-Caveat Lector-

An excerpt from:
The Last Nazi – The Life and Times of Dr. Joseph Mengele
Gerald Astor©1985
Donald I Fine, Inc
ISBN 0-917657-46-2
305 pages
.... the skull and crossed bones. KZ [concetration camp] guardians proudly
labeled themselves members of Death's Head units.

“… this morning that we are at anus mundi. "

The concentration camp (KZ in the vernacular) German style, first appeared in
1933 at Dachau, about thirty miles from Munich. Herding together alien
peoples did not originate with Nazis. Ghettos were an ancient tradition in
Europe. In the United States indigenous Indians were taken off to
reservations and in the Soviet Union, dissidents and criminals were and still
are dispatched to Gulags.

Dachau was started by the SA(Brownshirts) as a place to put kidnap victims, a
convenient place to terrorize and kill opponents. Gustav von Kahr, head of
the Bavarian state government which suppressed Hitler's 1923 Putsch, was
hacked to death with pickaxes and his body discarded in a swamp near Dachau.
The KZ seemed like such a good idea that once the Nazis took power fifty of
them mushroomed around Germany. Initially, the camps were deemed a temporary
measure. Hitler himself announced a Christmas Eve amnesty for 27,000 inmates
in 1933, but Hermann Goering and Heinrich Himmler ignored the directive and
freed only a few persons.

Following the murder of Rohm and the decline of the SA, Himmler and the SS
received control of the camps. Smaller, inefficient operations closed down.
The Nazis constructed Buchenwald near Weimar, Sachsenhausen near Berlin,
while Ravensbrucke in the vicinity of Mecklenburg was reserved for women.
Dachau expanded, and after the .4nschluss absorbing Austria, the SS erected
Mauthausen near Linz.

At first the camps held alleged political leftists, particularly communists,
clergymen who voiced opposition, editors whose papers were perceived as
anti-Nazi and a group lumped together as undesirables. These included
homosexuals and some common criminals. In the beginning Jews as a group were
not indiscriminately thrown into concentration camps.

An SS thug named Theodor Eicke was commissioned as the first inspector of the
KZs. He instilled a twisted esprit de corps. Recruits to the staff underwent
a series of humiliations and physical hazings. Eicke forced them to watch
floggings and tortures of prisoners. Any sign of compassion or revulsion was
considered a dereliction of duty. He created a new insignia, the
Totenkopfverbande, the skull and crossed bones. KZ guardians proudly labeled
themselves members of Death's Head units. Eicke and his cadre trained the men
to accept merciless treatment of prisoners as evidence of high devotion to
the cause. The guards, though, were also taught that however brutally they
behaved their acts should bear a surface legality. Discipline and
professionalism were to be hallmarks of KZ warders.

In perverse theory, the concentration camps were to rehabilitate inmates,
show them the errors of their thinking, and convince them to support the
regime. The "rehabilitation" employed primitive behavioralist
training-negative reinforcement to the extreme. Eicke decreed hanging for
anyone who "politicizes, holds inciting speeches and meetings, forms cliques,
loiters around with others, who for the purpose of supplying the propaganda
of the opposition with atrocity stories, collects true [author's italics] or
false information about the concentration camp; receives such information,
buries it, talks about it to others, smuggles it out of the camp into the
hands of foreign visitors . . ."

He also announced execution on the spot for anyone attacking an SS
representative, for refusing to obey or work, or for "bawling, shouting,
inciting or holding speeches while marching or at work." Critical remarks in
a letter home could be worth two weeks of solitary confinement and
twenty-five lashes.

(Some similarities in approach show up in the camps created by the Vietnamese
and the Cambodians for the "re-education" and indoctrination of those
considered insufficiently supportive of the regimes of the 1970s.)

By the time World War Il began, the concentration camps were a going series
of operations. To be sure, the men entitled to sport the Death's Head
insignia were not the elite of the SS. Many were drawn from a pool of SS

The conquest of Poland offered the Nazi hierarchy more than territory and
economic gains. It could provide the opportunity to make Western Europe and
particularly Germany, Judenrein — free of Jewish inhabitants. The subject
peoples of Poland and the Soviet Union—for the Germans recognized that war
with Stalin was inevitable—would serve as slave labor. The Polish real estate
could house factories exploiting the local population and absorb the Jews
shipped east.

pps 33-35

The first concern of the Americans was that in Joseph Mengele they had
another Klaus Barbie case, wherein a known war criminal was hired by U.S.
intelligence for espionage against the Red menace. Allan Ryan, Neal Sher's
predecessor in the Office of Special Investigation, has said that of the
10,000 war criminals who managed to enter the United States after World War
II, fewer than 100 were brought to court and of these only a handful were
deported. Investigation might only emphasize this performance by immigration
authorities and the Justice Department. One immediate action of the U.S. team
had been to shut off information, the Attorney General silencing all
government sources. Requests for documents under the Freedom of Information
Act brought such stock answers as: "This agency has been instructed by the
Department of Justice at this time not to release any information directly or
indirectly involving Mengele or the government's present criminal
investigation of Mengele." Or: "In our view the release of any information
concerning Mengele from any time period, including information dating to the
period of World War II, would interfere with and potentially impede
investigation." Such a closed door position was an open invitation for
further misinformation and disinformation.

p. 256

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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