-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

11 February 2002
Federalist Edition #02-07
Monday Brief

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The Foundation
Good News
ICTUS Imprimis
The Gipper
Opinion in Brief
Editorial Exegesis
On the Left
Political Futures
For the Record
Policy Pages
Reader Comments
The Last Word


"The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution,
are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them
against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from
our worthy ancestors; they purchased them for us with toil and danger
and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring an everlasting mark
of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we
should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a
struggle, or be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and
designing men." -- Samuel Adams


"The means by which enlightened rulers and sagacious generals moved
and conquered others, that their achievements surpassed the masses,
was advance knowledge. Advance knowledge cannot be gained from ghosts
and spirits, inferred from phenomena, or projected from the measures
of Heaven, but must be gained from men for it is the knowledge of the
enemy's true situation." --Sun-Tzu


"Do not be afraid of sudden panic, or of the ruin of the wicked, when
it comes; for the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot
from being caught." (Proverbs 3:25-26) ++ "Riches do not profit in the
day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death." (Proverbs 11:4)
++ "A wise man is cautious and turns away from evil, but a fool throws
off restraint and is careless." (Proverbs 14:16) ++ "He who is of God
hears the words of God; the reason why you do not hear them is that
you are not of God." (John 8:47) ++ "[B]e steadfast, immovable, always
abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor
is not in vain." (1 Corinthians 15:58) ++ "If we live by the Spirit,
let us also walk by the Spirit. Let us have no self-conceit, no
provoking of one another, no envy of one another." (Galatians 5:25-26)


"Jesus grew up with the callused hands of a carpenter and the very
fact that he worked gives dignity to our work. ...Work embraced as a
calling expresses the glory of God, and it's part of -- very literally
-- following Jesus. Through our work God provides for us and for our
families, contributes to the common good, and also gives us a sense of
fulfillment and satisfaction. He has given us work as the way to
fulfill his mandate to us as humans -- to take dominion over the world
he has created. As we work, we extend God's reign and influence as his
agents or stewards. And the way that we take that dominion,
confronting the challenges and difficulties that 'go with the job,'
is, in itself, our witness to the reality of God and our faith in
Christ." --Charles Colson


"One thing about being pope: You can call a spade a spade and not lose
a wink over your popularity ratings. Thus, Pope John Paul II came
right out and uttered the God's-awful truth: Divorce is a plague
ripping apart modern society." --Kathleen Parker


"But actually, 9-11 marked a cultural watershed, not an economic one.
Although a case can be made that there has been a gradual return to
more traditional and virtuous cultural values over the past several
years, certainly a new spirit of patriotism and faith arrived in
response to the terrorist war against the United States. Just take a
quick inventory: American-flag lapel pins by the thousands; heart-felt
renditions of 'God Bless America' at sporting events; a measurable
increase in the appreciation of friends, family members and
co-workers; people more seriously undertaking their daily
responsibilities; a greater attraction to the miraculous heritage of
the Founding Fathers; once self-full Americans now giving to charities
and volunteering for community service. With these have come the duty
of courage and the understanding of the clear differences between
right and wrong, and between good and evil. Moral relativism is out
the door. There can be no doubt that American culture has changed
since 9-11. Predominantly, it is a change for the better." --Larry


"Let us be convinced that there is not enough hate or anger to silence
the cries for liberty or to extinguish the flame of justice and truth.
We must have faith that those who now are apathetic, anxious for
security at all costs, forgetful of the true spirit of American
liberty, and neglectful of the Constitution, will rise to the task and
respond accordingly." --Rep. Ron Paul


"We had strayed a great distance from our Founding Fathers' vision of
America. They regarded the central government's responsibility as that
of providing national security, protecting our democratic freedoms,
and limiting the government's intrusion in our lives -- in sum, the
protection of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They never
envisioned vast agencies in Washington telling our farmers what to
plant, our teachers what to teach, our industries what to build. The
Constitution they wrote established sovereign states, not mere
administrative districts for the federal government. They believed in
keeping government as close as possible to the people." --Ronald


"Back in antiquity, when I was a public high-school student in upstate
New York, we were really shortchanged in our education. The faculty
and administration forced us, against our collective will, to read
Chaucer, Shakespeare, 'The Iliad' and 'Paradise Lost.' We had teachers
who made us learn algebra, geometry and trigonometry, and memorize
Newton's laws and Bernoulli's Principle. We started each school day
with the pledge to the flag and a prayer, and were taught that
Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Franklin, et al., were honorable men
and the nation's Founding Fathers. And then, after beating all this
information into our thick heads, they had the audacity to test us on
how much of it we had actually learned! Worse yet, if we didn't know
enough, we would, dare I write the word, fail!" --Oliver North


"Randolph Bourne famously said that war is the health of the state.
Democrats are discovering to their dismay that he did not say that war
is the health of domestic spending. ...[President George W.] Bush's
budget proposal does not, alas, cut back domestic spending, ... [but]
.. his reasserts the proper priorities of the federal government. He
would increase defense spending by $48 billion, while holding domestic
spending (excluding entitlements) to 2 percent growth. No conservative
can cheer a $2.1 trillion budget, exactly. But the president has done
an admirable job given the standards of Washington. The defense
increase is the largest in 20 years, and there are more increases to
come. They can hardly come quickly enough. Almost half the increase
will go to keeping up with inflation, covering military health-care
costs, and a modest pay increase. Getting the armed forces more
unmanned aircraft, newer fighters and ships, and new weapons systems
is worth the additional money." --National Review


"Well, it's possible that a mildly rapacious state may afford us some
protection against a much worse one, just as one neighborhood gang may
offer safety against another. But all states are rapacious, almost by
definition. What is a state? It is the ruling body in a territory,
which claims a monopoly of the legal right to command obedience. It
may demand anything -- our earnings, our services, our lives. Once the
right to command is conceded, there are no limits on its power. Many
people think a state is a natural necessity of social life. They can
hardly conceive of society without the state. This would be plausible
if the state confined itself to enforcing natural moral obligations --
that is, if it protected us from robbery, murder, and the like,
otherwise leaving us alone. But what if the state itself robs and
murders, claiming the authority to do so? ...The predatory tendency of
the state is inherent and expansive, and nobody has found a way to
control it. No control can long withstand the monopolistic 'right' to
demand obedience in every area of human activity the state may choose
to invade. Systematized force -- which is all the state really is --
follows its own logic." --Joseph Sobran


"Television news anchors enjoy using words like 'substance,' mostly
because a half-hour newscast...has so little of it...[T]V journalists
simply don't know what to think about certain issues until the New
York Times and the Washington Post tell them what to think....
[H]ere's one of those dirty little secrets journalists are never
supposed to reveal to the regular folks out there in the audience: a
reporter can find an expert to say anything the reporter wants --
anything!...The sophisticated media elites don't categorize their
beliefs as liberal but as simply the correct way to look at things.
They think they're middle of the road -- raging moderates -- while
everyone else (the people who live in the 'red states') is on the
fringe.... Why is it that when journalists write something tough about
other people, it's called 'news,' but when someone writes something
tough about news people like Dan Rather, it's called 'intimidation'?
..Ratings are the God that network executives and their acolytes
worship...There's an old saying in the newsroom: Don't let the facts
stand in the way of a good story!...When the 'proper' victims are
involved, we become journalist/social workers. And we live by the
journalist/social worker motto: Afflict the comfortable and comfort
the afflicted.... [N]ever -- never! -- underestimate how low news
executives, and TV people in general, will go in the pursuit of higher
ratings.... [I]t's not just that so many journalists are so different
from mainstream America. It's that some are downright hostile to what
many Americans hold sacred... [W]henever you hear an anchorman or
reporter use the word 'controversial,' it is usually a signal that the
idea that follows is one the media elites do not agree with.... If
arrogance were a crime, there wouldn't be enough jail cells in the
entire United States to hold all the people in TV news. A network
correspondent told me that once, but when he found out I was writing a
book he got amnesia. Not only couldn't he remember ever saying such a
subversive thing, but if by some insane chance he had -- which he
hadn't, of course -- he didn't want any credit for it. No problem."
--Bernard Goldberg (from "Bias")


"The spontaneous response of Americans to the Sept. 11 attacks should
serve as a rebuke to critics who fret about an anemic civic spirit.
Charities' coffers were filled, blood banks overflowed, and
inventories of Old Glory were exhausted. ...But now Washington is
getting into the act, with a new program -- the USA Freedom Corps --
to ensure that the federal government will have a role in mobilizing
volunteers. ...And all of this volunteering won't come cheap. The
president is asking for an additional $560 million to cover next
year's costs for his new initiatives, and although Republican eyes are
rolling all over Capitol Hill, he's likely to get exactly what he is
asking for. One House member who has objected to AmeriCorps in the
past says, 'The federal government getting more involved in Bill
Clinton's program of national service is the silliest idea I have ever
heard of,' before speculating ruefully that 'the president has 350
votes for this.' Americans answered the call on Sept. 11, without
waiting for Washington's guidance; and now they're going to pay for
that snub." --Kate O'Beirne


"Bush's three bad guys -- North Korea, Iran and Iraq -- are
ideologically well chosen. All are heirs to the totalitarianisms of
the 20th century. (Hence 'axis of evil.' Axis: fascism/Nazism. Evil
empire: Soviet Communism.) North Korea is more Stalinist than Stalin.
Iran is the Soviet Union in pre-Gorbachevian foment. And Iraq is
Hitlerian Germany, a truly mad police state with external ambitions
and a menacing arsenal. Thank God for North Korea. Mentioning it is
the equivalent of strip-searching an 80-year-old Irish nun at airport
security: It is our defense against ethnic profiling." --Charles


Drug Terrorism: Bin Laden's Weapon of Slow Destruction

(To submit an editorial comment or read other comments, link to:

"At first, I lamented FoxNews's hiring of Greta Van Susteren -- I am
now starting to think it was a brilliant stroke. Greta has obviously
never been directly confronted with conservative ideas and actually
tried to retort them. She seems clearly frustrated and exasperated in
her new 'fair and balanced' environment."

"O'Reilly, oh really? So, did Bill O'Reilly respond to The
Federalist's challenge regarding his 'spin' around Geraldo's theatrics
in Afghanistan, or has Mr. 'No Spin Zone' become just another media
spin-meister himself?"
Editor's Reply: Let's just say, we have not heard a word about
Geraldo's antics yet...!

"According to the Leftmedia, Enron was based in Texas, Bush is from
Texas; what further proof is needed to establish his complicity?"

"I can't understand why Enron gets all the attention (even from The
Federalist) when Global Crossing's huge bankruptcy, the 4th largest in
U.S. history, is completely off the media radar screen. The cases are
almost identical, even as far as Arthur Andersen being the resident
accounting firm in both cases."
Editor's Reply: Obviously it gets Leftmedia attention, and our
rebuttal, because Global Crossing never sent a policy memo to Dick
Cheney. (And we were among the first national media sources to mention
Global Crossing's $18,00,000 connection with the DNC's Terry

"An efficient and well-run market economy needs transparency. A
Congressional investigation will do nothing but politicize the whole
affair until we are all bored to tears. Far better, is to allow
shareholders to pursue Enron's directors and auditors in the courts --
large compensation claims will sharpen industry minds better than
Congress ever could.
Editor's Reply: Indeed, civil courts are appropriate for uncovering
any fraudulence in Enron contracting, and recovering assets for
victims of such fraud. However, Enron may also have engaged in
"gaming" of interstate commerce under existing regulatory controls --
which is an appropriate matter for congressional investigation."

" 'Alan Keyes is making sense' on MSNBC, should be renamed 'Alan Keyes
is the only one making sense' on MSNBC!"

"We were delighted with the broadside you recently posted regarding
the illustrious socialist/statist Governor of California! No apology


"The folk with low self-esteem are perfectly good people who can't get
dates. (An awful lot of this self-esteem stuff seems to boil down to
exactly that.) Or maybe they had unhappy childhoods (who didn't?) or
didn't get as far in life as they had hoped to (who does?) At bottom
they've got a case of ordinary life, which ain't all collard greens
and ham hocks. They don't need low self-esteem. There's nothing wrong
with them. Maybe the reason they have low self-esteem is that people
think television is real. If you lived in a small town with no TV,
you'd know that everybody was tolerably miserable -- the banker was a
drunk, the preacher cheated, the mayor and his wife hated each other.
But the fantasy box tells you that the world is chiefly populated by
glamorous hunks and gorgeous babes. They live like James Bond and
don't have problems. Maybe guys watch this stuff and start thinking,
'Geez, I don't have a Maserati, I've never been in a gunfight with
international drug lords, and I'm the only man in America who hasn't
married Elizabeth Taylor. Oh, how I've failed'." --Fred Reed


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