-Caveat Lector-

>From http://prorev.com/genetic.htm

New Zealand's Consumers for Education about Genetic Engineering has prepared
this helpful guide to genetic engineering.

Myth No. 1: Genetic engineering (GE) is not new. It is just the same as speeded-
up selective breeding.
FACT: Genetic engineering (GE) and conventional breeding are worlds apart.
Breeding does not manipulate genes; it involves crossing of selected parents of
the same or closely related species. In contrast, GE involves extracting
selected genes from one organism (e.g. animals, plants, insects, bacteria)
and/or viruses, or synthesising copies, and artificially inserting them into
another completely different organism (eg. food crops). GE usually employs
virus genes to smuggle in and promote the inserted genes, and antibiotic
resistance genes to act as markers. All these inserted genes are present in
every cell of the plant.

Myth No. 2: Genetic engineering is precise.
FACT: The function of only a small proportion of the DNA in a higher organism
is known. Modern genetics has shown that genes do not operate in isolation.
Rather they interact in a complicated way, changing their behaviour in response
to influences from other genes. Although a gene can be cut out precisely from
the DNA of an organism, its insertion into the DNA of another organism is
entirely random. This results in the disruption of the order of the genes on
the chromosome and may result in random and unexpected changes in the
functioning of the cells. Richard Lewontin, Professor of Genetics at Harvard
University, has said of GE: "We have such a miserably poor understanding of how
the organism develops from its DNA that I would be surprised if we don't get
one rude shock after another."

Myth No. 3: GE foods vary from non-GE foods only in the characteristic that has
been modified.
FACT: The random insertion of foreign genes into the genetic material may cause
unexpected changes in the functioning of other genes. Existing molecules may be
manufactured in incorrect quantities, at the wrong times, or new molecules may
be produced. GE foods and food products may therefore contain unexpected toxins
or allergenic molecules that could harm our health or that of our offspring.

Myth No.4: GE food is extensively tested and the GE food at present on our
supermarket shelves is perfectly safe to eat.
FACT: No GE food testing is done in New Zealand. We rely almost entirely on the
testing carried out by the GE biotechnology companies that have spent billions
of dollars developing the food and intend to make a profit selling it to us.
There are serious doubts about the adequacy of the testing and the validity of
the conclusions drawn from the results. Independent long-term testing is
required before we can be sure that GE food is safe to eat. Another health
concern is the possible acceleration of the development of bacterial resistance
to antibiotics due to the use of antibiotic resistance genes in the production
of GE foods.

Myth No. 5: Genetically engineered food has improved nutritional value.
FACT: No GE food produced to date has been shown to be more nutritious than non-
GE food. Most GE crops are only designed to be resistant to specific
herbicides, to produce their own insecticides or to have an increased shelf

Myth No.6: One can always choose not to eat GE food.
FACT: At present most foods on New Zealand supermarket shelves containing GE
ingredients are not labelled, so there is no way of knowing whether we are
eating them. GE products are likely to be found in foods containing the
following ingredients: Soya flour and oil (in many common foods including
breads, sausages, etc.); Lecithin (in chocolate, ice cream etc.); Canola oil
and Corn (maize) extracts.

Myth No. 7: Farmers will benefit from growing GE crops.
FACT: Seeds of genetically engineered crops are more expensive than those of
conventional crops. Farmers in the UK and USA report that yields are generally
no better, the crops are less reliable and overall have not improved
profitability. Non-GE crops now receive a premium and as more countries reject
GE foods, the opportunities to sell GE produce overseas are diminishing.
Because of risks associated with GE crops insurance companies in the USA and UK
are now reluctant to insure them. Farmers growing GE crops have to sign binding
contracts with the biotechnology producers. These commit them to using only the
herbicides produced by that company and prohibit them from the traditional
practice of saving seed for the next season. Most third world farmers certainly
will not benefit.

Myth No.8: GE crops will reduce the use of herbicides and pesticides.
FACT: Crops engineered to be resistant to specific herbicides may encourage
more liberal use of those herbicides. This has been anticipated by one
manufacturer, who has applied to ANZFA (Australia & New Zealand Food Authority)
to have the allowable residue of the herbicide glyphosate (Roundup&REG;) in
foods sold in New Zealand increased by 200 times. In areas of the USA where
crops engineered to produce their own insecticide are grown, pesticide use has
not decreased.

Myth No. 9: There is no evidence that GE crops are harmful to the environment.
FACT: Insects, birds and the wind carry genetically altered pollen and seeds
into neighbouring fields and far beyond. Cross-pollination occurs between GE
crops and non-GE crops and their wild relatives. In this way resistance to weed
killer, for example, might be transmitted to weeds making them more difficult
to control. There is evidence that crops engineered to produce their own
insecticide can kill beneficial insects.

Myth No. 10: GE crops will save the world from famine.
FACT: A major cause of famine is the unequal global distribution of food. Food
mountains exist in much of the western world and food is regularly dumped. Poor
people have limited ability to buy either GE or non-GE food. There is no
evidence that GE crops produce higher yields than conventional crops or that GE
products will be cheaper.

Myth No. 11: You can trust the scientists that GE food is good for you and the
FACT: The money for scientific research on GE here and overseas comes from
either the biotechnology companies or the government. Both are committed to the
promises of biotechnology. This means that even when scientists have concerns
about the safety or commercial application of the technology, it is often hard
for them to risk their careers by being openly critical. One respected
scientist in the UK who spoke up about his experimental results showing
damaging effects of feeding rats on a type of genetically engineered potato was
immediately fired from his job.

Myth No. 12: You can't stop progress.
FACT: No of course we can't; and why would we want to? Progress implies change
for the better. Change for the worse is regression. We must be sure that GE
products have benefits for the consumer and are safe if they are to be
introduced into our foods. We must not commit ourselves to a dubious technology
that cannot be reversed.

Myth No. 13: There are more important things to worry about than GE foods.
FACT: Many scientists don't think so.For example Joseph Rotblat, the British
physicist who won a 1995 Nobel Prize says: "My worry is that other advances in
science may result in other means of mass destruction, maybe more readily
available even than nuclear weapons. Genetic engineering is quite a possible
area, because of these dreadful developments that are taking place there."
For more information contact: Consumers for Education About Genetic
Engineering {{ [EMAIL PROTECTED] }}


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