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Update 13 February 2003

Zionist Nuclear Attack on Bali Officially “Buried” by Western Media

Alarmed by new evidence which points directly at the real villains behind the atrocity in Bali, commercial and government-owned western television networks worked together last week to finally “prove” that an unlikely bunch of poor and ill-informed Muslim villagers from central Java, were responsible for the exotic million-foot-per-second nuclear blast that killed more than 200 people at Kuta Beach on 12 October 2002.
Western governments and media alike have become especially nervous about three renegade American investigative journalists, who managed to penetrate Denpasar Airport, and establish that certain aircraft movements on 12 and 13 October have been deliberately deleted from the control tower logs, though details still exist in the aircraft handling logs, i.e. those kept by the ground crew responsible for refueling the aircraft, checking its tires, and so on.
At least two of the deleted aircraft were wearing “false number plates”. All altered tower log pages, and those pages of the handling logs which prove the arrival and departure times of the three “mystery” aircraft, have now been meticulously photographed and stored for future use. More details about this later.
Painfully aware that poor Muslim “terrorists” from small villages in central Java simply cannot afford very expensive jet and prop-jet aircraft, the collective western media was ordered to put the Zionist boot in before the airport deception became more widely known.  The Bali bombing has always been a big problem for western governments. Prove that Bali was initiated by murderous Zionists solely to “encourage” more Australian support for an attack on Iraq, and at the same time you prove that almost every other “Muslim Terrorist Attack” on the west was conducted by the same Zionist fanatics. Such a revelation could not be allowed under any circumstances.
So the media rushed in where only fools dare to tread, and managed to make a complete cock-up of the entire exercise. Despite the fact that everyone has allegedly already “confessed” to the bombings at Kuta Beach, and despite the media  trying desperately to avoid mentioning the pathetic potassium chlorate “detergent bomb”, details did finally emerge. Unfortunately, the Indonesian police cited one formulation for the bomb and  the Australian Federal Police cited an entirely different formulation for the bomb, neither of which matched the ingredients written down in suspect Amrozi’s “confession”. 
These conflicting statements were made on exactly the same day to different western media interviewers! According to the Australian Government,  the AFP has been working “closely with the Indonesian Police” ever since the atrocity on 12 October 2002, when manifestly the Indonesian Police have not been cooperating with the Australian Federal Police at all.  
No doubt assisted by Sodium Pentathol and probably while hooked up the mains electricity supply, suspect  Amrozi originally “confessed” to supplying potassium chlorate, aluminum powder and fuze wire, which could not explode no matter how you mixed it together. Remember here that potassium chlorate crystals are not explosive, and need sophisticated treatment and augmentation to even contribute to a low-explosive blast. Translated to Kuta Beach, Amrozi’s “bomb” would have been no more dangerous than a child’s firework. 
Australian Federal Police Director of Counter Terrorism,  Tim Morris, was a little more inventive. Tim claimed the bomb was composed of  “chlorate,  detonator cord [cordex] and TNT”. Getting better here, Tim, getting better! The TNT would certainly trigger the cordex, or the cordex trigger the TNT, but neither would do anything to the inert potassium chlorate detergent crystals, which must first be blended very carefully with an exact quantity of paraffin wax [fuel] before they can augment anything.  Translated to Kuta Beach, Tim’s bomb would have killed a few people from blast alone, while simultaneously bleaching the shirts of hundreds of survivors.
Indonesian police explosives expert Colonel Zainuri Lubis, blandly claimed the bomb was composed of “chlorate, black powder and TNT”, which were “mixed together”.  Colonel Lubis is a genuine explosive expert [unlike Amrozi and Tim],  who smiled broadly throughout his media interview, and seemed to be deliberately misleading the pathetic western media lobby confronting him. For many months now, most Indonesian media and the official Indonesian Parliamentary Records in Jakarta, have recorded the reality of a nuclear blast at Kuta Beach, NO details of which have managed to find their way into the western press.  So Colonel Zainuri Lubis gave the latest idiot western media pack an idiot composition to pass on to its idiot viewers.

Along with every other explosive expert on earth, Colonel Lubis knows very well that you cannot mix sharp potassium chlorate crystals with sensitive black powder particles. Well, you can try of course, but not if you wish to live long enough to go home for dinner. The split-second  “the bomber” started mixing, the sharp chlorate crystals would create immense friction across the surface of the black powder particles, which would then react violently by either exploding or burning furiously, depending on particle size.
At the same time, an exothermic [heat] reaction would start between the two compounds. If the friction didn’t get “the bomber”, the exothermic reaction would, instantly transforming :the bomber” into a white-hot Roman Candle.  So Colonel Lubis’s chosen bomb cannot be translated to Kuta Beach, because the mythical bombers would already have been  burned to death in their mythical “secret bomb making laboratory”.
It seems that all of us in the west owe a big vote of thanks to Colonel Zainuri Lubis. Unable to comment on the true nature of the nuclear device in Bali  because of severe political constraints placed on him by Bali Police Chief General Made Pastika, Colonel Lubis nonetheless managed to find a way of leaking the absurdity of the western media “Muslim witch hunt” to tens of millions of western viewers, using the increasingly desperate western media lobby as a willing though pitifully unwitting conduit!
Parallel investigations in Bali by three “renegade” American investigative journalists, have thrown up some interesting and potentially damning facts about  events on the night of 12-13 October 2002, in which the air traffic control logs have been deliberately “edited” to exclude some highly suspicious aircraft movements in and out of Denpasar. Most suspicious of course is the editing itself. Why would anyone go to the trouble of breaking into the control tower and deleting the flight details, if the aircraft in question were engaged in legitimate operations that could be easily explained at a later date?
Most interesting is a Canadian De Havilland Dash 7 carrying the registration C-FWYU, which landed in Denpasar four hours before the explosion at the Sari Club, and took off again for an unknown destination one hour after the weapon exploded. This flight was “whited out” of the control tower logs, but can still be identified by shining a bright light on the back of the log page in question. Full details of the flight are shown in the aircraft handling logs, which someone presumably forgot to delete, and which have now been photographed for future legal use if required. Denpasar ground crew members remembered this particular aircraft well, because it was in their words “very distinctive”, an observation that deserves explanation.
Only about 100 Dash 7 aircraft were ever made, which ensures that any one of them is a curiosity at any airfield in the world.  The only four engine STOL [Short Take Off & Land] aircraft produced in the last thirty years, the Dash 7 is easily identified by its four jet-prop engines and thick-bladed props,  high “T” tail and huge landing flaps. Even when fully loaded the Dash 7 can take off with zero wind assistance in 600 yards. The aircraft is excellent for low flying reconnaissance and radar evasion, as proved by the American Special Operations version known as ARL-C [Airborne Reconnaissance Low – Model C].  When carrying a light payload and only 50% fuel, the Dash 7 is also the only four engine STOL plane in the world that can take off and land on an aircraft carrier deck, without external steam catapult or arrester hook assistance.

The photo is for illustration only, and shows C-FWYU in the colors of Conair Aviation of Canada, who flew it many years ago in the remote Canadian north.  It must be stressed that at the time of the Bali bombing, the Dash 7 in question was not in any way involved with Conair or any of its subsidiaries.  Checks reveal that C-FWYU was sold and removed from the Canadian Register in August 2002, and was thus no longer entitled to display this  Canadian registration on its fuselage.  So bearing in mind that we do not have the actual aircraft’s documents and thus a corroborating hull number, and also bearing in mind that painting a set of false registration marks on any fuselage is child’s play, exactly which Dash 7 was really present in Bali that night, and why the absolute secrecy?
Where “C-FWYU” came from and where it went remain a mystery. Despite its dazzling STOL performance the Dash 7 is extremely limited in both speed and range, for all essential purposes limiting its operating base to Singapore, Darwin, or perhaps to an aircraft carrier at sea. We do need to find out exactly what  C-FWYU was doing that night, and we do need to establish the current owner. I have so far failed in my attempts to find this information, so anyone who can establish these points is asked to copy the details to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There were two other aircraft deleted from the control tower logs, though they seem less important. Both are Lear Jet 45 fast business jets listed on the Australian Register, but their landing and take off times are not as precise as Dash 7 registration C-FWYU. For this reason I am not at this stage publishing their registration numbers, for fear the information might prove both distracting and misleading.  The bottom line is that the pathetic suspects from central Java could not under any circumstances have acquired  sophisticated aircraft such as these, and we now need to backtrack the “real” bombers using this fresh information.

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