"Efforts to establish responsibility for the Mt. Carmel failed law enforcement effort have foundered repeatedly on the presumed inability of establishing in any descriptive evidentiary way exactly what was the nature and extent of the deaths involved.
This report shows that the evidence exists and it can be described clearly, in common language."
-p. 27, "Beyond The Voice Of Reason," Dr. Fran Haga
If nothing else, criminology professor Dr. Fran Haga makes abundantly clear that autopsy reports alone indicate that those
Branch Davidians who were shot dead didn't all die of suicidal wounds - nor of "mercy killings" by comrades scared by the fires resulting from the FBI's armored-vehicle assault on their flimsy building.
This casts grave doubt on Washington's - continued to this day - claim that the FBI resolved the standoff "without firing
a single shot."
From p. 5-10 of her report, Dr. Haga examines the autopsy report of each dead Branch Davidian.
Physical evidence indicates that some, like 30-year-old David Jones, died before the fire - so they hardly suicided in panic to avoid being burned alive; their lungs had no traces of smoke inhalation.
Others, like 28-year-old Novellette Hipsman, are still-less-plausible "suicides"; Hipsman had two gunshot wounds - either of which would have been fatal in itself, and the lack of soot in her lungs also shows she was dead before the fire.
Some who did die after the fire started - as shown by having inhaled the soot from it - such as 38-year-old Neal Veaga, had gunshot wounds highly implausible for suicide, in his case being straight back through his forehead.
Steve Sneider - Koresh's second-in-command - died before the fire, as indicated by the lack of soot in his lungs, so he didn't kill himself out of fear of being burned when he saw the fire either.
More to the point, a gunshot-residue test on his body found that it wasn't a close-range wound when he was shot in the
mouth, with the bullet exiting the back of his head.
And since only 20 of the 80-odd Davidians who died in the siege had any gunshot wounds on their bodies, it sure wasn't an
organized "mass suicide" like the Jonestown, Guyana one at all.
Pro Libertate - For Freedom

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