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         C-Span- Network Presidents on Election/9-11

By Carol Brouillet Friday, Nov. 19, 2004 at 10:34 AM

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 650-857-0927 PO Box 60511

C-Span will broadcast "2004 Elections and Network News" on Saturday, November 20, 2004 (8-9PM Eastern Standard Time). They felt they did a great job presenting "the truth" to the American people and did not learn of any serious voting problems, maybe a small glitch or two. The audience was able to ask some serious questions about the election and 9-11, which showed the extraordinary ignorance of the presidents, or indicates that they do not live on the same planet that we live on.

If you have ever had any doubts about the honesty, integrity of the mainstream press and its coverage regarding the most serious issues of our time--the war, the election, 9-11--see how the network news presidents regard their coverage of the election and respond to genuine questions raised by the public.

C-Span will broadcast 2004 Elections and Network News on Saturday, November 20, 2004 (8-9PM Eastern Standard Time- 5-6PM Pacific Time).

They gathered at Stanford University for a panel discussion, attended by about 275 people. They reminded me of the 9-11 Commissioners and Executive Director of the 9-11 Commission, Philip Zelikow, who had recently spoken at Stanford. They lied smoothly, with a facility that obviously came from long practice, knowing their message and repeatedly, shamelessly, promoting their effort to simply "bring the truth" to the American people. If there had been any problems with the election, their "Pulitzer-prize-winning investigative reporters" would have jumped on it, but there was nothing of the sort, just the regular small glitches.

Accustomed to the screening of questions, the little slips of paper, which help weed out the tough ones from the easy ones, I was amazed that they actually had open mikes where people were able to vocalize the dramatic disparities between the exit polls and the vote counts, the disenfranchisement of so many voters, the evidence of fraud. I took full advantage of the opportunity to raise the questions about 9-11 that the media, the 9-11 Commission failed to address.

The $100,000 wired to Mohammed Atta by Pakistan's ISI's General Mahmoud Ahmad, who was meeting with top government officials in September 2001, and breakfasting on the morning of September 11th with Porter Goss, and Bob Graham. Graham and Goss should have been investigated for their role in 9-11 and but were placed in charge of the official Inquiry, along with the CIA (Britt Snider) with no outcry from the press. They professed ignorance to the wargames held on September 11th, and the Zogby Poll which indicated that half of New York City residents believed that the government knew about 9-11 and let it happen.

After the event, I gave them (Deception Dollars and) a copy of a talk I'd just given at the International Gift Economy Conference http://www.gifteconomyconference.com called Facing the Shadow of 9-11 http://www.communitycurrency.org/Shadow.html which had a diagram of the wargames held on 9-11 which effectively prevented intercepters from interfering with the attacks, well-chronicled in Michael C. Ruppert's book "Crossing the Rubicon - The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil." http://www.fromthewilderness.com.

What these representatives of the mainstream press show is that if you have the hutzpah to tell big lies publicly, that defy facts, reason, widespread evidence, you, too, could be president.


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