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From: s culver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: December 3, 2004 3:40:49 PM GMT+07:00

2 Breaking Topics re ElectionGate

(1) Cliff Arnebeck video
(2) House Judiciary Committee letter to Blackwell kicks ass

both topics below are snipped from this page/thread:

30 min CSpan Video on Ohio Litigation

Lawyer in OH Recount Suit: We Have Evidence of Fraud

by LawStudent
Thu Dec 2nd, 2004 at 19:08:01 PST

... there was a pretty lengthy interview on C-Span today with Cliff
Arnebeck, an attorney for Alliance for Democracy, who is going to file a
suit tomorrow in Ohio challenging the election result.  This is different
from demanding a recount.  This organization is actually saying it
believes--BASED ON EVIDENCE--that the election result is INCORRECT. 

Mr. Arnebeck said they have evidence that shows the election result was
actually the opposite of what's been reported.  He says that Kerry won 51%
of the vote in OH, and he seems to claim he can prove it. 

I have no idea about the validity of this claim, but I can say this is the
first time I've heard a lawyer involved in this fracas saying they have
evidence of fraud.

Listen to it yourself and tell me what you think.  Go to www.cspan.org
under "Recent Programs" and click on "Washington Journal Entire Program

direct link:

Cliff Arnebeck, Nat'l Co-Chairman, Alliance for Democracy
Cliff Arnebeck, National Co-Chairman for the Alliance for Democracy and
counsel in a lawsuit challenging the presidential election in Ohio,
discusses the legal challenges to the 2004 vote in Ohio.
12/2/2004: WASHINGTON, DC: 30 min.
Washington Journal Entire Program


Here's a transcript of the relevant parts... (4.00 / 6)

"The only logical explanation is that there was a movement of some 65,000
votes or so that were cast for Kerry into the Bush column. Which created a
margin that is approximately the total margin by which Bush was reported to
have won Ohio. So our current view of the evidence is that this is where
the fix occurred.

"There were a variety of other problems in the election. There was the
suppression of black voters in Franklin Co. by shorting machines in black
and high Democratic performance districts. There was what we would call a
precinct shuffle in Summit Co. and Cuyahuga Co. where a deliberate
confusion was created about where people could vote. They cast their
provisional ballots...there were election officials were telling them that
they could vote in any precinct of the county and it would be counted. And
then you've got Blackwell saying they won't be counted.

"Our present feeling is that this is, while a serious conspiracy to violate

the civil rights of a protected class of voters namely those of the black

race, that this is not where the real fix occurred. This is something we

will discuss in the lawsuit, but we intend to focus very, to hone in very
aggressively in full tilt litigation with full discovery on what we believe
is the fraud that occurred in the southern part of the state with the shift
of votes.

"Look at the two races. In effect the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
race is a benchmark race for the presidential race because both of these
races were competitive, they were running neck and neck. All right so this
gives you a basis to say "all right what happened in this situation and how
does it relate to the other, the benchmark." Now a more ingenious approach
might have been if you're going to do this you should have made the

adjustment also in the Supreme Court race too, so this wouldn't stand out.
This stands out like a sore thumb.

I think what happened is, all this civil rights violation was a red herring
intended to stimulate the public interest groups and civil rights
organizations to hone in on this, on this horrendous, horrendous attack on
the rights of black voters. They thought that's what we would go after, the
clock would run out, we wouldn't be able to prove our case. The real fraud
occurred in this switching of votes in southern Ohio. That's our present

view of the evidence."


Excerpt from Olberman Blog

Cobb, Badnarik, Arnebeck, and everybody else actually has more time than
they think. I addressed this topic with the wonderfully knowledgeable
George Washington University Constitutional Law professor, Jonathan Turley,
back on Countdown on November 9th. He noted the election process is a
little slower-- and has one more major loophole-- than is generally known.
It begins on December 7th, the date "when you essentially certify your
electors... it gives a presumption to the legitimacy to your votes. And
then, on the 13th, the electors actually vote."

But, Turley noted, "those votes are not opened by Congress until January 6.
Now, if there are controversies, such as some disclosure that a state
actually went for Kerry (instead of Bush), there is the ability of members
of Congress to challenge." In other words, even after the December 13th
Electoral College Vote, in the extremely unlikely scenario that a court
overturns the Ohio count, or that the recount discovers 4,000 Gahanna-style
machines that each recorded 4,000 votes too many for one candidate, there
is still a mechanism to correct the error, honest or otherwise.

"It requires a written objection from one House member and one senator,"
Turley continues. Once that objection is raised, the joint meeting of the
two houses is discontinued. "Then both Houses separate again and they vote
by majority vote as to whether to accept the slate of electoral votes from
that state."



              Wow, House Judiciary Dems Challenging Blackwell (4.00 / 7)


Unfortunately can't cut and paste any excerpts, because it's in image
rather than text form. But here are some of the issues they want him to
respond to:

Warren County lockdown
Perry County counting discrepencies
Perry County registration peculiarities
Unusual results in Butler County
Unusual results in Cuyahoga County
Spoiled Ballots
Franklin County overvote
Miami County vote discrepency
Mahoning County machine problems
Machine shortages
Invalidated provisional ballots
Directive to reject voter registration forms

by pointsoflight on Thu Dec 2nd, 2004 at 20:42:25 PST


    Holy Fucking Shit!

    That is absolutely, positively THE most incriminating and compelling
evidence of election fraud I have read, and it comes from the Judiciary
Committee of the House of Representatives.

    This is not tin foil hat territory anymore.  The election was stolen.



Congressman John Conyers, Jr.
Fourteenth District, Michigan
Ranking Member, Committee on the Judiciary
Dean, Congressional Black Caucus

December 2, 2004
Dena Graziano (202) 226-6888


In response to information obtained as part of the House Judiciary
Committee Democratic staff's ongoing investigation of election
irregularities in the 2004 election, Congressman John Conyers, Jr., Ranking
Member of the House Judiciary Committee along with Representatives Jerrold
Nadler, Melvin Watt, Sheila Jackson Lee, Maxine Waters, William Delahunt,
Robert Wexler, Tammy Baldwin, Anthony Weiner and Linda Sanchez, wrote to
Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell requesting that he respond to reports
of election irregularities in the state of Ohio.

The Members wrote to Blackwell:

 "Collectively, we are concerned that these complaints constitute a
troubled portrait of a one-two punch that may well have altered and
suppressed votes, particularly minority and Democratic votes.  First, it
appears there were substantial irregularities in vote tallies.  It is
unclear whether these apparent errors were the result of machine
malfunctions or fraud.

Second, it appears that a series of actions of government and
non-government officials may have worked to frustrate minority voters.
Consistent and widespread reports indicate a lack of voting machines in
urban, minority and Democratic areas, and a surplus of such machines in
Republican, white and rural areas.  As a result, minority voters were
discouraged from voting by lines that were in excess of eight hours long.
Many of these voters were also apparently victims of a campaign of
deception, where flyers and calls would direct them to the wrong polling
place.  Once at that polling place, after waiting for hours in line, many
of these voters were provided provisional ballots after learning they were
at the wrong location.  These ballots were not counted in many
jurisdictions because of a directive issued by some election officials,
such as yourself.

We're sure you agree with us that regardless of the outcome of the
election, it is imperative that we examine any and all factors that may
have led to voting irregularities and any failure of votes to be properly

Among other questions, the Members asked Blackwell to respond to the

    * Why did Warren County officials exclude members of the press from
observing vote counting on election night, claiming an FBI agent had warned
of a terrorist threat that was a "10" on a scale of one to ten, but the FBI
has no knowledge of such a warning?

    *  Why did precincts in Perry County apparently record more votes than

    *  Why did Butler County and a number of other counties record more
votes for an underfunded Democratic candidate for State Supreme Court than
were recorded for the Democratic Presidential candidate?

    * Why did historically Democratic precincts in Cleveland record up to
twenty-two times more votes for the Constitution Party Presidential
candidate than all third-party candidates combined received in the 2000

    *  Why did voters in Mahong County report that when they attempted to
record a vote for John Kerry their vote was displayed as being cast for
George W. Bush?

    *  Why did there appear to be a shortage of voting machines in
traditionally Democratic precincts on election day, causing up to ten hour
delays for voters, while there was an apparent surplus of voting machines
in traditionally Republican precincts?


You can download the letter at

Kevin Spidel and Tim Carpenter (former Kucinich staff members) went to DC
this week and met with Conyers this week for Progressive Democrats of
America, (PDA)..  He had them visit with the Minority Legal Council, who
informed them about hearings on the irregularities in Ohio being held by
the House Judicial Committee this Wednesday.

Conyers' staff has invited PDA to attend these hearings on the Hill on
behalf of the thousands of grassroots activists who have been writing and
asking PDA to put pressure on the Democrats.  Rep. Conyers and his staff
have been allies all along. PDA will be coordinating efforts to assure your
voices are heard during these hearings.


Just talked to Will Pitt with Truth Out and he is going to go down and
cover the hearing in case the MSM doesn't.

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

~Martin Luther King, Jr
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