidarity,

Mark Robinowitz


a detailed review of "In Plane Site," disinformation that seeks to distract and discredit the 9/11 Truth Movement http://www.oilempire.us/bogus.html#planesite


http://www.kpfk.org/calendar/ Events From: 7/29/2004 To: 8/5/2004

911 - In Plane Sight & The Great Deception

Date: Thursday, July 29th 2004
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Location: 7056 Washington Ave.
City/State: Whittier, CA
Category: Documentary Film

Sponsored by 911 Truth LA and The Whittier Area Peace and Justice Coalition. Start time is 7pm but doors will open at 6:30pm. Admission is by a suggested donation, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds. A discussion will follow the screening. Light refreshments will be served and babysitting will be provided. For further information please call 562-716-3516


http://kpfk.org/content.shtml#plane KPFK PROUDLY PRESENTS 3 FREE SCREENINGS OF "911 IN PLANE SITE"


Wednesday August 4th - Long Beach
 St. Lukes Episcopal Church
 525 E 7th St Long Beach 90813

Friday August 6th - Los Angeles
 Immanuel Presbyterian Church
 3300 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles 90010

Saturday August 7th - Santa Barbara
 2pm - 5pm
 Trinity Episcopal Church
 1500 State St Santa Barbara 93101

While these events are FREE to the public
 on a first come, first served basis,
 copies of the film will be available for a small donation


from "Painful Questions" by Eric Hufschmid, page 20 regarding a "blob" seen in some WTC photos that supposedly showed another plane overhead when the second tower was hit (which might or might not be real)

"It is also possible that the blob is just an 'artifact' caused by
the software that compressed the video. However, I suspect the person
who posted the images deliberately created the blob to make fun of
conspiracy theories or to fool people ... the best policy is to
ignore theories that are based on compressed images. Demand the
original, high resolution images."



Disinformation masquerading as 9/11 Truth exposure

In addition to phony evidence in support of the official conspiracy
theory, there is also the problem of bogus material pretending to be
investigative journalism that does not bother to present even a
scintilla of credible evidence. A few fringe 9/11 websites are now
claiming that there wasn't a plane at the World Trade Center north
tower (even though the photos of the hole in the tower clearly show
the impact of the wings). Some of these "no plane at the north tower"
sites include letsroll911.org (mirrored at 911uncovered),
911hoax.org, physics911.org and the fairy godmother of this modus
operandi - webfairy.org Oilempire.us doesn't provide direct links to
these sites, which are a mix of accurate material and disinformation
-- but they are easy enough to find.

The "webfairy" theories claim that no planes hit the World Trade
Center, it was done with missiles and high-tech hologram, and uses
video clips that supposedly prove these arguments. The "letsroll911"
site claims that a missile was fired at the South tower just before
the plane crashed into it, and also uses poor quality photos to
"prove" this argument. However, blurry low resolution photos that
magically appear two years later are not evidence of alternative
views of what happened, they are only evidence of people's
unfamiliarity with photo editing software and their gullibility. The
"physical evidence" clearly shows that large jets hit the towers -
the hole in the side of the North tower (which was hit first) is the
size of a 767. And the idea that a missile was fired a split second
before the South tower was hit makes no sense, since there was no
"need" for this to happen (no tactical advantage for the attackers,
since the towers were not anywhere as strong as the sector of the
Pentagon that was hit - which had been strengthened against attack
immediately prior to 9/11).

The "pod plane at the WTC," "no plane at the WTC" and "plane plus
missile" theories are toxic to the cause of 9/11 truth. It is a sign
that our political efforts are having an effect -- that these
"theories" (unsupported by any credible evidence) are being
distributed to "muddy the waters" to make those who seek to expose
the lies of 9/11 as crackpots who have no idea what we are talking

 There was no extra "pod" that was used to fire a missile from the
767. A quick search on the web will show several sites with photos of
767's with a structure under the plane to hold the wings together. It
is sad that 9/11 truth exposers are forced to waste our time dealing
with this. There are NO photos with high resolution that show an
extra "pod," there is no credible theory to suggest the need for any
alleged pod.

 The same thing happened during the citizen investigations into the
coup against President Kennedy -- people popped up claiming inside
knowledge that turned out to be psychotic ravings. One particularly
memorable occurrence was during the Jim Garrison prosecution of Clay
Shaw, a CIA agent who participated in the plot against Kennedy - the
film JFK covers this episode very well. Garrison's legal team had
found a witness who claimed to have participated in meetings with
Shaw, Lee Harvey Oswald and others, but on the stand, the man's
claims of participation were totally shredded by his claims that he
had fingerprinted his daughter before and after she went to college
to prove that she was the same person (and therefore, this obviously
insane testimony was used to discredit the genuine evidence that
Garrison had used to prosecute Shaw). Shaw was found innocent by the
jury (even though subsequent research and official admissions
revealed he was CIA), although that jury did admit that there had
been a conspiracy to kill JFK, they merely didn't believe that Shaw
was a participant.


from Nicholas Levis, 911truth.org - about "In Plane Site"

The site is full of obvious misinformation:

 - There is no "pod" attached to the bottom of the plane hitting the
South Tower. What you see there is a part of the normal 767 design.
The alleged "pod" is actually one of the bulges on either side, where
the wings attach to the lower fuselage. Look at any picture of a 767
undercarriage and you will see these bulges. The pod myth promoters
make use extremely low-resolution stills. One bulge appears slightly
more prominent because of the shadow. That's it.

 - The "flash" that appears during the impact of the jet into the
second tower was never noticed until recently. Hmm, could it be the
product of photo-shop? Probably not, since if you look carefully the
flash happens exactly in the split-second of initial impact, and
exactly at the point where the nosecone first touches the building.
Which means what? Impact produces heat! You are seeing the spark of
metal against metal, before the rest of the plane goes in and
obscures it. Nothing on these stills indicates a missile or other

 - The site asks, "Why does AN eyewitness report seeing no windows on
Flight 175..." Jesus, this is evidence?!

 - "If both towers are still standing, what caused this huge
explosion at the base of the WTC complex?" The conditional phrase
suggests a sense of humor on the part of the likely scam artists who
made this video. Look again: both towers are not standing. The South
Tower collapsed several seconds before this shot. The "explosion" is
actually a Godzilla-sized plume of dust from the South Tower
collapse. View footage of the South Tower collapse from a greater
distance and you will see clearly how several mammoth dust plumes,
including the one in the picture, formed along the lines of least
resistance, moved outward, and ran into surrounding buildings.

 I have been trying, in vain, to kill this obvious red herring for
more than two years. It even appears in "Painful Questions," which
generally has a higher standard of evidence. It is the source of the
WTC 6 explosion myth. Speaking of which...

 - Were there really dozens of reports of bombs and explosions before
any buildings collapsed? One could hear bodies and debris hitting the
ground, and this was very loud. Why would anyone who wanted to
demolish the buildings have foreplay explosions in advance? Does this
make any sense to you?

 The stronger points made on this site - which could also be wrong -
are secondary to these obvious red-herrings, and so are discredited
by association. This indicates a misinformation campaign.

 They are trying to sell a video commercially. So they present
whatever they figure will seem most spectacular to their audience,
and screw the standards. Or else they are actively trying to make
9/11 skeptics look ridiculous. Or else they are well meaning but
prone to idiocy. (An informant who spoke to the film-maker tends to
the latter view.)

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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